
Post your working scripts, libraries and tools for AHK v1.1 and older
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 20:37


Post by Coco » 02 Oct 2013, 09:42

This function loads TreeView items from an XML string. By using XPath expressions, the user can instruct the function on how to process/parse the XML source and on how the items are to be added. (see Usage below)


A. The XML structure - This function is versatile enough to accept any user-defined XML string. Parsing instructions are defined as XPath expressions assigned as values to the root element's attribute(s). The following attribute names should be used(strictly applies to the root element only):

name - specify an XPath expression, query must resolve to either of the following nodeTypes: element, attribute, text, cdatasection, comment. The selection is applied to the element node that is defined as a TreeView item. If not defined, the element node's tagName property is used as the TreeView's item's name.
options - same as above
global - An XPath expression. This attribute defines global TreeView item options to be applied to all TreeView items that are to be added. Selection is applied to the root node.
exclude - An XPath expression. Specifies which nodes(element) are not to be added as TreeView items. Selection is applied to the root node.
match - An XPath expression. Specifies which element nodes are to be added as TreeView items. By default all element nodes(except the root node) are added as items to the TreeView. Selection is applied to the root node.
Note: Only element nodes are added as TreeView items.


Code: Select all

<!--The 'name' attribute of the root element instructs the function
to use an element's 'n' attribute's value as the TreeView item's name.
Same for the 'options'attribute - tells the function to use
the 'o' attribute's value of an element node. The 'match' attribute
instructs the function that only 'i' elements are to be added as
TreeView items. The 'bold' TreeView item option is applied to all
added items as defined by the 'global' attribute. User can override
a global option by specifying its opposite in the item's option.-->

<TREEVIEW name='@n' options='@o' match='//i' global='bold'>
 <i n='AutoHotkey' o='expand'/>
B. Function parameters

src - an XML string
p - parentItem's ID. Defaults to '0' - top item of the TreeView


Code: Select all

TV_Load(src, p:=0, recurse:=false) { ;recurse is an internal parameter
	static xpr , root

	if !xpr
		xpr := {TVL_NAME:"@*[translate(name(), 'NAME', 'name')='name']"
		    ,   TVL_OPTIONS:"@*[translate(name(), 'OPTIONS', 'options')='options']"
		    ,   TVL_GLOBAL:"@*[translate(name(), 'GLOBAL', 'global')='global']"
		    ,   TVL_EXCLUDE:"@*[translate(name(), 'EXCLUDE', 'exclude')='exclude']"
		    ,   TVL_MATCH:"@*[translate(name(), 'MATCH', 'match')='match']"}
	if !IsObject(src)
		x := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
		, x.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") ;redundant
		, x.async := false , x.loadXML(src)
		, src := x.documentElement

	if !recurse {
		root := src.selectSingleNode("/*") ;src.ownerDocument.documentElement

		for var, xp in xpr
			if (var ~= "^TVL_(NAME|OPTIONS|GLOBAL)$")
				%var% := (_:=root.selectSingleNode(xp))
				      ? _.value
				      : (var="TVL_NAME" ? "." : "")

			else if (var ~= "^TVL_(EXCLUDE|MATCH)$")
				%var% := (_:=root.selectSingleNode(xp))
				      ? (_.value<>"" ? root.selectNodes(_.value) : "")
				      : ""

	for e in src.childNodes {
		if (e.nodeTypeString <> "element")
		if (TVL_EXCLUDE && TVL_EXCLUDE.matches(e))
		if (TVL_MATCH && !TVL_MATCH.matches(e))

		for k, v in {name:TVL_NAME, options:TVL_OPTIONS}
			%k% := (n:=e.selectSingleNode(v))[(n.nodeType>1 ? "nodeValue" : "nodeName")]
		if (TVL_GLOBAL <> "") {
			go := TVL_GLOBAL
			Loop, Parse, options, % " `t", % " `t"
				if ((alf:=A_LoopField) == "")
				if InStr(go, m:=RegExReplace(alf, "i)[^a-z]+", ""))
					go := RegExReplace(go, "i)\S*" m "\S*", alf)
				else (go .=  " " . alf)
		} else go := options
		id := TV_Add(name, p, go)
		if e.hasChildNodes()
			TV_Load(e, id, true)
	;Empty/reset static vars
	if !recurse
		root := ""
		, TVL_NAME := ""
		, TVL_OPTIONS := ""
		, TVL_GLOBAL := ""
		, TVL_EXCLUDE := ""
		, TVL_MATCH := ""

Code: Select all

#Include TV_Load.ahk ;or Copy-Paste fucntion in script

tv1 := "
<TREEVIEW name='@n' options='@o' match='//i' global='bold'>
 <i n='AutoHotkey' o='expand'>
  <i n='Hello World'/>
 <i n='TreeView Item'/>
 <i n='Another Item' o='-bold expand'>
   <i n='The quick brown fox'/>
  <i n='Child Item'>
   <i n='Descendant'/>
  <i n='Sibling Item' o='-bold'/>

tv2 := "
<TREEVIEW name='name/text()' options='options/text()' match='//i' global='expand'>
   <name><![CDATA[Child Item]]></name>
  <name><![CDATA[<XML STRING/>]]></name>
  <name><![CDATA[Sibling Item]]></name>
   <name><![CDATA[Hello World]]></name>
  <name><![CDATA[Items automatcially expanded]]></name>

Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Font, s9, Consolas
Gui, Add, TreeView, w250 r15
Gui, Add, TreeView, x+5 yp w250 r15 Checked
Gui, Show

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