Emulating Mac Glyphs Characters on PC

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Joined: 24 Feb 2019, 21:21

Emulating Mac Glyphs Characters on PC

19 Mar 2019, 22:53

This is an attempt to emulate Mac's way of typing in accents and glyphs onto Windows. I took the basic structure from aaron-gustafson's site (linked below), and replaced the characters with the appropriate ascii+unicode. Prior to me replacing it, it wasn't working properly b/c it was sending multiple keys per press. Let me know if I missed something.

Original reddit post:
https www.reddit.com /r/AutoHotkey/comments/b2oylq/can_someone_take_a_glance_at_this_script_and_see/ Broken Link for safety

Referenced using:
https downloads.gosquared.com /help_sheets/Mac_Glyphs_All.pdf Broken Link for safety
https www.aaron-gustafson.com /notebook/mac-like-special-characters-in-windows/ Broken Link for safety

Code: Select all

; Note: I don't know if this accurately represents it because I don't ever use a Mac computer. 
#SingleInstance, force 
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

	set up our arrays for accent characters: 
	a, e, i, o, u, n, y

a := ["{asc 0224}"  ; à
	, "{asc 0192}"  ; À
	, "{asc 0225}"  ; á
	, "{asc 0193}"  ; Á
	, "{asc 0226}"  ; â
	, "{asc 0194}"  ; Â
	, "{asc 0227}"  ; ã
	, "{asc 0195}"  ; Ã
	, "{asc 0228}"  ; ä
	, "{asc 0196}"] ; Ä

e := ["{asc 0232}"	; è
	, "{asc 0200}" 	; È
	, "{asc 0233}"	; é
	, "{asc 0201}"	; É
	, "{asc 0234}"	; ê
	, "{asc 0202}"	; Ê
	, "{asc 0101}"	; e
	, "{asc 0069}"	; E
	, "{asc 0235}"	; ë
	, "{asc 0203}"]	; Ë

i := ["{asc 0236}"	; ì
	, "{asc 0204}"	; Ì
	, "{asc 0237}"	; í
	, "{asc 0205}"	; Í
	, "{asc 0238}"	; î
	, "{asc 0206}"	; Î
	, "{asc 0105}"	; i
	, "{asc 0073}"	; I
	, "{asc 0239}"	; ï
	, "{asc 0207}"]	; Ï

o := ["{asc 149}"	; ò
	, "{asc 0210}"	; Ò
	, "{asc 0243}"	; ó
	, "{asc 0211}"	; Ó
	, "{asc 0244}"	; ô
	, "{asc 0212}"	; Ô
	, "{asc 0245}"	; õ
	, "{asc 0213}"	; Õ
	, "{asc 0246}"	; ö
	, "{asc 0214}"]	; Ö

u := ["{asc 151}"	; ù
	, "{asc 0217}"	; Ù
	, "{asc 0250}"	; ú
	, "{asc 0218}"	; Ú
	, "{asc 150}"	; û
	, "{asc 0219}"	; Û
	, "{asc 0117}"	; u
	, "{asc 0085}"	; U
	, "{asc 0252}"	; ü
	, "{asc 0220}"]	; Ü

n := ["{asc 0110}"	; n
	, "{asc 0078}"	; N
	, "{asc 0110}"	; n
	, "{asc 0078}"	; N
	, "{asc 0110}"	; n
	, "{asc 0078}"	; N
	, "{asc 0241}"	; ñ
	, "{asc 0209}"	; Ñ
	, "{asc 0110}"	; n
	, "{asc 0078}"]	; N

y := ["{asc 0121}"	; y
	, "{asc 0089}"	; Y
	, "{asc 0253}"	; ý
	, "{asc 0221}"	; Ý
	, "{asc 0121}"	; y
	, "{asc 0089}"	; Y
	, "{asc 0121}"	; y
	, "{asc 0089}"	; Y
	, "{asc 0255}"	; ÿ
	, "{asc 0159}"]	; Ÿ

	Set up array for the numbers + keyboard

Alt := {}
; keys := no shift , shift
Alt.1 := ["{asc 0161}", "{asc 0047}"]
Alt.2 := ["{asc 0128}", "{asc 0153}"]
Alt.3 := ["{asc 0163}", "{asc 0139}"]
Alt.4 := ["{asc 0162}", "{asc 0155}"]
Alt.5 := ["{asc 236}","{U+FB01}"]
Alt.6 := ["{asc 0167}","{U+FB02}"]
Alt.7 := ["{asc 0182}", "{asc 0135}"]
Alt.8 := ["{asc 0149}", "{asc 248}"]
Alt.9 := ["{asc 166}", "{asc 0183}"]
Alt.0 := ["{asc 0186}", "{asc 0130}"]

