EitherMouse 0.8 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

03 Oct 2017, 15:48

gauss163 wrote:Joel: I did manage to find a copy of version 0.69 in my downloads folder.
Ok cool, I also linked directly to 0.69 above
Once I downgraded to 0.69 the weird scroll problems caused by "reverse scroll direction" disappeared. Maybe it's worth emphasizing that I am in the process of testing many different touchpads, so it might be possible that the large number of different settings could cause problems (I was up to Mouse34 at one point). But 0.69 handled it all well - kudos! I have no idea why the latest version is messing up when reversing the scroll direction (and also crashing in the Tooltip), but I'll be happy to help debug.
Very cool, I've never had the mouse count up that high. I'm glad to hear downgrading fixed the issue, so I have somewhere to hunt for the bug (i didn't think I even changed anything with that option, but I must have). I can also imagine the errors you got with so many mice with ToolTips on because it uses the mouse number as the ToolTip number, but AHK's use of ToolTip maxes out at 20! I'll have to put in a fix for that.
Btw, I noticed also that reverse scroll direction does not reverse the direction of Zooming (Ctrl+VScroll). Having horizontal and/or Zoom scroll directions inconsistent with (reversed) vertical Scroll direction is problematic (showstopper for me). The goal is to have a consistent UI model: scrolling should function one of two ways: as if grabbing the page and moving it (as on a phone), or, opposite-direction-wise, as if grabbing the scroll-bars and moving them (but not some mixture of the two). Reversing the scroll direction should switch between these two scroll models (for both H/V directions + Zoom). Probably that works for most uses (but some advanced apps might require independent reversal controls on H/V/Z scroll). I'll by happy to help with testing and/or code writing to remedy this.
Yeah that's also not handled, I will put it on my to do list, thanks. I will let you know when I have an update ready and you can do some testing for me, thanks :)
What do I need to do (if anything) to preserve settings when down/upgrading?
Nothing, except make sure to not check the "clean install" option when installing, then it should use the existing settings.

Thanks again,
- Joel
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

03 Oct 2017, 19:48

Ok I see what the problem is... now I need to figure out a workaround... By enabling what I call a "zero device", some hardware and most software mouse input is detected via RawInput as a device with handle "0" and device name is an empty string... I allow the device because some users have hardware that appears like this (probably a driver/software thing) but when reversing scroll wheel it is creating a hotkey, which is then detected as a zero device as well...

So I will finally have to make an option to enable or disable the zero device, or figure out some other workaround so that reverse scrolling doesn't trigger a mouse change, have to think on this one.

the zoom/ctrl-scroll option is an easy fix at least

ok, try the Beta version 0.741:
https://www.eithermouse.com/Beta/Either ... 0Setup.exe
i kludged in a reverse horizontal scroll option, and removed the zero device detection, which should solve your scrolling issues... and allowed modifiers on the scrolling hotkeys, so zoom should work... if you're talking about a third scrolling axis on a mouse I don't know how to detect that (nor have I ever seen one, but i imagine it could exist)
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

04 Oct 2017, 11:40

Disabling zero device detection fixed something I was going to ask about. In v0.69 and prior, AHK's "Click" command used the current mouse settings, and when I upgraded to v0.73 the Click command would register as a separate mouse in EitherMouse. My script would Click, the mouse would change in EitherMouse, and that first input would get dropped. v0.74 same thing. v0.741 is back to the old functionality and my AHK Clicks are clicking again, so it looks like it was the zero device detection.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

04 Oct 2017, 14:48

Yeah i need to make that an option... Some people need the zero device as a seperate device because of hardware, some get issues with a zero device because of software input (ie your case, or hotkeys, etc)... I can't think of a setup that will work for everyone, so i'll be adding in a "allow zero device" option when i can.

