Radial menu scripts

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Learning one
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Re: Radial menu scripts

21 Sep 2020, 14:03

AutoCheckForUpdates = 0 will disable automatic checking for updates.
To manually check for updates, select Check for updates item in Menu control submenu.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

22 Sep 2020, 14:16

Learning one wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 14:03
AutoCheckForUpdates = 0 will disable automatic checking for updates.
To manually check for updates, select Check for updates item in Menu control submenu.
Thanks Learning one

Best Regards
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Re: Radial menu scripts

28 Sep 2020, 03:17

Hi I just notice a minor bug. If I use "%A_WinDir%\explorer.exe ..\..\%A_YYYY%" in the RM menu designer to define a menu item, it writes "%A_WinDir%\explorer.exe ..\..\2020" to the ".\RadialMenu\Menu definitions\Main profile.txt". If I edit ".\RadialMenu\Menu definitions\Main profile.txt" manually, it preserves %A_YYYY% as a variable and works properly to open the folder "..\..\2020". Maybe you could consider to change that in a future version, so that the variable %A_YYYY% in "Main profile.txt" isn't replaced by the current year. By the way, %A_WinDir% is written correctly as a variable to the Main profile.txt.
Last edited by CyberKlabauter on 30 Sep 2020, 03:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

30 Sep 2020, 03:45

Does anybody know if there is a option to lower the volume of the soundfiles? I couldn't find one.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

05 Oct 2020, 13:45

Regarding %A_YYYY%, open RMD classes.ahk, find this line:
and replace it with this one:

I recommend you to lower the volume of soundfiles by editing them in sound editor. (There is no built in option in RM to regulate volume of soundfiles. You can also experiment with SoundSet and SoundSetWaveVolume AHK commands).
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Re: Radial menu scripts

10 Oct 2020, 18:45

@Learning one
Thank your for your help! I really appreciate it.
1. Your date fix is working.
2. I had the same idea lowering the volume of soundfiles by editing them but wanted to ask if there is maybe a build in function (I like the sound, but my colleges will jump on my desk, if it is too loud).
I just want to thank you. RM is awesome, as well as your support. It is one of my most liked ahk scripts. :bravo:
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CentralText: Time & Date

12 Oct 2020, 13:29

In the Main profile.txt file, there is the option to place CentralText= RM4

Is it possible to place dynamic text in that space, e.g. it displays the current date & time or battery life?
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Re: Radial menu scripts

17 Oct 2020, 08:13

There's no built-in support for dynamic CentralText.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

20 Oct 2020, 10:20

Hi Learning one,
Thanks for the quick clear answer. RadialMenu is the jam. Thanks for making it.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

23 Oct 2020, 04:44

I went for this extension last 2 years. A fantastic realization of all my hopes, application for implementing of which I tried to search in Google for. Especially thanks for the sound when it comes.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

23 Oct 2020, 06:46

Especially glad I can use it under my organization secure policy without triggering any admin right request.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

28 Oct 2020, 06:27

Sorry, does anybody know is there a way to set the offset of icon / text? I want to have icon and text both visible in element (not the one over another) (spoiler)
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Re: Radial menu scripts

02 Nov 2020, 13:22

Is it possible to make the Radial Menu Context Sensitive? For example.....
I only want to use the Radial Menu when I'm using Notepad. #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad.
There are so many subfolders and files within Radial Menu (I'm brand new to Radial Menu). Does anyone know where I can insert the above code to make the Radial Menu Context Sensitive?

Thank you, all help is appreciated.

To modify the radial menu to an individual window, add if WinActive("ahk_class Notepad") to line 670 within the file RM2module.ahk. Remember to add in your brackets. Example code below.

Code: Select all

RM2_Show(GuiNum, x="", y="", Hide=0) {
If WinActive("ahk_class Notepad"){ ; add in line of code here
if (RM2_DoesExist(GuiNum) != 1)
CoordMode, mouse, screen
if (x = "") 
MouseGetPos, x,y
else if (x = "Center" or x = "c")
x := A_ScreenWidth/2, y := A_ScreenHeight/2
if (RM2_Reg("ItemGlowGuiNum") = GuiNum)
MenuRadius := RM2_Reg("ItemSize")/2
MenuRadius := RM2_Reg("M" GuiNum "#" "MenuRadius")
x := Round(x), y := Round(y)
MenuX := Round(x - MenuRadius), MenuY := Round(y - MenuRadius)
if (Hide = 1)
Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% Hide
Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% NA
RM2_Reg("M" GuiNum "#LastShowCoords", x "|" y)
}	; close bracket for If WinActive
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Re: Radial menu scripts

05 Nov 2020, 18:37

Hi @Learning one, this is an amazing app, I would like to ask a couple of questions about it:

1. Its possible to make a submenu nested? i.e. the right click calls the general menu, then with left click I open the secondary menus, but is there any way to make a third menu nested? I tried as the first and second menu, but this doesnt work as I thought.

