ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

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Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

23 Aug 2014, 04:18

There are several scripts in the old forum for the customizing of ToolTips. Nonetheless, here is another one. It's a proof of concept based on the original AHK code in Script2.cpp. I converted the code to AHK (hopefully correct) to show that the additional featureds could be implemented easily.

Update on 2014-08-30:
  • Fixed bug preventing multiline ToolTips.
Update on 2014-08-27:
  • Added support for icons.
  • Added named function parameters.

Code: Select all

; ======================================================================================================================
; ToolTipEx()     Display ToolTips with custom fonts and colors.
;                 Code based on the original AHK ToolTip implementation in Script2.cpp.
; Tested with:    AHK (A32/U32/U64)
; Tested on:      Win 8.1 Pro (x64)
; Change history:
; me     -  fixed  bug preventing multiline tooltips.
; me     -  added icon support, added named function parameters.
; me     -  initial release.
; Parameters:
;     Text           -  the text to display in the ToolTip.
;                       If omitted or empty, the ToolTip will be destroyed.
;     X              -  the X position of the ToolTip.
;                       Default: "" (mouse cursor)
;     Y              -  the Y position of the ToolTip.
;                       Default: "" (mouse cursor)
;     WhichToolTip   -  the number of the ToolTip.
;                       Values:  1 - 20
;                       Default: 1
;     HFONT          -  a HFONT handle of the font to be used.
;                       Default: 0 (default font)
;     BgColor        -  the background color of the ToolTip.
;                       Values:  RGB integer value or HTML color name.
;                       Default: "" (default color)
;     TxColor        -  the text color of the TooöTip.
;                       Values:  RGB integer value or HTML color name.
;                       Default: "" (default color)
;     HICON          -  the icon to display in the upper-left corner of the TooöTip.
;                       This can be the number of a predefined icon (1 = info, 2 = warning, 3 = error - add 3 to
;                       display large icons on Vista+) or a HICON handle. Specify 0 to remove an icon from the ToolTip.
;                       Default: "" (no icon)
;     CoordMode      -  the coordinate mode for the X and Y parameters, if specified.
;                       Values:  "C" (Client), "S" (Screen), "W" (Window)
;                       Default: "W" (CoordMode, ToolTip, Window)
; Return values:
;     On success: The HWND of the ToolTip window.
;     On failure: False (ErrorLevel contains additional informations)
; ======================================================================================================================
ToolTipEx(Text:="", X:="", Y:="", WhichToolTip:=1, HFONT:="", BgColor:="", TxColor:="", HICON:="", CoordMode:="W") {
   ; ToolTip messages
   Static ADDTOOL  := A_IsUnicode ? 0x0432 : 0x0404 ; TTM_ADDTOOLW : TTM_ADDTOOLA
   Static SETMARGN := 0x041A ; TTM_SETMARGIN
   Static SETTITLE := A_IsUnicode ? 0x0421 : 0x0420 ; TTM_SETTITLEW : TTM_SETTITLEA
   ; Other constants
   Static MAX_TOOLTIPS := 20 ; maximum number of ToolTips to appear simultaneously
   Static SizeTI   := (4 * 6) + (A_PtrSize * 6) ; size of the TOOLINFO structure
   Static OffTxt   := (4 * 6) + (A_PtrSize * 3) ; offset of the lpszText field
   Static TT := [] ; ToolTip array
   ; HTML Colors (BGR)
   Static HTML := {AQUA: 0xFFFF00, BLACK: 0x000000, BLUE: 0xFF0000, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF, GRAY: 0x808080, GREEN: 0x008000
                 , LIME: 0x00FF00, MAROON: 0x000080, NAVY: 0x800000, OLIVE: 0x008080, PURPLE: 0x800080, RED: 0x0000FF
                 , SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, TEAL: 0x808000, WHITE: 0xFFFFFF, YELLOW: 0x00FFFF}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Init TT on first call
   If (TT.MaxIndex() = "")
      Loop, 20
         TT[A_Index] := {HW: 0, IC: 0, TX: ""}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Check params
   TTTX := Text
   TTXP := X
   TTYP := Y
   TTIX := WhichToolTip = "" ? 1 : WhichToolTip
   TTHF := HFONT = "" ? 0 : HFONT
   TTBC := BgColor
   TTTC := TxColor
   TTCM := CoordMode = "" ? "W" : SubStr(CoordMode, 1, 1)
   If TTXP Is Not Digit
      Return False, ErrorLevel := "Invalid parameter X-position!", False
   If TTYP Is Not Digit
      Return  False, ErrorLevel := "Invalid parameter Y-Position!", False
   If (TTIX < 1) || (TTIX > MAX_TOOLTIPS)
      Return False, ErrorLevel := "Max ToolTip number is " . MAX_TOOLTIPS . ".", False
   If (TTHF) && !(DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetObjectType", "Ptr", TTHF, "UInt") = 6) ; OBJ_FONT
      Return False, ErrorLevel := "Invalid font handle!", False
   If TTBC Is Integer
      TTBC := ((TTBC >> 16) & 0xFF) | (TTBC & 0x00FF00) | ((TTBC & 0xFF) << 16)
      TTBC := HTML.HasKey(TTBC) ? HTML[TTBC] : ""
   If TTTC Is Integer
      TTTC := ((TTTC >> 16) & 0xFF) | (TTTC & 0x00FF00) | ((TTTC & 0xFF) << 16)
      TTTC := HTML.HasKey(TTTC) ? HTML[TTTC] : ""
   If !InStr("CSW", TTCM)
      Return False, ErrorLevel := "Invalid parameter CoordMode!", False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Destroy the ToolTip window, if Text is empty
