Greek Alphabet + Diacritics

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Joined: 22 Apr 2017, 20:57

Greek Alphabet + Diacritics

25 Sep 2018, 01:30

Here's a script I wrote a while back when I took an ancient greek class in college. It remaps the standard english keyboard to greek, as well as the ability to easily add diacritics to the vowels (type a vowel, then one of the diacritic keys). Running the script will give you info of how to use it.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 5
SendMode, Input
diacritics := [",", "'", "/", "\", "~", ":", "_", "(", "``", ""] ;[psili, dasia, acute, grave, circumflex, diaeresis, macron, breve, iotaSub]
vowels := [0x03B1, 0x03B5, 0x03B7, 0x03B9, 0x03BF, 0x03C5, 0x03C9] ;[alpha, epsilon, eta, iota, omicron, upsilon, omega]
MsgBox, % "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H for help`nCtrl+Shift+Alt+E to edit diacritics`nEscape to quit"
IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\diacritics.dat
	Loop, Read, %A_ScriptDir%\diacritics.dat
		diacritics[A_Index] := A_LoopReadLine
Gui, destroy
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, font, s15
Gui, Add, Text, x45 y5 w70 h30, Keys:
Gui, Add, Text, x165 y5 w90 h25, Diacritics:
Gui, font, s10
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y29 w180 h405, % "A→Α`nB→Β`nG→Γ`nD→Δ`nE→Ε`nZ→Ζ`nE+T→Η`nT+H→Θ`nI→Ι`nK→Κ`nL→Λ`nM→Μ`nN→Ν`nX→Ξ`nO→Ο`nP+I→Π`nR→Ρ`nS→Σ`ns   →ς`nT→Τ`nU→Υ`nP+H→Φ`nC→Χ`nP+S→Ψ`nO+M→Ω"
Gui, Add, Text, x90 y29 w180 h405, % "a→α`nb→β`ng→γ`nd→δ`ne→ε`nz→ζ`ne+t→η`nt+h→θ`ni→ι`nk→κ`nl→λ`nm→μ`nn→ν`nx→ξ`no→ο`np+i→π`nr→ρ`ns→σ`nAlt+s→ς`nt→τ`nu→υ`np+h→φ`nc→χ`np+s→ψ`no+m→ω"
Gui, font, s13
Gui, Add, Text, x152 y29 w120 h190, % "Psili (ἀ):`nDasia (ἁ):`nAcute (ά):`nGrave (ὰ):`nCircumflex (ᾶ):`nDiaeresis (ϊ):`nMacron (ᾱ):`nBreve (ᾰ):`nSub. Iota (ᾳ):"
Gui, Add, Text, x278 y29 w40 h190, % diacritics[1] "`n" diacritics[2] "`n" diacritics[4] "`n" diacritics[3] "`n" diacritics[5] "`n" diacritics[6] "`n" diacritics[7] "`n" diacritics[8] "`n" diacritics[9]
Gui, font, s10
Gui, Add, Button, x189 y440 w100 h40, Change Diacritics
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y440 w90 h40 default, OK
Gui, Show, w300 h490, Help

send, ^+!e

Gui, destroy

Gui, destroy
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, font, s10
Gui, Add, Edit, vPsili Limit1 x120 y9 w50 h20, % diacritics[1]
Gui, Add, Edit, vDasia Limit1 x120 y29 w50 h20, % diacritics[2]
Gui, Add, Edit, vAcute Limit1 x120 y49 w50 h20, % diacritics[3]
Gui, Add, Edit, vGrave Limit1 x120 y69 w50 h20, % diacritics[4]
Gui, Add, Edit, vCircumflex Limit1 x120 y89 w50 h20, % diacritics[5]
Gui, Add, Edit, vDiaeresis Limit1 x120 y109 w50 h20, % diacritics[6]
Gui, Add, Edit, vMacron Limit1 x120 y129 w50 h20, % diacritics[7]
Gui, Add, Edit, vBreve Limit1 x120 y149 w50 h20, % diacritics[8]
Gui, Add, Edit, vSubIota Limit1 x120 y169 w50 h20, % diacritics[9]
Gui, font, s13
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y5 w100 h180, Psili (ἀ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y25 w100 h180, Dasia (ἁ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y45 w100 h180, Acute (ά)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y65 w100 h180, Grave (ὰ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y85 w100 h180, Circumflex (ᾶ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y105 w100 h180, Diaeresis (ϊ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y125 w100 h180, Macron (ᾱ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y145 w100 h180, Breve (ᾰ)
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y165 w100 h180, Sub. Iota (ᾳ)
Gui, font, s10
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y193 w180 h180, Leave Empty to Disable
Gui, Add, Button, default x6 y219 w55 h30, Change
Gui, Add, Button, x63 y219 w55 h30, Default
Gui, Add, Button, x120 y219 w55 h30, Cancel
Gui, Show, w180 h262, Change Diacritics

