WinSpy - Window Information Tool

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Re: [modified] WinSpy - Window Information Tool

01 Feb 2020, 09:40

[the following script is a modified version of WinSpy V1.03]

Dear Alguimist,

WinSpy ist great und very useful. I use it a lot and that's why I always wanted a resizable Gui. Your code is wonderful and I hardly dare to post my changes.
What have i changed?

1. Main Window size is increased a little bit to show full informations. You can add own size additions by changing two variables inside this script: 'plusW' & 'plusH'.

2. Messages Tab:
The result will be displayed in decimal and hexadecimal.
Added a message description area for brief information. I have added the extended Messages.ini.

3. at script start WinSpy will be moved to center of primary screen in case it's outside of the visible area. This may happen if you use different screen resolutions for example in different rdp-sessions.

4. AlwaysOnTop can be set from main window (checkbox right from 'Compact Mode' checkbox).
And if the main window was AlwaysOnTop when closing, the setting is restored after the script has started. I missed this feature.

5. added a 'Reload' Button to reload WinSpy script (coding purposes)

I marked changes with *new* or *changed*.

Thanks for your great piece of software!

Code: Select all

; WinSpyM - Window Information Tool [modified] from Alguimist original version
; this is a modified version of WinSpy V1.0.3

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/* Description of modifications:

	1. Main Window size is increased a little bit to show full informations. You can add own size additions by changing
		two variables inside this script: 'plusW' & 'plusH'.

	2. Messages Tab:
		The result will be displayed in decimal and hexadecimal.
		Added a message description area for brief information.

	3. at script start WinSpy will be moved to center of primary screen in case it's outside of the visible area. This may happen
		if you use different screen resolutions for example in different rdp-sessions.

	4. AlwaysOnTop can be set from main window (checkbox right from 'Compact Mode' checkbox).
		And if the main window was AlwaysOnTop when closing, the setting is restored after the script has started.
		I missed this feature.

	5. added a 'Reload' Button to reload WinSpy script (coding purposes)


; Script options
	#SingleInstance Off
	#MaxMem 640
	#KeyHistory 0

	SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
	DetectHiddenWindows On
	CoordMode Mouse, Screen
	SetControlDelay -1
	SetWinDelay -1
	SetBatchLines -1
	ListLines Off

; Variables
	Global AppName      	:= "WinSpyM"
			,  Version          	:= "1.0.3"
			,  IniFile            	:= AppName . ".ini"
			,  ResDir             	:= A_ScriptDir . "\Resources"
			,  hFindTool
			,  Descriptions    	:= Object()			; *new*
			,  Bitmap1         	:= ResDir . "\FindTool1.bmp"
			,  Bitmap2         	:= ResDir . "\FindTool2.bmp"
			,  hCrossHair     	:= DllCall("LoadImage", "Int", 0, "Str", ResDir . "\CrossHair.cur", "Int", 2, "Int", 32, "Int", 32, "UInt", 0x10, "Ptr") ; LR_LOADFROMFILE
			,  hOldCursor
			,  Dragging         	:= False
			,  g_Borders         	:= []
			,  g_hWnd
			,  hSpyWnd
			,  hTab
			,  hStylesTab
			,  hWindowsTab
			,  g_Style
			,  g_ExStyle
			,  g_ExtraStyle
			,  g_WinMsgs	    	:= ""
			,  hCbxMsg
			,  Cursors               	:= {}
			,  oStyles                	:= {}
			,  Workaround        	:= True
			,  FindDlgExist        	:= False
			,  MenuViewerExist     := False
			,  hTreeWnd             	:= 0
			,  TreeIcons             	:= ResDir . "\TreeIcons.icl"
			,  ImageList
			,  g_TreeShowAll     	:= False
			,  g_Minimized
			,  g_MouseCoordMode := "Screen"
			,  g_DetectHidden
			,  g_Minimize
			,  g_AlwaysOnTop