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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

04 Oct 2017, 17:51

gwarble wrote:Ok I see what the problem is... now I need to figure out a workaround... By enabling what I call a "zero device", some hardware and most software mouse input is detected via RawInput as a device with handle "0" and device name is an empty string... I allow the device because some users have hardware that appears like this (probably a driver/software thing) but when reversing scroll wheel it is creating a hotkey, which is then detected as a zero device as well...
Great, we're half way there. Now reversing H/V Scroll works correctly in the 0.741 beta. Kudos!
gwarble wrote:the zoom/ctrl-scroll option is an easy fix at least
Unfortunately that fix doesn't work. Ctrl-VScroll does nothing on all mice with reversed VScroll enabled (but works fine on non-reversed mice). in 0.69 Zoom did work (but had the wrong direction) on reversed mice.

One strange thing that initially had me confused after the upgrade was that every mouse now appeared to have "reverse horizontal scroll" enabled (i.e. it's checked), but this was not actually true, i.e. the state of the display did not match internal state for that parameter.

Speaking of parameters, how does the software default the parameters when it encounters a new mouse? Are there global defaults, or do they inherit from the last mouse? For default values, it probably makes sense to keep the horizontal and vertical reverse values in sync, i.e. both reversed or not, since it is probably rare for one to need them in opposite states.

One thing I noticed while testing many different touchpads is that sometimes if you configure the optimal scroll speed then that speed is too fast to obtain comfortable single-step zoom changes. Is there an easy way to workaround that? Perhaps a damping factor for zoom speed, or a completely separate speed control?
gwarble wrote: if you're talking about a third scrolling axis on a mouse I don't know how to detect that (nor have I ever seen one, but i imagine it could exist)
Nope, only Flatland (horizontal, vertical and zoom scrolling).
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

04 Oct 2017, 23:08

gauss163 wrote:Great, we're half way there. Now reversing H/V Scroll works correctly in the 0.741 beta. Kudos!
Unfortunately that fix doesn't work. Ctrl-VScroll does nothing on all mice with reversed VScroll enabled
Fixed i think
One strange thing that initially had me confused after the upgrade was that every mouse now appeared to have "reverse horizontal scroll" enabled (i.e. it's checked), but this was not actually true, i.e. the state of the display did not match internal state for that parameter.
Side effect of being kludged in quickly the other night, I think its fixed now
Speaking of parameters, how does the software default the parameters when it encounters a new mouse? Are there global defaults, or do they inherit from the last mouse? For default values, it probably makes sense to keep the horizontal and vertical reverse values in sync, i.e. both reversed or not, since it is probably rare for one to need them in opposite states.
I've waffled around on most of the settings over the years, but I think right now when a new mouse is detected, all current settings are applied to the new mouse... but I've tried where some default to the without-eithermouse default (ie not swapped in most cases...) I'll have to look
One thing I noticed while testing many different touchpads is that sometimes if you configure the optimal scroll speed then that speed is too fast to obtain comfortable single-step zoom changes. Is there an easy way to workaround that? Perhaps a damping factor for zoom speed, or a completely separate speed control?
Not that I know of, the scroll setting is a "number of lines" setting, so i would imagine 1 would be the most precise, but possibly too slow for some scrolling (in which case it could be sped up in some applications)

Try Beta 0.742:
https://www.eithermouse.com/Beta/Either ... 0Setup.exe

and many thanks for the detailed feedback

Edit: thinking about it a little, i think if the scroll "speed" was set to 1 line, but then AHK could send multiple Send ^{WheelUp} commands to speed up the zooming... Might be too many variables for EitherMouse but I'll add it to my do to list
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

05 Oct 2017, 19:21

gwarble wrote: [...] Try Beta 0.742:
https://www.eithermouse.com/Beta/Either ... 0Setup.exe
That did the trick. Now all works well. Thanks very much.

I'd like to similarly localize key remappings to specific keyboards. Is there an analogous AHK app for that?

