Hey guys I need your help.
I downloaded this script (which leads to this thread):
Code: Select all
#SingleInstance force
;Mausgeschwindigkeit einstellen
;Call below to accelerate the mouse input. The first two parameters are the integer factors of artificial amplification added on top of the physical input.
;The first is for horizontal/x-axis movement, the second for vertical/y-axis movement.
;new MouseAccelerator(0, 1) ; ORIG
;new MouseAccelerator(0, 0.8) ; Neu
new MouseAccelerator(0, 0.7) ; Scheint am besten zu sein
; Gets called when mouse moves or stops
; x and y are DELTA moves (Amount moved since last message), NOT coordinates.
MouseAcceleratorEvent(x := 0, y := 0, accelerationx := 2, accelerationy := 2)
static MouseAcceleratorPaused
if !(MouseAcceleratorPaused)
MouseAcceleratorPaused := true
VarSetCapacity(MouseInput, 28, 0)
NumPut(x * accelerationx, MouseInput, 4, "Int") ; dx
NumPut(y * accelerationy, MouseInput, 8, "Int") ; dy
NumPut(0x0001, MouseInput, 16, "UInt") ; MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x0001
DllCall("SendInput", "UInt", 1, "UInt", &MouseInput, "Int", 28)
Sleep, -1
MouseAcceleratorPaused := false
; ================================== LIBRARY ========================================
; Instantiate this class and pass it a func name or a Function Object
; The specified function will be called with the delta move for the X and Y axes
; Normally, there is no windows message "mouse stopped", so one is simulated.
; After 10ms of no mouse movement, the callback is called with 0 for X and Y
; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=10159
Class MouseAccelerator
__New(accelerationx := 2, accelerationy := 2, callback := "MouseAcceleratorEvent")
static DevSize := 8 + A_PtrSize
static RIDEV_INPUTSINK := 0x00000100
this.TimeoutFn := this.TimeoutFunc.Bind(this)
this.Callback := callback
this.Accelerationx := accelerationx
this.Accelerationy := accelerationy
; Register mouse for WM_INPUT messages.
VarSetCapacity(RAWINPUTDEVICE, DevSize)
NumPut(1, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 0, "UShort")
NumPut(2, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 2, "UShort")
; WM_INPUT needs a hwnd to route to, so get the hwnd of the AHK Gui.
; It doesn't matter if the GUI is showing, it still exists
Gui +hwndhwnd
NumPut(hwnd, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 8, "Uint")
DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "Ptr", &RAWINPUTDEVICE, "UInt", 1, "UInt", DevSize)
fn := this.MouseMoved.Bind(this)
OnMessage(0x00FF, fn)
static RIDEV_REMOVE := 0x00000001
static DevSize := 8 + A_PtrSize
DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "Ptr", &RAWINPUTDEVICE, "UInt", 1, "UInt", DevSize)
; Called when the mouse moved.
; Messages tend to contain small (+/- 1) movements, and happen frequently (~20ms)
MouseMoved(wParam, lParam)
; RawInput statics
static DeviceSize := 2 * A_PtrSize, iSize := 0, sz := 0, offsets := {x: (20 + A_PtrSize * 2), y: (24 + A_PtrSize * 2)}, uRawInput
static axes := {x: 1, y: 2}
; Find size of rawinput data - only needs to be run the first time.
if (!iSize)
r := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", 0x10000003, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", iSize, "UInt", 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
VarSetCapacity(uRawInput, iSize)
sz := iSize ; param gets overwritten with # of bytes output, so preserve iSize
; Get RawInput data
r := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", 0x10000003, "Ptr", &uRawInput, "UInt*", sz, "UInt", 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
x := NumGet(&uRawInput, offsets.x, "Int")
y := NumGet(&uRawInput, offsets.y, "Int")
this.Callback.(x, y, this.Accelerationx, this.Accelerationy)
; There is no message for "Stopped", so simulate one
fn := this.TimeoutFn
SetTimer, % fn, -10
this.Callback.(0, 0)
From what I understood, this script makes it impossible to work with a simple
MouseMove, x, y, 0.
For this reason I tried it with DLL calls, like:
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x8001, "UInt", 19318, "UInt", 648)
With some calculation it's possible to convert the x and y positions to the absolute values.
Code: Select all
MouseGetPos, x, y ; Retrieve current mouse position
xKonvertiertMaus := x * 26 ; convert current x mouse position
yKonvertiertMaus := y * 84 / 100 ; convert current y mouse position
SetFormat Float, 0.0 ; Remove digits after comma
WinGetPos, xStart, yStart, breite, höhe, A ; Retrieve x, y, width and height
xKonvertiert := xStart * 26 ; convert xstart position of window
yKonvertiert := yStart * 84 / 100 ; convert ystart position of window
xZiel := xKonvertiertMaus + xKonvertiert ; Calculate final xMouse position
yZiel := yKonvertiertMaus + yKonvertiert ; Calculate final yMouse position
Sleep, 1000
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x8001, "UInt", xZiel, "UInt", yZiel) ; Move mouse cursor to its original position
However, in some cases the mouse cursor jumps to y0.
I just made some quick calculations, but it seemed to work.
Is it perhaps possible to pause the big script, which accelerates y?
Unfortunately, it unpauses itself as soon as I move the mouse cursor.
I tried to modify it but failed.
I basically want to continue using
MouseMove, x, y, 0.
How can I solve the problems?
Thanks for any help!