   If (TTTX = "") && (TTHW) {
      If DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt")
         DllCall("User32.dll\DestroyWindow", "Ptr", TTHW)
      TT[TTIX] := {HW: 0, TX: ""}
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Get the virtual desktop rectangle
   SysGet, X, 76
   SysGet, Y, 77
   SysGet, W, 78
   SysGet, H, 79
   DTW := {L: X, T: Y, R: X + W, B: Y + H}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Initialise the ToolTip coordinates. If either X or Y is empty, use the cursor position for the present.
   PT := {X: 0, Y: 0}
	If (TTXP = "") || (TTYP = "") {
      VarSetCapacity(Cursor, 8, 0)
      DllCall("User32.dll\GetCursorPos", "Ptr", &Cursor)
      Cursor := {X: NumGet(Cursor, 0, "Int"), Y: NumGet(Cursor, 4, "Int")}
      PT := {X: Cursor.X + 16, Y: Cursor.Y + 16}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; If either X or Y  is specified, get the position of the active window considering CoordMode.
   Origin := {X: 0, Y: 0}
   If ((TTXP <> "") || (TTYP <> "")) && ((TTCM = "W") || (TTCM = "C")) { ; if (*aX || *aY) // Need the offsets.
      HWND := DllCall("User32.dll\GetForegroundWindow", "UPtr")
      If (TTCM = "W") {
         WinGetPos, X, Y, , , ahk_id %HWND%
         Origin := {X: X, Y: Y}
      Else {
         VarSetCapacity(OriginPT, 8, 0)
         DllCall("User32.dll\ClientToScreen", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", &OriginPT)
         Origin := {X: NumGet(OriginPT, 0, "Int"), Y: NumGet(OriginPT, 0, "Int")}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; If either X or Y is specified, use the window related position for this parameter.
   If (TTXP <> "")
      PT.X := TTXP + Origin.X
   If (TTYP <> "")
      PT.Y := TTYP + Origin.Y
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Create and fill a TOOLINFO structure.
   TT[TTIX].TX := "T" . TTTX ; prefix with T to ensure it will be stored as a string in either case
   VarSetCapacity(TI, SizeTI, 0) ; TOOLINFO structure
   NumPut(SizeTI, TI, 0, "UInt")
   NumPut(0x0020, TI, 4, "UInt") ; TTF_TRACK
   NumPut(TT[TTIX].GetAddress("TX") + (1 << !!A_IsUnicode), TI, OffTxt, "Ptr")
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; If the ToolTip window doesn't exist, create it.
   If !(TTHW) || !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt") {
      TTHW := DllCall("User32.dll\CreateWindowEx", "UInt", 8, "Str", "tooltips_class32", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 3
                        , "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", ADDTOOL, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &TI)
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", MAXTIPW, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", A_ScreenWidth)
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", TRACKPOS, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", PT.X | (PT.Y << 16))
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", TRACKACT, "Ptr", 1, "Ptr", &TI)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Update the text and the font and colors, if specified.
   If (TTBC <> "") || (TTTC <> "") { ; colors
      DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", TTHW, "Ptr", 0, "Str", "")
      VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
      NumPut(4, RC, 0, "Int"), NumPut(4, RC, 4, "Int"), NumPut(4, RC, 8, "Int"), NumPut(1, RC, 12, "Int")
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", SETMARGN, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &RC)
      If (TTBC <> "")
         DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", BKGCOLOR, "Ptr", TTBC, "Ptr", 0)
      If (TTTC <> "")
         DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", TXTCOLOR, "Ptr", TTTC, "Ptr", 0)
   If (TTIC <> "")
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", SETTITLE, "Ptr", TTIC, "Str", " ")
   If (TTHF) ; font
      DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", 0x0030, "Ptr", TTHF, "Ptr", 1) ; WM_SETFONT
   DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", UPDTIPTX, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &TI)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Get the ToolTip window dimensions.
	VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
	DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowRect", "Ptr", TTHW, "Ptr", &RC)
	TTRC := {L: NumGet(RC, 0, "Int"), T: NumGet(RC, 4, "Int"), R: NumGet(RC, 8, "Int"), B: NumGet(RC, 12, "Int")}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Check if the Tooltip will be partially outside the virtual desktop and adjust the position, if necessary.
	If (PT.X + TTW >= DTW.R)
		PT.X := DTW.R - TTW - 1
	If (PT.Y + TTH >= DTW.B)
		PT.Y := DTW.B - TTH - 1
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Check if the cursor is inside the ToolTip window and adjust the position, if necessary.
	If (TTXP = "") || (TTYP = "") {
		If (Cursor.X >= TTRC.L) && (Cursor.X <= TTRC.R) && (Cursor.Y >= TTRC.T) && (Cursor.Y <= TTRC.B)
			PT.X := Cursor.X - TTW - 3, PT.Y := Cursor.Y - TTH - 3
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Show the Tooltip using the final coordinates.
   DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", TRACKPOS, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", PT.X | (PT.Y << 16))
   DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", TTHW, "UInt", TRACKACT, "Ptr", 1, "Ptr", &TI)
	Return TTHW

