[GAME] Snake

Post your working scripts, libraries and tools for AHK v1.1 and older
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[GAME] Snake

21 Oct 2018, 09:18

The goal was to create an AHK game using OOP. More or less I'm happy with the results.
No extra libraries used. Just a pure code.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance, force
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Process, Priority, , R ; high CPU cooperation (maxed at 50 on dual affinity, use H otherwise)
SetBatchLines, -1 ; for delay precision
SetControlDelay, -1

DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0xB, UInt, 31, UIntP, 0, UInt, 0) ; 0xB is SPI_SETKEYBOARDSPEED. 31 is the max speed, 0 is the min.
if !FileExist("C:\Users\" A_UserName "\Documents\SnakeStats.ini") {
	FileAppend,, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini
	IniWrite, 1, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section1, difficulty
	IniWrite, 1, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section2, borders
	IniWrite, 1, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section3, sounds
	IniWrite, 0, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section4, record
IniRead, dif, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section1, difficulty
IniRead, bor, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section2, borders
IniRead, sou, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section3, sounds
IniRead, Record, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section4, record
Loop, 961 {
	SF%A_Index% =
	FF%A_Index% =
Gui, Destroy
Gui, new
gui, Color, Black
gui, font, cWhite s40 Verdana bold
Gui, Add, Text, x0 y0 w310 ReadOnly Center, SNAKE
gui, font, s12 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x10 y+20 w100 ReadOnly, DIFFICULTY
Gui, Add, Slider, x+30 w150 vSlider1 range1-3 NoTicks AltSubmit -Theme, %dif%
gui, font, s8 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x140 y+2 w170 ReadOnly, easy        normal        hard
gui, font, s12 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x10 y+30 w100 ReadOnly, BORDERS
Gui, Add, Slider, x+30 w150 vSlider2 range1-2 NoTicks AltSubmit -Theme, %bor%
gui, font, s8 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x140 y+2 w170 ReadOnly, on                            off
gui, font, s12 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x10 y+30 w100 ReadOnly, SOUNDS
Gui, Add, Slider, x+30 w150 vSlider3 range1-2 NoTicks AltSubmit -Theme, %sou%
gui, font, s8 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x140 y+2 w170 ReadOnly, on                            off
gui, font, s12 Verdana
gui, Add, Button, x0 y+30 w311 h34 -Theme -Border gStart, START GAME
gui, show, w310 h325, Created by Arturas Stonys

gui, submit
IniWrite, %Slider1%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section1, difficulty
IniWrite, %Slider2%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section2, borders
IniWrite, %Slider3%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section3, sounds
if (Slider2 = 1)
	extra := 5
if (Slider2 = 2)
	extra := 0
if (Slider1 = 1)
	speeds := 100, point := 10 + extra
if (Slider1 = 2)
	speeds := 75, point := 15 + extra
if (Slider1 = 3)
	speeds := 50, point := 20 + extra
gosub, game_launch

Gui, Destroy
Gui, new
Gui, Color, Black
rr := new Main_Field()
ee := new The_Snake()
gui, font, cWhite s9 Verdana
gui, Add, Text, x0 y310 w100 h15 ReadOnly +Border Center vleng, Snake length: 5
gui, Add, Text, x+0 w105 h15 ReadOnly +Border Center vpoints, Points: 0
gui, Add, Text, x+0 w105 h15 ReadOnly +Border Center vrecord, Record: %Record%
gui, font, cBlack s8 Verdana
gui, show, w310 h325, The Snake
ee.Snake_Move(speeds, Slider2, point, Slider3)

class Main_Field { ; gameboard
	__New( ) {
		this.Field_Elements := Object()
		temp_Y := 0, temp_C := 0, SF_temp := 0
		loop, 31
			loop, 31 {
				this.Field_Elements[A_Index + temp_C] := Object()
				temp_X := (A_Index - 1) * 10
				this.Field_Elements[A_Index + temp_C][1] := temp_X
				this.Field_Elements[A_Index + temp_C][2] := temp_Y
				tt := A_Index + temp_C
				if (A_Index = 31) {
					temp_C := tt, temp_Y += 10
					continue, 1

