WebWriter - By Tank

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WebWriter - By Tank

17 Oct 2019, 13:06

This still has alot of work to go as to writing a script with frames and dealing with anything that isnt clickable
Hopefully you find it really helpful. basically what it does is allows you to click a web object and it then attempts to build a css selector and write a script using my iwebBrowser2 class.

this code is a prototype and should at this ALPHA stage only be used with great care.

If it helps you please feel free to help me out while i am out of work
Help me out

version .03 Alpha
Corrected tag siblings and other minor corrections

Code: Select all

winactivate ahk_class IEFrame

^esc:: ExitApp

#IfWinActive, ahk_class IEFrame

    F1::click() ;; click

    F2::value() ;;text or value

    F3::src() ;; image or frame src URI

    F4::checked() ;; is checked true false or blank 


elementUnderMouse(ByRef ele){
    getQuerySelector := getQuerySelector(ele := elementFromMouse())
    getQuerySelector = %getQuerySelector%
    return  getQuerySelector

    WinGetActiveTitle, winTitle
    winTitle := RegExReplace(winTitle, "[^\w\s\-]")
    scriptFile := A_WorkingDir "\" winTitle ".ahk"
    if !FileExist(scriptFile)
            ( LTrim
            #Include, lib\iWebBrowser2.ahk
            ie := new iWebBrowser2()
            while pwb.busy 
                `tSleep, 500
            sleep 2000

            ;; auto generated code below

            ), %scriptFile%
    ;; end if
    if event
        FileAppend, %event%, %scriptFile%

    ret := "", variable := "hovertext" A_Now, cssSelector := elementUnderMouse(ele), element := new IE_HtmlElement(ele), attribute := element.attribute, txt := element.text
    if cssSelector && element && attribute
            ret = 
                ( LTrim

                ;; hovered over "%txt%"
                %variable% := ie.pdoc().querySelector("%cssSelector%").%attribute% ;; should be a string

    ObjRelease(ele), ObjRelease(element), writeScript(ret)

    ret := "", variable := "Source" A_Now
    if cssSelector := elementUnderMouse(ele)
        && element := new IE_HtmlElement(ele)
        && element.getSrc()
        && tagName := element.tag
            ret = 
                ( LTrim

                ;; get source of an %tagName% tag
                %variable% := ie.pdoc().querySelector("%cssSelector%").src ;; should be a URI

    ObjRelease(ele), ObjRelease(element), writeScript(ret)

    ret := "", variable := "isChecked" A_Now
    if cssSelector := elementUnderMouse(ele)
        && element := new IE_HtmlElement(ele)
        && InStr(element.getType(), "checkbox:radio")
        && txt := element.element.parentNode.innerText
            ret = 
                ( LTrim

                is input checked near 
                %variable% := ie.pdoc().querySelector("%cssSelector%").checked ;; -1 means checked 0 means not checked

    ObjRelease(ele), ObjRelease(element), writeScript(ret)

    ret := "", variable := isChecked A_Now
    if (cssSelector := elementUnderMouse(ele))
        && (element := new IE_HtmlElement(ele))
        && (txt := element.text)
        ret = 
            ( LTrim

            ;; clicked "%txt%"
            ie.pdoc().querySelector("%cssSelector%").click() ;; execute the click event

            ;; wait for any results to settle
            Sleep, 1000
            while pwb.busy 
                `tSleep, 500
            Sleep, 1000

    ObjRelease(ele), ObjRelease(element), writeScript(ret)

    static iterCount := 0
    try id := ele.id
    if (iterCount++ < 10 && !id)
        path := getQuerySelector(ele.parentNode)
    else iterCount := 0
    return path getTagName(ele)

    try tagName := ele.tagName, id := ele.id
    return !id ? siblingList(ele, tagName) : tagName "#" id " "

siblingList(ele, tagName){
    tag := tagName
    while ele := ele.previousSibling
        tag .= " + " tagName
    return tag " "

    If (hWnd := hWNDunderMouse(xpos, ypos)) && (pwin := $AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hWnd))
        && (pelt := pwin.document.elementFromPoint(xpos-(xorg:=pwin.screenLeft), ypos-(yorg:=pwin.screenTop)))
    While isFrame(pelt){
        ObjRelease(pwin), pwin :=  ComObj( 9, ComObjQuery( cw := pelt.contentwindow, $IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", $IHTMLWindow2 ), 1 ), ObjRelease(cw)
        , xorg+=pelt.getBoundingClientRect.left, yorg+=pelt.getBoundingClientRect.top, ObjRelease(pelt), pelt := pwin.document.elementFromPoint(xpos-xorg, ypos-yorg)
    Return	pelt

hWNDunderMouse( ByRef xpos, ByRef ypos){
    CoordMode, Mouse
    MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos,, hWnd, 3
    return hWnd

