Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

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Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

31 Mar 2018, 04:13

brutus_skywalker wrote:
jeka wrote:Playing a bit more with v2, noticed that if I resize-reposition mintty.exe window in the main monitor, the position is remembered/restored. If I move mintty.exe to the secondary, then close and re-open, it opens up in the last position for the main monitor. Is this expected?
EDIT: i updated -v2- post, try it now, let me know how it performs, i can't test it because i have a single monitor, but i removed the constraints that were logically causing the issue.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2018, 05:24

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

31 Mar 2018, 09:40

Emacs tends to open quite slowly, and usually sets its initial window size after it is fully loaded. That means that v2 immediately moves/resizes Emacs window to its last known position (perfectly sensible) immediately upon Emacs launch, but then Emacs finishes loading and resizes its window to what is its default setting.

One way to avoid this, perhaps, to delay in v2 resizing/moving of Emacs window by some time. Is this sensible? Possible?
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Joined: 25 Mar 2018, 13:40

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

31 Mar 2018, 11:50

I have try to find all the night why it's not works on my computer but without success. Finaly your first version is pretty good. I will stay with it... Thx for your help. :)
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Joined: 24 Dec 2016, 13:16
Location: Antarctica

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

31 Mar 2018, 13:39

jeka wrote:Emacs tends to open quite slowly, and usually sets its initial window size after it is fully loaded. That means that v2 immediately moves/resizes Emacs window to its last known position (perfectly sensible) immediately upon Emacs launch, but then Emacs finishes loading and resizes its window to what is its default setting.

One way to avoid this, perhaps, to delay in v2 resizing/moving of Emacs window by some time. Is this sensible? Possible?

Just add the following lines above both WinMove commands in the script:

Code: Select all

IfEqual, activeProcessName, emacs.exe		;change the exe name to the name of your emacs executable, if different to this.
	Sleep, 5000			;in milliseconds,  change this to what ever delay you've noticed with emacs starting up
Outsourcing Clicks & Presses Since 2004.
Posts: 26
Joined: 23 Sep 2016, 03:58

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

03 Apr 2018, 09:41

brutus_skywalker wrote:
mankvl wrote:Would be nice to have title ExclusionList. I wan't main outlook windows to be maximized but new message only half screen. Is this possible ?
This should allow you to filter out altering the position of a filtered application so long as it's title is also blacklisted against resizing or moving... just add the title you wish to filter in a new line as shown below, there should be a Title_Filter variable to which you can add titles to filter just under the application filter list. ;)

Code: Select all

Title_Filter =		;add every new title on a new line
Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process - AutoHotkey Community - Mozilla Firefox

Code: Select all

; Automatically Restore Previous Window Size/Pos

; To make this script run when windows starts, make sure RegistryAdd.ahk is in the same directory as this script, run this script, and it will be added to the registry. Then delete RegistryAdd.ahk
; #Include *i RegistryAdd.ahk

; To easily remove the previously added registry entry, make sure RegistryRemove.ahk is in the same directory as this script, run this script, and it will be removed from the registry. Then delete RegistryRemove.ahk
; #Include *i RegistryRemove.ahk


#SingleInstance Force
SetWinDelay, 50
Process, Priority, , Normal

MatchList := ""

; Build the MatchList
WinGet, id, list,,, Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    this_id := id%A_Index%
	if (MatchList = "")
	MatchList := this_id
	MatchList := MatchList . "," . this_id 

;Filter - only programs listed here have their size and position automatically managed,otherwise without this filter wierd malfunctions occur with dialog boxes being resized to their parent program and such...
Filter = xulrunner.exe,firefox.exe,notepad.exe,chrome.exe,notepad++.exe
Title_Filter =		;add every new title on a new line
Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process - AutoHotkey Community - Mozilla Firefox

; ExclusionList		--- use this as alternative to filter above,i.e this will exclude applications below from automated resize/relocate
ExclusionList = ShellExperienceHost.exe,SearchUI.exe,notepad++.exe,cpuz.exe,gpu-z.0.3.3.exe

; The main program loop, which manages window positions/sizes and saves their last known configuration to an ini file in the script directory.
Title_Filter_reInit:		;a patch to allow terminating further checks when a filtered title is active within a filtered application

