Black Thorn/Rogue Spear centre view

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Joined: 25 Jan 2022, 06:35

Black Thorn/Rogue Spear centre view

25 Jan 2022, 07:09


I have recently found ‘AutoHotKey’ and hope it’s what I require to solve my problem. I have no programming experience so I’m struggling to understand how to implement the script that’s needed.
I have read some posts on this forum and found a script written by @evilC called MouseDelta that I think could work.

I’m looking to set the crosshair/camera within a game to the centre of the screen by pressing a key.
The game is a first person shooter (FPS) called Black Thorne (BT). It’s predecessor Rogue Spear has an option to enable “centre view” but it is disabled in BT.
I think BT uses raw mouse input to control the crosshair, the crosshair always seems to stay in the centre of the screen but when the mouse is moved the camera changes. The idea of centre view is to set the camera/crosshair level in the vertical plane so that its parallel to the weapon position.

Any help appreciated.

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