Gui, destroy

Gui, submit
if(Psili == Dasia OR Psili == Acute OR Psili == Grave OR Psili == Circumflex OR Psili == Diaeresis OR Psili == Macron OR Psili == Breve OR Psili == SubIota OR Dasia == Acute OR Dasia == Grave OR Dasia == Circumflex OR Dasia == Diaeresis OR Dasia == Macron OR Dasia == Breve OR Dasia == SubIota OR Acute == Grave OR Acute == Circumflex OR Acute == Diaeresis OR Acute == Macron OR Acute == Breve OR Acute == SubIota OR Grave == Circumflex OR Grave == Diaeresis OR Grave == Macron OR Grave == Breve OR Grave == SubIota OR Circumflex == Diaeresis OR Circumflex == Macron OR Circumflex == Breve OR Circumflex == SubIota OR Diaeresis == Macron OR Diaeresis == Breve OR Diaeresis == SubIota OR Macron == Breve OR Macron == SubIota OR Breve == SubIota)
	Msgbox, 0x10, Error, Two or more diacritics match
	send, ^+!e
	IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\diacritics.dat
		FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\diacritics.dat
	FileAppend, %Psili%`n%Dasia%`n%Acute%`n%Grave%`n%Circumflex%`n%Diaeresis%`n%Macron%`n%Breve%`n%SubIota%, %A_ScriptDir%\diacritics.dat

GuiControl,, Psili, % ","
GuiControl,, Dasia, % "'"
GuiControl,, Acute, % "/"
GuiControl,, Grave, % "\"
GuiControl,, Circumflex, % "~"
GuiControl,, Diaeresis, % ":"
GuiControl,, Macron, % "_"
GuiControl,, Breve, % "("
GuiControl,, SubIota, % "``"


while(getkeystate("E", "P"))
	if(getkeystate("T", "P"))
		send {BS}
while(getkeystate("E", "P"))
	if(getkeystate("T", "P"))
		send {BS}
if(!getkeystate("O", "P"))
if(!getkeystate("O", "P"))
while(getkeystate("O", "P"))
	if(getkeystate("M", "P"))
		send {BS}
while(getkeystate("O", "P"))
	if(getkeystate("M", "P"))
		send {BS}
p & i::
if(getkeystate("Shift", "P"))
!s::Send, {U+03C2}
Send, {U+03C3}
Input, tmp, L1 V T2, {up}{down}{left}{right}{bs}{delete} `t`n
if(ErrorLevel == "EndKey:Space" OR ErrorLevel == "EndKey:Tab" OR ErrorLevel == "EndKey:Enter")
	Send, % "{BS 2}{U+03C2}{" SubStr(ErrorLevel, 8) "}"
if(!getkeystate("E", "P"))
	while(getkeystate("T", "P"))
		if(getkeystate("H", "P"))
			send {BS 2}
if(!getkeystate("E", "P"))
	while(getkeystate("T", "P"))
		if(getkeystate("H", "P"))
			send {BS 2}
p & h::
if(getkeystate("Shift", "P"))
p & s::
if(getkeystate("Shift", "P"))

	global diacritics
	loop % diacritics.length()
		if(diacritics[A_Index] == modifier)
			return true
	return false

	return hex < 0x03AC OR ((hex > 0x1F00 AND Mod(hex, 0x10) > 0x7) AND Mod(hex // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x7)