	Sleep, 350
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A
	if active_id not in %MatchList% ; Then this is a new window ID! So, check if it has a configuration saved.
		MatchList := MatchList . "," . active_id ; This window ID is not new anymore!
		WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
		WinGetClass, active_Class, A
		IniRead, savedSizePos, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
		; MsgBox, debug marker 1  %pClass%
		if (savedSizePos != "ERROR" AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd" ) ; Then a saved configuration exists, size/move the window!
			StringSplit OutputArray, savedSizePos,`,
			if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
			;Last minute check to make sure Active windows matches specified classname
			WinGetClass, active_Class, A
			IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
			if ( pClass = active_Class )
				if ( active_Class != #32770 )	;filter open/save dialog boxes
					WinMove, A,, OutputArray1, OutputArray2, OutputArray3, OutputArray4
					; MsgBox, debug marker 0 %pClass% v %active_Class%
		else ; No saved configuration exists, save the current window size/pos as a configuration instead!
			WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height, A
			WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
			WinGetClass, active_Class, A
			If (X != "" AND Y != "" AND Width != "" AND Height != "" AND Width > 0 AND Height > 0 AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd")
				if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
				else if active_ProcessName not in %ExclusionList%
				if active_ProcessName in %Filter%																					;TWEAK to only add specific programs to windowConfiguration
					;Title_Filter patch
					WinGetActiveTitle, this_activeTitle
					IfInString, Title_Filter, this_activeTitle	;if active window is filtered by title, return to beginning of loop until active window is unfiltered
						Goto, Title_Filter_reInit
					WinGetClass, active_Class, A
					IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
					if ( pClass = active_Class OR pClass = "ERROR" )		;if process has not yet been assigned class value or if active window matches process class write!.
						IniWrite %X%`,%Y%`,%Width%`,%Height%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
					WinGetClass, exePrimaryClass, ahk_exe %active_ProcessName%
					if ( pClass = "ERROR" )		;to make sure the class tied to an exe is only written when the window is first detected,so it's position can be updated but not it's class name.
						; MsgBox, debug marker 2  %ExEpClass%  - %exePrimaryClass%
						IniWrite %exePrimaryClass%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
	else ; Save/overwrite the active window size and position to a file with a link to the processname, for later use.
		WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height, A
		WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
		WinGetClass, active_Class, A
		If (X != "" AND Y != "" AND Width != "" AND Height != "" AND Width > 0 AND Height > 0 AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd")
			if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
			else if active_ProcessName not in %ExclusionList%
			if active_ProcessName in %Filter%																					;TWEAK to only add specific programs to windowConfiguration
				;Title_Filter patch
				WinGetActiveTitle, this_activeTitle
				IfInString, Title_Filter, this_activeTitle	;if active window is filtered by title, return to beginning of loop until active window is unfiltered
					Goto, Title_Filter_reInit

				WinGetClass, active_Class, A
				IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
				if ( pClass = active_Class OR pClass = "ERROR" )		;if process has not yet been assigned class value or if active window matches process class write!.
					IniWrite %X%`,%Y%`,%Width%`,%Height%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
				WinGetClass, exePrimaryClass, ahk_exe %active_ProcessName%
				if ( pClass = "ERROR" )		;to make sure the class tied to an exe is only written when the window is first detected,so it's position can be updated but not it's class name.
					; MsgBox, debug marker 3  %ExEpClass%  - %exePrimaryClass%
					IniWrite %exePrimaryClass%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass

I still don't get it. So I need to put the exact title of the outlook window that I don't want to move and resize? Can i use just a part of it, or this is only set to SetTitleMatchMode 1?

Code: Select all

;Filter - only programs listed here have their size and position automatically managed,otherwise without this filter wierd malfunctions occur with dialog boxes being resized to their parent program and such...
Filter = outlook.exe, AcroRd32.exe, WINWORD.EXE,  EXCEL.EXE,  
Title_Filter =		;add every new title on a new line
Inbox - - Microsoft Outlook

; ExclusionList		--- use this as alternative to filter above,i.e this will exclude applications below from automated resize/relocate
ExclusionList = ShellExperienceHost.exe,SearchUI.exe,notepad++.exe,cpuz.exe,gpu-z.0.3.3.exe
Even with adding the title it always resizes the windows after outlook launch. Any way to make smth similar to WinSize2 but just not outdated, i have few problems with always on top. I would like to save the position o the window by its name and class or exe, and then make AHK always resize/move it to the same position when I launch the programs.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2016, 13:16
Location: Antarctica

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

07 Apr 2018, 08:27

It does a basic absolute string matching of active title in title_filter list, so title does need to be complete title,you can use Active Window Info utility. And i Highly recommend ESPECIALLY if you don't use Windows Universal Platform Apps in windows 10, that you switch to my -v2 rewrite posted in page-2, it's more intuitive for me but also for anyone who wants to understand & tweak it to their whim. Here's a TESTED patch of the title filter though,in case you want to stick with the old version.