    IID_IAccessible := "{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}", VarSetCapacity( GUID, 16, 0 ), DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "oleacc.dll")
    DllCall( "ole32\CLSIDFromString"
            , "wstr", IID_IAccessible
            , "ptr", &GUID )
    DllCall( "oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow"
            , "Uint", hIESrv
            , "int", -4
            , "ptr", &GUID
            , "UintP", pacc)
    pacc:=ComObj( 9, pacc, 1 )
    pwin := ComObj( 9, ComObjQuery( pacc, $IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", $IHTMLWindow2 ), 1 )
    ObjRelease( pacc ), DllCall("FreeLibrary", "str", "oleacc.dll")
    return  pwin

    return ele.tagName="IFRAME" || ele.tagName="FRAME"

class iWebBrowser2 {

    __new( ByRef sURL = "", ByRef sTitle = "", ByRef iHWND = "",  ByRef sHTML = "" , bVisible = true ) 
        { ;; returns an iwebbrowser2 object
        if !(this.pwb := this.oIE_get(sTitle,iHWND,sURL,sHTML))
            this.pwb := this.oIE_new(sURL,sTitle,iHWND,sHTML,bVisible)
        return this
    oIE_new(ByRef sURL = "about:blank", ByRef sTitle = "", ByRef iHWND = "", ByRef sHTML = "", bVisible = true)
        this.pwb := ComObjCreate("internetexplorer.application")
        this.pwb.Visible := bVisible
        if sURL
        return this.pwb

    oIE_get( ByRef sTitle = "", ByRef iHWND = "", ByRef sURL = "", ByRef sHTML = "" )
        ;~ this function is pointless if no instance of IE is open
        ;~ one edit you might make is to have this function open IE and maybe go to the home page
        if ( !winexist( "ahk_class IEFrame" ) )
            return false
        if sTitle
            this.clean_IE_Title( sTitle ) 
        ;; ok this function should look at all the existing IE instances and build a reference object
        ; List all open Explorer and Internet Explorer windows:
        oIE := Object()
        matches := 0
        for window,k in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
            if ( "Internet Explorer" = window.Name)
                possiblematch := true

                try pdoc := window.document
                Catch, e
                    while window.busy 
                        Sleep, 500

                if !window.document

                if ( possiblematch && sTitle && !instr( pdoc.title, sTitle ) )
                    possiblematch := false
                if ( possiblematch && sHTML && !instr( pdoc.documentelement.outerhtml, sHTML ) )
                    possiblematch := false
                if ( possiblematch && sURL && !instr( pdoc.url, sURL ) )
                    possiblematch := false
                if ( possiblematch && iHWND > 0 && window.HWND != iHWND )
                    possiblematch := false		
                if ( possiblematch )
                    ;~ windowsList .= k " => " ( clipboard := window.FullName ) " :: " pdoc.title " :: " pdoc.url "`n"
                    sTitle := pdoc.title
                    sURL := pdoc.url
                    iHWND := window.HWND
                    sHTML := pdoc.documentelement.outerhtml
                    oIE := window
                ObjRelease( pdoc )
        if ( matches > 1 )
            MsgBox, 4112, Too many Matches ,  Please modify your criteria or close some tabs/windows and retry
            return false
        return this.pwb := oIE

        { ;; returns the element with the text in it  
        try rng:=this.pdoc().body.createTextRange()
        try rng.findText(needle)
		return try rng.parentElement()

        DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "oleacc.dll") 
        DetectHiddenWindows, On 
        WinActivate,% "ahk_id " HWND
        WinWaitActive,% "ahk_id " HWND,,5
        ControlGet, hTabBand, hWnd,, TabBandClass1, ahk_class IEFrame
        ControlGet, hTabUI  , hWnd,, DirectUIHWND1, ahk_id %hTabBand% 
        VarSetCapacity(CLSID, 16)
        wString := sString := "{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}"
        if(nSize = "")
            nSize:=DllCall("kernel32\MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int", -1, "Uint", 0, "int", 0)
        VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize * 2 + 1)
        DllCall("kernel32\MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int", -1, "Uint", &wString, "int", nSize + 1)
        DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "Uint",&wString , "Uint", &CLSID)
        If   hTabUI && DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Uint", hTabUI, "Uint",-4, "Uint", &CLSID , "UintP", pacc)=0 
            pacc := ComObject(9, pacc, 1), ObjAddRef(pacc)
            Loop, %   pacc.accChildCount 
                If   paccChild:=pacc.accChild(A_Index) 
                    If   paccChild.accRole(0+0) = 0x3C 
                    Else   ObjRelease(paccChild) 
        If   pacc:=paccTab 
            Loop, %   pacc.accChildCount
                If   paccChild:=pacc.accChild(A_Index) 
                    If   paccChild.accName(0+0) = sTitle   
                    Else   ObjRelease(paccChild) 
        WinActivate,% sTitle

