Loop Hero - Auto equip equipment

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Loop Hero - Auto equip equipment

Post by Hajin » 17 Aug 2023, 09:46

Script to equip equipment with buttons, much more practical than forcing the mouse hand in case of equipping equipment, It is only necessary to place the mouse cursor on the equipment and use the correct button.
I decided to distribute this script because I couldn't find a mod that does this and many players missed this function through the years as seen on internet.

Video Demo:
WARNING: 720p video

The script is made for a singleplayer game with no multiplayer aspects, If you use this script only for single player mode apparently there is no rule that prohibits its use.

I chose the buttons of my numeric keypad because they are in a more intuitive position in relation to the positions of the character's equipment but the buttons can be changed by the user at the beginning of the script as explained inside the script.
lp3.png (45.17 KiB) Viewed 1283 times

Game Version: 1.154

To use the script, you must have AutoHotKey installed and activate the script with a double click for example, the script will normally have its icon in the "TrayIcon" of Windows while it is running, to turn off the script you can use the F10 button.
To edit and view the script you can open it with some text editor like "Notepad" and more instructions on how to use the AutoHotKey language are in the AutoHotKey help file.
The script can work only in game window but by default it will work in any window, explanation inside script.
In the case of virus accusation made by your antivirus, it can be a false positive, at least my scripts I think they are clean.
False-Positives on Anti-Virus Companies: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=62266

The main script file:
Loop Hero v.2.ahk
(6.68 KiB) Downloaded 150 times

The script is made to click on areas of the screen in a way to equip the item easer that is under the mouse cursor in the corresponding slot of the character in relation to the used button, if the script does not equip the correct items in the correct slots then it may be necessary to use this other script (Cursor position.ahk) to collect your screen positions yourself (I don't know if my positions work on your screen too, my screen is 1366x768 with the game in fullscreen), to use this script to collect your screen position you must open this "Cursor position.ahk" script and use the "=" button with the mouse cursor on the position of the character's equipment slot where the item should go and then placing the positions at the beginning within the script "Loop Hero.ahk" in the correct areas indicated within "Loop Hero.ahk" script:
Cursor position.ahk
(568 Bytes) Downloaded 139 times

The main script code:

17.08.2023 - v.1 - Release version (File Downloaded 4 times)
19.08.2023 - v.2 - Improved some terms and texts inside the main script to be more understandable

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