It's a straight forward fix, a check for a title match in title_filter for active window title at every top level if-else statement, and restart loop if match is found...

EDIT:Fixed typo.

Code: Select all

; Automatically Restore Previous Window Size/Pos

; To make this script run when windows starts, make sure RegistryAdd.ahk is in the same directory as this script, run this script, and it will be added to the registry. Then delete RegistryAdd.ahk
; #Include *i RegistryAdd.ahk

; To easily remove the previously added registry entry, make sure RegistryRemove.ahk is in the same directory as this script, run this script, and it will be removed from the registry. Then delete RegistryRemove.ahk
; #Include *i RegistryRemove.ahk


#SingleInstance Force
SetWinDelay, 50
Process, Priority, , Normal

MatchList := ""

; Build the MatchList
WinGet, id, list,,, Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    this_id := id%A_Index%
	if (MatchList = "")
	MatchList := this_id
	MatchList := MatchList . "," . this_id 

;Filter - only programs listed here have their size and position automatically managed,otherwise without this filter wierd malfunctions occur with dialog boxes being resized to their parent program and such...
Filter = xulrunner.exe,firefox.exe,notepad.exe,chrome.exe,notepad++.exe
Title_Filter =		;add every new title on a new line
Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process - AutoHotkey Community - Mozilla Firefox

; ExclusionList		--- use this as alternative to filter above,i.e this will exclude applications below from automated resize/relocate
ExclusionList = ShellExperienceHost.exe,SearchUI.exe,notepad++.exe,cpuz.exe,gpu-z.0.3.3.exe

; The main program loop, which manages window positions/sizes and saves their last known configuration to an ini file in the script directory.
Title_Filter_reInit:		;a patch to allow terminating further checks when a filtered title is active within a filtered application

	Sleep, 350
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A
	if active_id not in %MatchList% ; Then this is a new window ID! So, check if it has a configuration saved.
	;Title_Filter patch
	WinGetActiveTitle, this_activeTitle
	IfInString, Title_Filter, %this_activeTitle%	;if active window is filtered by title, return to beginning of loop until active window is unfiltered
		Goto, Title_Filter_reInit

			MatchList := MatchList . "," . active_id ; This window ID is not new anymore!
		WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
		WinGetClass, active_Class, A
		IniRead, savedSizePos, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
		; MsgBox, debug marker 1  %pClass%
		if (savedSizePos != "ERROR" AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd" ) ; Then a saved configuration exists, size/move the window!
			StringSplit OutputArray, savedSizePos,`,
			if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
			;Last minute check to make sure Active windows matches specified classname
			WinGetClass, active_Class, A
			IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
			if ( pClass = active_Class )
				if ( active_Class != #32770 )	;filter open/save dialog boxes
					WinMove, A,, OutputArray1, OutputArray2, OutputArray3, OutputArray4
					; MsgBox, debug marker 0 %pClass% v %active_Class%
		else ; No saved configuration exists, save the current window size/pos as a configuration instead!
			WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height, A
			WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
			WinGetClass, active_Class, A
			If (X != "" AND Y != "" AND Width != "" AND Height != "" AND Width > 0 AND Height > 0 AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd")
				if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
				else if active_ProcessName not in %ExclusionList%
				if active_ProcessName in %Filter%																					;TWEAK to only add specific programs to windowConfiguration
					WinGetClass, active_Class, A
					IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
					if ( pClass = active_Class OR pClass = "ERROR" )		;if process has not yet been assigned class value or if active window matches process class write!.
						IniWrite %X%`,%Y%`,%Width%`,%Height%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
					WinGetClass, exePrimaryClass, ahk_exe %active_ProcessName%
					if ( pClass = "ERROR" )		;to make sure the class tied to an exe is only written when the window is first detected,so it's position can be updated but not it's class name.
						; MsgBox, debug marker 2  %ExEpClass%  - %exePrimaryClass%
						IniWrite %exePrimaryClass%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
	else ; Save/overwrite the active window size and position to a file with a link to the processname, for later use.
	;Title_Filter patch
	WinGetActiveTitle, this_activeTitle
	IfInString, Title_Filter, %this_activeTitle%	;if active window is filtered by title, return to beginning of loop until active window is unfiltered
		Goto, Title_Filter_reInit

		WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height, A
		WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
		WinGetClass, active_Class, A
		If (X != "" AND Y != "" AND Width != "" AND Height != "" AND Width > 0 AND Height > 0 AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd")
			if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
				;checi if active explorer window contains an address bar with a path
				WinGetText, activeWinText, A
				Loop, Parse, activeWinText, `n
					If A_LoopField contains Address
						If A_LoopField contains :\
			else if active_ProcessName not in %ExclusionList%
			if active_ProcessName in %Filter%																					;TWEAK to only add specific programs to windowConfiguration
				WinGetClass, active_Class, A
				IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
				if ( pClass = active_Class OR pClass = "ERROR" )		;if process has not yet been assigned class value or if active window matches process class write!.
					IniWrite %X%`,%Y%`,%Width%`,%Height%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
				WinGetClass, exePrimaryClass, ahk_exe %active_ProcessName%
				if ( pClass = "ERROR" )		;to make sure the class tied to an exe is only written when the window is first detected,so it's position can be updated but not it's class name.
					; MsgBox, debug marker 3  %ExEpClass%  - %exePrimaryClass%
					IniWrite %exePrimaryClass%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass

Outsourcing Clicks & Presses Since 2004.
Posts: 12
Joined: 25 Mar 2018, 13:40

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

15 May 2018, 12:35


Do you know why when Windows wakeup form hybernation/hybrid hybernation or when your screen turnes back on, sometimes, somes windows aren't recall at the good place or size dispite the "Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process" activated ?
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Joined: 24 Dec 2016, 13:16
Location: Antarctica

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

16 May 2018, 12:59

ovnis wrote:Hello,

Do you know why when Windows wakeup form hybernation/hybrid hybernation or when your screen turnes back on, sometimes, somes windows aren't recall at the good place or size dispite the "Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process" activated ?
There've been quite a number of instances where in win8/10 I've noticed not just scripts but even other processes being stuck in a suspended state,perhaps your issue is along those lines. Can't think of anything else, the script is literally just a simple conditional loop without any 'while' statements. ... nded-state
Outsourcing Clicks & Presses Since 2004.
Posts: 12
Joined: 25 Mar 2018, 13:40

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

21 May 2018, 14:28

Hi, thx for the replay.

I have found "windowManager" from dekstof. The software is amazing, and now I have zero window issue. All windows work great ! OneNote, task manager, etc.
Posts: 115
Joined: 15 Jul 2016, 19:57

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

19 Oct 2018, 21:13

Okay...I'm not sure if it's just me or maybe there are sun spots interfering with my internetal reception, but I don't see any line breaks in the code. I'd really like to try it out -- it sounds like something I would LOVE ... but I'm trying to add in the line breaks manually and Ahk is not very happy with my results. I keep getting errors like (among others):

Code: Select all

Error at line 50.

Line Text: SetWinPos()
Error: Functions cannot contain functions.

The program will exit.
even I'm getting frustrated with myself. :/
Posts: 115
Joined: 15 Jul 2016, 19:57

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

20 Oct 2018, 10:36

Yep. Must have been sun spots. Or gremlins or rogue drones or something. I can see the line breaks now.
shipaddicted wrote:
19 Oct 2018, 21:13
Okay...I'm not sure if it's just me or maybe there are sun spots interfering with my internetal reception, but I don't see any line breaks in the code. I'd really like to try it out -- it sounds like something I would LOVE ... but I'm trying to add in the line breaks manually and Ahk is not very happy with my results. I keep getting errors like (among others):

Code: Select all

Error at line 50.

Line Text: SetWinPos()
Error: Functions cannot contain functions.

The program will exit.
even I'm getting frustrated with myself. :/
Posts: 1
Joined: 21 Jan 2023, 01:47

Re: Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process

08 Jun 2023, 19:43

brutus_skywalker wrote:
07 Apr 2018, 08:27

Code: Select all

; Automatically Restore Previous Window Size/Pos

; To make this script run when windows starts, make sure RegistryAdd.ahk is in the same directory as this script, run this script, and it will be added to the registry. Then delete RegistryAdd.ahk
; #Include *i RegistryAdd.ahk

; To easily remove the previously added registry entry, make sure RegistryRemove.ahk is in the same directory as this script, run this script, and it will be removed from the registry. Then delete RegistryRemove.ahk
; #Include *i RegistryRemove.ahk


#SingleInstance Force
SetWinDelay, 50
Process, Priority, , Normal

MatchList := ""

; Build the MatchList
WinGet, id, list,,, Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    this_id := id%A_Index%
	if (MatchList = "")
	MatchList := this_id
	MatchList := MatchList . "," . this_id 

;Filter - only programs listed here have their size and position automatically managed,otherwise without this filter wierd malfunctions occur with dialog boxes being resized to their parent program and such...
Filter = xulrunner.exe,firefox.exe,notepad.exe,chrome.exe,notepad++.exe
Title_Filter =		;add every new title on a new line
Automatically Restore Last Window Position For Each Process - AutoHotkey Community - Mozilla Firefox

