Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

19 Jan 2018, 20:37

I use it all the time on Win 10, although I don't add snippets to bundles. Perhaps it needs to be run as admin. Although I would think it wouldn't automatically do that if it is necessary, but it's worth a try.
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

20 Jan 2018, 03:44

kunkel321 wrote:Hey does anyone know for sure if Lintalist works with Win 10?
If I make a new snippet, it doesn't get saved: ... Error
I can confirm it works on Windows 10. Every once in a blue moon I get that "Can't save" error too, I've tried to debug it but alas, I can not consistently replicate it, and I haven't solved it yet - it happens once and if I reload Lintalist the same snippet is added just fine.
In your case I see that you're saving it to "Google Drive"* - I'm not familiar with that but perhaps that folder has some settings that prevent Apps from writing to it directly? Running as Admin might indeed help. You can also try to move Lintalist to another folder where you know you have write access, that way you can see if it works. Just close Lintalist, copy the Lintalist folder to say your regular "My Documents" folder or perhaps a USB flash/thumb drive and start it again.
If you still can't add snippets & bundles I would be surprised.

* a small test script, just save it as test.ahk and start it (I assume you have AutoHotkey installed)

Code: Select all

FileAppend, test`ntest,C:\Users\swkunkel\Google Drive\AHK 2018\testtestahk.txt
If ErrorLevel
It tries to create/append to a text file on your Google Drive folder, if it can't it will show you a Message, if that is the case the Folder can't be accessed directly. By default (from what I've just read) you can't search that folder in Windows either so I'm assuming there is something special to it.
See also "Allow third-party apps for files in Drive: As an administrator, you control whether users can open Drive files with third-party apps ..."
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

20 Jan 2018, 20:58

Thanks for the replies. I am able to run the test script without an error. (Though I do find that Google Drive occasionally locks files when it's syncing!) Running as administrator made no difference. I moved it to swkunkel/autohotkey just to be safe. Importantly: I noticed in the error message that it is looking in \lintalist\bundles\default.txt, but I checked the folder and default.txt was actually located in lintalist\example. The \bundles folder didn't exist, so I created it and copied default.txt in there. It seems to work now. fyi: The list of snippets had been blank this whole time. I didn't realize that it should have sample snippets until just now. :D Thanks again. I will read the documentation more thoroughly and experiment.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

22 Jan 2018, 14:53

My Capslock got stuck in the on position. It took a moment for me for figure out what was going on... *facepalm* You might want to do an ID10T check on startup and, if Capslock = on, then display a message such as "You are starting Lintalist with Caplocks activated. It will be stuck on. Do you want it turned off?"
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

22 Jan 2018, 16:44

For fun, I took the core list of autocorrects from my main script (which evolved from this awesome one ) And converted them to a .csv, then used Lintalist to make them into an LLbundle. It is here: ... 26dc42d71b

Lintalist seems to handle it just fine. My main script is a tiny bit faster. Maybe because it is sending key presses directly rather than using the Window clipboard--IDK. LL is plenty fast enough for regular daily use though. There are 4,483 words. Only the first couple of dozen show up in the LL window, but they are all accessible via the find feature, or by simply typing a recognized misspelling. I've even been using it as I type this post 8-)
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

23 Jan 2018, 13:18

Glad to hear you managed to get it working :)
kunkel321 wrote:My Capslock got stuck in the on position ... check on startup and, if Capslock = on, then display a message ...
That is a nice idea, I've added it here and will be part of the next update.
kunkel321 wrote:For fun, I took the core list of autocorrects ... make them into an LLbundle.
Also nice, although I don't specifically recommend it, but if it works for you, it works. I have other plans for an "AutoCorrect 2.0" (especially with AutoHotkey v.1.1.28 coming up) - discussion (and sneak preview, screenshots) here (I'll start a new repo + discussion here on the forum in the next couple of weeks)
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

21 Feb 2018, 15:31

This is an amazing script, thanks so much.

I'm having a problem adding a single space at the end of a snippet. I was hoping to use the abbreviation and then just keep on typing on completion of the phrase. Interestingly, if I put more than one space, everything works fine.

Edit: Seems to be in Microsoft Word only?
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

21 Feb 2018, 15:56

Glad you like it.