        Static IE_path
        ;; find where windows believes IE is installed
        ;; certain corp installs may have this in other than expected folders
        if !IE_path
            RegRead, IE_path, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE
        ;~ MsgBox % IE_path
        ;; Perhaps policies prevent reading this key
        if ( ErrorLevel || !IE_path )
            IE_path := "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
        ;; make sure it installed
        if !FileExist( IE_path )
            MsgBox, 4112, Internet Explorer Not Found, IE does not appear to be installed`nCannot continue `nClick OK to Exit!!!

        return this.IHTMLWindow2_from_IWebDOCUMENT( this.pwb.document ).document

    clean_IE_Title( ByRef sTitle = "" ) 
        return sTitle := RegExReplace( sTitle ? sTitle : this.active_IE_Title(), this.IE_Suffix() "$", "" )

        static sIE_Suffix
        if !sIE_Suffix
            ;; HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
            RegRead, sIE_Suffix, HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Window Title ;, Windows Internet Explorer,
            sIE_Suffix := " - " sIE_Suffix
        return sIE_Suffix

    active_IE_Title() ;; returns the title of the topmost browser if exists from the stack
        sTitle := "NO IE Window Open"
        if winexist( "ahk_class IEFrame" )
            titlematchMode := A_TitleMatchMode
            titlematchSpeed := A_TitleMatchModeSpeed
            SetTitleMatchMode, 2	
            SetTitleMatchMode, Slow
            WinGetTitle, sTitle, %sIE_Suffix% ahk_class IEFrame
            SetTitleMatchMode, %titlematchMode%	
            SetTitleMatchMode, %titlematchSpeed%
        return RegExReplace( sTitle, this.IE_Suffix() "$", "" )
        static IID_IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}"  ; IID_IHTMLWindow2
        return ComObj(9,ComObjQuery( IWebDOCUMENT, IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2),1)

    IWebDOCUMENT_from_IWebDOCUMENT( IWebDOCUMENT ) ;bypasses certain security issues
        return this.IHTMLWindow2_from_IWebDOCUMENT( IWebDOCUMENT ).document

    IWebBrowserApp_from_IWebDOCUMENT( IWebDOCUMENT )
        static IID_IWebBrowserApp := "{0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"  ; IID_IWebBrowserApp
        return ComObj(9,ComObjQuery( this.IHTMLWindow2_from_IWebDOCUMENT( IWebDOCUMENT ), IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowserApp),1)

    IWebBrowserApp_from_Internet_Explorer_Server_HWND( hwnd, Svr#=1 ) 
        {               ;// based on ComObjQuery docs
        static msg := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", "str", "WM_HTML_GETOBJECT" )
            , IID_IWebDOCUMENT := "{332C4425-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}"
        SendMessage msg, 0, 0, Internet Explorer_Server%Svr#%, ahk_id %hwnd%
        if (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") 
            lResult := ErrorLevel
            VarSetCapacity( GUID, 16, 0 )
            if DllCall( "ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", IID_IWebDOCUMENT, "ptr", &GUID ) >= 0 
                DllCall( "oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lResult, "ptr", &GUID, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", IWebDOCUMENT )
                return  this.IWebBrowserApp_from_IWebDOCUMENT( IWebDOCUMENT )

class IE_HtmlElement {

        this.element    := ele
        this.tag        := this.getTag()
        this.type       := this.getType()
        this.checked    := this.getChecked()
        this.text       := this.getText()
        this.src        := this.getSrc()

        if (instr(this.getTag(), "input:"))
            txt := this.element.value, this.attribute := "value"
        else if (instr(this.getTag(), "select:"))
            txt := this.element.selectedText, this.attribute := "selectedText"
        else txt := this.element.innerText, this.attribute := "innerText"
        ToolTip, %txt%
        return txt
        return this.element.tagname
        if (instr(this.getTag(), "input:"))
            return this.element.type
        if (instr(this.getType(), "checkbox:radio"))
            return this.element.checked
        if (instr(this.getTag(), "image:frame"))
            return this.element.src


version .02 alpha posted in op
corrected issue identified by gregster
added methods for
  • click
  • get text that works on both inputs and regular elements
  • get status clicked or not of radio and checkbox
  • get source of images and frames
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Check Out WebWriter
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

17 Oct 2019, 21:46

can you give an example of what you'd use this for?