	global vowels
	SetFormat, integer, H
		hex += 0x20
	if(hex == 0x03C1)
		return true
	loop % vowels.length()
		if(hex == vowels[A_Index])
			return true
	return false

		mod := ""
			if(mod != "")
				Send, {BS 2}
			hex := changeCode(hex, mod)
			Send, % "{U+" hex "}"
			Input, mod, L1 V T2, {up}{down}{left}{right}{bs}{delete} `t`n
			if(ErrorLevel != "Max")
		Send, % "{U+" hex "}"

changeCode(hex, mod)
	global diacritics
	global vowels
	if(mod == "")
		return hex
	SetFormat, integer, H
	ret := hex
	if(isCaps(ret)) ; caps
		if(ret == 0x03A1 OR ret == 0x1FEC)
			return (mod == diacritics[2] ? (ret == 0x03A1 ? 0x1FEC : 0x03A1) : ret)
		else if(ret < 0x03AC)
			if(mod == diacritics[6] AND (ret > 0x03A9 OR ret == 0x0399 OR ret == 0x03A5))
				return changeCode(ret + 0x20, mod) - 0x20
			else if(ret > 0x03A9 AND mod != diacritics[5] AND mod != diacritics[9])
				return changeCode((ret == 0x03AA ? vowels[4] : vowels[6]) - 0x20, mod)
			else if((mod == diacritics[1] AND ret + 0x20 != vowels[6]) OR mod == diacritics[2] OR ((mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8]) AND (ret + 0x20 == vowels[1] OR ret + 0x20 == vowels[4] OR ret + 0x20 == vowels[6])) OR (mod == diacritics[9] AND (ret + 0x20 == vowels[1] OR ret + 0x20 == vowels[3] OR ret + 0x20 == vowels[7])))
				return changeCode(ret + 0x20, mod) + (mod == diacritics[9] ? 0x9 : 0x8)
			else if(mod == diacritics[3] OR mod == diacritics[4])
				if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[1])
					return 0x1FBA + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[2])
					return 0x1FC8 + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[3])
					return 0x1FCA + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[4])
					return 0x1FDA + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[5])
					return 0x1FF8 + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[6])
					return 0x1FEA + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(ret + 0x20 == vowels[7])
					return 0x1FFA + (mod == diacritics[3])
		else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0x7)
			if(mod == diacritics[6] AND (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3 OR Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5))
				return 0x03AA + (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
			else if(mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8])
				return changeCode(ret - 0x8, mod) + 0x8
			else if((mod == diacritics[1] AND !Mod(ret, 0x2)) OR (mod == diacritics[2] AND Mod(ret, 0x2)))
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xA)
					return changeCode(hex - 0x8, mod) - 0x20
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x5 AND Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xE)
					ret -= (Mod(ret, 0x10) - 0x9) // 0x2
					if(!Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10))
						return ret + 0xB0
					else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x1)
						return ret + 0xAD
					else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x2)
						return ret + 0xA0
					else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3)
						return ret + 0xA0
					else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x4)
						return ret + 0xAD
					else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
						return ret + 0x90
					else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x6)
						return ret + 0x90
					return vowels[Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) + 0x1] - 0x20
			else if(!(mod == diacritics[1] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5))
				return changeCode(hex - 0x8, mod) + 0x8
		else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0xB)
			if((mod == diacritics[1] AND !Mod(ret, 0x2)) OR (mod == diacritics[2] AND Mod(ret, 0x2)))
				if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x8)
					return 0x1FBC
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x9)
					return 0x1FCC
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xA)
					return 0x1FFC
				return changeCode(ret - 0x8, mod) + 0x8
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xA AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0xC AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0xF)
			if((Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x8 AND mod == diacritics[8]) OR (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x9 AND mod == diacritics[7]) OR mod == diacritics[6])
				return changeCode(ret - 0x8, mod) - 0x20
			else if(mod != diacritics[5] AND !(mod == diacritics[9] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) > 0xC))
				return changeCode(vowels[Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xB ? 1 : (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD ? 4 : 7)] - 0x20, mod)
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xC)
			if((Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5 AND Mod(ret, 0x2) AND mod == diacritics[1]) OR mod == diacritics[9])
				return ret
			else if(mod == diacritics[3] AND !Mod(ret, 0x2))
				return ret + 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4] AND Mod(ret, 0x2))
				return ret - 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[6] AND (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD OR Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xE))