; ExclusionList		--- use this as alternative to filter above,i.e this will exclude applications below from automated resize/relocate
ExclusionList = ShellExperienceHost.exe,SearchUI.exe,notepad++.exe,cpuz.exe,gpu-z.0.3.3.exe

; The main program loop, which manages window positions/sizes and saves their last known configuration to an ini file in the script directory.
Title_Filter_reInit:		;a patch to allow terminating further checks when a filtered title is active within a filtered application

	Sleep, 350
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A
	if active_id not in %MatchList% ; Then this is a new window ID! So, check if it has a configuration saved.
	;Title_Filter patch
	WinGetActiveTitle, this_activeTitle
	IfInString, Title_Filter, %this_activeTitle%	;if active window is filtered by title, return to beginning of loop until active window is unfiltered
		Goto, Title_Filter_reInit

			MatchList := MatchList . "," . active_id ; This window ID is not new anymore!
		WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
		WinGetClass, active_Class, A
		IniRead, savedSizePos, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
		; MsgBox, debug marker 1  %pClass%
		if (savedSizePos != "ERROR" AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd" ) ; Then a saved configuration exists, size/move the window!
			StringSplit OutputArray, savedSizePos,`,
			if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
			;Last minute check to make sure Active windows matches specified classname
			WinGetClass, active_Class, A
			IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
			if ( pClass = active_Class )
				if ( active_Class != #32770 )	;filter open/save dialog boxes
					WinMove, A,, OutputArray1, OutputArray2, OutputArray3, OutputArray4
					; MsgBox, debug marker 0 %pClass% v %active_Class%
		else ; No saved configuration exists, save the current window size/pos as a configuration instead!
			WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height, A
			WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
			WinGetClass, active_Class, A
			If (X != "" AND Y != "" AND Width != "" AND Height != "" AND Width > 0 AND Height > 0 AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd")
				if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
				else if active_ProcessName not in %ExclusionList%
				if active_ProcessName in %Filter%																					;TWEAK to only add specific programs to windowConfiguration
					WinGetClass, active_Class, A
					IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
					if ( pClass = active_Class OR pClass = "ERROR" )		;if process has not yet been assigned class value or if active window matches process class write!.
						IniWrite %X%`,%Y%`,%Width%`,%Height%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
					WinGetClass, exePrimaryClass, ahk_exe %active_ProcessName%
					if ( pClass = "ERROR" )		;to make sure the class tied to an exe is only written when the window is first detected,so it's position can be updated but not it's class name.
						; MsgBox, debug marker 2  %ExEpClass%  - %exePrimaryClass%
						IniWrite %exePrimaryClass%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
	else ; Save/overwrite the active window size and position to a file with a link to the processname, for later use.
	;Title_Filter patch
	WinGetActiveTitle, this_activeTitle
	IfInString, Title_Filter, %this_activeTitle%	;if active window is filtered by title, return to beginning of loop until active window is unfiltered
		Goto, Title_Filter_reInit

		WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height, A
		WinGet, active_ProcessName, ProcessName, A
		WinGetClass, active_Class, A
		If (X != "" AND Y != "" AND Width != "" AND Height != "" AND Width > 0 AND Height > 0 AND active_Class != "MultitaskingViewFrame" AND active_class != "Shell_TrayWnd")
			if (active_ProcessName = "explorer.exe" AND active_Class != "CabinetWClass")
				;checi if active explorer window contains an address bar with a path
				WinGetText, activeWinText, A
				Loop, Parse, activeWinText, `n
					If A_LoopField contains Address
						If A_LoopField contains :\
			else if active_ProcessName not in %ExclusionList%
			if active_ProcessName in %Filter%																					;TWEAK to only add specific programs to windowConfiguration
				WinGetClass, active_Class, A
				IniRead, pClass, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass
				if ( pClass = active_Class OR pClass = "ERROR" )		;if process has not yet been assigned class value or if active window matches process class write!.
					IniWrite %X%`,%Y%`,%Width%`,%Height%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%
				WinGetClass, exePrimaryClass, ahk_exe %active_ProcessName%
				if ( pClass = "ERROR" )		;to make sure the class tied to an exe is only written when the window is first detected,so it's position can be updated but not it's class name.
					; MsgBox, debug marker 3  %ExEpClass%  - %exePrimaryClass%
					IniWrite %exePrimaryClass%, %A_ScriptDir%\WindowSizePosLog.ini, Process Names, %active_ProcessName%_pClass

This edited script doesn't run on my PC, but gallaxhar's script runs normally. Can some one help, please?

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