EternalKeys - Double tap to dash, and separate grenade shortcuts in Doom Eternal

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EternalKeys - Double tap to dash, and separate grenade shortcuts in Doom Eternal

25 Sep 2021, 20:19

This script allows you to double-tap the movement keys to dash in any direction, and optionally to dash continuously while holding the movement key after triggering the shortcut.

In addition to this, it allows you to set a separate hotkey for frag and ice grenades, thus eliminating the need for the equipment switch key, which never made sense since there's only the two nades to swap between anyways.
This relies on imagesearch to check the state of the grenade icon on your hud. In the zip I included samples for the default hud color at 1080p, however you may need to clip those yourself depending on your hud color and resolution. For best results, take a small clip, and black out as much as possible like shown in the examples.

For the default config, Middle mouse & left control will fire a frag, while Xbutton1 & H will fire an ice grenade.


Code: Select all

; EternalKeys v1 - double-tap to dash, and grenade shortcuts, by evilmanimani

;//////////// User Config ////////////
doubleTaptoDash  := true
, keyUpDelay     := 200 ; dash command will only fire if the first tap of the forward key is held for less than this amount of time (milliseconds)
, keyDownDelay   := 200 ; number of milliseconds you have to hit the move forward key a second time 
, holdToDash     := true ; whether holding the forward key will continue to dash repeatedly until released
; Nade shortcut Key config
, enableShortcut := true ; enable or disable the separate ice & frag grenade shortcuts, for best results, ensure the following keys aren't bound in-game
, iceNadeKey     := "H" ; keyboard shortcut for ice grenade. frag grenade is bound to default grenade key set in-game
, iceNadeMouse   := "XButton1" ; mouse button for ice grenade
, nadeMouse      := "MButton" ; mouse button for frag grenade
; Nade shortcut options, only adjust if you're having problems
, fragPath       := "nade.png" ; default dir is root of script
, icePath        := "icenade.png"
, sensitivity    := 30 ; var for imagesearch function variation param
, detectSpeed    := 50 ; in milliseconds, how often to check for change to the nade icon
, diag           := false ; debug, shows tooltip indicating whether nade and/or icenade image is found

#Singleinstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1

iceNadeKey := Format("{:L}",iceNadeKey)
keyDownDelay := keyDownDelay / 1000
keyUpDelay := keyUpDelay / 1000
inputHook := InputHook("V")
FileRead, doomCFG, % "C:\Users\" A_UserName "\Saved Games\id Software\DOOMEternal\base\DOOMEternalConfig.cfg"
keyList := ["moveforward","moveback","moveleft","moveright","dash"]
if (enableShortcut = true) {
    func := Func("focusCheck")
    SetTimer, %func% , %detectSpeed%    
    inputHook.KeyOpt("{" iceNadeKey "}", "E")
for idx, key in keyList {
    RegExMatch(doomCFG, "i)(?<=bind\s"").*(?=""\s""_" key """)" , %key%)
    %key% := Format("{:L}",%key%)
    inputHook.KeyOpt("{" %key% "}", "E")
inputHook.KeyOpt("{" quickUse "}", "S")
inputHook.OnEnd := Func("EndFunc")
inputHook.NotifyNonText := true
inputHook.OnKeyDown := Func("focusCheck")
Hotkey, IfWinActive, DOOMEternal
If (iceNadeMouse <> "")
    Hotkey, %iceNadeMouse%, iceNadeMouse
If (nadeMouse <> "")
    Hotkey, %nadeMouse%, nadeMouse

Send, % "{" quickUse "}"

Send, % "{" iceNadeKey "}"

focusCheck() {
    focused := WinActive("DOOMEternal")h
    InputHook.KeyOpt("{" quickUse "}", focused ? "+S" : "+V")
    If focused {
        WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, DOOMEternal
        bottomRightCornerY := (y + h) - (h // 4)
        bottomRightCornerX := (x + w) - (w // 4)
        ImageSearch, , , %bottomRightCornerX%, %bottomRightCornerY%, % x + w, % y + h, *%sensitivity% *TransBlack %fragPath%
        elvl1 := Errorlevel
        ImageSearch, , , %bottomRightCornerX%, %bottomRightCornerY%, % x + w, % y + h, *%sensitivity% *TransBlack %icePath%
        elvl2 := Errorlevel
        if diag
        Tooltip, % "Nade: "  . (elvl1 ? "Not Found" : "Found")
        . "`r`nIceNade: " . (elvl2 ? "Not Found" : "Found"), 0, 0
    } else {

EndFunc(ih) {
    key := ih.EndKey
    key := StrReplace(key, "Control", "CTRL")
    If WinActive("DOOMEternal") {
        If (doubleTaptoDash 
        && ( InStr(key,moveforward)
        || InStr(key,moveback)
        || InStr(key,moveleft)
        || InStr(key,moveright) ) ) {
            KeyWait, % key, U T%keyUpDelay%
            If !Errorlevel
                KeyWait, % key, D T%keyDownDelay%
                    If !ErrorLevel
                        loop {
                            Send, % "{" dash "}"
                            Sleep 50
                        } Until (holdtoDash = false || !GetKeyState(ih.EndKey) )
        } else if (enableShortcut && key ~= "i)" iceNadeKey "|" quickUse) {
            if ((elvl1 && InStr(key,quickUse))
            || (elvl2 && InStr(key,iceNadeKey))
            || (elvl1 && elvl2)) {
                Send, % "{" quick1 "}"
                Sleep 10
            Send, % "{" quickUse "}"
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