				return vowels[7] - (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD ? 0x1F : 0x1E)
			else if(mod != diacritics[6])
				if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0xC)
					ret -= 0x4A
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0xD)
					ret -= 0x56
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0xE)
					ret -= 0x64
				else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xA)
					ret -= 0x80
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0xF)
					ret -= 0x70
					ret -= 0x6E
				return changeCode(ret, mod) + (mod == diacritics[3] OR mod == diacritics[4] ? -0x20 : 0x8)
			if((mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2]) AND ret != 0x1FEC AND ret != 0x03A1)
				return ret - (ret == 0x1FFC ? 0x54 : 0x34) + (mod == diacritics[2])
			else if(mod == diacritics[9])
				if(ret == 0x1FBC)
					return vowels[1] - 0x20
				else if(ret == 0x1FCC)
					return vowels[3] - 0x20
				else if(ret == 0x1FFC)
					return vowels[7] - 0x20
	else if(ret < 0x03CA) ; no modifiers
		if(ret == 0x03C1)
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return 0x1FE4
			else if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return 0x1FE5
		else if(mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2])
			ret := 0x1F00
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
			while(hex != vowels[A_Index])
				ret += 0x10
		else if (mod == diacritics[3] OR mod == diacritics[4])
			ret := 0x1F70
			if(mod == diacritics[3])
			while(hex != vowels[A_Index])
				ret += 0x2
		else if(mod == diacritics[5])
			if(ret == vowels[2] OR ret == vowels[5])
				return ret
			ret := 0x1FB6
			while(hex != vowels[A_Index])
				if(A_Index == 2 OR A_Index == 5)
				ret += 0x10
		else if(mod == diacritics[6] AND (ret == vowels[4] OR ret == vowels[6]))
			return 0x03CA + (ret == vowels[6])
		else if(mod == diacritics[9])
			if(ret == vowels[1])
				return 0x1FB3
			else if(ret == vowels[3])
				return 0x1FC3
			else if(ret == vowels[7])
				return 0x1FF3
		else if(mod == diacritics[7])
			if(ret == vowels[1])
				return 0x1FB1
			else if(ret == vowels[4])
				return 0x1FD1
			else if(ret == vowels[6])
				return 0x1FE
		else if(mod == diacritics[8])
			if(ret == vowels[1])
				return 0x1FB0
			else if(ret == vowels[4])
				return 0x1FD0
			else if(ret == vowels[6])
				return 0x1F0
	else if(ret < 0x03CC) ; diaeresis
		if(mod == diacritics[1])
			return 0x1F30 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x20 : 0x0)
		else if(mod == diacritics[2])
			return 0x1F31 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x20 : 0x0)
		else if(mod == diacritics[3])
			return 0x1FD3 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x10 : 0x0)
		else if(mod == diacritics[4])
			return 0x1FD2 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x10 : 0x0)
		else if(mod == diacritics[5])
			return 0x1FD7 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x10 : 0x0)
		else if(mod == diacritics[6])
			return ret == 0x03CA ? vowels[4] : vowels[6]
		else if(mod == diacritics[7])
			return 0x1FD1 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x10 : 0x0)
		else if(mod == diacritics[8])
			return 0x1FD0 + (ret == 0x03CB ? 0x10 : 0x0)
	else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0x7 AND Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x6) ;1F00-1F65
		if(mod == diacritics[9])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x0)
				return ret + 0x80
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x2)
				return ret + 0x70
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x6)
				return ret + 0x40
		else if(mod == diacritics[7])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x0)
				return 0x1FB1
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3)
				return 0x1FD1
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
				return 0x1FE1
		else if(mod == diacritics[8])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x0)
				return 0x1FB0
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3)
				return 0x1FD0
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
				return 0x1FE0
		else if(mod == diacritics[6] AND (Mod(hex // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3 OR Mod(hex // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5))
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x2)
				return Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3 ? 0x03CA : 0x03CB
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x4)
				ret := 0x1FD2
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x6)
				ret := 0x1FD3
			return ret + (Mod(hex // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3 ? 0x0 : 0x10)
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x0)
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				ret := 0x1F00
					if(hex == ret)
						return vowels[A_Index]
					ret += 0x10
			else if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return ret + 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret + 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret + 0x4
			else if(mod == diacritics[5] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x1 AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x4)
