Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

28 Jun 2017, 11:36

Working script that give you an easy custom GUI to use with your script. Is inspired by the GUI-Demo
from this forum, https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/9072 ... p-library/
I have stripped this from my program just to inspire others, and tried to make it as easy to understand as possible
by using basic ahk and no fancy coding you need to be an expert in the language to understand.


Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; --ADD CUSTOM TRAYMENU ---------------------------------------------------------
; --OPEN GUI BY CLICKING ON THE TRAY ICON----------------------------------------
Menu, tray, add, Show GUI, GUIMenu
menu, tray, default, Show GUI

; --CHANGE GUITITLE AND COLORS---------------------------------------------------
GUITITLE := "_-> AHK <-_"
transparent := 220			;GUI transparancy

color1:="e29317"			;title background color
color2:="e29317"			;titletopborder1
color3:="e29317"			;titletopborder2
color4:="284f0f"			;titlebottomborder
color5:="284f0f"			;leftinsideborder
color6:="e29317"			;leftoutsideborder
color7:="284f0f"			;rightinsideborder
color8:="e29317"			;rightoutsideborder
color9:="284f0f"			;S_B top edge color (h=3px w=maxGUIwidth)
color10:="e29317"			;S_B partCover1, to cover vertical lines 
color11:="e29317"			;S_B partCover2, same as above
color12:="000000"			;Title & Text
color13:="ffffbe"  			;Gui background color
color14:="e29317"			;Statusbarcolor

; --SET W/H OF YOUR GUI----------------------------------------------------------
width := "650"  			;change to desired GUI width
height:= "475"				;and GUI height
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ---------SIZE OF PROGRESS BARS IN CORRECT W/H RATIO----------------------------
; ---------DO NOT EDIT IF YOU WANT TU USE TEMPATE AS IS--------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
W1 := width - 7,w2 := width - 5,w3 := width - 3,w4 := width - 72
,w6:= width -50,w7:= width - 34,w5 := (width-72) //2,h1 := height - 50
,h3 := height - 20,h2 := height - 17,sbpart := (width-70) //2

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gui, destroy
gui, +lastfound 
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
gui, color, %color13%, %color13%
WinSet, Transparent,%transparent%
gui, -caption 
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x-1 y0 w%width%+2 h30 Background%color1% Disabled ;title
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x-1 y-1 w%width% h3 Background%color2% Disabled 	;titletopborder1
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x-1 y1 w%width% h2 Background%color3% Disabled 	;titletopborder2
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x2 y30 w%w2% h3 Background%color4% Disabled 		;titlebottomborder
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x2 y30 w2 h%h1% Background%color5% Disabled 		;leftinsideborder
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x0 y3 w2 h%height% Background%color6% Disabled 	;leftoutsideborder
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x%w2% y30 w2 h%h1% Background%color7% Disabled 	;rightinsideborder
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x%w3% y3 w2 h%height% Background%color8% Disabled ;rightoutsideborder
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x2 y%h3% w%w2% h3 Background%color9% Disabled 	;S_B top edge
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x%w4% y%h2% w5 h33 Background%color10% Disabled 	;S_B part Cover1  
Gui, Add, Progress,+E0x20 x%w5%-72 y%h2% w4 h25 Background%color11% Disabled ;S_B part Cover2
gui, font, Q5 c%color12% bold s12,  										;color & size of following 
Gui, Add, Text, +E0x20 0x200 x%w7% y6 w15 h15 BackgroundTrans Center gguiclose , x  ;x to close gui
Gui, Add, Text, +E0x20 0x200 x%w6% y10 w15 h15 BackgroundTrans Center gminimize , -	 ; - to min gui
gui, font, Q5 c%color12% bold s14,  										;color & size GuiTitle

; -----------------Title with text and a g-label to enable winmove.--

Gui, Add, Text, +E0x20 0x200 x0 y0 w%width% h22 BackgroundTrans Center gGuiMove , %guititle%   
gui, Font, Q5 s09 w500, Verdana 					;Menu-text color/font

; -----------------This add "File" as a controll and clicking it will open custom menu, 
; -----------------in this demo it open the Traymenu to show basic consept

gui,add,Text, +E0x20 0 x35 y35 w30 h23 left BackgroundTrans vfile gAssignMenuTotext,File 

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------- ADD YOUR GUI CONTROLS UNDER HERE -----------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -- Example by adding the following in the demo you display AHK forum
; -- page := "https://autohotkey.com/"
; -- Gui, Add, ActiveX, 0x200000 0x800000 x4 y52 w640 h400 vwb,% page

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gui, Font, Q5 s9 bold w670,							;S_B Font   
Gui, add, StatusBar, background%color14% -theme    	;S_B-backgroundcolor -theme is crutial
SB_SetParts(sbpart, sbpart)							;S_B split into 3 parts, 
SB_SetText("Ver 1.0" ,3)							;S_B set Version of your project here
SB_SetText("   By Peared"a,1)						
SB_SetText(" ",2)									
Menu, tray, Color, %color13%						;Tray menu bg-color same as background
winset, region, w%width% h%height%+5 0-0 R20-20		;Trim GUI Borders and round of corners 20px radius  
gui, show, w%width% h%height%						;Make Gui Visible.
gui, +lastfound 
; ----------- GUI LOADED AND READY FOR INPUTS-----------------------------