	IniRead g_DetectHidden	, %IniFile%, Settings   	, DetectHidden	, 0
	IniRead g_Minimize     	, %IniFile%, Settings   	, CompactMode, 0
	IniRead g_AlwaysOnTop, %IniFile%, Settings   	, AlwaysOnTop	, 0
	IniRead g_ShowBorder	, %IniFile%, Screenshot	, ShowBorder	, 1
	IniRead g_BorderColor	, %IniFile%, Screenshot	, BorderColor	, 0xFF0000
	IniRead g_BorderWidth	, %IniFile%, Screenshot	, BorderWidth	, 4
	IniRead px                 	, %IniFile%, Settings    	, x                 	, Center
	IniRead py                 	, %IniFile%, Settings    	, y                 	, Center

	; gui sizes are added with this values
	plusW	:= 100
	plusH	:= 60

	g_BorderColorTemp := g_BorderColor

; Main Window
; Scite RegEx (\s*Gui.*\,.*\,)\s*(.*)w(\d+)(\sh)(\d+)(.*)
; Scite Replace: \1 % "\2 w" (\3+plusW) "\4" (\5+plusH) "\6"

Menu Tray, Icon, %ResDir%\WinSpy.ico
Gui Spy: New, LabelSpy hWndhSpyWnd
SetWindowIcon(hSpyWnd, ResDir . "\WinSpy.ico", 1)

Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI

Gui Add, Picture, hWndhFindTool gFindToolHandler x10 y12 w31 h28, %Bitmap1%
Gui Add, Text, x48 y10 w198, Drag the Finder Tool over a window`nto select it, then release the mouse
Gui Add, CheckBox, gSetDHW x247 y8 Checked%g_DetectHidden%, &Detect Hidden Windows
Gui Add, CheckBox, vg_Minimize gSetMinimize x247 y28 Checked%g_Minimize%, Compact &Mode
GuiControlGet, cpos, Pos, g_Minimize
Gui Add, CheckBox, % "vg_AlwaysOnTop gToggleAlwaysOnTop x" (cposX + cposW +5) " y28 Checked" g_AlwaysOnTop, AlwaysOnTop

Gui Add, Tab3, % "hWndhTab vTab gTabHandler x10 y50 w" (382+plusW) " h" (373+plusH) " AltSubmit -Wrap", General|Styles|Details|Messages|Extra|Windows|Process

; General                      ;{

	Gui Tab, 1
		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y88 w62 h23 +0x200, Handle:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtHandle gSetHandle x109 y90 w" (180+plusW) " h21"
		Gui Add, Button, % "hWndhBtnCommands gShowCommandsMenu x" (297+plusW) " y88 w83 h23", Commands
		Gui Add, Text	, vTxtText x28 y119 w62 h21 +0x200, Text:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtText x109 y120 w" (180+plusW) " h21"
		Gui Add, Button, % "vBtnSetText gSetText x" (297+plusW) " y118 w83 h23", Set Text

		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y146 w62 h21 +0x200, Class:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtClass x109 y150 w" (270+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"

		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y176 w62 h21 +0x200, ClassNN:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtClassNN x109 y180 w" (270+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		Gui Add, Text	, % "x23 y209 w" (357+plusW) " 0x10"

		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y220 w62 h21 +0x200, Style:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtStyle x109 y224 w" (270+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y250 w62 h21 +0x200, Extended:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtExStyle x109 y254 w" (270+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		Gui Add, Text	, % "x23 y283 w" (357+plusW) " 0x10"

		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y294 w62 h21 +0x200, Position:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtPosition x109 y298 w" (180+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		Gui Add, Button, % "gShowXYWHDlg x" (297+plusW) " y294 w83 h23", Change...
		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y324 w62 h21 +0x200, Size:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtSize x109 y328 w" (180+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		Gui Add, Text	, % "x23 y357 w" (357+plusW) " 0x10"