				return ret + 0x6
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x1)
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
				ret := 0x1F01
					if(hex == ret)
						return vowels[A_Index]
					ret += 0x10
			else if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return ret - 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret + 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret + 0x4
			else if(mod == diacritics[5] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x1 AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x4)
				return ret + 0x6
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2)
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return 0x1F70 + Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) * 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return ret + 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret - 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret + 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[5] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x1 AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x4)
				return ret + 0x4
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x3)
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return 0x1F70 + Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) * 2
			else if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return ret - 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret - 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret + 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[5] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x1 AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x4)
				return ret + 0x4
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x4)
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return 0x1F71 + Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) * 2
			else if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return ret + 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret - 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret - 0x4
			else if(mod == diacritics[5] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x1 AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x4)
				return ret + 0x2
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return 0x1F71 + Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) * 2
			else if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return ret - 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret - 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret - 0x4
			else if(mod == diacritics[5] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x1 AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0x4)
				return ret + 0x2
	else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0x7 AND Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x8) ;1F06-1F67
		if(mod == diacritics[3])
			return ret - 2
		else if(mod == diacritics[4])
			return ret - 4
		else if(mod == diacritics[5])
			return ret - 6
		else if(mod == diacritics[9])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x0)
				return ret + 0x80
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x2)
				return ret + 0x70
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x6)
				return ret + 0x40
		else if(mod == diacritics[6])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3)
				return 0x03CA
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
				return 0x03CB
		else if(mod == diacritics[7])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x0)
				return 0x1FB1
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3)
				return 0x1FD1
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
				return 0x1FE1
		else if(mod == diacritics[8])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x0)
				return 0x1FB0
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x3)
				return 0x1FD0
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x5)
				return 0x1FE0
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x6)
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return ret + 1
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				if(ret == 0x1F06)
					return ret + 0xB0
				if(ret <= 0x1F36)
					return ret + 0xA0
				if(ret <= 0x1F66)
					return ret + 0x90
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return ret - 1
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
				if(ret == 0x1F07)
					return ret + 0xAF
				if(ret <= 0x1F37)
					return ret + 0x9F
				if(ret <= 0x1F67)
					return ret + 0x8F
	else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x7) ;1F70-1F7D
		if(mod == diacritics[1])
			return 0x1F04 + 0x10 * (Mod(ret, 0x10) // 0x2) - (Mod(ret, 0x2) ? 0 : 2)
		if(mod == diacritics[2])
			return 0x1F05 + 0x10 * (Mod(ret, 0x10) // 0x2) - (Mod(ret, 0x2) ? 0 : 2)
		if(mod == diacritics[5] AND !(ret == 0x1F72 OR ret == 0x1F73 OR ret == 0x1F78 OR ret == 0x1F79))
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x2)
				return 0x1FB6
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x6)
				return 0x1FC6
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x8)
				return 0x1FD6