; --SUB Minimize Gui ----------------------------------------------------------------
; --SUB Destroy GUI, doubleclick trayicon to open (new) GUI--------------------------
gui, destroy
; --SUB Move window with text control in Title by click and drag-----------------------
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
sleep 75
winset, redraw
; --Clicking textcontol to open a menu at fixed position--------------------------
Menu, Tray, Show, 20, 50 ; i use traymenu as example how to
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/*	color1:="282828", color2:="285a56", color3:="285a56", color4:="285a56", color5:="285a56", color6:="285a56", color7:="285a56", color8:="285a56", color9:="285a56", color10:="285a56", color11:="285a56", color12:="white", color13:="285a56", color14:="285a56", */
Last edited by Peared on 29 Jun 2017, 13:51, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

28 Jun 2017, 14:31

DRAKON-AutoHotkey: Visual programming for AutoHotkey.
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Re: Beautiful Examples of GUIs

19 Oct 2017, 19:51

Coco wrote:Work in progress:
This looks pretty dope. It reminds of ENSO Launcher (video). I know your post is 3 years and looking at the repo you probably abandoned it, but it would be cool too see this working as a soft of command line launcher for AHK.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

26 Oct 2017, 04:31

This is my newest project. Most of the Gui is built using progress bars.

Still working on it so once I get everything added I'll likely do a pass over the colors and layout of the controls.


This is another older project.

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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

26 Oct 2017, 09:47

v1 seems cleaner and simpler :think:
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

27 Oct 2017, 00:30

I love this thread and it inspired me to make my programs look different.
The Guis are mainly based on the "Windows 8 Look a like gui's" posted by Ferry

My Program Launcher (inspired by ENSO Launcher and other existing Launchers posted in this forum)
Company PhoneBook
Splashscreen Office inspired
Main GUI - Search (phonenumber and other infos removed ;) )
Reads it's info from the active directory and stores it in a crypted file (for offline use)
Pressing the orange icon shows another gui with detailed information about the selected person
First time TAB changes the Icon to the mail icon.
Pressing this icon opens a new mail in outlook with the e-mail-adress of this person
Second time TAB changes the Icon to the skype icon.
Pressing this icon opens a skype for business chat dialog with this person
Hotkey Manager
Desktop Info with weather, outlook appointment and mailcounter
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

28 Oct 2017, 04:17

I would just like to read Active directory and take the name and first name of the person from his ID and vice versa.
Please can you share the code AHK you used?
Thank you for your answer.
See you soon
Main GUI - Search (phonenumber and other infos removed ;) )
Reads it's info from the active directory and stores it in a crypted file (for offline use)
Pressing the orange icon shows another gui with detailed information about the selected person
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

29 Oct 2017, 04:05

Nice Hotkey Manager
Can we/I have the source.
Not bad for having the 'not remembered' hotkey.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

29 Oct 2017, 07:05


Nice, that's pretty impressive.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

02 Nov 2017, 03:18

Thanks to all of you and your nice feedback ad sorry for the delayed response ;)

@ScottMeyer: Here are 2 scripts that will help you to read the AD:
Get info from the Login-USer
Get all active Users and put them into a textfile
@ozzii: Of course I can share the source of the hotkey manager. But I have to say that I'm not a very good programmer :D I'm more the copy&paste programmer and the source-code looks exactly like this :think: :lol:

You need DBA because I use a sqlite database to store the hotkeys. I uploaded the sqlite-DB for you here: https://www.file-upload.net/download-12 ... qlite.html
You also need the following Libs: LinearGradient, Class_ImageButton und WinClip.

Windows+h shows the gui. And everything is in german, I had no time to integrate the language-solution posted here. This will be the next update to my scripts :D
Please let me know if something is missing. There can also be some bugs in this version. It's my newest project and I'm still working on it.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

02 Nov 2017, 16:53

I used hotstrings.ahk by Polythene, since I couldn't find hot_strings.ahk.
A quick translation: HotkeyManagerEN.ahk

p.s. For me I think there was a code page problem with the orig. : ""Wollen Sie alle Änderungen speichern?" And so forth. Also, I'm not so sure my replacement of hot_strings.ahk with hotstrings.ahk was the smartest move I ever made. I'm now having a little trouble when I run it. However, if I just choose "Run Script" from the context menu with AutoHotKey_L U64, it runs fine. I'll try to compile it and see if that works better for me. I'm sure it's just the way I have my machine and AHK set up, nothing to do with the script.
Last edited by burque505 on 03 Nov 2017, 09:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

03 Nov 2017, 01:18

Please find attached the version of hot_strings I used.
I hope this will help you.

I'm using "AutoHotkey Unicode 64-bit" to run my scripts. Please let me know if something else is missing to run the script.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

03 Nov 2017, 07:00

robmar-zl wrote:Please find attached the version of hot_strings I used.
I hope this will help you.
Well hot damn, that's down right impressive :)

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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

03 Nov 2017, 09:55

robmar-zl, it certainly did help! Very nice. I updated the HotkeyManagerEN.ahk code above to reflect that and added your hot_strings.ahk to my LIB folder.
Attractive, interesting and useful script, well done, and thanks again.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

04 Nov 2017, 04:44

I would just like to read Active directory and take the name and first name of the person from his ID and vice versa.
Please can you share the code AHK you used?
Thank you for your answer.
See you soon

Main GUI - Search (phonenumber and other infos removed ;) )
Reads it's info from the active directory and stores it in a crypted file (for offline use)
Pressing the orange icon shows another gui with detailed information about the selected person
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

09 Apr 2018, 22:39

On a previous page ...https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... &start=100 of this thread is a great application by @empardopo for CWebView with a cube rotating . This is perfect for one of my projects . I have figured out how to call up different rotations with hot keys , but can anyone tell me how to increase the size to 500 pixels . every attempt I have made creates weird effects . I haven't been able to find much info on this. Thanks
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

10 Apr 2018, 08:05

Have you tried modifying the CSS?
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