[ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

21 Aug 2014, 02:52

Relayer wrote:OK,

Your suggestions worked if I changed your script to not use the ID3V2 set of functions to read the tags. Your original script had MP3 being processed with the ID3V2 instead of AUDIO. Which one is right for MP3 files?
Well Both Works Fine. But, Actually ID3V2 is Specific For MP3 and therefore you will have lot of choices for selecting Different Frames of ID3V2 whereas Audio is generalized for all formats and Offers limited Frames. So, use ID3v2 if you require some advance/more features of ID3v2 specific else, you are good to go with AUDIO.
Relayer wrote: Now

I'm having issues writing modified tags back to the file. I see you again use the ID3V2 functions for MP3. Should I switch to AUDIO again? Do I need to ATOU each tag before calling the DLL to write the tag?

Use ATOU just to convert the filename into the unicode.
aka Rajat
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

17 Jul 2017, 13:38

Does anyone know how to use/create the object in ASP / VBscript?
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

03 Jan 2018, 04:09

Back at it. After approximately 3 Years i am back at developing the IDTE.
My first task is to improve the Code though (Complete Rewrite in functions/methods instead of just labels everywhere)
Also, i've already fixed some of the DPI Issues for the IDTE but, my next releases will be mostly focused on Code Improvements.

Thank you everyone for your support! ;)
aka Rajat
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

03 Jan 2018, 07:20

rEX wrote:Thank you everyone for your support! ;)
Any chance of a COM/ActiveX version? :)
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

03 Jan 2018, 07:37

Hmm.. I will look into it but right now i am prioritizing the Code Improvement over other tasks.
aka Rajat
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

11 Feb 2018, 23:48

Welcome back,
I’m interested to see your improvements.
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

10 May 2020, 06:59

@rEX, I don't know if you are still around / working on this, but I am very interested in this. Reason being in that I am creating a file comparer tool, that compares files in two drives that have the same track and artist name, but the folder structure of where they are stored differs significantly.

I was wondering if there was a way to view / extract the meta data of files so that I can do a comparison between the two libraries? Any thoughts? Please see attached the dump of a single artists in both drives and the difference in the file structure.

See the image here

The code to create the two files:

Code: Select all


FileSelectFolder, iTunesMusicFolder, , 0, Select the location of your iTunes Folder:		;Options = 3 allows users to create a new folder. In this case, set to 0 to just allow users to select.
if iTunesMusicFolder =
    MsgBox, You didn't select a folder.
	SetWorkingDir, %iTunesMusicFolder%
	msgbox WorkingDir is: %A_WorkingDir%
	Global strFile := A_WorkingDir . "\Lister.txt"
	FileDelete, %strFile%
	Sub(A_WorkingDir . "\*.*", 0)

	run, %strFile%

	Sub(strDir, intLevel)
		ToolTip, Level #%intLevel% %strDir%
		Loop, %intLevel%
			strTabs := strTabs . A_Tab
		Loop, %strDir%, 2 ; scan folders
			FileAppend, %strTabs%\%A_LoopFileName%`n, %strFile%
			Sub(A_LoopFileFullPath . "\*.*", intLevel + 1) ; Recurse to subdirectory
		Loop, %strDir%, 0 ; now scan files only
			FileAppend, %strTabs%\%A_LoopFileName%`n, %strFile%

FileSelectFolder, DJMusicFolder, , 0, Select the location of your DJ Folder:		;Options = 3 allows users to create a new folder. In this case, set to 0 to just allow users to select.
if DJMusicFolder =
    MsgBox, You didn't select a folder.
	SetWorkingDir, %DJMusicFolder%
	msgbox WorkingDir is: %A_WorkingDir%
	Global strFile := A_WorkingDir . "\Lister.txt"
	FileDelete, %strFile%
	Sub2(A_WorkingDir . "\*.*", 0)

	run, %strFile%

	Sub2(strDir, intLevel)
		ToolTip, Level #%intLevel% %strDir%
		Loop, %intLevel%
			strTabs := strTabs . A_Tab
		Loop, %strDir%, 2 ; scan folders
			FileAppend, %strTabs%\%A_LoopFileName%`n, %strFile%
			Sub(A_LoopFileFullPath . "\*.*", intLevel + 1) ; Recurse to subdirectory
		Loop, %strDir%, 0 ; now scan files only
			FileAppend, %strTabs%\%A_LoopFileName%`n, %strFile%
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Re: [ Music Files Tag Editor written in Autohotkey ]

27 Jun 2020, 19:29

@rEX, I was able to create something for what I was looking for:
  • Found this handy tool: Listary, which is an amazing search tool for your files in Windows
  • Created a script to pull the name of the currently selected file/folder
Script to select the file/folder name:

Code: Select all


	Send, {AppsKey}
	Sleep, 25
	Send, m
	Sleep, 25 
	Send, ^c
	Sleep, 5 
	Send, {Esc}
	msg := "Folder name copied."
	ToolTip, %msg%
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -700
	msg := ""


Not as automated as I would've hoped for, but much better than manually searching!

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