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xC)
				return 0x1FE6
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0xE)
				return 0x1FF6
		else if(mod == diacritics[6])
			if(ret == 0x1F76 OR ret == 0x1F77)
				return ret + 0x5C
			else if(ret == 0x1F7A OR ret == 0x1F7B)
				return ret + 0x68
		else if(mod == diacritics[7])
			if(ret == 0x1F70 OR ret == 0x1F71)
				return 0x1FB1
			else if(ret == 0x1F76 OR ret == 0x1F77)
				return 0x1FD1
			else if(ret == 0x1F7A OR ret == 0x1F7B)
				return 0x1FE1
		else if(mod == diacritics[8])
			if(ret == 0x1F70 OR ret == 0x1F71)
				return 0x1FB0
			else if(ret == 0x1F76 OR ret == 0x1F77)
				return 0x1FD0
			else if(ret == 0x1F7A OR ret == 0x1F7B)
				return 0x1FE0
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x2))
			if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return vowels[(ret - 0x1F70) // 0x2 + 0x1]
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return ret - 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[9])
				if(ret == 0x1F71)
					return 0x1FB4
				if(ret == 0x1F75)
					return 0x1FC4
				if(ret == 0x1F7D)
					return 0x1FF4
			if(mod == diacritics[4])
				return vowels[(ret - 0x1F70) // 0x2 + 0x1]
			else if(mod == diacritics[3])
				return ret + 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[9])
				if(ret == 0x1F70)
					return 0x1FB2
				if(ret == 0x1F74)
					return 0x1FC2
				if(ret == 0x1F7C)
					return 0x1FF2
	else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) < 0xB AND Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x8) ;1F80-1FA7
		if(mod == diacritics[3])
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x2)
				return ret + 0x4
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x4)
				return ret + 0x2
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x6)
				return ret - 0x4
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x8)
				return ret - 0x2
		else if(mod == diacritics[4])
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x2)
				return ret + 0x2
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x4)
				return ret - 0x2
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x6)
				return ret - 0x2
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x8)
				return ret - 0x4
		else if(mod == diacritics[5])
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) > 0x5)
				return ret - 0x6
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) > 0x3)
				return ret + 0x2
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10) > 0x1)
				return ret + 0x4
			return ret + 0x6
		else if(mod == diacritics[9])
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x8)
				return ret - 0x80
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x9)
				return ret - 0x70
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xA)
				return ret - 0x40
		else if(mod == diacritics[7] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x8)
			return 0x1FB1
		else if(mod == diacritics[8] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0x8)
			return 0x1FB0
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x2))
			if(mod == diacritics[2])
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x1)
					ret += 0x32
					ret += 0x2F
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) > 0x5)
				if(Mod(hex // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xA)
					ret += 0x20
			else if(mod == diacritics[1])
				return ret - 0x1
			if(mod == diacritics[1])
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x0)
					ret += 0x33
					ret += 0x30
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) > 0x5)
				if(Mod(hex // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xA)
					ret += 0x20
			else if(mod == diacritics[2])
				return ret + 0x1
	else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x8) ;1FB0-1FF7
		if((ret == 0x1FE4 OR ret == 0x1FE5) AND (mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2])) ; rho
			return (ret - 0x1FE4 ? (mod == diacritics[1] ? 0x1FE4 : 0x03C1) : (mod == diacritics[2] ? 0x1FE5 : 0x03C1))
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x2)
			if(mod == diacritics[5])
				return ret + (Mod(ret, 0x10) ? 0x5 : 0x6)
			if(mod == diacritics[6] AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) != 0xB)
				return Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD ? 0x03CA : 0x03CB
			if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xB)
				if(mod == diacritics[1])
					return 0x1F00
				if(mod == diacritics[2])
					return 0x1F01
				if(mod == diacritics[3])
					return 0x1F71
				if(mod == diacritics[4])
					return 0x1F70
				if(mod == diacritics[9])
					return 0x1FB3
			if(Mod(ret, 0x10))
				if(mod == diacritics[7])
					if(ret == 0x1FB1)
						return vowels[1]
					if(ret == 0x1FD1)
						return vowels[4]
					if(ret == 0x1FE1)
						return vowels[6]
				if(mod == diacritics[8])
					return ret - 1
				if(mod == diacritics[8])
					if(ret == 0x1FB0)
						return vowels[1]
					if(ret == 0x1FD0)
						return vowels[4]
					if(ret == 0x1FE0)
						return vowels[6]
				if(mod == diacritics[7])
					return ret + 1
		else if((Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD OR Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xE) AND (Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x4 OR Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x7))