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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

18 Oct 2019, 02:42

Thanks tank, looks interesting.
guest3456, As I understood it, you can sort of record some action(s) like a click on a certain website element in a script - and then replay these actions by simply running this script (and including the iWebBrowser2 library).

Had only a quick go so far, and created a script with your WebWriter. It created a css selector, but there seemed to be some problem and code missing (although I made the iWebBrowser2 library available).

After glancing at the source, I think that at least this FileCopy command below should be replaced with FileAppend, as the following code from the first continuation section was completely missing from the created script:

Code: Select all

; [...]
 if !FileExist(scriptFile){
#Include, lib\iWebBrowser2.ahk
ie := new iWebBrowser2()
; [...]
Will have another go later!
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

28 Oct 2019, 18:26

version .02 alpha posted in op
corrected issue identified by gregster
added methods for
  • click
  • get text that works on both inputs and regular elements
  • get status clicked or not of radio and checkbox
  • get source of images and frames
We are troubled on every side‚ yet not distressed; we are perplexed‚
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Check Out WebWriter
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

30 Oct 2019, 08:06

@tank, thanks for this!
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

04 Nov 2019, 21:37

version .03 Alpha
Corrected tag siblings and other minor corrections
We are troubled on every side‚ yet not distressed; we are perplexed‚
but not in despair; Persecuted‚ but not forsaken; cast down‚ but not destroyed;
Telegram is the best way to reach me
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Check Out WebWriter
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

05 Nov 2019, 20:36

gregster wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 02:42
Thanks tank, looks interesting.
guest3456, As I understood it, you can sort of record some action(s) like a click on a certain website element in a script - and then replay these actions by simply running this script (and including the iWebBrowser2 library).
It's fantastic that Tank came out with this type of recorder script for web browser automation.
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

06 Nov 2019, 00:37

This is very fine script! I wish I was able to use all it's potential!

P.s.: Here is my contribution. Modified function elementFromMouse() should enable work at any Zoom:

Code: Select all

    If (hWnd := hWNDunderMouse(xpos, ypos)) && (pwin := $AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hWnd), Zm:=pwin.document.parentwindow.screen.deviceXDPI/96)
        && (pelt := pwin.document.elementFromPoint(xpos/Zm-(xorg:=pwin.screenLeft), ypos/Zm-(yorg:=pwin.screenTop)))
    While isFrame(pelt){
        ObjRelease(pwin), pwin :=  ComObj( 9, ComObjQuery( cw := pelt.contentwindow, $IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", $IHTMLWindow2 ), 1 ), ObjRelease(cw)
        , xorg+=pelt.getBoundingClientRect.left, yorg+=pelt.getBoundingClientRect.top, ObjRelease(pelt), pelt := pwin.document.elementFromPoint(xpos-xorg, ypos-yorg)
    Return	pelt
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

01 Dec 2019, 02:56

I suggest to clarify and post the link for iWebBrowser2.ahk. There seems to be various versions and similarly named files and projects. Would be better if everyone were using the same files to test the program out.
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

13 May 2020, 04:37

No further news/reaction from Irving, TX ? :)
Remember to use [code]CODE[/code]-tags for your multi-line scripts. Stay safe, stay inside, and remember washing your hands for 20 sec !
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Re: WebWriter - By Tank

13 May 2020, 05:10

The code is dirty.
For example: here We should change uint to ptr and should not release pacc.
Also this is not correct DllCall("FreeLibrary", "str", "oleacc.dll").

Code: Select all

    IID_IAccessible := "{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}", VarSetCapacity( GUID, 16, 0 ), DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "oleacc.dll")
    DllCall( "ole32\CLSIDFromString"
            , "wstr", IID_IAccessible
            , "ptr", &GUID )
    DllCall( "oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow"
            , "Uint", hIESrv
            , "int", -4
            , "ptr", &GUID
            , "UintP", pacc)
    pacc:=ComObj( 9, pacc, 1 )
    pwin := ComObj( 9, ComObjQuery( pacc, $IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", $IHTMLWindow2 ), 1 )
    ObjRelease( pacc ), DllCall("FreeLibrary", "str", "oleacc.dll")
    return  pwin

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