TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

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TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

10 Jan 2014, 19:38

This is a very simple idea and code. Just decrease height then decrease width, that's it. See GIF image below:


Code: Select all

TVClose(HideAndRestore = False, H_ReduceCount = 2, W_ReduceCount = 2)
	Gui, %A_Gui%:+LastFound
	WinGetPos, x, y, w, h
	p := HideAndRestore ? [x, y, w, h] : "" ; Backup GUI position
	; Decrease height (keep 3 pixels)
	Step := (h - 3) / H_ReduceCount
	Loop, % H_ReduceCount
		y += Step / 2 ; Moving down
		h -= Step     ; Decreasing height
		WinMove,,,, %y%,, %h%
	; Decrease Width (keep 3 pixels)
	Step := (w - 3) / W_ReduceCount
	Loop, % W_ReduceCount
		x += Step / 2 ; Moving right
		w -= Step     ; Decreasing width
		WinMove,,, %x%,, %w%
	if HideAndRestore
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Hide
		WinMove,,, % p.1, % p.2, % p.3, % p.4 ; Restore GUI position
Sample 1:

Code: Select all

Gui, Show, w1000 h500

	TVClose(True, 30, 10)

; GuiClose:
; 	TVClose()
; ExitApp
Sample 2: (by joedf)

Code: Select all

Gui, Show, w1000 h500

	SetWinDelay, 10
	TVClose(False, 6, 6)
A much better version by AfterLemon --> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1370#p10497
Last edited by tmplinshi on 29 Jan 2014, 18:46, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

14 Jan 2014, 07:23

Thx, it looks very nice for how small it is the code :p
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

18 Jan 2014, 15:54


1. with your example, if I replace "ExitApp" with "Return" a small gui 'remnant' remains.
can you fix this?
2. can you give an example of how to use --> HideAndRestore = true
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

18 Jan 2014, 16:00

Hi, Leefme, try TVClose(True)

Code: Select all

Gui, Show, w1000 h500


F1::Gui, Show

TVClose(HideAndRestore = False)
    Gui, %A_Gui%:+LastFound
    WinGetPos, x, y, w, h
    p := HideAndRestore ? [x, y, w, h] : "" ; Backup GUI position

    ; Decrease height (keep 3 pixels)
    Step := (h - 3) / 2
    Loop, 2
        y += Step / 2 ; Moving down
        h -= Step     ; Decreasing height
        WinMove,,,, %y%,, %h%

    ; Decrease Width (keep 3 pixels)
    Step := (w - 3) / 2
    Loop, 2
        x += Step / 2 ; Moving right
        w -= Step     ; Decreasing width
        WinMove,,, %x%,, %w%

    if HideAndRestore
        Gui, %A_Gui%:Hide
        WinMove,,, % p.1, % p.2, % p.3, % p.4 ; Restore GUI position
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

18 Jan 2014, 17:33

2014-1-19 Update: Added 2 parameters (H_ReduceCount and W_ReduceCount)
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

20 Jan 2014, 14:24

tmplinshi wrote:Hi, Leefme, try TVClose(True)
I tried the new script just as you posted, with the 'true'
The window shrinks, but then the window briefly appears at the original full and disappears again.

F1 makes the window appear fullsize again.

IMO, it ain't quite right yet.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

20 Jan 2014, 15:31

Leefme wrote:
tmplinshi wrote:Hi, Leefme, try TVClose(True)
I tried the new script just as you posted, with the 'true'
The window shrinks, but then the window briefly appears at the original full and disappears again.

F1 makes the window appear fullsize again.

IMO, it ain't quite right yet.
Oh, that is strange. The window should be hidden, after then restored to original size and position. But what you said is in reverse order. Did you changed the code by mistaken? The last part should be:

Code: Select all

	if HideAndRestore
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Hide
		WinMove,,, % p.1, % p.2, % p.3, % p.4 ; Restore GUI position
If not, could you post your testing code to here or send it to me?