			if(mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2])
				return (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD ? 0x1F36 : 0x1F56) + (Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x4 ? Mod(ret, 0x10) * 0x2 - 0x8 : 0x0) + (mod == diacritics[2])
			else if(mod == diacritics[5])
				return Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x7 ? (ret == 0x1FD7 ? 0x03CA : 0x03CB) : (ret + (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2 ? 0x5 : 0x4))
			else if(mod == diacritics[6])
				return ret - (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x7 ? 0x1 : (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xD ? 0x5C : 0x68))
			else if(mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8])
				return ret - (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x7 ? 0x6 : (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2 ? 0x1 : 0x2)) - (mod == diacritics[8])
			else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2)
				if(mod == diacritics[4])
					return ret == 0x1FD2 ? 0x03CA : 0x03CB
				else if(mod == diacritics[3])
					return ret + 0x1
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x7)
					return ret - (mod == diacritics[3] ? 0x4 : (mod == diacritics[4] ? 0x5 : 0x0))
				else if(mod == diacritics[3])
					return ret == 0x1FD3 ? 0x03CA : 0x03CB
				else if(mod == diacritics[4])
					return ret - 0x1
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) < 0x5)
			if(mod == diacritics[3])
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2)
					return ret + 0x2
				else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x3)
					return ret + 0x1
				else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x4)
					return ret - 0x1
			else if(mod == diacritics[4])
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2)
					return ret + 0x1
				else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x3)
					return ret - 0x1
				else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x4)
					return ret - 0x2
			else if(mod == diacritics[5])
				return ret + (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x2 ? 0x5 : (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x3 ? 0x4 : 0x3))
			else if((mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8]) AND Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xB)
				return 0x1FB0 + (mod == diacritics[7])
			else if(mod == diacritics[9])
				if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x3)
					if(ret == 0x1FB3)
						return vowels[1]
					else if(ret == 0x1FC3)
						return vowels[3]
					else if(ret == 0x1FF3)
						return vowels[7]
				else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x4)
				if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xB)
					return ret - 0x42
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xC)
					return ret - 0x4E
				else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xF)
					return ret - 0x76
			else if(Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) == 0xF)
				ret -= 0x20
			if(mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2])
				return ret - (Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x3 ? 0x33 : 0x30) + (mod == diacritics[2])
		else if(Mod(ret, 0x10) == 0x6)
			if(!(mod == diacritics[6] OR mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8] OR mod == diacritics[9]))
				if(ret == 0x1FB6)
					ret -= 0x10
				if(ret < 0x1FE6)
					ret -= 0x10
				if(mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2])
					return ret - (mod == diacritics[1] ? 0x90 : 0x8F)
				else if(mod == diacritics[3] OR mod == diacritics[4])
					return 0x1F70 + (Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) - 0x9) * 2 + (mod == diacritics[3])
				else if(mod == diacritics[5])
					return vowels[Mod(ret // 0x10, 0x10) - 0x8]
			else if((mod == diacritics[6] AND (ret == 0x1FD6 OR ret == 0x1FE6)) OR (mod == diacritics[9] AND !(ret == 0x1FD6 OR ret == 0x1FE6)))
				return ret + 1
			else if((mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8]) AND !(ret == 0x1FC6 OR ret == 0x1FF6))
				return ret - 0x5 - (mod == diacritics[8])
		else if(mod == diacritics[1] OR mod == diacritics[2])
			if(ret == 0x1FF7)
				ret -= 0x20
			return ret - (mod == diacritic[1] ? 0x31 : 0x30)
		else if(mod == diacritics[3] OR mod == diacritics[4])
			return ret - (mod == diacritics[3] ? 0x3 : 0x5)
		else if(mod == diacritics[5])
			return ret - 0x4
		else if(mod == diacritics[7] OR mod == diacritics[8])
			return ret - (mod == diacritics[7] ? 0x6 : 0x7)
		else if(mod == diacritics[9])
			return ret - 1
	return ret
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2013, 12:50

Re: Greek Alphabet + Diacritics

25 Sep 2018, 02:37

υπέροχα, σ'ευχαριστώ
great, thank you

used your script :
υσεδ yουρ σχριτ :
γρεατ, τhανκ yου
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Re: Greek Alphabet + Diacritics

25 Sep 2018, 14:35

I have no idea what I'm doing.
Posts: 265
Joined: 20 Jun 2014, 16:48

Re: Greek Alphabet + Diacritics

06 Oct 2018, 00:14

Thanks! Could come handy someday.

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