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
If !FileExist("wink.gif")
   UrlDownloadToFile,, Wink.gif
HIL := IL_Create(1, 1, 0) ; large icons are only supported on Vista+
IL_Add(HIL, "Wink.gif", 0xFFFFFF, 1)
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Menu, Tray, Tip, Press Esc to exit!
MouseGetPos, X, Y
HFONT := GetHFONT("s12", "Tahoma")
; ToolTip number 1 will follow the mouse
ToolTipEx(X . " - " . Y, , , , HFONT, "Black", "White")
; ToolTip number 2 will stay
ToolTipEx("Press Esc to exit!",  A_ScreenWidth // 2, A_ScreenHeight // 2, 2, HFONT, "White", "Navy", HICON, "S")
PX := "", PY := ""
Loop {
   MouseGetPos, X, Y
   If (PX <> X) || (PY <> Y)
      ToolTipEx(X . " - " . Y)
   PX := X, PY := Y
   Sleep, 10
; ======================================================================================================================
GetHFONT(Options := "", Name := "") {
   Gui, New
   Gui, Font, % Options, % Name
   Gui, Add, Text, +hwndHTX, Dummy
   HFONT := DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", HTX, "UInt", 0x31, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr") ; WM_GETFONT
   Gui, Destroy
   Return HFONT
; ======================================================================================================================
; IL_EX ->
IL_EX_GetHICON(ILID, Index, Styles := 0x20) {
   Return DllCall("ComCtl32.dll\ImageList_GetIcon", "Ptr", ILID, "Int", Index - 1, "UInt", Styles, "UPtr")
; ======================================================================================================================
#Include ToolTipEx.ahk
For reference:

Code: Select all

ResultType Line::ToolTip(LPTSTR aText, LPTSTR aX, LPTSTR aY, LPTSTR aID)
	int window_index = *aID ? ATOI(aID) - 1 : 0;
	if (window_index < 0 || window_index >= MAX_TOOLTIPS)
		return LineError(_T("Max window number is ") MAX_TOOLTIPS_STR _T("."), FAIL, aID);
	HWND tip_hwnd = g_hWndToolTip[window_index];

	// Destroy windows except the first (for performance) so that resources/mem are conserved.
	// The first window will be hidden by the TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT message if aText is blank.
	// UPDATE: For simplicity, destroy even the first in this way, because otherwise a script
	// that turns off a non-existent first tooltip window then later turns it on will cause
	// the window to appear in an incorrect position.  Example:
	// ToolTip
	// ToolTip, text, 388, 24
	// Sleep, 1000
	// ToolTip, text, 388, 24
	if (!*aText)
		if (tip_hwnd && IsWindow(tip_hwnd))
		g_hWndToolTip[window_index] = NULL;
		return OK;

	// Use virtual desktop so that tooltip can move onto non-primary monitor in a multi-monitor system:
	RECT dtw;

	bool one_or_both_coords_unspecified = !*aX || !*aY;
	POINT pt, pt_cursor;
	if (one_or_both_coords_unspecified)
		// Don't call GetCursorPos() unless absolutely needed because it seems to mess
		// up double-click timing, at least on XP.  UPDATE: Is isn't GetCursorPos() that's
		// interfering with double clicks, so it seems it must be the displaying of the ToolTip
		// window itself.
		pt.x = pt_cursor.x + 16;  // Set default spot to be near the mouse cursor.
		pt.y = pt_cursor.y + 16;  // Use 16 to prevent the tooltip from overlapping large cursors.
		// Update: Below is no longer needed due to a better fix further down that handles multi-line tooltips.
		// 20 seems to be about the right amount to prevent it from "warping" to the top of the screen,
		// at least on XP:
		//if (pt.y > dtw.bottom - 20)
		//	pt.y = dtw.bottom - 20;

	POINT origin = {0};
	if (*aX || *aY) // Need the offsets.
		CoordToScreen(origin, COORD_MODE_TOOLTIP);

	// This will also convert from relative to screen coordinates if appropriate:
	if (*aX)
		pt.x = ATOI(aX) + origin.x;
	if (*aY)
		pt.y = ATOI(aY) + origin.y;

	TOOLINFO ti = {0};
	ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti) - sizeof(void *); // Fixed for v1.0.36.05: Tooltips fail to work on Win9x and probably NT4/2000 unless the size for the *lpReserved member in _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 is omitted.
	ti.uFlags = TTF_TRACK;
	ti.lpszText = aText;
	// Note that the ToolTip won't work if ti.hwnd is assigned the HWND from GetDesktopWindow().
	// All of ti's other members are left at NULL/0, including the following:
	//ti.hinst = NULL;
	//ti.uId = 0;
	//ti.rect.left = = ti.rect.right = ti.rect.bottom = 0;

	// My: This does more harm that good (it causes the cursor to warp from the right side to the left
	// if it gets to close to the right side), so for now, I did a different fix (above) instead:
	//ti.rect.bottom = dtw.bottom;
	//ti.rect.right = dtw.right;
	// =;
	//ti.rect.left = dtw.left;

	// No need to use SendMessageTimeout() since the ToolTip() is owned by our own thread, which
	// (since we're here) we know is not hung or heavily occupied.