Btw, I noticed one strange thing that is not very important (since it will rarely occur) but maybe it is worth mention since knowledge of it might help when debugging some more complex problem. One of my touchpads (Logitech T650) seems to temporarily inherit a reversed scroll setting when the last-used touchpad had it set. More precisely if the prior mouse event was from a touchpad with reversed V/H scroll enabled, and the first operation on the (nonreversed) T650 is an H/V scroll, then it will (wrongly) be reversed, and will remain that way till some non-scroll operation is performed on the T650, after which it correctly performs non-reversed scrolling (as configured). So, e.g. simply moving the pointer slightly before scrolling worksaround the bug. This weirdness only happens on the T650, not on my other nonreversed touchpads. Strange, eh?
gwarble wrote: Thinking about it a little, i think if the scroll "speed" was set to 1 line, but then AHK could send multiple Send ^{WheelUp} commands to speed up the zooming... Might be too many variables for EitherMouse but I'll add it to my do to list
In my case I need to slow-down zooming in order to comfortably perform single-step zoom changes (e.g. slightly zooming a web page).
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

05 Oct 2017, 20:14

great, thanks

the little bug you're seeing is the reason this method doesn't work for keyboards, and sometimes acts up with mice when clicking/button pressing as the first action on a mouse change... EitherMouse kinda banks on the fact that you usually move a mouse before clicking/scrolling with it, in which case the mouse assignment changes and the button remapping occurs. When the first action on a new mouse is a click/button press, the change happens in reaction to that action, therefore acting like the previous mouse for the first input. This "problem" is exacerbated by the fact that your reversed scroll action is now coming in as a Send command, therefore its from a "zero device" discussed above, which is now being ignored in Beta 0.742... so the swap never happens until another action on the mouse is used.

One thing you should google/try is "FlipFlopWheel" and "FlipFlopHScroll" registry settings of the HID devices (and uncheck the EitherMouse reverse scroll options for testing), might make the EitherMouse option pointless

As for slowing down zooming, setting the scroll speed to 1 doesn't help? you might have to get creative, like have the WheelUp/Dn hotkey do Ctrl+[+]/[-] or something instead to get more control... This is probably outside of the scope of EitherMouse, but could be written as a plugin if needed.
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Nov 2017, 08:09

Olivier wrote:Hello, first a big thank you for your work!
I have a small issue that I'd like to raise, as I didn't have it in previous version:
I use the trackpad as right handed, and any usb connected mice as left handed.
Since last version, during the initial detection, I noticed that my trackpad is not not detected anymore as first mouse. I just noticed that only my Pointing stick (in the middle of the keyboard is). Every other usb connected mice is well recognized. As a consequence, if I want to use the trackpad as right handed, I need to slightly touch the Pointing stick so that EitherMouse detects that I moved to the keyboard, and switches the buttons to right handed. If I don't touch the Pointing stick, it doesn't detect any touch on the Track pad.
Interestingly, it was working fine on previous version 0.67 or 0.69 I believe.
So no drama for me. I still use happily your tool. I just touch the Pointing stick briefly before moving to the Trackpad.
I just upgraded to 0.743 and I believe that this issue is back ;)
would you be able to re-introduce the fix?
Thank you so much!

Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

25 Dec 2017, 10:00

great program, my right arm is full of pain and now I can use right and left mice flawlessly
thamks! and happy new year !!!

Re: Does 0.71 mess up reverse scrolling option? How to downgrade to 0.69?

17 Jan 2018, 08:28

Does anyone know how I can downgrade back to version 0.69? I can't find it anywhere.
https://www.eithermouse.com/EitherMouse ... 200.69.exe
This is the greatest utility, I don't know what I would do without it.

In case you were unaware, the version number for this file is stored as 0.68 not 0.69, so I'm confused as to which version it is?
For that matter the latest release files on eithermouse.com are marked as not, so that is a bit confusing as well.

Keep up the great work!
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Re: Does 0.71 mess up reverse scrolling option? How to downgrade to 0.69?