Alt.a := ["{asc 0229}", "{asc 0197}"]
Alt.b := ["{U+222b}", "{U+0131}"]
Alt.c := ["{asc 0231}", "{asc 128}"]
Alt.d := ["{U+2202}", "{asc 0206}"]
Alt.e := ["{asc 0180}", "{asc 0137}"]
Alt.f := ["{asc 0131}", "{asc 0207}"]
Alt.g := ["{asc 0169}", "{asc 0204}"]
Alt.h := ["{U+02d9}", "{asc 0211}"]
Alt.i := ["{asc 94}", "{asc 0200}"]
Alt.j := ["{asc 235}", "{asc 0212}"]
Alt.k := ["{asc 0176}", "{U+F8FF}"]	; U+F8FF Apple, only on certain fonts 
Alt.l := ["{asc 170}", "{asc 0210}"]
Alt.m := ["{asc 0181}", "{asc 0152}"]
Alt.n := ["{asc 126}", "{asc 94}"]
Alt.o := ["{asc 0248}", "{asc 0216}"]
Alt.p := ["{asc 227}", "{U+213f}"]
Alt.q := ["{asc 0156}", "{asc 0140}"]
Alt.r := ["{asc 0174}", "{asc 0194}"]
Alt.s := ["{asc 0223}", "{asc 0205}"]
Alt.t := ["{asc 0134}", "{asc 0202}"]
Alt.u := ["{asc 0168}", "{asc 0203}"]
Alt.v := ["{asc 118}", "{U+25ca}"]
Alt.w := ["{asc 238}", "{asc 0132}"]
Alt.x := ["{asc 247}", "{asc 0217}"]
Alt.y := ["{asc 157}", "{asc 0193}"]
Alt.z := ["{asc 234}", "{asc 0219}"]

Alt.Minus := ["{asc 0150}", "{asc 0151}"]
Alt.Equal := ["{U+2260}", "{asc 0177}"]
Alt.OBracket := ["{asc 0147}", "{asc 0148}"]
Alt.CBracket := ["{asc 0145}", "{asc 0146}"]
Alt.SemiColon := ["{asc 0133}", "{asc 0218}"]
Alt.Tick := ["{asc 145}", "{asc 146}"]
Alt.BackSlash := ["{asc 0171}", "{asc 175}"]
Alt.Comma := ["{asc 243}", "{asc 0175}"]
Alt.Period := ["{asc 242}", "{U+02d8}"]
Alt.Slash := ["{asc 246}", "{asc 168}"]

; make an array for all the keys we're going to use on the keyboard
keyboard := ["a", "b", "c", "d" 
		  ; , "e", "i", "t", "u" , "``"  
			, "f", "g", "h" 
			, "j", "k", "l", "m", "n"
			, "o", "p", "q", "r", "s" 
			, "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"
			, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"
			, "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"  
			, "-", "=", "`[", "`]",  "`.", "`/"
			, "`;", "`\", "`,"]

; commented out keys: 
; e, i, t, u, `
; they're used for the accented characters. 

; -------------------------------------------
;				 grave  acute cir  t~  umlaut
AccentLetters := ["``", "e", "i", "t", "u"]

; create hotkeys for these keys on the keyboard.
for index, key in keyboard
	Hotkey, % "*!" key, NonAccentCharacters, On

; create hotkeys for the accents on the keyboard.
for index, key in AccentLetters
	HotKey, % "*!" key, AccentCharacters

; -------------------------------------------
; accents over letters:
KeyPressed := A_ThisHotKey

; check if "Shift" is pressed. Need this info for when it times out. 
if (GetKeyState("Shift"))
	shiftState := 1
	shiftState := 0

; sets up an inputbox to catch the character. 
; L1 = limit to one character, t2 = Timeout of 2 seconds, c = case sensitive. 
Input, char, L1 T2 C M

; if it times out, then send the original keys 
If (ErrorLevel = "TimeOut")
	KeyPressed := StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, "*!")
	Send % alt[KeyPressed][1+ShiftState]

; checks to make sure we're pressing only the "a, e, i, o, u, n, & y" keys
else if (char = "a") || (char = "e") || (char = "i") || (char = "o") || (char = "u") || (char = "n") || (char = "y")
	; check if "Shift" is pressed again, just in case. 
	if (GetKeyState("Shift"))
		shiftState := 1
		shiftState := 0
	; determines which column to use
	if InStr(KeyPressed, "!``")
		column := 1 + shiftState
	else if InStr(KeyPressed, "!e")
		column := 3 + shiftState
	else if InStr(KeyPressed, "!i")
		column := 5 + shiftState
	else if InStr(KeyPressed, "!t")
		column := 7 + shiftState
	else if InStr(KeyPressed, "!u")
		column := 9 + shiftState

	send % %char%[column]

; if we're not pressing any of those keys, go ahead and send our keypress.
	Send % char

; non-accent characters. 
KeyPressed := StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, "*!")
	; check if "Shift" is pressed
	if (GetKeyState("Shift"))
		shiftState := 1
		shiftState := 0

if (KeyPressed = "=")
	keypressed := "Equal"
else if (KeyPressed = "[")
	keyPressed := "OBracket"
else if (KeyPressed = "]")
	keyPressed := "CBracket"
else if (KeyPressed = ";")
	keyPressed := "SemiColon"
else if (KeyPressed = "``")
	keyPressed := "Tick"
else if (KeyPressed = "\")
	keyPressed := "BackSlash"
else if (KeyPressed = ",")
	keyPressed := "Comma"
else if (KeyPressed = ".")
	keyPressed := "Period"
else if (KeyPressed = "/")
	keyPressed := "Slash"

Send % alt[KeyPressed][1+ShiftState]

; ---------- Functions --------

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