class The_Snake extends Main_Field { ; the snake
		Loop {
			Random, random_coord, 1, 961
			GuiControlGet, zt, Visible , SF%random_coord%
		} until (zt = 0)
		GuiControl, Show, FF%random_coord%
		this.Food_Loc := random_coord
		return this.Food_Loc ; food location
		Loop, 961 {
			Snake_X := this.Field_Elements[A_Index][1], Snake_Y := this.Field_Elements[A_Index][2] ; snakes start location
			Gui, add, progress, w10 h10 cWhite x%Snake_X% y%Snake_Y% vSF%A_Index% +Border +Hidden
			Gui, add, progress, w10 h10 cOlive x%Snake_X% y%Snake_Y% vFF%A_Index% +Hidden, 100
		this.rec := record
		this.points := 0, this.length := 5
		this.Snake_Elements := Object()
		Loop, 5 { ; gyvates nareliu skaicius
			Snake_C := 466 + A_Index ; fields where the snake is
			GuiControl, Show, SF%Snake_C%
			this.Snake_Elements[A_Index] := Snake_C
	Snake_Move(speed, border_pass, points_add, musics)
		if (musics = 1)
			music := "*-1"
			music := ""
		KeyR := 2, KeyU := 2, KeyL := 2, KeyD := 2, direction := 1
		Loop {
			count_states := GetKeyState("Right") + GetKeyState("Left") + GetKeyState("Up") + GetKeyState("Down") ; checks how much key are pressed at the same time
			if (count_states < 2) { 
				if (GetKeyState("Right") AND KeyR = 2) {
					if (direction = 3 OR direction = 1)
						KeyR := 3, KeyL := 2, KeyU := 2, KeyD := 2
						direction := 1, KeyR := 3, KeyL := 2, KeyU := 2, KeyD := 2
				if (GetKeyState("Up") AND KeyU = 2) {
					if (direction = 4 OR direction = 2)
						KeyR := 2, KeyL := 2, KeyU := 3, KeyD := 2
						direction := 2, KeyR := 2, KeyL := 2, KeyU := 3, KeyD := 2
				if (GetKeyState("Left") AND KeyL = 2) {
					if (direction = 1 OR direction = 3)
						KeyR := 2, KeyL := 3, KeyU := 2, KeyD := 2
						direction := 3, KeyR := 2, KeyL := 3, KeyU := 2, KeyD := 2
				if (GetKeyState("Down") AND KeyD = 2) {
					if (direction = 2 OR direction = 4)
						KeyR := 2, KeyL := 2, KeyU := 2, KeyD := 3
						direction := 4, KeyR := 2, KeyL := 2, KeyU := 2, KeyD := 3
			if (direction = 1) ; moves to the right
				current_border := "31,62,93,124,155,186,217,248,279,310,341,372,403,434,465,496,527,558,589,620,651,682,713,744,775,806,837,868,899,930,961", f_move := -30, s_move := 1
			if (direction = 2) ; moves up
				current_border := "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31", f_move := 930, s_move := -31
			if (direction = 3) ; moves to the left
				current_border := "1,32,63,94,125,156,187,218,249,280,311,342,373,404,435,466,497,528,559,590,621,652,683,714,745,776,807,838,869,900,931", f_move := 30, s_move := -1
			if (direction = 4) ; moves down
				current_border := "931,932,933,934,935,936,937,938,939,940,941,942,943,944,945,946,947,948,949,950,951,952,953,954,955,956,957,958,959,960,961", f_move := -930, s_move := 31
				sleep %speed%
				extra_minus := this.Snake_Elements[1], add_new := false
				GuiControl, Hide, SF%extra_minus%
				Loop, % this.Snake_Elements.MaxIndex() {
					if (A_Index = this.Snake_Elements.MaxIndex()) {
						zw := this.Snake_Elements[A_Index] ; paziurim ar desinys krastas esantis laukelis
						if zw in %current_border%
							if (border_pass = 2)
								this.Snake_Elements[A_Index] := this.Snake_Elements[A_Index] + f_move
							if (border_pass = 1) {
								break, 2
							this.Snake_Elements[A_Index] := this.Snake_Elements[A_Index - 1] + s_move
						re := this.Snake_Elements[A_Index]
						if (this.Food_Loc = this.Snake_Elements[A_Index]) { ; food was eaten
							SoundPlay, %music%
							this.points += points_add, this.length += 1
							tt_l := "Snake length: " this.length, tt_p := "Points: " this.points 
							GuiControl,, points, % tt_p
							GuiControl,, leng, % tt_l
							add_new := true, temp_c := this.Food_Loc
						GuiControlGet, zr, Visible , SF%re%
						if (zr = 1) {
							break, 2
						this.Snake_Elements[A_Index] := this.Snake_Elements[A_Index + 1]
					extra_plus := this.Snake_Elements[A_Index]
					GuiControlGet, OutputVar, Visible , SF%extra_plus%
					if (OutputVar = 0)
						GuiControl, Show, SF%extra_plus%
				if (add_new = true) {
					GuiControl, Hide, FF%temp_c%
					GuiControl, Show, SF%temp_c%
		if (points_earned > this.rec) {
			IniWrite, %points_earned%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SnakeStats.ini, section4, record
			MsgBox, 68, GAME OVER, % "NEW RECORD " points_earned "!!!`n`nDo you want to play again?"
			IfMsgBox, Yes
				Gui, Destroy
			MsgBox, 68, GAME OVER, % "Your score " points_earned "!`n`nDo you want to play again?"
			IfMsgBox, Yes
				Gui, Destroy
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Re: [GAME] Snake

21 Oct 2018, 15:19

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Re: [GAME] Snake

24 Apr 2019, 18:00

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Re: [GAME] Snake

27 Apr 2019, 15:41

:bravo: Excellent!
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Re: [GAME] Snake

04 May 2019, 05:42

Nice little game.
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Re: [GAME] Snake

04 May 2019, 11:11

Creative :clap:
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Re: [GAME] Snake

08 May 2019, 14:07

awesome! i got 975 in easy mode :D
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Re: [GAME] Snake

15 May 2019, 19:05

oh no I found a bug! shortly into a game, i ate a square and heard the "ding" but then there were no squares to eat after that, anywhere. I wandered around and tried to run across an invisible one but found nothing.
I think what happened is the next "eating square" materialized either somewhere on the snake's body or even in it's mouth, and the next one didn't happen somehow. Probably fixed by making sure the next "eating square" coordinates appear some measure farther from it's head/body?
My Weed Trek video archive: http://weedtrek.ca
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Re: [GAME] Snake

01 Oct 2020, 13:13

Thanks for sharing this. I have a few issues with the responsiveness of the keyboard but it's a cool proof of concept of what AHK is capable of.

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