17 Jan 2018, 20:29

Olivier wrote:I just upgraded to 0.743 and I believe that this issue is back ;)
would you be able to re-introduce the fix?
Yes, sorry, I will take care of this as soon as possible
Guest wrote:great program, my right arm is full of pain and now I can use right and left mice flawlessly
thamks! and happy new year !!!
You're welcome, and happy new year as well
Guest wrote:This is the greatest utility, I don't know what I would do without it.

In case you were unaware, the version number for this file is stored as 0.68 not 0.69, so I'm confused as to which version it is?
For that matter the latest release files on eithermouse.com are marked as not, so that is a bit confusing as well.

Keep up the great work!
Thank you, I'm glad you find it useful. I will fix the version numbering in the next version, but unfortunately its still something I have to set manually as I haven't figured out a good AHK function to make that change to the resource of the exe automatically. someday I will, but in the meantime I will try to stay more on top of it, but everyone should use the version number from the about box to verify what version they are running as its always right, since I will inevitably forget again.

Thanks everyone for the feedback (and emails). Been busy with other things, but I will try to make an update soon addressing some of the issues.

The main issue some people are still having is the "Zero Device" problem
Does anyone still have problems with "resume from sleep/standby/hibernate/etc"?
Any other pressing issues, please report them (possibly again) now so they get prioritized
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

22 Jan 2018, 06:44

For some reason on my pc it switches rapily between mouse 1 and 2.
Maybe adding a delay would solve this issue?
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

22 Jan 2018, 22:39

Do you mean while moving two mice at the same time?
EitherMouse isn't designed for, or capable of, simultaneous usage of multiple mice. it is meant to apply different settings when different mouse devices are used, and multicursor mode allows a static placeholder for each mouse if desired. If this is what you're after, but still find the changes too fast, i can look into adding in a delay, it may help for when you accidently bump the unused mouse.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

29 Jan 2018, 06:50

I use it to have separate settings for my laptop touchpad and my external usb mouse.
Sometimes eithermouse recognizes a movement from the touchpad, but no movement is done.. Maybe it is too sensitive?

Re: Does 0.71 mess up reverse scrolling option? How to downgrade to 0.69?

31 Jan 2018, 10:05

gwarble wrote:Does anyone still have problems with "resume from sleep/standby/hibernate/etc"?
Yes, this is still an issue on both of my Windows 10 machines when coming out of any of the above. I get a pop-up window about a script error: "Could not close the previous instance of this script." Sometimes I get one window on restart and sometimes two. Was this fixed in one of the betas past the 0.71 release? I may have missed it in the string of messages.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

01 Feb 2018, 09:42

If you download the regular release right now it should be v0.74, try that...
If you still have issues, try "Run as administrator" from the advanced menu...
If you still have issues, let me know again

I'm working on a new version to fix the "Zero Device" issue, or at least allow the option to detect it or not, as this is the worst "bug" I have to address. Anything else?
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

04 Feb 2018, 14:53

great tool
tnx for sharing

Re: EitherMouse 0.74 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

19 Feb 2018, 15:58

This tool is AWESOME! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: I have been searching for a tool to let me switch between two mice ever since my new PC came with Win10. I'm an ambidextrous user and recently upgraded to a straight Win10 PC which, naturally didn't have any of the Win7 tools that my previous PC with in-place upgrades used. It's been terribly frustrating to 'make do' with the limited Win10 tool for a single mouse. I'm sooooo happy :dance: to have found this -- THANK YOU so much for creating this tool! BRAVO! :bravo:
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Re: EitherMouse 0.71 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2018, 08:18

@gwarble I registered to express my thanks for developing this absolutely amazing utility. I was looking to write something that switched my sensitivity on the fly since I use different peripherals with greatly varying speeds. I had tried a few scrips, but they didn't work at all, before I came upon your work. I am absolutely stunned how smoothly it runs and switches between the inputs. Amazing job!

Thank you for sharing the autohotkey script, it is much appreciated. Do you have a PayPal? I would gladly buy you a cup of coffee.

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