ExcelCOM class to help getting the main Excel COM objects

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ExcelCOM class to help getting the main Excel COM objects

14 Nov 2019, 08:39

Here's a solution to a problem I had to deal with when dealing with Excel COM.
This class is a gathering of many ideas by great people.
It wraps everything I needed for myself in a easy to use class which I adapted from
these other person's work - so credits to them (and many thanks).

The hardest part for me was to understand the Excel object model and how to interact with it in AHK using COM.
So I always thought you needed only something like xlApp := ComObjActive("Excel.Application") but when working a bit longer with COM you realize its much more complex. Mostly when there are problems with many Excel apps openned or more than one window of Excel, etc.
For me, the most reliable way to connect to a specific workbook is what this class does.
You get the handle to the workbook you want to target and from this WB handle you can find its associative Application (Excel.exe process running in task manager), and specify a Sheet if you want to use this object.

Get the handle to the Excel Workbook you want to target with the class GetWorkbook() method and with this you can manipulate the Excel document or get values from it.

An example is provided in the class code block bellow:

Code: Select all

; ExcelCOM class - 2019-11-14
; Credits to FanaticGuru, Kon and Lexikos for most parts of the code
; Class put together by D Rocks
; FanaticGuru 	- https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=272861#p272861
; Kon 			- https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=116315#p116315
; Lexikos		- http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6494
; Tested on Win10 64bits with Latest Excel and AHK versions as of creation date
;;Example : (uncomment to test)
;xlPath := myFolderReference . "\MyExcelFile.xlsx" ; <--- Excel workbook (file) path
;xlWB := ExcelCOM.GetWorkbook(xlPath, false)				; Get Workbook com object
;xlApp := xlWB.Application									; Assign Application com object from workbook ref.
;xlSheet := xlApp.Workbooks(xlFile . ".xlsm").ActiveSheet 	; Assign Sheet com object from the Application object ref
;xlSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Test"
;MsgBox % xlSheet.Range("A1").Value
class ExcelCOM {
	GetApp() {
		Try {
			xlApp := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
		Catch {
			Try {
				xlApp := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
			Catch {
		return xlApp
	GetWorkbook(FullPath, isWindowVisible := true, Sheet := "ActiveSheet") {
		SplitPath, FullPath, FileName, Folder
		ComObjectsList := ExcelCOM.GetActiveObjects()
		;for name, obj in ComObjectsList
			;list .= name " -- " ComObjType(obj, "Name") "`n"
		;MsgBox %list%
		for name, obj in ComObjectsList
			if (ComObjType(obj, "Name") = "_Workbook")	; If this object is a workbook...
				if (obj.Path = Folder && obj.Name = FileName)	; If this workbook's path and name match...
					xlWB := obj	; Save a reference to this workbook
					;MsgBox, % obj.Path "`n" obj.Name	; Show the name and path of this workbook
					xlApp := xlWB.Application
					break	; Break the for-loop
		if (!IsObject(xlWB)) {
			Try {
				xlApp := ExcelCOM.GetApp()
				xlWB := xlApp.Workbooks.Open(FullPath)
				if (Sheet != "ActiveSheet") {
			Catch {
				return ; if previous Try failed method returns Empty
		if (!xlApp.Visible && isWindowVisible) {
			xlApp.Visible := isWindowVisible
		return xlWB ; excel WorkBook object returned
	GetActiveObjects(Prefix := "", CaseSensitive := false) {
	; GetActiveObjects v1.0 by Lexikos
	; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6494
		objects := {}
		DllCall("ole32\CoGetMalloc", "uint", 1, "ptr*", malloc) ; malloc: IMalloc
		DllCall("ole32\CreateBindCtx", "uint", 0, "ptr*", bindCtx) ; bindCtx: IBindCtx
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(bindCtx+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "ptr", bindCtx, "ptr*", rot) ; rot: IRunningObjectTable
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(rot+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "ptr", rot, "ptr*", enum) ; enum: IEnumMoniker
		while DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(enum+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "ptr", enum, "uint", 1, "ptr*", mon, "ptr", 0) = 0 ; mon: IMoniker
			DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(mon+0)+20*A_PtrSize), "ptr", mon, "ptr", bindCtx, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pname) ; GetDisplayName
			name := StrGet(pname, "UTF-16")
			DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(malloc+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "ptr", malloc, "ptr", pname) ; Free
			if InStr(name, Prefix, CaseSensitive) = 1 {
				DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(rot+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", rot, "ptr", mon, "ptr*", punk) ; GetObject
				; Wrap the pointer as IDispatch if available, otherwise as IUnknown.
				if (pdsp := ComObjQuery(punk, "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"))
					obj := ComObject(9, pdsp, 1), ObjRelease(punk)
					obj := ComObject(13, punk, 1)
				; Store it in the return array by suffix.
				objects[SubStr(name, StrLen(Prefix) + 1)] := obj
		return objects
I hope this helps,

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