		Gui Add, Text	, x28 y368 w80 h21 +0x200, Cursor:
		Gui Add, Edit	, % "vEdtCursor x109 y372 w" (180+plusW) " h21 -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		Gui Add, DDL	, % "vMouseCoordMode gSetMouseCoordMode x" (297+plusW) " y368 w83", Client|Window|Screen||


; Styles                      	;{

	Gui Tab, 2
		Gui Add, Custom, % "ClassSysTabControl32 hWndhStylesTab gStylesTabHandler x21 y85 w" (360+plusW) " h230"
		Tab_AddItem(hStylesTab, "Styles")
		Tab_AddItem(hStylesTab, "Extended Styles")

		; ListBox style +0x108: no integral height and simplified multiple selection
		Gui Add, ListBox
			, hWndhLbxStyles vLbxStyles gLbxStylesHandler x28 y116 w444 h190 +0x108 -E0x200 T133
		Gui Add, ListBox
			, hWndhLbxExStyles vLbxExStyles gLbxStylesHandler x28 y116 w444 h190 +0x108 -E0x200 T133 Hidden
		Gui Add, ListBox
			, hWndhLbxExtraStyles vLbxExtraStyles gLbxStylesHandler x28 y116 w444 h190 +0x108 -E0x200 T133 Hidden

		Gui Add, GroupBox, % "vGrpDesc x21 y319 w" (268+plusW) " h" (91+plusH+5) , Description
		Gui Add, Edit		 , % "vTxtDesc gShowDescription x32 y338 w" (245+plusW) " h" (64+plusH+5) " +0x80 +Wrap", Left/Right-click an item to see its description.

		Gui Add, Edit    	, % "vEdtStyleSum x" (297+plusW) " y326 w83 h23", 0x00000000
		Gui Add, Edit    	, % "vEdtExStyleSum x" (297+plusW) " y326 w83 h23 Hidden", 0x00000000
		Gui Add, Edit    	, % "vEdtExtraStyleSum x" (297+plusW) " y326 w83 h23 Hidden", 0x00000000

		Gui Add, Button 	, % "gApplyStyle x" (297+plusW) " y355 w83 h24", Apply
		Gui Add, Button 	, % "gResetStyle x" (297+plusW) " y386 w83 h24", Reset


; Details                     	;{

	Gui Tab, 3
		Gui Add, ListView	, % "hWndhClassInfo x21 y84 w" (360+plusW) " h" (200+Floor(plusH/2)) " +LV0x14000", Property|Value
		LV_ModifyCol(1, 138)
		LV_ModifyCol(2, 201)

		Gui Add, Text    	, % "x21 y" (288+Floor(plusH/2)) " w360 h20", Window Properties:
		Gui Add, ListView	, % "hWndhPropInfo x21 y" (306+Floor(plusH/2)) " w" (360+plusW) " h" (104+Floor(plusH/2)) " +LV0x14000", Property|Data
		LV_ModifyCol(1, 238)
		LV_ModifyCol(2, 100)