You can try to put

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

at the end if your snippet.
(It does indeed "trim" the white space at the end of the snippet, perhaps I should change that but I'm used to it myself now.)
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

25 Feb 2018, 04:10

A user on Github suggested a read only mode so bundles/snippets couldn't be edited. Some discussion/ideas here
Let me know if there is interest in a simple or more elaborate "read only" mode.
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

15 Apr 2018, 05:38

v1.9.5 Read Only cmdline, fixes: set default bundle, new snippet
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

19 May 2018, 06:32

v1.9.6 EditorHotkeySyntax and fixes for Calendar
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

21 May 2018, 06:27

Hi, can you help me with my issue? I made a new snippet in Lintalist to type the closing quotation mark with the shorthand: qm2. Now when I type, for example:
some words qm2
I get
some words ”
i.e. with a space between the last word (words) and the quotation mark ().

I want Lintalist to if it's possible automatically remove that space. I see that there is the filed "Script" in the Lintalist snippet editor. So I wonder if it's possible to write such a script which will be able to remove that unwanted extra space?
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

21 May 2018, 09:20

1) You could use a script, if you want you can use this (just copy that in the script part of the snippet editor) - it sends backspace, ” and a {space}

Code: Select all

Send {BS}”{space}
That should work but is probably not ideal as lintalist will create a script, run the script and delete the script for just one character. If you use it often I'd would use method 2 outlined below. If you only use it once a day there is probably no need to bother.

2) Might be better (faster, more reliable) to use AutoHotkey's native hotstrings.

If you create a file autocorrect.ahk in the lintalist folder that will automatically be included - see ... .ahk#L2455 - you can create the file with notepad or other text editor you may prefer. Just make sure it is saved with that exact name, so autocorrect.ahk and not autocorrect.ahk.txt by accident as sometimes happens when you save files in notepad.

I use that to define my non-lintalist hotstrings for typos e.g. teh -> the abuot -> about etc. You could use that here as well.
In autocorrect.ahk just add this line. Be sure to remove / change the qm2 snippet (change the shorthand for example) and start lintalist again, now autocorrect.ahk should be loaded. If you type qm2 it should work as well.

Code: Select all

::qm2::Send {BS}”{space}
Be sure to check the options of Hotstrings - you could for example change it so qm2 works WITHIN a word or without typing an end character.

(Future editions of lintalist will probably be able to make use of the new hotstrings() function recently to AutoHotkey but I haven't been able to get around to it yet. Once that is added hotstrings added in autocorrect.ahk could be managed via Lintalist)
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

21 May 2018, 10:32

Thank you, L. The first method works perfectly, but the second doesn't. It changes the shorthand to Send”. But it works without "Send". Here's what works for me:

Code: Select all

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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

13 Oct 2018, 12:48

v1.9.7 -
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

15 Oct 2018, 15:19

Thanks for the update. Lintalist continues to impress!

Note: I just reinstalled it after not using it for a while. I kept getting an error when I tried to save a new snippet. It turned out that there was no Lintalist/bundles folder (and hence no bundles/default.txt file). Adding the directory and file, then restarting LL fixed it. Is this supposed to be created automatically by lintalist?
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

16 Oct 2018, 11:28

The ZIP file and Repository at GH have the bundles folder included so perhaps you didn't unpack all folders or accidentally deleted it at some point. But I'll add a check in a future version to ensure the folder and default bundle exists at startup, same goes for the local variables folder (local).
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

16 Nov 2018, 14:16

Is it only me but I do ctrl+c but it does not copy selection.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

16 Nov 2018, 18:31

Where do you press ctrl+c? When you search you can use the UP/DOWN arrows to go through the results and press Enter to paste the selected item, or Alt-Enter to copy the selected item. Ctrl+c is not a shortcut in Lintalist as such. If you mean something else let me know.
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Re: Lintalist 1.9 Searchable interactive lists to copy & paste text with plugins

17 Nov 2018, 14:22

list wrote:
16 Nov 2018, 18:31
Where do you press ctrl+c? When you search you can use the UP/DOWN arrows to go through the results and press Enter to paste the selected item, or Alt-Enter to copy the selected item. Ctrl+c is not a shortcut in Lintalist as such. If you mean something else let me know.
Because in settings there is a shortcut for copy and paste ^c and ^v respectively thats why I tried and it didnt seem to do anything. Can I replace alt enter for ^c? its faster and makes more sense that way.

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