Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Auto Move, Attack and Pickup + Auto Buy Potions

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Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Auto Move, Attack and Pickup + Auto Buy Potions

Post by Hajin » 18 Nov 2020, 08:58

Demo Video:
WARNING: 720p video

If you use this script only for single player mode apparently there is no rule that prohibits its use.

The script does not modify the game, this only will virtually click the mouse cursor for you, you need to install Auto Hot Key for the script to work: https://www.autohotkey.com/, with this installed just activate the script normally with double click and etc., the script usually stays in your "tray icons" when activated waiting for your commands, is programmed to work only within the game but if you find any problem with it working outside the game just close it with F10 or right click on the tray icon.

The script can be modified by the user, just open the script with a text editor like "notepad" and modify it as suggested inside the script.

In the case of virus accusation made by your antivirus, it can be a false positive, at least my scripts I think they are clean.
False-Positives on Anti-Virus Companies: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=62266
Game v2.10 + Eternal Embers expansion note:
The addition of the gamepad system to PC fills the script's needs a lot, so the script is only for mouse/keyboards players.
I am playing with the gamepad and unless i run out of gamepads i will not go back to playing with mouse/keyboard in this game.
The game apparently supports xbox gamepad but with some controller emulator like https://www.x360ce.com/ almost any gamepad can be used.

My old topic:

The new game(in its 2.9 version with the Ragnarok and Atlantis expansions) came with control improvements, my script is only if you want to decrease the frequency of using the left mouse button to move the character, attack the monsters and pick up the items.
The script basically in its main function (Auto MoveAttackPickup) uses the left mouse button repeatedly for you and in this case you just need to move the cursor to the target.
Usually the script solves that problem of the player getting tired of using the left mouse button, in some cases it can even avoid tendonitis.
I think this script is more useful to characters that attack in short range but can be used with characters in long distance too, with characters that attack only using pets I normally don't use the "Auto Move Attack and Pickup" function to attack.

The game function "Stationary Attack" becomes very necessary in case of attacking from a distance with the script clicking, stationary attack with this script doesn't work well with keyboard buttons like "Shift" but works as it should with buttons like "Z" on my test.

Here the script in its simple mode(in case you for some reason don't want to worry about customizing the script or just want something simple for example), in this mode it is usually necessary to turn off the "AutoMoveAttackPickup" function to use the skills on the other buttons and there are no organized customization areas but you can change the buttons if you know how to modify the script, this script also doesn't use the game's "Quick Pickup":

Code: Select all


;Mouse wheel up on battleground = Turn on Auto Attack Move Pickup (Does not work well with "stationary attack" of the game, do not need)
;Mouse wheel down = Turn off Auto Attack Move Pickup
;Holding "q" pointing in the potion in the shop = Auto buy potions
;Holding "g" pointing in the skill or attribute = Auto points in skill
;F10 = Close the script

;This function can also be used to place and reset skill points quickly (although it is not advisable), after all this function uses the left mouse button repeatedly.
;The reason this is not advisable is because it works very fast and once I lost a skill point because of this
;I apparently managed to recover the lost point with the TQ Defiler which luckily still works in this version of the game in this case
;Another function was created just to this case in the script, "AutoPointInSkill".

;Can be used to sell many items at once in the inventory too, just hold the function button while moving the mouse cursor on the various items you want to sell.
;In this same way you can send several items from the inventory to your bank or vice versa as well, after all this function uses the right mouse button repeatedly.


var_AttackMovePickup = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1


	if WinActive("Titan Quest Anniversary Edition")
		if (var_AttackMovePickup = 1)
			Send {LButton down}
			Sleep, 10
			Send {LButton up}
			Sleep, 10