Yes, F1 is just an example code for testing.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

20 Jan 2014, 16:51

You have misunderstood, you already have the code.

In the 3rd entry of this thread, I made 2 requests
In the 4th entry of this thread, you responded, stating "Hi, Leefme, try TVClose(True)"

I copied all the code within that "4th entry" and placed it in a new script.
The result was:
The window shrinks, but then the window briefly appears at the original full and disappears again.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

20 Jan 2014, 19:32

interesting idea... :)

Code: Select all

SetWinDelay, 10
But currently, this seems to be the most realistic setting to me.
cheers! ;)
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

21 Jan 2014, 07:23

Sorry, Leefme. I can't understand why is that. Hope others can help you.

Nice setting. I never tried SetWinDelay. Thanks for the example.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

29 Jan 2014, 17:30

Was testing some new ideas about managing numerical issues with windows when I saw this.

Wrote a version of it that handles both closing and opening animations.

Handles Windows too!
No Open/Close Designation. Does the opposite (open/close) of whichever was last done on it. (if you can think of a reason to change that, let me know.)
Works well up to 500k steps (is slow above 10k and very slow above 100k)

Code: Select all


Gui,Show,w500 h500 x100,GuiName



F3::WinShow,ahk_id %HWND%
F4::WinShow,ahk_id %HWND2%

TVCloseOpen(HWND,HeightStep:=100,WidthStep:=100){ ; Credit @ tmplinshi,Improved and Modified by AfterLemon
static p:=[]
	If p[HWND].1{
		WinMove,ahk_id %HWND%,,x,y,(p[HWND].5&0xC00000?-3:3),(p[HWND].5&0xC00000?-25:3)
		WinShow,ahk_id %HWND%
		Loop,% WidthStep
			WinMove,ahk_id %HWND%,,% xn:=x-((Step2*A_Index)/2),,% wn:=p[HWND].3-(Step2*(WidthStep-A_Index))
			WinSet,Style,+0xC00000,ahk_id %HWND%
		Loop,% HeightStep
			WinMove,ahk_id %HWND%,,,% yn:=y-((Step*A_Index)/2),,% hn:=p[HWND].4-(Step*(HeightStep-A_Index))
		WinGetPos,x,y,w,h,ahk_id %HWND%
		WinGet,S,Style,ahk_id %HWND%
		Loop,% HeightStep
			WinMove,ahk_id %HWND%,,,% y:=y+(Step/2),,% h:=h-Step
		WinSet,Style,-0xC00000,ahk_id %HWND%
		WinSet,Redraw,,ahk_id %HWND%
		Loop,% WidthStep
			WinMove,ahk_id %HWND%,,% x:=x+(Step2/2),,% w:=w-Step2
		WinHide,ahk_id %HWND%
		WinMove,ahk_id %HWND%,,% p[HWND].1,% p[HWND].2,% p[HWND].3,% p[HWND].4
EDIT: Sorry for so many edits. Now handles multiple Windows independently.
EDIT 2: Wasn't reseting the size properly since switching to working with windows.

PROBLEMS: Still does not allow windows with closing dialogs to exit properly, if used in unison with NCHITTEST
Last edited by AfterLemon on 30 Jan 2014, 13:14, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

29 Jan 2014, 18:50

wow, your version looks much better. I've added a link to your version in the #1 post.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

30 Jan 2014, 12:04

Just updated to include Windows as well!
Newest version available here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1370#p10497
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

31 Jan 2014, 10:08


I added a few things that I wanted to contribute.

1. Added fade-in to make it look like a TV tube is warming up.
2. Added a black dummy background for closing to mimic the TV tube going black.

I changed the function around for my own purposes which means what I have done will not just plug into what others have done. I have the function instantiate with the "GUI, Show", I allow a re-open with Gui ID only, and the function can be passed a gui number/name OR the HWND and work. Having said that, I wanted to let you see what else could be done to add to the effect. So, before studying the script run it to see the new effects.


Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2  ;contains
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

SetBatchLines, -1

Gui, 1:+HWNDGui1ID
;Gui, 1:Show, x100 h-25 w-3 ;w500 h500 x100

TVCloseOpen(Gui1ID, 100, 100, 500, 500)

;Gui,2:Show, x612 h-25 w-3 ;w500 h500 x612
Gui, 2:+HWNDGui2ID
TVCloseOpen(2, 612, 100, 300, 500, "hide")


	TVCloseOpen(Gui1ID, "close")

	TVCloseOpen(2, "close")

TVCloseOpen(GuiID, x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0, WidthStep = 75, HeightStep = 75)
static p:=[]

	if (SubStr(x, 1, 1) = "c") and (p.HasKey(GuiID))
		p[GuiID] := [x,y,w,h]
		Gui, %GuiID%:+AlwaysOnTop
		Gui, dummy:-Caption
		Gui, dummy:Color, Black
		Gui, dummy:Show, % "x" x " y" y " w" w " h" h
		Step:=(h-3)/HeightStep, Step2:=(w-3)/WidthStep
		Loop,% HeightStep
			WinMove,,,,% y:=y+(Step/2),,% h:=h-Step
		Loop,% WidthStep
			WinMove,,,% x:=x+(Step2/2),,% w:=w-Step2
		Sleep, 500
		Gui, dummy:Destroy
		WinMove,,,% p[GuiID].1,% p[GuiID].2,% p[GuiID].3,% p[GuiID].4
		Gui, %GuiID%:+AlwaysOnTop
	else if (SubStr(x, 1, 1) = "c") and !(p.HasKey(GuiID))
		Return False
		if !(p.HasKey(GuiID))
			p[GuiID] := [x, y, w, h]
		if !(SubStr(WidthStep, 1, 1) = "h")
			Gui, %GuiID%:+AlwaysOnTop
			Gui, dummy:-Caption
			Gui, dummy:Color, Black
			Gui, dummy:Show, % "x" p[GuiID].1 " y" p[GuiID].2 " w" p[GuiID].3 " h" p[GuiID].4
			Sleep, 250
			Gui,%GuiID%:Show,% "x" x " y" y " w" (S&0xC0000?-3:3) " h" (S&0xC0000?-22:3)
			trans := 125
			tStep := Floor((255 - trans) / HeightStep)
			Loop,% WidthStep
				WinMove,,,% x-((Step2*A_Index)/2),,% p[GuiID].3-(Step2*(WidthStep-A_Index))
			Loop,% HeightStep
				WinMove,,,,% yn:=y-((Step*A_Index)/2),,% hn:=p[GuiID].4-(Step*(HeightStep-A_Index))
				WinSet, Transparent, % (A_Index * tStep), A
			c := (HeightStep * tStep)
			Loop, % (255 - c)
				WinSet, Transparent, % c + A_Index, A
			Gui, dummy:Destroy

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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

31 Jan 2014, 10:38

Couple things... the caption check in your
Gui,%GuiID%:Show,% "x" x " y" y " w" (S&0xC0000?-3:3) " h" (S&0xC0000?-22:3)
needs to be 0xC00000 (updated in my post)

Secondly, your temporary black GUI needs to have +ToolWindow so that there isn't a secondary window shown on the taskbar.
Finally, while the idea is interesting, the main GUI handling causes that empty line in the middle of the black.
WinSet,Redraw might help.
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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

31 Jan 2014, 11:09


Thanks for the feedback. I didn't mean to present my script as finished in any way. I simply wanted to toss out a few ideas I had. I would fully expect the ideas to be rewritten into other people's scripts in ways they deem fit for their purposes. In fact, at this point this script is just for fun and may never be polished.

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Re: TVClose() - Close GUI like a TV shutdown

01 Feb 2014, 04:06

interesting :D

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