Call the v2 library in v1

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Call the v2 library in v1

16 Jan 2022, 00:00

Modify from lexikos' loadfile

Use autohotkey.exe or autohotkey.dll of v2 to load the library files, and returns an object which can be used as follows:

Code: Select all

; load v2 librarys
lib := import_v2lib("LibPath", "AHK.exe")
lib := import_v2lib(["Lib1Path", "Lib2Path"], "AHK.exe")
lib := import_v2lib("test(a){`n}", "AHK.dll")

; Call a function named 'Function' in the target library:

; Retrieve a global variable:
value := lib["VarName"]
value := lib.VarName

; Set a global variable:
lib["VarName"] := value
lib.VarName := value

; Create a class instance
value := lib["ClassName"].Call(params)
value := lib.ClassName.NestedClass.Call(params)

; set __Item prop `a := [[1]]`
lib.SetItem(lib.a[1], 22222, 1) ; a[1][1] := 22222

; get __Item prop
lib.GetItem(lib.a[1], 1)	; 22222
All of the required functions are expected to be installed in a function library.

Code: Select all

 * import ahk v2 library to v1. It can call v2 functions and classes, read and modify global variables.
 * - import v2 lib `v2 := import_v2lib("gdip_all.ahk", "ahkv2.exe")`
 * - create a class instance `v2["classname"].Call(params)` or `v2.classname.Call(params)`
 * - call a functions `v2.funcname.Call(params)`
 * - set a global variable `v2.varname := "str"` or `v2["varname"] := {}`
 * - retrieve a global variable `value := v2["varname"]` or `value := v2.varname`
 * - set __Item prop `v2.SetItem(v2object, value, param1 ...)`
 * - get __Item prop `v2.GetItem(v2object, param1 ...)`
 * @param pathsorcode The paths of the include script files or ahk v2 code. `Array or String`
 * @param ahkv2runtime The path of the AutoHotkey v2 runtime (AutoHotkey.exe or AutoHotkey.dll).
import_v2lib(pathsorcode, ahkv2runtime) {
	static IDispatch, _ := (VarSetCapacity(IDispatch, 16), NumPut(0x46000000000000c0, NumPut(0x20400, IDispatch, "int64"), "int64"))
	lresult := DllCall("oleacc\LresultFromObject", "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr", &(client := { proxy: 0 }), "ptr")
	if !FileExist(ahkv2runtime) {
		; free com marshal on fail
		DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lresult, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idsp := 0), ObjRelease(idisp)
		throw Exception("AutoHotkey v2 runtime isn't exist")
	if IsObject(pathsorcode) {
		t := pathsorcode, pathsorcode := ""
		for i, p in t
			pathsorcode .= "`n#include " p
	v2script := Format("
		class __AHKv2LibHelper {
			static __New() {
				NumPut('int64', 0x20400, 'int64', 0x46000000000000c0, IDispatch := Buffer(16))
				DllCall('oleacc\ObjectFromLresult', 'ptr', {}, 'ptr', IDispatch, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr*', &idisp := 0)
				ComObjFromPtr(idisp).proxy := this()
			__Get(name, params) => params.Length ? %name%[params*] : %name%
			__Set(name, params, value) {
				if params.Length
					%name%[params*] := value
				else %name% := value
			GetItem(obj, params*) => obj[params*]
			SetItem(obj, value, params*) => obj[params*] := value
			__Delete() => SetTimer(ExitApp, -1)
	)", lresult, FileExist(pathsorcode) ? "#include " pathsorcode : pathsorcode)
	if (ahkv2runtime ~= "i)\.dll$") {
		if (!DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", ahkv2runtime) && !DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", ahkv2runtime)) {
			DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lresult, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idsp := 0), ObjRelease(idisp)
			throw Exception("load AutoHotkey.dll fail")
		if !(threadID := DllCall(ahkv2runtime "\NewThread", "str", v2script, "str", "", "str", "", "cdecl uint")) {
			DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lresult, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idsp := 0), ObjRelease(idisp)
			throw Exception("Failed to load script")
		while !client.proxy
			Sleep 10
	} else {
		exec := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec("""" ahkv2runtime """ /ErrorStdOut *")
		exec.StdIn.Write(v2script), exec.StdIn.Close()
		while (exec.Status = 0 && !client.proxy)
			Sleep 10
		if (exec.Status != 0) {
			ex := Exception("Failed to load script")
			if (RegExMatch(err := exec.StdErr.ReadAll(), "Os)(.*?) \((\d+)\) : ==> (.*?)(?:\s*Specifically: (.*?))?\R?$", m))
				ex.Message .= "`n`nReason:`t" m[3] "`nLine text:`t" m[4] "`nFile:`t" m[1] "`nLine:`t" m[2]
			DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lresult, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idsp := 0), ObjRelease(idisp)
			throw ex
	return client.proxy
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Re: Call the v2 library in v1

17 Jan 2022, 18:53

So could I use ThisFunctionHasTheCodeRequiringAhkV2() from %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\Lib\ in my v1 script so that the function will be executed and also able to return a value?
Have found any drawback in my code or approach? Please, point it out. /The moderator ordered to remove the rest of the signature, I had obeyed.
And I really apologize for our russian president. Being a citizen of an aggressor country is very shameful. Personally I tried to avoid this trying to defend elections from fraud being a member of the election commission of one of the precincts but only was subjected to a hooligan attack and right before the vote count was illegally escorted from the polling station and spent the night behind bars (in jail) in a result of illegal actions of corrupt policemen.
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Re: Call the v2 library in v1

17 Jan 2022, 19:59

Yes, all types of return values are supported, and the objects will be converted to COM objects.
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Re: Call the v2 library in v1

17 Jan 2022, 22:22

thqby wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 00:00
or autohotkey.dll of v2
will you be merging your ahk.dll changes back into the main AHK_H repo?

