Incorporating an Excel table/range into a Gui

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Incorporating an Excel table/range into a Gui

11 May 2022, 15:42

Just like I did here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=103410&hilit=wrkbk.PublishObjects, you can incorporate one or more Excel tables or range(s) into a gui using a HTML representation of these ranges. Formatting (fonts, colors, borders) is not affected.

Code: Select all

P := 1, T := "", styles := "", ranges := ""  
xl            := ComObjActive("excel.application")
sht           := xl.Activesheet, wrkbk := xl.ActiveWorkbook
rng1 		  := "A1:N158", rng2 := "A158:I158"
for x,y in [rng1,rng2]													   		  	; include one or more ranges
	wrkbk.PublishObjects.Add(4, A_Temp "\xl2html.htm",, y, 0).publish(1) 	; xlSourceRange=4 xlHtmlStatic=0
	fileread, html, % A_temp "\xl2html.htm"
	htmlarr   := strsplit(html,["<body>","</body>"])
	styles    .= htmlarr.1, ranges .= htmlarr.2 "<br>"
While V       := xStr(styles,,"<style id","</style>",P,,,,0,0)  				  	; H,,B,E,BO,,,,BT,ET 
    T         .= V "`n"
style         := xStr(styles,,"<html","<![endif]-->",,,,,0,0) . T
html          := style "</head>`n`n<body>`n" . ranges . "</body></html>"
filedelete, % A_Temp "\xl2html.htm"

gui, margin, 0,0
gui, add, ActiveX, x0 y0 w1600 h600 vWB, HTMLfile
Gui, Show, , xl2gui

xStr(ByRef H, C:=0, B:="", E:="",ByRef BO:=1, EO:="", BI:=1, EI:=1, BT:="", ET:="") {                           
Local L, LB, LE, P1, P2, Q, N:="", F:=0                 ; xStr v0.97 by SKAN on D1AL/D343 @  
Return SubStr(H,!(ErrorLevel:=!((P1:=(L:=StrLen(H))?(LB:=StrLen(B))?(F:=InStr(H,B,C&1,BO,BI))?F+(BT=N?LB
This can be further developed. For instance, you an use this technique to make customized reports that can be printed to PDF using headless chrome (
14.3 & 1.3.7
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Incorporating an Excel table/range into a Gui

11 May 2022, 17:13

@flyingDman, thank you, works great.

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