; Messages                 	;{

	Gui Tab, 4
		Gui Add, Text        	, x30 y94 w63 h23 +0x200, Message:
		Gui Add, ComboBox	, % "hWndhCbxMsg vCbxMessages gMessageInfo x105 y94  w" (182+plusW)
		SendMessage 0x1701, 20, 0,, ahk_id %hCbxMsg% ; CB_SETMINVISIBLE
		Gui Add, Link        	, % "gGoogleSearch x" (299+plusW) " y97 w78 h23", <a>Google Search</a>
		Gui Add, Text        	, x30 y127 w63 h23 +0x200, wParam:
		Gui Add, Edit        	, % "vwParam x105 y127  w" (182+plusW) " h" 23
		Gui Add, DDL        	, % "vwParamType x" (297+plusW) " y126 w78", Number||String
		Gui Add, Text        	, x30 y161 w63 h23 +0x200, lParam:
		Gui Add, Edit        	, % "vlParam x105 y161  w" (182+plusW) " h" 23
		Gui Add, DDL        	, % "vlParamType x" (297+plusW) " y160 w78", Number||String
		Gui Add, Picture    	, % "x" (58+Floor(plusW/2)) " y200 w16 h16 +Icon2", user32.dll
		Gui Add, Text        	, % "x" (80+Floor(plusW/2)) " y200 w290 h23", Some messages may crash the target application.
		Gui Add, Button     	, % "gSendMsg x" (97+Floor(plusW/2)) " y223 w99 h24", SendMessage
		Gui Add, Button     	, % "gPostMsg x" (203+Floor(plusW/2)) " y223 w99 h24", PostMessage
		Gui Add, GroupBox	, % "vGBResult x" (84) " y259 w" (232+plusW) " h51 Center", Result
		Gui Add, Edit        	, % "vResult x" (103) " y281 w" (195+plusW) " h21 Center -E0x200 ReadOnly"
		; *new* info control for brief message descriptions
		GuiControlGet, cpos, Pos, GBResult
		Gui Add, GroupBox	, % "x20 y" (cposY+cposH+10) " w" (360+plusW) " h" (385+plusH-cposY-cposH+20) " Center", Message Description
		Gui Add, Edit        	, % "vMsgDescription x" (26) " y" (cposY+cposH+30) " w" (360+plusW-12) " h" (385+plusH-cposY-cposH-6) " -E0x200 +Wrap ReadOnly"


; Extra                         	;{

	Gui Tab, 5
		Gui Add, ListView	, % "hWndhExtraInfo x21 y84  w" (360+plusW) " h" (261+plusH) " +LV0x14000", Property|Value

		Gui Add, Button 	, % "hWndhBtnMenu gShowMenuViewer x21 y" (355+plusH) " w83 h23", Menu...
		Gui Add, Button 	, % "gShowScrollBarInfo x21 y" (387+plusH) " w83 h23", Scroll Bars...


; Windows                   	;{

	Gui Tab, 6
		Gui Add, Custom, % "ClassSysTabControl32 hWndhWindowsTab gWindowsTabHandler x21 y85  w" (360+plusW) " h" (255+plusH) ""
		Tab_AddItem(hWindowsTab, "Child Windows")
		Tab_AddItem(hWindowsTab, "Sibling Windows")

		Gui Add, ListView, % "hWndhChildList gChildListHandler x28 y116  w" (344+plusW) " h" (214+plusH) " -E0x200 +LV0x14000"
		, Handle|Class Name|Window Text
		LV_ModifyCol(1, 76)
		LV_ModifyCol(2, 113)
		LV_ModifyCol(3, 136)
		Gui Add, ListView, % "hWndhSiblingList gSiblingListHandler x28 y116  w" (344+plusW) " h" (214+plusH) " -E0x200 +LV0x14000 Hidden"
		, Handle|Class Name|Window Text
		LV_ModifyCol(1, 76)
		LV_ModifyCol(2, 113)
		LV_ModifyCol(3, 136)

		Gui Add, Text, % "x33 y" (352+plusH) " w48 h23 +0x200", Parent:
		Gui Add, Link, % "vParentLink gLinkToHandle x87 y" (357+plusH) " w300 h20", <a>0x00000000</a>
		Gui Add, Text, % "x33 y" (380+plusH) " w48 h23 +0x200", Owner:
		Gui Add, Link, % "vOwnerLink gLinkToHandle x87 y" (385+plusH) " w300 h20", <a>0x00000000</a>


; Process                     	;{

	Gui Tab, 7
		Gui Add, Picture	, vProgIcon x21 y82 w32 h32 Icon3, shell32.dll
		Gui Add, Text     	, vProgName x60 y82 w180 h20, N/A
		Gui Add, Text    	, % "vProgVer x60 y96  w" (180+plusW) " h20 +0x200"
		Gui Add, ListView	, % "hWndhProcInfo x21 y120  w" (360+plusW) " h" (257+plusH) " +LV0x14000", Property|Value
		Gui Add, Button 	, % "gEndProcess x21 y" (386+plusH) " w83 h23", End Process
		Gui Add, Button 	, % "gOpenFolder x110 y" (386+plusH) " w83 h23", Open Folder
		LV_ModifyCol(1, 100)
		LV_ModifyCol(2, 256)

