ScanSubnet() - Fast [WMI] IP Scanner, Ping() [WMI]

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ScanSubnet() - Fast [WMI] IP Scanner, Ping() [WMI]

27 Dec 2018, 08:08

I needed a script to constantly check for other computers on network for automated throttling of my torrent seedbox, and so...

ScanSubnet() - Fast [WMI] IP Scanner

Code: Select all

;ScanSubnet() Basically Does what all those IP scanners do,with WMI...Pretty Darn Fast Too,almost as fast as Nmap.

Msgbox % ScanSubnet()	;scan all active network adapters for active IP's... if no ip's were specified...
;Msgbox % ScanSubnet("")	;find all ip's in the specified address subnets...ex. 192.168.2.(1-255)

ScanSubnet(addresses:="") {	;pings IP ranges & returns active IP's
	BL := A_BatchLines
	SetBatchLines, -1
	If !addresses{	;scan all active network adapters/connections for active IP's... if no ip's were specified...
		colItems := ComObjGet( "winmgmts:" ).ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True")._NewEnum
		while colItems[objItem]
			addresses .= addresses ? " " objItem.IPAddress[0] : objItem.IPAddress[0]
	Loop, Parse, addresses, % A_Space
		If ( A_LoopField && addrArr := StrSplit(A_LoopField,".") )
			Loop 256
				addr .= addr ? A_Space "or Address = '" addrArr.1 "." addrArr.2 "." addrArr.3 "." A_Index-1 "'" : "Address = '" addrArr.1 "." addrArr.2 "." addrArr.3 "." A_Index-1 "'"
		colPings := ComObjGet( "winmgmts:" ).ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_PingStatus where " addr "")._NewEnum
		While colPings[objStatus]
			rVal .= (oS:=(objStatus.StatusCode="" or objStatus.StatusCode<>0)) ? "" : (rVal ? "`n" objStatus.Address : objStatus.Address)
		addr := ""	;the quota on Win32_PingStatus prevents more than roughtly two ip ranges being scanned each range is scanned individually.
	SetBatchLines, % BL
	Return rVal

Ping(), Ping0() - WMI Ping

Code: Select all

Msgbox % Ping0("")Ping0("")Ping0("")

For k, v in Ping("")
	MsgBox % v.1 "`n" v.2

Msgbox % Ping("")[1].1
Msgbox % Ping("")[1].1 	; replace with your host ip

Ping(addresses) {
	rVal := []
	Loop, Parse, addresses, % A_Space
		addr .= addr ? A_Space "or Address = '" A_LoopField "'" : "Address = '" A_LoopField "'"
	colPings := ComObjGet( "winmgmts:" ).ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_PingStatus where " addr "")._NewEnum
	While colPings[objStatus]
		rVal.Push( [((oS:=(objStatus.StatusCode="" or objStatus.StatusCode<>0)) ? "0" : "1" ), objStatus.Address] )
	Return rVal

Ping0(addr) {	;ping only one addresses, alternative for a simplified return value,but only one address supported
	colPings := ComObjGet( "winmgmts:" ).ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_PingStatus where Address = '" addr "'")._NewEnum
	While colPings[objStatus]
		Return ((oS:=(objStatus.StatusCode="" or objStatus.StatusCode<>0)) ? "0" : "1")

Cheers & Happy Holidays.
Last edited by CyL0N on 29 Dec 2018, 10:15, edited 1 time in total.
live ? long & prosper : regards
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Re: ScanSubnet() - Fast [WMI] IP Scanner, Ping() [WMI]

19 May 2019, 23:07

Thanks for the script, the true/false response works well. I think it needs a timeout period. Seems to timeout at just under 4 seconds if the result times out. just me has a ping function here which works a little faster and has a timeout feature. But its much more code.
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Re: ScanSubnet() - Fast [WMI] IP Scanner, Ping() [WMI]

20 May 2020, 05:53

It was something I needed a lot.
Posts: 211
Joined: 27 Sep 2018, 09:58

Re: ScanSubnet() - Fast [WMI] IP Scanner, Ping() [WMI]

21 May 2020, 04:11

Posted this ages ago, I'm glad it's still useful, cheers.
live ? long & prosper : regards

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