		GetKeyState, state, q
		if state = D
			Send {RButton Down}
			Sleep, 1
			Send {RButton Up}
			Sleep, 1
		GetKeyState, state, g
		if state = D
			Send {LButton Down}
			Sleep, 50
			Send {LButton Up}
			Sleep, 50


if WinActive("Titan Quest Anniversary Edition")
	var_AttackMovePickup = 1

	var_AttackMovePickup = 0	


Here the script in its extended mode, this mode has two areas of customization in the script(one near the beginning and one near the end, if you have trouble changing the buttons, the AutoHotKey help file may be able to help), in this mode of the script it is possible to use the other skill buttons while the "AutoAttackMovePickup" function is active(the "AutoAttackMovePickup" function is automatically paused while you hold the other skill buttons), this script can use the "Quick Pickup" function of the game if you want, it may be mandatory to change the buttons in the script before starting to use it depending on your buttons configuration in the game:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Persistent ; Keeps a script permanently running (that is, until the user closes it or ExitApp is encountered).
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#Singleinstance, ignore


;In case you want a simple one-button toggle for this function instead of the two buttons in 
;the second personalization area near the end of the script. Mouse wheels apparently don't work well with "Toggle"
;Toggle Attack-Move-Pickup, you can change the button after "=" below:

AttackMovePickup_Toggle = p

;This script is initially designed to work only in the game window of the GOG version, if for some reason the script doesn't work (I don't know if the STEAM version of the game has a different window name), 
;you can turn this function off in this part and leave the script works anywhere.
;If you want the script to work only in the game window, put 1 after the "=" below, if you want it to work anywhere, put 0(zero) after the "=" below:

Only_In_Window_Game = 1

;And if your game has a different window name you can also try adapting the script to work in your game window, in this case you simply change the title of the game in this command in the script:
;if WinActive("Titan Quest Anniversary Edition")
;There are only two of that command in the entire script below, the one above is not valid to change :)  the title is in quotes

;Auto buy potion holding the button, you can change the button after "=" below:

AutoBuyPotion = q 

;Additional functions of "AutoBuyPotions":
;Can be used to sell many items at once in the inventory too, just hold the function button while moving the mouse cursor on the various items you want to sell.
;In this same way you can send several items from the inventory to your bank or vice versa as well, after all this function uses the right mouse button repeatedly.

;This function uses the "Quick Pickup" of the game that makes the script more complete.
;If you are going to use it you must turn on the function and check if the button of this function in the game is the same one chosen here in the script
;Put 0(zero) after the "=" below to not use the function in the script and put 1 after the "=" below to use:

True_Pickup = 0

;Quick Pickup button of the game(default is "a") to be activated with "Auto Attack Move Pickup", you can change the button after "=" below:

QuickPickup = a

;Created to put or reset skill or attributes points while you hold a button, it was taken out of "AutoAttakMovePickup" because of the reason 
;explained in that other function in the second area of ​​script customization, here they work more slowly but it seems to be safer.
;Auto points in skill holding the button, you can change the button after "=" below:

AutoPointInSkill = g

;Skill slots buttons to work with "AutoMoveAttackPickup", just hold the skill button, check if the buttons in the game are the same ones chosen here, you can change the buttons here after "=" below:
Slot_1_Button = 1
Slot_2_Button = 2
Slot_3_Button = 3
Slot_4_Button = 4
Slot_5_Button = 5
Slot_6_Button = 6
Slot_7_Button = 7
Slot_8_Button = 8
Slot_9_Button = 9
Slot_10_Button = 0

;For the animated character action on RButton to work with "auto AttackMovePickup", the "RButton" uses one of the skill slots where the "RButton" slot should be
;with the same action as the chosen skill slot, for example, if you want to use the skill "Regrowth" on the right mouse button, put the skill on the right button and 
;also in the slot skill 10, to use the skill just hold the right mouse button.
;But if you are not going to use a character action with animation, such as the health potion on the right mouse button, it may be better to turn off this function from the script below:
;After the "=" below, leave "1" to use skill with the right mouse button or leave "0" (zero) to use non-skill action such as potions

RbuttonWithSkill = 0



var_pause_1 = 0
var_pause_2 = 0
var_pause_3 = 0
var_pause_4 = 0
var_pause_5 = 0
var_pause_6 = 0
var_pause_7 = 0
var_pause_8 = 0
var_pause_9 = 0
var_pause_10 = 0
var_AttackMovePickup = 0
var_AMPT = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1

if (Only_In_Window_Game = 1)
	if WinActive("Titan Quest Anniversary Edition")
		Goto, Label_1
		Goto, Label_2
	Goto, Label_1

