Google Voice Dialer

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Google Voice Dialer

09 Apr 2020, 16:48

Took me a while to get this to work.

Sorry, couldn't figure out how to set the font, etc to display code

Beverly Howard

-=====Google Voice Browser Dialer===============-

Code: Select all

Menu, MVP, Add, GV&Dial    , GVDIAL

             ; This code is for the "new" (2020) version of Google Voice
             ; Required longer wait times after "c" was sent
             ; Times are in milliseconds... 1000ms=1sec
             ; Highlight the phone number before starting the macro
Send ^c      ; <copy> This assumes the telephone number is already highlighted
ClipWait     ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
Send ^t      ; Open a new browser tab
Sleep 100    ; Wait to ensure the tab has been opened
             ; The url is to load the "new" version of GV
Sleep 100    ; Wait to ensure the address bar has been populated
send {enter} ; Load the page

Sleep 2500   ; Wait to ensure the page has loaded
send c       ; Trigger the "Call" dialog box
Sleep 1000   ; Wait to ensure the call dialog has loaded
             ; Additional Wait Time needed for "new" GV
send {backspace} ;Clear the "c" in the phone# field
send ^v      ; Paste the number in clipboard
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added]
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Location: Austin, Texas, USA

Re: Google Voice Dialer

28 Sep 2020, 16:42

Google changed enough to disable the first post... took the time today to rewrite it and it seems to be working at least at the moment.

Hope this is of value to someone.

Beverly Howard

Code: Select all

             ; This can be used anywhere in your browser, so, if you copy a
             ; number elsewhere, switch to the browser before exectuing
             ; Times are in milliseconds... 1000ms=1sec
             ; Times, especially the long waits, are simply guesses
             ; If someone comes up with shorter waits, please post them
             ; Highlight the phone number before starting the macro
Send ^c      ; <copy> This assumes the telephone number is already highlighted
             ; If the number is already in the clipboard and nothing is highligted
             ; that number will be used.
ClipWait     ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
Send ^t      ; Open a new browser tab
Sleep 100    ; Wait to ensure the tab has been opened
             ; The url is to load the "new" version of GV
Sleep 100    ; Wait to ensure the address bar has been populated
send {enter} ; Load the page
Sleep 5500   ; Google is getting feeble and slow
send {tab}	 ; Execute 2 tabs to get to Phone# field
Sleep 100    ;
send {tab}
Sleep 100    ;
send ^v      ; Paste the number in clipboard into the number field
Sleep 100    ; Wait
send {enter} ; 
Sleep 1500   ; Wait
send {tab}	 ; Assuming you have more than one telphone number registered.
             ; Move to the Phone# to call dialog pulldown
Sleep 200    ; Wait
send {down}  ;	Go to second phone number
             ; I have three numbers... that's the quickest way to get to
             ; the number I want to use
Sleep 200    ; Wait
send {down}  ; Manually select and click "Connect" to place call.             

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