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Re: Call the v2 library in v1

18 Jan 2022, 04:13

hotkeyit has merged into repo, but hasn't been released yet.
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Re: Call the v2 library in v1

18 Jan 2022, 08:10

Very interesting. Another good one, thqby :bravo:
Posts: 20
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Re: Call the v2 library in v1

13 Sep 2023, 09:39

Thanks to @thqby Functions, I've tweaked and added examples to Functions.
Support for ahkdll has been removed due to compatibility issues with v2 calls.


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+
SetBatchLines -1
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

(LTrim ` %
  testFunc(a) => MsgBox(a)
  Class testClass {
    static hello(n) => MsgBox(n)

V2Process := import_v2lib(v2code)
; V2 := import_v2lib("C:\Users\Dianbo\Desktop\UIAutomation.ah2", "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\v2\AutoHotkey64.exe")  ; You can also specify the V2 interpreter path by referring to 2.

V2Process.MsgBox.Call("Making the V2 Process MsgBox Popups")

F1::V2Process.testFunc.Call((onoff := !onoff) ? "V2 Passing Parameter Test: 1234" : "V2 Passing Parameter Test: 5678")


F3::V2Process.ToolTip.Call("V2 ToolTip: " A_TickCount)

; Modified from:
import_v2lib(PathsOrCode, ahkv2runtime="", Timeout=30, v2NoTrayIcon="#NoTrayIcon") {
	Static IDispatch, V2LibNumber := 0
	, _ := (VarSetCapacity(IDispatch, 16), NumPut(0x46000000000000c0, NumPut(0x20400, IDispatch, "int64"), "int64"))
	, PIDLabel := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
	if (ahkv2runtime="") {
		if A_Is64bitOS
			SetRegView 64
		RegRead InstallDir, HKLM\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir
		ahkv2runtime := InstallDir="" ? "" : InstallDir "\v2\AutoHotkey" A_PtrSize*8 ".exe"

	if !FileExist(ahkv2runtime)
		Throw Exception("The V2 interpreter path is set incorrectly!")
	lresult := DllCall("oleacc\LresultFromObject", "Ptr", &IDispatch, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &(client := { proxy: 0 }), "Ptr")
	if IsObject(PathsOrCode) {
		t := PathsOrCode, PathsOrCode := ""
		For __, p in t
			PathsOrCode .= "`n#include " p

	v2script := Format("
		" v2NoTrayIcon "
		class __AHKv2LibHelper {
			static __New() {
				NumPut('int64', 0x20400, 'int64', 0x46000000000000c0, IDispatch := Buffer(16))
				, DllCall('oleacc\ObjectFromLresult', 'ptr', {}, 'ptr', IDispatch, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr*', &idisp := 0)
				, ComObjFromPtr(idisp).proxy := this()
				this.V2LibGuiHide := Gui(, '<<V2LibGuiHide" PIDLabel . ++V2LibNumber ">>')
			__Get(name, params) => params.Length ? `%name`%[params*] : `%name`%
			__Set(name, params, value) {
				if params.Length
					`%name`%[params*] := value
				else `%name`% := value
			GetItem(obj, params*) => obj[params*]
			SetItem(obj, value, params*) => obj[params*] := value
			__Delete() => SetTimer(ExitApp, -1)
	)", lresult, FileExist(PathsOrCode) ? "" : PathsOrCode)
	if (ahkv2runtime ~= "i)\.dll$") {
		if (!DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", ahkv2runtime) && !DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", ahkv2runtime)) {
			DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lresult, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idsp := 0), ObjRelease(idisp)
			throw Exception("load AutoHotkey.dll fail")
		if !(threadID := DllCall(ahkv2runtime "\NewThread", "str", v2script "`n" (FileExist(PathsOrCode) ? "#Include " PathsOrCode : ""), "str", "", "str", "", "cdecl uint")) {
			DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", lresult, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idsp := 0), ObjRelease(idisp)
			throw Exception("Failed to load script")
		_exec := {ProcessID : DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")}
	} else {
		if FileExist(PathsOrCode)
			_exec := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec("""" ahkv2runtime """ /include """ PathsOrCode """ *")
			_exec := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec("""" ahkv2runtime """ /CP0 *")
		_exec.StdIn.Write(v2script), _exec.StdIn.Close()
	DetectHiddenWindows % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)
	Loop % Timeout*1000//15
		Sleep 15
	Until WinExist("<<V2LibGuiHide" PIDLabel . V2LibNumber ">> ahk_pid " _exec.ProcessID)
	if !WinExist("<<V2LibGuiHide" PIDLabel . V2LibNumber ">> ahk_pid " _exec.ProcessID)
		Throw Exception("Timeout or failure to start V2 process!")
	DetectHiddenWindows %DHW%
	Sleep 10
	return client.proxy

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