	Gui Tab

; Buttons                   	;{

	Gui Add, Button, % "hWndhBtnOpts gShowSettingsDlg x10 y" (432+plusH) " w24 h24"
	Gui Add, Button, % "gShowFindDlg x39 y" (432+plusH) " w84 h24", &Find...
	Gui Add, Button, % "gShowTree x128 y" (432+plusH) " w84 h24", &Tree...
	Gui Add, Button, % "gCopyToClipboard x217 y" (432+plusH) " w84 h24", &Copy
	Gui Add, Button, % "gScreenshot x306 y" (432+plusH) " w84 h24", &Screenshot
	Gui Add, Button, % "gWSReload x395 y" (432+plusH) " w84 h24", &Reload
	SetButtonIcon(hBtnOpts, ResDir . "\Settings.ico")


; Show main window 	;{

	Gui Show, % "x" px " y" py " w" (402+plusW) " h" (465+plusH) " Hide", % AppName ; Show main window
	If (g_Minimize) {
		WinMove ahk_id %hSpyWnd%,,,,, 78
		g_Minimized := True
	Gui Show


	; *new*: moves WinSpy to center of primary screen in case it's outside of the visible area.
	; This may happen if you use different screen resolutions for example in different rdp-sessions.

	; *new*: AlwaysOnTop at script start. I missed that.
	WinSet AlwaysOnTop, % g_AlwaysOnTop ? "On" : "Off", ahk_id %hSpyWnd%


; Commands menu     	;{

	Menu CommandsMenu, Add, Visible, MenuHandler
	Menu CommandsMenu, Add, Enabled, MenuHandler
	Menu CommandsMenu, Add, Always on Top, MenuHandler
	Menu CommandsMenu, Add
	Menu CommandsMenu, Add, Redraw Window, MenuHandler
	Menu CommandsMenu, Add
	Menu CommandsMenu, Add, Close Window, MenuHandler
	Global hCommandsMenu := MenuGetHandle("CommandsMenu")

	RegRead Sep, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International, sThousand
	If (Sep == "") {
		Sep := "."


OnMessage(0x100, "OnWM_KEYDOWN")
OnMessage(0x112, "OnWM_SYSCOMMAND")
OnMessage(0x200, "OnWM_MOUSEMOVE")
OnMessage(0x202, "OnWM_LBUTTONUP")
OnMessage(0x204, "OnWM_RBUTTONDOWN")


hSysMenu := DllCall("GetSystemMenu", "Ptr", hSpyWnd, "Int", False, "Ptr")
DllCall("InsertMenu", "Ptr", hSysMenu, "UInt", 5, "UInt", 0x400, "UPtr", 0xC0DE, "Str", "About...")
DllCall("InsertMenu", "Ptr", hSysMenu, "UInt", 5, "UInt", 0xC00, "UPtr", 0, "Str", "") ; Separator

Return ;}

; Main Window - Labels & Functions
SpyEscape:                                                                                            	;{

	Gui, Submit, NoHide

    p := GetWindowPlacement(hSpyWnd)

    If (!FileExist(IniFile)) {
        FileAppend % "[Settings]`n`n[Screenshot]", %IniFile%, UTF-16

    IniWrite % p.x, %IniFile%, Settings, x
    IniWrite % p.y, %IniFile%, Settings, y

    IniWrite %g_DetectHidden%, %IniFile%, Settings, DetectHidden
    IniWrite %g_Minimize%, %IniFile%, Settings, CompactMode
    IniWrite %g_AlwaysOnTop%, %IniFile%, Settings, AlwaysOnTop

