BFV Controls and Ease of Use

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BFV Controls and Ease of Use

Post by Gatekeeper_ » 03 Sep 2020, 20:50

Hey All

I haven't been here since posting the link below in 2014

Back Again playing Battlefield and thought I would share my first script.

This particular script has some old auto single fire perks as well as some tricky key disables that can interrupt the game if your old and gimpy like me.

The script also uses WinActive which required the Window Spy to figure out.

I will likely update post with improvements later


Code: Select all

SendMode Input  
SetTitleMatchMode, 1
SetTitleMatchMode, Slow
;================== Functions()
	return WinActive("ahk_class Frostbite")
;================== Play and Mapping

#If BFV_FullScreen() 
	F7::suspend ;== Turn it off if experiencing issues with your changes  / additions 
;Prone-z when reloading-r
;Hold Breath-i when zoom-RButton
;================== Lean While Zooming 
; ~a::[  
; ~d::]
; --> Replaced with mapping both functions to   a [    and   d ]    respectively   --> IN GAME
; it just seems to work better for me , ill post a settings pic if you ask 

; Caps Lock Switched Single Fire repeater
; This is excellent for my old crusty carpenter fingers. When Caps lock is on , this will re-Press the mouse if it is held
If BFV_FullScreen() 
		GetKeyState, state, capslock, T 
		if state = D
			GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P
			if LButtonState = U
			MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, D
			Sleep 66 ; EDIT This delay as desired
			MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, U
			Sleep 124 ; EDIT This delay as desired


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Posts: 6
Joined: 03 Sep 2020, 20:17

Re: BFV Controls and Ease of Use

Post by Gatekeeper_ » 11 Sep 2020, 16:08


I have heard many many complaints about NOT being able to scroll through your entire inventory in BFV , like you could in BF4 . Currently you can only scroll for primary and secondary weapons.

With this you can scroll through your entire inventory of weapons and gadgets if they are bound to the keys 3 4 and 5 . I have avoided binding the grenade here , because the keypress or " send {6 down} " could potentially throw a nade when not intended

I created the following script. I assume this could be programmed a bit better but it works flawlessly for me , just like this .
I am open to suggestion here for sure .

Code: Select all

; ========== Cycle 1 2 3 4 5  with the scroll down / Up action WheelDown / Wheel Up 

; Sets initial var as primary weapon and holds the current value as it is switched below 
Inv = 1 
; both wheelup and wheeldown use the same " current " value 

	Switch Inv
	Case 1:
		Send {5 down}{5 up}
		Inv = 5
	Case 2:
		Send {1 down}{1 up}
		Inv = 1
	Case 3:
		Send {2 down}{2 up}
		Inv = 2
	Case 4:
		Send {3 down}{3 up}
		Inv = 3
	Case 5:
		Send {4 down}{4 up}
		Inv = 4
		Send {1 down}{1 up}
		Inv = 1
	Switch Inv
	Case 1:
		Send {2 down}{2 up}
		Inv = 2
	Case 2:
		Send {3 down}{3 up}
		Inv = 3
	Case 3:
		Send {4 down}{4 up}
		Inv = 4
	Case 4:
		Send {5 down}{5 up}
		Inv = 5
	Case 5:
		Send {1 down}{1 up}
		Inv = 1
		Send {1 down}{1 up}
		Inv = 1


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