
Post your working scripts, libraries and tools for AHK v1.1 and older
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17 Jan 2017, 14:59


Similar library: AutoHotInterception
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

20 Feb 2017, 15:44

Does not work anymore :(
I think the developer of DD blocked it
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

20 Feb 2017, 21:29

I've updated the dlls to latest version (71598), and now works again.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

21 Feb 2017, 03:06

tmplinshi wrote:I've updated the dlls to latest version (71598), and now works again.
Thanks! Now it's working fine.

This library is helping me a lot, but I'm afraid that at some point it will stop working and i'll not be able to make it work again (because of the network connection limitation). Do you know any method to make it work offline or a smiliar library to simulate keys in hardware level? I've tried WinRing0 but didn't really worked for me because of the USB Keyboard limitation.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

21 Feb 2017, 10:58

I don't know other similar libraries.

The author of DD provides a paid service for removing the network requirement, you can mail him at this address:

Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

01 Mar 2017, 04:33

have you tried making a hotkey that spams itself?
For example using F1 key.

I have tried making one, but F1 key is not pressed. But it works when for example binding letter A when F1 key is pressed.

I have contacted the developer regarding this bug, and yet there's still no answer
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

01 Mar 2017, 06:49


Code: Select all

#Include, class_DD.ahk
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

$f1::settimer, timer1, -1

	send {f1}
	msgbox f1

$f2::settimer, timer2, -1

	MsgBox f2
Run the above code, you'll see when pressing F1, the MsgBox only popup once. But pressing F2, the MsgBox is popping up endlessly.

So I think this is not really a bug, but because the "$" symbo has no effect when using non AHK code to send keys.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

03 Mar 2017, 06:01

tmplinshi wrote:@Gepardsux

Code: Select all

#Include, class_DD.ahk
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

$f1::settimer, timer1, -1

	send {f1}
	msgbox f1

$f2::settimer, timer2, -1

	MsgBox f2
Run the above code, you'll see when pressing F1, the MsgBox only popup once. But pressing F2, the MsgBox is popping up endlessly.

So I think this is not really a bug, but because the "$" symbo has no effect when using non AHK code to send keys.
I think its still bug though, It doesn't really produce a hard pressed, its more on a soft press/virtual press on a keyboard which won't really give an output.

Try it with this:
and you'll see what I'm talking about
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

12 Mar 2017, 21:09

hi tmplinshi, do you know if there is any way to execute _key_press() on a non-active window? I mean, like the ControlSend command , but with the hardware level send mode that the DD library provides. Also, thanks for sharing this amazing library, keep up the good work!
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

13 Mar 2017, 00:49

@legitdisturbed I don't think that is possible for any hardware-level keyboard library.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

15 Mar 2017, 19:33

I know its kinda out of topic, but do you know how to implement this with c#? I tried downloading and checking the solution, but whenever I've tried to bind the dll, it was always failed.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

16 Mar 2017, 03:02

@raskun I don't know C#. But make sure you run the program as admin, and using the correct dll file.

32-bit Windows: "DD\32\ddx32.dll"
64-bit Windows, 64-bit exe: "DD\64\ddx64.64.dll"
64-bit Windows, 32-bit exe: "DD\64\ddx64.32.dll"

Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

17 May 2017, 10:27 ... 9ee685.png

how come when i try to run, i get that error?

#Include, class_DD.ahk
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

17 May 2017, 10:37

tmplinshi wrote:I've updated the dlls to latest version (71598), and now works again.
U are best. I'm looking this driver about month.
Can u do anything like ControlSend?

dd.sendKey("F1", hwnd)

Sorry for my english
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

18 May 2017, 23:36

@rebecca I don't know.

@masheen It only works on foreground window.
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10 Aug 2017, 17:37

Last edited by lolkaru on 20 Aug 2020, 01:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

12 Aug 2017, 17:20

Hey Guys!
For the people getting the error ( ... 9ee685.png) on script launch its because windows 10 and 8.1 blocks the input because a signed driver is required. The work around to this problem is to disable "Secure Boot" because windows 10 and 8.1 uses this mode to load drivers. Thus if a driver is unsigned its flag as maybe harmful and not loaded.
Secure boot can be disabled in the BIOS under the boot options.
Hope i Helped! :D
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14 Aug 2017, 23:35

Last edited by lolkaru on 20 Aug 2020, 01:41, edited 3 times in total.

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