    IniWrite %g_ShowBorder%, %IniFile%, Screenshot, ShowBorder
    IniWrite %g_BorderColor%, %IniFile%, Screenshot, BorderColor
    IniWrite %g_BorderWidth%, %IniFile%, Screenshot, BorderWidth

	If g_reload

ExitApp ;}

WSReload:                                                                                             	;{ *new*
	g_reload := true
	gosub SpyClose
return ;}

ToggleAlwaysOnTop:                                                                          	;{ *new*

	Gui, Submit, NoHide
	WinSet AlwaysOnTop, % g_AlwaysOnTop ? "On" : "Off", ahk_id %hSpyWnd%

return ;}

TabHandler:                                                                                         	;{
    Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide
Return ;}

TabHandler(Tab) {
    If (Tab == 7) { ; Process
        GoSub LoadProcessProperties
    } Else If (Tab == 4) { ; Messages
        GoSub LoadMessages
        WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %hCbxMsg%

ShowWindowInfo(ClassNN := "") {
    GuiControl -g, EdtHandle

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
    } Else {

    GuiControl +gSetHandle, EdtHandle

    GoSub LoadStyles
    GoSub LoadClassInfo
    GoSub LoadProperties
    GoSub LoadExtraInfo
    GoSub LoadWindowsTab

    GuiControlGet Tab,, Tab, %hTab%

    GoSub UpdateTitleBar

LoadWindowInfo() {
    Gui Spy: Default

    ; Handle
    GuiControl,, EdtHandle, % Format("0x{:X}", g_hWnd)

    ; Title
    WinGetTitle Title, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtText, %Title%
    GuiControl,, TxtText, Title:
    GuiControl,, BtnSetText, Set Title

    ; Class
    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtClass, %Class%

    GuiControl,, EdtClassNN, N/A

    ; Style
    WinGet g_Style, Style, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    If ((g_Style & 0x00FF0000) == 0xCF0000) {
        StyleInfo := " (overlapped window)"
    } Else If (g_Style & 0x80880000) {
        StyleInfo := " (popup window)"
    } Else {
        StyleInfo := ""
    GuiControl,, EdtStyle, % Format("0x{:08X}", g_Style) . StyleInfo

    ; Extended style
    WinGet g_ExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtExStyle, % Format("0x{:08X}", g_ExStyle)

    ; Position/size
    SetFormat Integer, D
    WinGetPos X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    wi := GetWindowInfo(g_hWnd)
    GuiControl,, EdtPosition, % X . ", " . Y . " (" . wi.ClientX . ", " . wi.ClientY . ")"
    GuiControl,, EdtSize, % W . " x " . H . " (" . wi.ClientW . " x " . wi.ClientH . ")"

LoadControlInfo(ClassNN) {
    If (ClassNN == "") {
        ClassNN := GetClassNNEx(g_hWnd)

    Gui Spy: Default
    SetFormat Integer, Hex

    ; Handle
    GuiControl,, EdtHandle, % Format("0x{:X}", g_hWnd)

    ; Class
    WinGetClass, Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtClass, %Class%

    ; Control text
    ControlGetText Text,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtText, %Text%
    GuiControl,, TxtText, Text:
    GuiControl,, BtnSetText, Set Text

    ; ClassNN
    GuiControl,, EdtClassNN, %ClassNN%

    ; Style
    ControlGet g_Style, Style,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtStyle, %g_Style%

    ; Extended style
    ControlGet g_ExStyle, ExStyle,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    GuiControl,, EdtExStyle, %g_ExStyle%

    ; Position/Size
    SetFormat Integer, D
    GetWindowPos(g_hWnd, X, Y, W, H)
    wi := GetWindowInfo(g_hWnd)
    Pos := X . ", " . Y ; Relative to parent

    hParent := GetParent(g_hWnd)
    hAncestor := GetAncestor(g_hWnd)
    If (hParent != hAncestor) {
        VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
        DllCall("GetWindowRect", "Ptr", g_hWnd, "Ptr", &RECT)
        DllCall("MapWindowPoints", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", GetAncestor(g_hWnd), "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", 1)
        AX := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
        AY := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
        Pos .= " (" . AX ", " . AY . ")" ; Relative to ancestor