		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_1_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_1 = 1
			var_pause_1 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_2_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_2 = 1
			var_pause_2 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_3_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_3 = 1
			var_pause_3 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_4_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_4 = 1
			var_pause_4 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_5_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_5 = 1
			var_pause_5 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_6_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_6 = 1
			var_pause_6 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_7_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_7 = 1
			var_pause_7 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_8_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_8 = 1
			var_pause_8 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_9_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_9 = 1
			var_pause_9 = 0
		GetKeyState, state, %Slot_10_Button%
		if state = D
			var_pause_10 = 1
			var_pause_10 = 0
		if (var_AttackMovePickup = 1)
			if (var_pause_1 = 0)
			if (var_pause_2 = 0)
			if (var_pause_3 = 0)
			if (var_pause_4 = 0)
			if (var_pause_5 = 0)
			if (var_pause_6 = 0)
			if (var_pause_7 = 0)
			if (var_pause_8 = 0)
			if (var_pause_9 = 0)
			if (var_pause_10 = 0)
				Send {LButton down}
				if (True_Pickup = 1)
					Send {%QuickPickup% down}
				Sleep, 10
				Send {LButton up}
				if (True_Pickup = 1)
					Send {%QuickPickup% up}
				Sleep, 10

		;For the animated character action on RButton to work with "auto AttackMovePickup" the "RButton" uses one of the skill slots where the "RButton" slot should be
		;with the same action as the chosen skill slot, for example, if you want to use the skill "Regrowth" on the right mouse button, put the skill on the right button and also in the slot
		;skill chosen as in this case slot 10 placed below:
		if (RbuttonWithSkill = 1)
			GetKeyState, state, RButton
			if state = D
				if (var_AttackMovePickup = 1)
					Send {%Slot_10_Button% down}
				if (var_AttackMovePickup = 1)
					Send {%Slot_10_Button% up}

		GetKeyState, state, %AutoBuyPotion%
		if state = D
			Send {RButton Down}
			Sleep, 1
			Send {RButton Up}
			Sleep, 1
		GetKeyState, state, %AutoPointInSkill%
		if state = D
			Send {LButton Down}
			Sleep, 50
			Send {LButton Up}
			Sleep, 50
		GetKeyState, state, %AttackMovePickup_Toggle%
		if state = D
			if (var_AMPT = 0)
				var_AttackMovePickup = 1
				var_AMPT = 1
			if (var_AMPT = 2)
				var_AttackMovePickup = 0
				var_AMPT = 3
			if (var_AMPT = 1)
				var_AMPT = 2
			if (var_AMPT = 3)
				var_AMPT = 0


if (Only_In_Window_Game = 1)
	if WinActive("Titan Quest Anniversary Edition")
		Goto, Label_3
		Goto, Label_4
	Goto, Label_3




;Turn on Auto Attack Move Pickup on battleground, you can change the button before the "::" below:
;Does not work well with "stationary attack" of the game, I didn't even try to make it work, after all in the "stationary attack" of the game you just need to hold the chosen button of the game function together with the mouse button
var_AttackMovePickup = 1
var_AMPT = 2

;Turn off Auto Attack Move Pickup, you can change the button before the "::" below:
var_AttackMovePickup = 0
var_AMPT = 0	

;This function can also be used to place and reset skill points quickly (although it is not advisable), after all this function uses the left mouse button repeatedly.
;The reason this is not advisable is because it works very fast and once I lost a skill point because of this
;I apparently managed to recover the lost point with the TQ Defiler which luckily still works in this version of the game in this case
;Another function was created just to this case in the script, "AutoPointInSkill".

;Do not touch this label :)

;Close Script button, you can change the button before the "::" below:


If the main functions of the simple script do don't happen in the game with you activating them, maybe the game window has a different name, here are other mode of the simple script that work anywhere, not only in the window placed in the normal scripts above.
The normal scripts above were made to work in the GOG version game window, and it also works on STEAM version window.
Note that this script work anywhere, if you accidentally turn on some function it might be better to close the script, dangerous things can happen with the script running anywhere.
The extended mode of the script already has this possible solution in a customizable way.

