BufferAlloc() for AHK 1.1

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BufferAlloc() for AHK 1.1

09 Jun 2019, 07:46

This is a replacement for the built-in AHK v2 BufferAlloc() to be used with AHK 1.1. Unfortunately it cannot be used as a parameter for other built-in functions as in v2. Some might find it useful anyway.


Code: Select all

; ================================================================================================================================
; AHK 1.1 replacement for the built-in AHK v2 BufferAlloc() function.
; Returns a new instance of the class BufferAllocClass on success, otherwise zero.
; Parameters:
;     ByteCount   -  The requested size of the buffer in bytes.
; ================================================================================================================================
BufferAlloc(ByteCount) {
   Return New BufferAllocClass(ByteCount)
; ================================================================================================================================
; Binary buffer object.
; Public properties:
;     Ptr      -  a pointer to the buffer
;     Size     -  the size of the buffer
; Public methods:
;     GetBin   -  gets binary data from the buffer
;     PutBin   -  stores binary data in the buffer
;     GetNum   -  gets a number from the buffer
;     PutNum   -  stores a number in the buffer
; The instance keys "&" and "#" are used for internal purposes. You must not change them!!!
; Heap functions -> docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/HeapApi/
; ================================================================================================================================
Class BufferAllocClass {
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Returns a new buffer object instance of the given size, usually called by BufferAlloc()
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   __New(ByteCount) {
      If !This._IsInt_(ByteCount)
      || (ByteCount < 1)
      || !(Ptr := DllCall("HeapAlloc", "Ptr", This.Heap, "UInt", 0x09, "Ptr", ByteCount, "UPtr"))
      || !(Size := DllCall("HeapSize", "Ptr", This.Heap, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", Ptr, "UPtr"))
         Return 0
      ObjRawSet(This, "&", Ptr)
      ObjRawSet(This, "#", Size)
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   __Delete() {
      If This["&"]
         DllCall("HeapFree", "Ptr", This.Heap, "UInt", 0x01, "Ptr", This["&"], "UInt")
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   __Set(Prop, Args*) {
      If !This.Base.HasKey(Prop) && (Prop <> "")
         Return ""
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   _IsInt_(Value) {
      If Value Is Integer
         Return True
      Return False
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Heap[] {
      Get {
         Static Heap := DllCall("GetProcessHeap", "UPtr")
         Return Heap
      Set {
         Return This.Heap
   ; =============================================================================================================================
   ; Public properties
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Gets / sets the pointer to the buffer.
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Ptr[] {
      Get {
         Return This["&"]
      Set {
         Return This.Ptr
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Gets / sets the size of the buffer.
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Size[] {
      Get {
         Return This["#"]
      Set {
         If !This._IsInt_(Value)
         || (Value < 1)
         || !(Ptr := DllCall("HeapReAlloc", "Ptr", This.Heap, "UInt", 0x08, "Ptr", This.Ptr, "Ptr", Value, "UPtr"))
         || !(Size := DllCall("HeapSize", "Ptr", This.Heap, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", Ptr, "UPtr"))
            Return This.Size
         This["&"] := Ptr
         This["#"] := Size
         Return This.Size
   ; =============================================================================================================================
   ; Public methods
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Gets binary data from the buffer.
   ; Parameters:
   ;     VarOrAddr   -  variable or a pointer to memory to store the data
   ;     Offset      -  offset from the beginning of the buffer
   ;     ByteCount   -  number of bytes
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetBin(ByRef VarOrAddr, Offset, ByteCount) {
      If !This._IsInt_(Offset)
      || (Offset < 0)
      || ((Offset + ByteCount) >= This.Size)
         Return 0
      If IsByRef(VarOrAddr) {
         VarSetCapacity(VarOrAddr, ByteCount, 0)
         Dest := &VarOrAddr
         Dest := VarOrAddr
      DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", Dest, "Ptr", This.Ptr + Offset, "Ptr", ByteCount)
      Return True
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Stores binary date in the buffer.
   ; Parameters:
   ;     VarOrAddr   -  variable or a pointer to memory holding the data
   ;     Offset      -  offset from the beginning of the buffer
   ;     ByteCount   -  number of bytes
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   PutBin(ByRef VarOrAddr, Offset, ByteCount) {
      If !This._IsInt_(Offset)
      || (Offset < 0)
      || ((Offset + ByteCount) >= This.Size)
         Return 0
      Src := IsByRef(VarOrAddr) ? &VarOrAddr : VarOrAddr
      DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", This.Ptr + Offset, "Ptr", Src, "Ptr", ByteCount)
      Return True
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Gets a number from the buffer
   ; Parameters:
   ;     Offset      -  offset from the beginning of the buffer
   ;     Type        -  one of the types used by NumGet()
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetNum(Offset, Type) {
      Static Types := {Char: 1, Double: 8, Float: 4, Int: 4, Int64: 8, Ptr: A_PtrSize, Short: 2}
      Check := (SubStr(Type, 1, 1) = "U") ? SubStr(Type, 2) : Type
      If !(Len := Types[Check])
      || !This._IsInt_(Offset)
      || (Offset < 0)
      || ((Offset + Len) >= This.Size)
         Return ""
      Return NumGet(This.Ptr + Offset, Type)
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Stores a number in the buffer, for parameters see NumPut().
   ; Parameters:
   ;     Value       -  number to store
   ;     Offset      -  offset from the beginning of the buffer
   ;     Type        -  one of the types used by NumPut()
   ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   PutNum(Value, Offset, Type) {
      Static Types := {Char: 1, Double: 8, Float: 4, Int: 4, Int64: 8, Ptr: A_PtrSize, Short: 2}
      Check := (SubStr(Type, 1, 1) = "U") ? SubStr(Type, 2) : Type
      If !(Len := Types[Check])
      || !This._IsInt_(Offset)
      || (Offset < 0)
      || ((Offset + Len) >= This.Size)
         Return ""
      NumPut(Value, This.Ptr + Offset, Type)
      Return Value
; ================================================================================================================================
Some test code:

Code: Select all

MyBuffer := BufferAlloc(2048)
MsgBox, 0,  MyBuffer.Ptr - MyBuffer.Size, % MyBuffer.Ptr . " - " . MyBuffer.Size
MyBuffer.PutNum(42, 1024, "UInt")
MyBuffer.Size := 4096
MsgBox, 0,  MyBuffer.Ptr - MyBuffer.Size, % MyBuffer.Ptr . " - " . MyBuffer.Size
MsgBox, 0, MyBuffer.GetNum(), % MyBuffer.GetNum(1024, "UInt")
Test := "Hello world!"
TestLen := StrLen(Test) << !!A_IsUnicode
MyBuffer.PutBin(Test, 0, TestLen)
MyBuffer.GetBin(Out, 0, TestLen)
VarSetCapacity(Out, -1) ; we are expecting a string
Read := Out
MsgBox, %Read%
#Include *i BufferAlloc.ahk
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Joined: 05 May 2017, 08:34

Re: BufferAlloc() for AHK 1.1

29 Jun 2019, 03:01

Sorry for an unrelated question, can you ask which editor you use for AutoHotkey v2? Very few editor support syntax of AutoHotkey v2

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