	// v1.0.40.12: Added the IsWindow() check below to recreate the tooltip in cases where it was destroyed
	// by external means such as Alt-F4 or WinClose.
	if (!tip_hwnd || !IsWindow(tip_hwnd))
		// This this window has no owner, it won't be automatically destroyed when its owner is.
		// Thus, it will be explicitly by the program's exit function.
		tip_hwnd = g_hWndToolTip[window_index] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP
		SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTOOLINFO)&ti);
		// v1.0.21: GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) is used for the maximum width because even on a
		// multi-monitor system, most users would not want a tip window to stretch across multiple monitors:
		SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN));
		// Must do these next two when the window is first created, otherwise GetWindowRect() below will retrieve
		// a tooltip window size that is quite a bit taller than it winds up being:
		SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y));
		SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, (LPARAM)&ti);
	// Bugfix for v1.0.21: The below is now called unconditionally, even if the above newly created the window.
	// If this is not done, the tip window will fail to appear the first time it is invoked, at least when
	// all of the following are true:
	// 1) Windows XP;
	// 2) Common controls v6 (via manifest);
	// 3) "Control Panel >> Display >> Effects >> Use transition >> Fade effect" setting is in effect.
	SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);

	RECT ttw = {0};
	GetWindowRect(tip_hwnd, &ttw); // Must be called this late to ensure the tooltip has been created by above.
	int tt_width = ttw.right - ttw.left;
	int tt_height = ttw.bottom -;

	// v1.0.21: Revised for multi-monitor support.  I read somewhere that dtw.left can be negative (perhaps
	// if the secondary monitor is to the left of the primary).  So it seems best to assume it is possible:
	if (pt.x + tt_width >= dtw.right)
		pt.x = dtw.right - tt_width - 1;
	if (pt.y + tt_height >= dtw.bottom)
		pt.y = dtw.bottom - tt_height - 1;
	// It seems best not to have each of the below paired with the above.  This is because it allows
	// the flexibility to explicitly move the tooltip above or to the left of the screen.  Such a feat
	// should only be possible if done via explicitly passed-in negative coordinates for aX and/or aY.
	// In other words, it should be impossible for a tooltip window to follow the mouse cursor somewhere
	// off the virtual screen because:
	// 1) The mouse cursor is normally trapped within the bounds of the virtual screen.
	// 2) The tooltip window defaults to appearing South-East of the cursor.  It can only appear
	//    in some other quadrant if jammed against the right or bottom edges of the screen, in which
	//    case it can't be partially above or to the left of the virtual screen unless it's really
	//    huge, which seems very unlikely given that it's limited to the maximum width of the
	//    primary display as set by TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH above.
	//else if (pt.x < dtw.left) // Should be impossible for this to happen due to mouse being off the screen.
	//	pt.x = dtw.left;      // But could happen if user explicitly passed in a coord that was too negative.
	//else if (pt.y <
	//	pt.y =;

	if (one_or_both_coords_unspecified)
		// Since Tooltip is being shown at the cursor's coordinates, try to ensure that the above
		// adjustment doesn't result in the cursor being inside the tooltip's window boundaries,
		// since that tends to cause problems such as blocking the tray area (which can make a
		// tooltip script impossible to terminate).  Normally, that can only happen in this case
		// (one_or_both_coords_unspecified == true) when the cursor is near the bottom-right
		// corner of the screen (unless the mouse is moving more quickly than the script's
		// ToolTip update-frequency can cope with, but that seems inconsequential since it
		// will adjust when the cursor slows down):
		ttw.left = pt.x; = pt.y;
		ttw.right = ttw.left + tt_width;
		ttw.bottom = + tt_height;
		if (pt_cursor.x >= ttw.left && pt_cursor.x <= ttw.right && pt_cursor.y >= && pt_cursor.y <= ttw.bottom)
			// Push the tool tip to the upper-left side, since normally the only way the cursor can
			// be inside its boundaries (when one_or_both_coords_unspecified == true) is when the
			// cursor is near the bottom right corner of the screen.
			pt.x = pt_cursor.x - tt_width - 3;    // Use a small offset since it can't overlap the cursor
			pt.y = pt_cursor.y - tt_height - 3;   // when pushed to the the upper-left side of it.

	SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y));
	// And do a TTM_TRACKACTIVATE even if the tooltip window already existed upon entry to this function,
	// so that in case it was hidden or dismissed while its HWND still exists, it will be shown again:
	SendMessage(tip_hwnd, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, (LPARAM)&ti);
	return OK;
Last edited by just me on 30 Aug 2014, 04:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

23 Aug 2014, 06:45

Hi just me!

This is very cool :D

I have a shell extension installed which displays dynamic data for certain media file types (.TS) on the tooltip in windows explorer. It would be awesome to be abled to make those quite boring looking tooltips nicer (which seems easy to do with this function). It would also be cool to exchange tooltip property labels, which in some cases doesn't describe the dynamic data that well.

My tooltip looks like this translated from Swedish:
Objecttype: TS-file
Size: 1,50 GB
Length: 01:07.57
Texting: S19E10 - “Castle Hill”
Stationname: Discovery Channel
I would like to exchange:
Objecttype: --> Container format:
Length: --> Duration:
Texting: --> Episode:
Stationname: --> Channel:

Is that possible with this function and if so how?

just me
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

23 Aug 2014, 07:14

As far as I understand you want to change the tooltips of another application? The function cannot do that.
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

23 Aug 2014, 07:27

Yes, I was hoping to be abled to customize the win explorer tooltips. Ok, so no other application...thanks for this info! I have been contemplating how to modify the property labels for years. The shell extension properties seems to be made for Radio more than TV.

Best regards
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

23 Aug 2014, 10:44

Just me, you never cease to amaze... A really cool feature to add would be images ;)
Image Image Image Image Image
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just me
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

24 Aug 2014, 04:52

Joedf, ToolTips only support icons (within the title, but the title text won't be drawn using the specified font's size), 16 * 16 on Win XP and also 32 * 32 on Vista+. Do you want them?
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

24 Aug 2014, 07:29

Hmm ... Didn't know about icons... But I have seen images in tooltips before.., must be some sort of custom "drawing" or something... I imagine you could add the icon support, if it's not too much trouble and if it is worth it.
Image Image Image Image Image
Windows 10 x64 Professional, Intel i5-8500, NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB, 2x16GB Kingston FURY Beast - DDR4 3200 MHz | [About Me] | [About the AHK Foundation] | [Courses on AutoHotkey]
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

24 Aug 2014, 11:01

HotKeyIt's tooltip library supports icons

just me:
What advantage is there to using the dynamic parameters list Params* as opposed to the normal list with default values? Because there is a pretty large disadvantage in that the comments need to be attached to the function in order to understand how to use it. whereas often people just look at the function definition line

just me
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

26 Aug 2014, 21:12

Icons are supported now.

Parameters are named now.
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Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

26 Aug 2014, 22:23

just me wrote: guest3456:
Parameters are named now.
I wasn't necessarily suggesting that. I was just curious as to your reasoning behind it. I was hoping to learn something

just me
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

27 Aug 2014, 03:23

There was no special reason besides it seemed to be more convenient for me during development and testing.
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

29 Aug 2014, 13:21

May I ask how to display new line(`n) or carriage return(`r) in the text?
just me
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

29 Aug 2014, 15:54

The same way as you would do it when using the ToolTip command.
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

29 Aug 2014, 22:01

Then maybe it's on my side :crazy:
I get Image with this code.

WindowsXP SP3 AHK_L
just me
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

30 Aug 2014, 04:15

No, it was on my side. I only tested with an 'iconed' tooltip. :headwall: Sorry!

Should work now!
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

01 Oct 2014, 08:23

zcooler wrote:Hi just me!

This is very cool :D

I have a shell extension installed which displays dynamic data for certain media file types (.TS) on the tooltip in windows explorer.
Just curious which shell extension is it ?
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Re: ToolTipEx - custom fonts and colors in ToolTips

01 Oct 2014, 08:29

just me wrote:As far as I understand you want to change the tooltips of another application? The function cannot do that.
So the purpose of this script is NOT to replace the boring windows drawn tooltips correct? Only for displaying your own tooltips under conditions of your choosing?

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