Code: Select all


;Mouse wheel up on battleground = Turn on Auto Attack Move Pickup (Does not work well with "stationary attack" of the game, do not need)
;Mouse wheel down = Turn off Auto Attack Move Pickup
;Holding "q" pointing in the potion in the shop = Auto buy potions
;Holding "g" pointing in the skill or attribute = Auto points in skill
;F10 = Close the script

;This function can also be used to place and reset skill points quickly (although it is not advisable), after all this function uses the left mouse button repeatedly.
;The reason this is not advisable is because it works very fast and once I lost a skill point because of this
;I apparently managed to recover the lost point with the TQ Defiler which luckily still works in this version of the game in this case
;Another function was created just to this case in the script, "AutoPointInSkill".

;Can be used to sell many items at once in the inventory too, just hold the function button while moving the mouse cursor on the various items you want to sell.
;In this same way you can send several items from the inventory to your bank or vice versa as well, after all this function uses the right mouse button repeatedly.


var_AttackMovePickup = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1


	if (var_AttackMovePickup = 1)
		Send {LButton down}
		Sleep, 10
		Send {LButton up}
		Sleep, 10

	GetKeyState, state, q
	if state = D
		Send {RButton Down}
		Sleep, 1
		Send {RButton Up}
		Sleep, 1
	GetKeyState, state, g
	if state = D
		Send {LButton Down}
		Sleep, 50
		Send {LButton Up}
		Sleep, 50

var_AttackMovePickup = 1

var_AttackMovePickup = 0	


More instructions for use are in the scripts, happy gameplay ;)


The normal "WheelUp" and "WheelDown" functions of the mouse are replaced by the main functions of the scripts when the script is active, so you will not be able to scroll any page even if out of the game when the script is active as seen in the tests, it is also worth remembering that they can be replaced by other buttons personalizing the script, they were chosen as default because they are easy to access.

If the "stationary attack" game function has buttons like "SHIFT" in the game, doesn't work well with the script's "auto attack" but buttons like " \" and "Z" works normally, as seen in the tests.

If the script doesn't work in the game maybe it's because the game is in admin mode and the script not, in this case, you can put the game in normal mode or put the script in admin mode, in short: the game and the script should be in the same mode.


??/??/???? :thumbup:
Added "Skill in Rbutton" customization in extended scripts;
Added information about additional "AutoBuyPotions" functions in all scripts.

All extended version scripts have become one with all functions together;
Added information about additional "AutoAttackMovePickup" function in all script;
The speed of the "AutoBuyPotions" function has been increased slightly in all scripts.

All Scripts v.2, 26/01/2021
Improvement of additional function information of "Auto Attack Move Pickup" in all scripts;
Another function added in all scripts: "Auto Points In Skill".

All Scripts v.2.1, 28/01/2021
Improvement of additional function information of "Auto Attack Move Pickup" in all scripts.

Improvement of the topic, 19/05/2021
Added two warnings near the end of the topic text.

Improvement of the topic, 08/08/2021
Added one warnings near the end of the topic text.

Improvement of the topic, 19/12/2021
Game v2.10 + Eternal Embers expansion note highlighted at the beginning of the topic.

Script (extended mode) v.2.2, 28/12/2021
Added "Toggle Attack-Move-Pickup" in first personalization area of ​​script (extended mode), details on script.

Script (extended mode) v.2.3, 28/12/2021
Improved the coexistence of the two versions of the "Attack-Move-Pickup" function in the extended script
*Downloaded 159 times*

Script (extended mode) v.2.4, 13/01/2023
Modified/Improved two sections of the script to make use of all game skill slots, that were missing from the script.

Improvement of the topic, 14/01/2023
More instructions and demo video
Last edited by Hajin on 17 May 2024, 17:18, edited 38 times in total.

