Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

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Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

07 Oct 2013, 09:15

There probably is a script out there like this, but it wasn't easy to locate. Here's my version of a script that lets you interactively resize controls.

Edit: Check out the buddy script, Window Control!

Image Image

1. Alt + LButton = Move control
2. Alt + Shift + LButton = Move control along X axis only
3. Alt + Ctrl + LButton = Move control along Y axis only
4. Alt + RButton = Resize
5. Alt + Shift + RButton = Resize control width only
6. Alt + Ctrl + RButton = Resize control height only
7. Alt + MButton OR Alt + Win + C = Change text within control
8. Alt + Shift + C: Copy control coordinates to clipboard
9. Win + LButton = Enable/Disable control

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

; Hotkeys
;	1. Alt + LButton = Move control
;	2. Alt + Shift + LButton = Move control along X axis only
;	3. Alt + Ctrl + LButton = Move control along Y axis only
;	4. Alt + RButton = Resize
;	5. Alt + Shift + RButton = Resize control width only
;	6. Alt + Ctrl + RButton = Resize control height only
;	7. Alt + MButton OR Alt + Win + C = Change text within control
;	8. Alt + Shift + C: Copy control coordinates to clipboard
;	9. Win + LButton = Enable/Disable control

Menu, TRAY, NoStandard
Menu, TRAY, MainWindow ; For compiled scripts
Menu, TRAY, Add, &Reload, Reload
Menu, TRAY, Add, E&xit, Exit

CoordMode, Mouse
SetControlDelay, -1

return ; End auto-execute


	gosub ChangeControlLabel

; Simple hotkeys like ~Alt & ~LButton cannot be used becuase this does not disable clicks inside of windows
Shift & ~Alt::
Ctrl & ~Alt::
	Hotkey, *LButton, Alt_And_LButton, On
	Hotkey, *RButton, Alt_And_RButton, On
	Hotkey, *MButton, ChangeControlLabel, On
	KeyWait, Alt
	Hotkey, *LButton, Off
	Hotkey, *RButton, Off
	Hotkey, *MButton, Off

	if (A_ThisHotkey = "*LButton")
		gosub Alt_And_LButton
	else if (A_ThisHotkey = "*RButton")
		gosub Alt_And_RButton
	else if (A_ThisHotkey = "*MButton")
		gosub ChangeControlLabel


	iPrevMouseX := iPrevMouseY := A_Blank
	MouseGetPos,,,, hCtrl, 2

	while (GetKeyState("Alt", "P") && GetKeyState("LButton", "P"))
		bIgnoreX := GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P")
		bIgnoreY := GetKeyState("Shift", "P")

		MouseGetPos, iMouseX, iMouseY
		iMouseX := iMouseX
		iMouseY := iMouseY

		ControlGetPos, iX, iY,,,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
		iXDelta := bIgnoreX ? 0 : iMouseX - (iPrevMouseX == A_Blank ? iMouseX : iPrevMouseX)
		iYDelta := bIgnoreY ? 0 : iMouseY - (iPrevMouseY == A_Blank ? iMouseY : iPrevMouseY)
		if (iXDelta <> 0 || iYDelta <> 0)
			ControlMove,, iX + iXDelta, iY + iYDelta,,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
			DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Ptr", hCtrl, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", RDW_INVALIDATE := 1 | RDW_ERASENOW := 0x200 | RDW_ERASE := 4)

		iPrevMouseX := iMouseX
		iPrevMouseY := iMouseY


	iPrevMouseX := iPrevMouseY := A_Blank
	MouseGetPos,,,, hCtrl, 2

	while (GetKeyState("Alt", "P") && GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))
		bIgnoreW := GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P")
		bIgnoreH := GetKeyState("Shift", "P")