2. I set in the hotkeys file a F13 - F16 buttons to display an specific menu (like AutoCAD, blender etc) and works perfect, but there is any way to make this menus to work as the rbutton menu? so this can call a submenu similar as the rbutton?.

I am very excited to see the RM3 module.

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Re: Radial menu scripts

11 Nov 2020, 01:01

SirSocks wrote:
02 Nov 2020, 13:22
Is it possible to make the Radial Menu Context Sensitive? For example.....
I only want to use the Radial Menu when I'm using Notepad. #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad.
There are so many subfolders and files within Radial Menu (I'm brand new to Radial Menu). Does anyone know where I can insert the above code to make the Radial Menu Context Sensitive?

Thank you, all help is appreciated.

To modify the radial menu to an individual window, add if WinActive("ahk_class Notepad") to line 670 within the file RM2module.ahk. Remember to add in your brackets. Example code below.

Code: Select all

RM2_Show(GuiNum, x="", y="", Hide=0) {
If WinActive("ahk_class Notepad"){ ; add in line of code here
if (RM2_DoesExist(GuiNum) != 1)
CoordMode, mouse, screen
if (x = "") 
MouseGetPos, x,y
else if (x = "Center" or x = "c")
x := A_ScreenWidth/2, y := A_ScreenHeight/2
if (RM2_Reg("ItemGlowGuiNum") = GuiNum)
MenuRadius := RM2_Reg("ItemSize")/2
MenuRadius := RM2_Reg("M" GuiNum "#" "MenuRadius")
x := Round(x), y := Round(y)
MenuX := Round(x - MenuRadius), MenuY := Round(y - MenuRadius)
if (Hide = 1)
Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% Hide
Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% NA
RM2_Reg("M" GuiNum "#LastShowCoords", x "|" y)
}	; close bracket for If WinActive
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Re: Radial menu scripts

16 Nov 2020, 12:02

When I post my code below into My functions.AHK

I get an error duplicate function definition when I start the exe, but if I use just one of the 3 actions it works fine. What have I coded wrong lol?

Code: Select all

Send(switchToExplorer) {
	Send, ^+1

Send(switchToChrome) {
	Send, ^+2
	Send(switchToWord) {
	Send, ^+3
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Re: Radial menu scripts

16 Nov 2020, 15:48

It's a duplicate function because you defined it three times, and moreover, AHK already has a function "Send". Best to use another name for your function, say, "MySend". And define MySend only once.

Also, you need to learn a little bit more about how to define a function, and the variable in a function.
You don't define MySend(switchToExplorer)
but MySend(x)
and then check if x is "switchToExplorer".
(You don't have to use x, of course, but can use any variable name)

So maybe something like the following might work

Code: Select all

if (x="switchToExplorer")
	Send ^+1
elseif (x="switchToChrome")
        Send ^+2
elseif (x="switchToWord")
        Send ^+3
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added.]
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Re: Radial menu scripts

16 Nov 2020, 16:16

comvox wrote:
16 Nov 2020, 15:48
It's a duplicate function because AHK already has a function "Send", so best to use another name for your function, say, "MySend".
To clarify, AHK has no built-in function named Send() in v1 (just a command of that name, but that doesn't matter here) - but aweinberg tried to define the function send() three times in a row - that's why it causes a duplicate (or rather triplicate) function error.

Of course, the OP's code has other problems as well, which your code addresses - but the function name Send would be allowed. AHK gives a lot of leeway in that regard. You could even overwrite/replace a built-in function of that name without triggering that error, afaik.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

16 Nov 2020, 18:42

WIth Convox's code in My functions.AHK it does not do anything.

Code: Select all

if (x="switchToExplorer")
	Send ^+1
elseif (x="switchToChrome")
        Send ^+2
elseif (x="switchToWord")
        Send ^+3
If I edit the code and change the MySend(x) to Send(x) the code slightly works, but delivers either 2 sends at once or no send.

Code: Select all

if (x="switchToExplorer")
	Send ^+1
elseif (x="switchToChrome")
        Send ^+2
elseif (x="switchToWord")
        Send ^+3
BTW thanks for the explanation comvox, really helpful for a noob like me.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

16 Nov 2020, 19:24

Ah, I overlooked a syntax error in comvox's code. There is no elseif statement in AHK, it should be else if (with a space in-between).
The wrong elseif will actually lead to two (or three) send actions, depending on x.

Why Send should work better than MySend remains a mystery, though.
(But tbh I don't know the specifics of Radial menu, or if it perhaps requires a function named Send. Does My functions.AHK belong to Radial menu, or is it your personal library?)

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