Posts: 8
Joined: 03 Feb 2018, 02:25

Re: Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Auto Move, Attack and Pickup + Auto Buy Potions

Post by Xero-Kill » 21 Sep 2021, 18:30

I have been trying to modify this to my use but changing the wheelup / wheeldown hotkeys doesn't work. The script is clearly co-opting the buttons I have assigned (A and Q) because I couldn't type this message without pausing the script, but using them in game does not activate the AutoMovePickup. I have tried admin / non-admin settings. When I use the script normally with wheelup / wheeldown, it works. Literally the only thing I have changed is the hotkey activation and nothing ever works, only the original. I can't have mouse up and down being hotkeys... for literally anything, so I just want to be able to use a new hotkey.

Also, why not make the activation a toggle instead of two hotkeys?

Posts: 8
Joined: 03 Feb 2018, 02:25

Re: Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Auto Move, Attack and Pickup + Auto Buy Potions

Post by Xero-Kill » 22 Sep 2021, 09:54

I have been messing around a bit more and for some reason some hotkeys just don't want to get sent either because of Steam or because of something I am missing in the code. I will try to explain.

I tried to assign the ON function to F7 and the OFF function to F8. This does nothing. I change it the keys N and M. This does nothing. However, the keys for AutoPotionBuy and AutoPointInSkill which are assigned to normal keyboard keys works just fine. So clearly the ability to send a single keystroke to the Steam client isn't prohibited, but for some reason I can only get the AttackMovePickup work when assigned to mouse based hotkeys. I finally got it to work on MButton (Middle Mouse).

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Re: Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Auto Move, Attack and Pickup + Auto Buy Potions

Post by Hajin » 19 Dec 2021, 06:32

Xero-Kill wrote:
21 Sep 2021, 18:30
I have been trying to modify this to my use but...
Xero-Kill wrote:
22 Sep 2021, 09:54
I have been messing around a bit more and for some reason...
If one day i go back to using the script maybe i'll solve all the problems of your two messages, making the script more accessible
Xero-Kill wrote:
21 Sep 2021, 18:30
Also, why not make the activation a toggle instead of two hotkeys?
I made the script wanting to put the function on the mouse wheels and the best way I found it at the time was the way it is, I still consider myself a novice in making AHK scripts, I'm more focused on playing the games in a practical way than develop the script, sorry for the defects
Xero-Kill wrote:
21 Sep 2021, 18:30
I have been trying to modify this to my use but changing the wheelup / wheeldown hotkeys doesn't work. The script is clearly co-opting the buttons I have assigned (A and Q) because I couldn't type this message without pausing the script, but using them in game does not activate the AutoMovePickup. I have tried admin / non-admin settings. When I use the script normally with wheelup / wheeldown, it works. Literally the only thing I have changed is the hotkey activation and nothing ever works, only the original. I can't have mouse up and down being hotkeys... for literally anything, so I just want to be able to use a new hotkey.

Also, why not make the activation a toggle instead of two hotkeys?
Xero-Kill wrote:
22 Sep 2021, 09:54
I have been messing around a bit more and for some reason some hotkeys just don't want to get sent either because of Steam or because of something I am missing in the code. I will try to explain.

I tried to assign the ON function to F7 and the OFF function to F8. This does nothing. I change it the keys N and M. This does nothing. However, the keys for AutoPotionBuy and AutoPointInSkill which are assigned to normal keyboard keys works just fine. So clearly the ability to send a single keystroke to the Steam client isn't prohibited, but for some reason I can only get the AttackMovePickup work when assigned to mouse based hotkeys. I finally got it to work on MButton (Middle Mouse).
Now that I went back to the script I tried changing the buttons to F7 and F8 for example and it worked, as well as O and P, it seems to be a problem only on device like yours.
I added the "toggle" function of Attack-Move-Pickup in the script (extended mode), if anyone has a problem with the Attack-Move-Pickup function with mouse wheels, you can remove this part on extended script and just use the "toggle":

Code: Select all

;Turn on Auto Attack Move Pickup on battleground, you can change the button before the "::" below:
;Does not work well with "stationary attack" of the game, I didn't even try to make it work, after all in the "stationary attack" of the game you just need to hold the chosen button of the game function together with the mouse button
var_AttackMovePickup = 1
var_AMPT = 2

;Turn off Auto Attack Move Pickup, you can change the button before the "::" below:
var_AttackMovePickup = 0
var_AMPT = 0	

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