		MouseGetPos, iMouseX, iMouseY
		iMouseX := iMouseX
		iMouseY := iMouseY

		ControlGetPos,,, iW, iH,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
		iWDelta := bIgnoreW ? 0 : iMouseX - (iPrevMouseX == A_Blank ? iMouseX : iPrevMouseX)
		iHDelta := bIgnoreH ? 0 : iMouseY - (iPrevMouseY == A_Blank ? iMouseY : iPrevMouseY)
		if (iWDelta <> 0 || iHDelta <> 0)
			ControlMove,,,, iW + iWDelta, iH + iHDelta, ahk_id %hCtrl%
			DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Ptr", hCtrl, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", RDW_INVALIDATE:=1 | RDW_ERASENOW:=0x200 | RDW_ERASE:=4)

		iPrevMouseX := iMouseX
		iPrevMouseY := iMouseY


	; Turn off hotkeys so that the LButton is not responise
	Hotkey, *LButton, Off
	Hotkey, *RButton, Off
	Hotkey, *MButton, Off

	; This hotkey seems to be triggered twice every time it is activated, so g_iTimeAtThisExecution is used to prevent double-execution
	g_iTimeAtThisExecution := SubStr(A_Now, StrLen(A_Now) - 3, 4)
	if (A_ThisHotkey = "*MButton" && g_iTimeAtLastExecution != A_Blank && g_iTimeAtThisExecution - g_iTimeAtLastExecution < 1)

	MouseGetPos,,,, hCtrl, 2
	ControlGetText, sExistingText,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
	InputBox, sText, Set Control Text,,,,,,,,, %sExistingText%

	g_iTimeAtLastExecution := SubStr(A_Now, StrLen(A_Now) - 3, 4)
	if (ErrorLevel)

	ControlSetText,, %sText%, ahk_id %hCtrl%

	MouseGetPos,,,, hCtrl, 2
	ControlGet, bEnabled, Enabled,,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
	Control, % bEnabled ? "Disable" : "Enable",,, ahk_id %hCtrl%

	MouseGetPos,,,, hCtrl, 2
	ControlGetText, sCtrlTxt,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
	ControlGetPos, iX, iY, iW, iH,, ahk_id %hCtrl%
	if !((iX == A_Blank || iY == A_Blank || iW == A_Blank || iH == A_Blank))
		clipboard := "Control:`t" sCtrlTxt "`nLeft:`t" iX "`nTop:`t" iY "`nRight:`t" iW "`nBottom:`t" iH
Last edited by Verdlin on 04 Nov 2013, 12:39, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

07 Oct 2013, 09:52

Wow this is awesome!!!
Very nice to play around a bit or confuse other people. ;)
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

07 Oct 2013, 10:11

This. Is. AWESOME!!! :D
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

04 Nov 2013, 12:39


Fixed bug where clicks were disabled after using hotkey Alt + MButton.
Added Win + LButton = Enable/Disable control.
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

06 Nov 2013, 08:20

This thing is absolutely AWESOME! If this also had the ability to resize multiple controls at once, that would make it even better. It's great for resizing that pesky msconfig.exe window that hasn't changed in size since Windows 95, so only like 4 lines in the listview show.
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

06 Nov 2013, 17:06

Thanks, chaz! I, too, have found myself wanting to resize multiple controls at once.

My thought is to create a way to select a range of controls with some hotkey that, of course, includes LButton (Alt+Win+LButton?). Once a selection is defined, the regular hotkeys can work to resize multiple controls proportionally.

Not sure how to visually represent selection, though. Gdip is one way to go, but perhaps overkill. It would probably look fine to just create a semi-opaque, blue-background GUI that resizes along with your mouse.

Also not sure if this will, initially, be slow. Once the selection is defined, the script will need to loop through all controls in the target window, and, using ControlGetPos, determine whether or not the control fell in the range of the mouse selected. How fast will this be for hundreds of controls?
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

06 Nov 2013, 18:05

Just use this simplistic way, sometimes known as SelectArea() ... he-screen/
Cheers, ;)
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Re: Control Control -- Interactive Control Manipulation

22 Dec 2013, 15:36

At first, I didn't know how to use this, but then, the enlightenment came:
:lol: 8-)

So this could be used i.e. on systems with high DPI settings to resize controls that got broken because of too large font. Kewl. Thanks Verdlin.

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