Function: IniRead()

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Re: Function: IniRead()

26 Mar 2020, 17:44

Rewritten more flexible function
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Re: Function: IniRead()

16 May 2020, 03:51

toralf wrote:
27 May 2019, 06:46
Hi there,

This would be my mod of the class.
Basically, I extended it with handling default values, changed the While to a For Loop and modified the RegEx to handle comments correctly. Thus, I hope it is more robust against human interaction with the ini file.

Code: Select all

  IniFileName := A_ScriptDir "\MyIniFile1.ini"
  If !FileExist( IniFileName ){
    Content = 
Key1=Section 1, Key 1
Key2=Section 1, Key 2
;comment with [Section Name]
;[Commented Section]
  ;  comment with [Commented Section Name]
  ;  [Commented Section indented]
Key1=Section 2, Key 1
Key2=Section 2, Key 2
Key3=Text with = as a test
;Key4=a comment
  ;  Key5=a comment indented
  ;  comment = with equal sign
Key6 =  Spaces around =
  Key7=Key indented
  FileAppend, %Content%, %IniFileName%

  DefaultValues := {Section1:{Key2: "Value exists in INI"
                            , Key4: "Value from Default"}
                 , "Section_test":{Key1: A_ScriptDir
                                 , 4: A_USerName }}

  oIni := new IniFileObj( IniFileName, DefaultValues )
  MsgBox, % Obj2String( oIni )   ;- display all values

  oIni := new IniFileObj( A_ScriptDir "\MyIniFile2.ini", ,true )
  If !FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\MyIniFile2.ini")
    oIni.section3 := { key1: "this is section three, key one.." }
  MsgBox, % Obj2String( oIni )   ;- display all values
class IniFileObj {
  __New( filePath, DefaultValues := "", saveOnExit:=false ){
    For Section, KeysAndValues in DefaultValues {
      For key, value in KeysAndValues
    this.filePath := filePath
    For i, thisLine in StrSplit( FileOpen(filePath,"r").Read(), "`n", "`r" ) 
      If RegExMatch(thisLine,"^\s*(?<!;)((\[(?<Section>.*?)\])|(?<Key>\w+)\s*=(?<Value>.*)$)",_)
        _Key ? this[thisSection].Insert(_key,_value) : "", _Section ? (thisSection:=_Section, !this.Haskey(thisSection) ? this[thisSection]:=[]) 
    saveOnExit ? OnExit( ObjBindMethod(this, "Save") ) 
    For Section, KeysAndValues in this
      For key, value in KeysAndValues
        IniWrite, % value, % this.filePath, % Section, % key

Obj2String(o,ind="",indChar="     ")  {
  For i, v in o
    l .= (l ? "`r`n" : "") ind i " - " v, l .= IsObject(v) ? "`r`n" %A_ThisFunc%(v, ind indChar, indChar) : ""
  return l
Returns a key named filePath. I have to delete it every time. Can I prevent this key from arriving
Posts: 868
Joined: 27 Apr 2014, 21:08
Location: Germany

Re: Function: IniRead()

16 May 2020, 11:10

In this key the object stores the file path for it to be able to save it in that file when it’s save method is called.
You could use a different key/parameter name. Or you could write custome get/set methods that store or read to a special object within the class so that the file path key is hidden.

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