Firefox/Chrome, get tab names/focus tab

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Re: Firefox/Chrome, get tab names/focus tab

19 Aug 2021, 19:17

jwwpua wrote:
19 Aug 2021, 17:48
AHKStudent wrote:
13 Aug 2021, 05:55
new path is
Chrome V. 92
I'm using a fork of iswitchw.ahk (link:, and it uses these lines:

Code: Select all

	if (vValue = "U1")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "U2")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "T")
		return "" ;tabs (append '.1' to get the first tab)
Do you know which values U1, U2, and T should be updated to for use with Chrome 92? I'm fairly new to AHK so I'm just trying to figure out how to make Chrome tabs show up in iswitchw. I'm not sure which one should use the new path you mentioned, or what values the other 2 lines need. Thank you!
Try this

Code: Select all

	if (vValue = "U1")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "U2")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "T")
		return "" ;tabs (append '.1' to get the first tab)
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Re: Firefox/Chrome, get tab names/focus tab

24 Aug 2021, 21:29

AHKStudent wrote:
19 Aug 2021, 19:17
jwwpua wrote:
19 Aug 2021, 17:48
AHKStudent wrote:
13 Aug 2021, 05:55
new path is
Chrome V. 92
I'm using a fork of iswitchw.ahk (link:, and it uses these lines:

Code: Select all

	if (vValue = "U1")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "U2")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "T")
		return "" ;tabs (append '.1' to get the first tab)
Do you know which values U1, U2, and T should be updated to for use with Chrome 92? I'm fairly new to AHK so I'm just trying to figure out how to make Chrome tabs show up in iswitchw. I'm not sure which one should use the new path you mentioned, or what values the other 2 lines need. Thank you!
Try this

Code: Select all

	if (vValue = "U1")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "U2")
		return "" ;address bar
	if (vValue = "T")
		return "" ;tabs (append '.1' to get the first tab)
Works great, thank you!
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Re: Firefox/Chrome, get tab names/focus tab

17 Feb 2022, 10:32

@AHKStudent (& friends) :)
Modern browsers evolve very rapidly. Thus this function is obsolete and does not provide the designed functionality anymore.
new path is
Chrome V. 92
I'm pretty sure to ignore the elephant in the room, but how can I identify that 'new path' number thing in Chrome (v98)? A tool? A script? A miracle?? :eh:

[Edit] Had a try with ACCViewer and was able to get a value that looks like "the one": (where 3 is pointing to the third TAB in the row). Confirmed? :think:

PS. JFTR the path for the address bar is: (Chrome v98)
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Re: Firefox/Chrome, get tab names/focus tab

19 Feb 2022, 19:31

Is this still active / working? Trying to do a count of the chrome tabs:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
#Include D:\AutoHotkey\Lib\Acc.ahk



If WinExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
	Sleep, 25
	WinGet, ChromeID, ID, A
	;msgbox % "Chrome ID is: " ChromeID

	CountIs := JEE_ChromeGetTabCount(ChromeID)

	msgbox % "countIs: " CountIs
	msgbox chrome not running...





;requires Acc.ahk:
;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

	vCount := 0
	msgbox % "Chrome ID is: " hWnd
	oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "", 0, "ahk_id " hWnd)
	for _, oChild in Acc_Children(oAcc)
		vTabText := oChild.accName(0)
		if !(vTabText == "") && !(vTabText == "New Tab")
			msgbox Add
	oAcc := oChild := ""
	return vCount


JEE_ChromeGetTabNames(hWnd, vSep:="`n")
	oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "", 0, "ahk_id " hWnd)
	vOutput := ""
	for _, oChild in Acc_Children(oAcc)
		vTabText := oChild.accName(0)
		if !(vTabText == "")
		&& !(vTabText == "New Tab")
			vOutput .= vTabText vSep
	vOutput := SubStr(vOutput, 1, -StrLen(vSep)) ;trim right
	oAcc := oChild := ""
	return vOutput


JEE_ChromeFocusTabByNum(hWnd, vNum)
	oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "", 0, "ahk_id " hWnd)
	if !Acc_Children(oAcc)[vNum+1]
		vNum := ""
	oAcc := ""
	return vNum


JEE_ChromeFocusTabByName(hWnd, vTitle, vNum:=1)
	oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "", 0, "ahk_id " hWnd)
	vCount := 0, vRet := 0
	for _, oChild in Acc_Children(oAcc)
		vTabText := oChild.accName(0)
		if (vTabText = vTitle)
		if (vCount = vNum)
			oChild.accDoDefaultAction(0), vRet := A_Index
	oAcc := oChild := ""
	return vRet


I grabbed the acc.ahk library from HERE. No variable is being counted?
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