    GuiControl,, EdtPosition, %Pos%

    If (W != wi.ClientW || H != wi.ClientH) {
        GuiControl,, EdtSize, % W . " x " . H . " (" . wi.ClientW . " x " . wi.ClientH . ")"
    } Else {
        GuiControl,, EdtSize, %W% x %H%

    g_ExtraStyle := GetExtraStyle(g_hWnd)

SetHandle: ;{
    Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide

    If (!Dragging && WinExist("ahk_id " . EdtHandle)) {
        g_hWnd := EdtHandle
Return ;}

MenuHandler: ;{

    If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Visible") {
        ShowWindow(g_hWnd, !IsWindowVisible(g_hWnd))
    } Else If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Enabled") {
        DllCall("EnableWindow", "Ptr", g_hWnd, "UInt", !IsWindowEnabled(g_hWnd))
    } Else If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Always on Top") {
        WinSet AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    } Else If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Close Window") {
        WinClose ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    } Else If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Redraw Window") {
        WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

Return ;}

UpdateCommandsMenu() {
    Visible := IsWindowVisible(g_hWnd)
    Enabled := IsWindowEnabled(g_hWnd)
    WinGet ExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

    Menu CommandsMenu, % (Visible) ? "Check" : "Uncheck", Visible
    Menu CommandsMenu, % (Enabled) ? "Check" : "Uncheck", Enabled

    Menu CommandsMenu, % (ExStyle & 0x8) ? "Check" : "Uncheck", Always on Top ; WS_EX_TOPMOST
    Menu CommandsMenu, % (IsChild(g_hWnd)) ? "Disable" : "Enable", Always on Top

ShowCommandsMenu: ;{


    WingetPos wx, wy, ww, wh, ahk_id %hSpyWnd%
    ControlGetPos cx, cy, cw, ch,, ahk_id %hBtnCommands%
    x := wx + cx + cw
    y := wy + cy + ch
    DllCall("TrackPopupMenu", "Ptr", hCommandsMenu, "UInt", 0x8, "Int", x, "Int", y, "Int", 0, "Ptr", hSpyWnd, "Ptr", 0)

Return ;}

SetText: ;{
    Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide
    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
        ControlSetText,, %EdtText%, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    } Else {
        WinSetTitle ahk_id %g_hWnd%,, %EdtText%
Return ;}

MoveWinToCenterScreen(hWin) {                                                      	; moves a window to center of screen if its position is outside the visible screen area

	; dependencies: GetWindowSpot(), GetMonitorIndexFromWindow(), screenDims()

	w:= GetWindowPlacement(hWin)

	If !IsInsideVisibleArea(w.x, w.y, w.w, w.h) {
		mon	:= GetMonitorIndexFromWindow(hWin)
		scr	:= screenDims(mon)
		SetWindowPos(hWin, (scr.W//2) - (w.X//2), (scr.H//2) - (w.Y//2), w.W, w.H)


IsInsideVisibleArea(x,y,w,h) {

  SysGet, MonitorCount, MonitorCount
  Loop, % MonitorCount
		SysGet, Monitor%A_Index%, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index%
		if (x+w-10>Monitor%A_Index%Left) and (x+10<Monitor%A_Index%Right) and (y+20>Monitor%A_Index%Top) and (y+20<Monitor%A_Index%Bottom)
  return, IsVis

MessageInfo:                                                                                   	;{ *new*

	Gui, Submit, NoHide
	GuiControl,, MsgDescription, % CbxMessages ": " StrReplace(Descriptions[CbxMessages], "``n", "`n")

return ;}


GetMonitorIndexFromWindow(windowHandle) {                                                                        	; *new*
	; Starts with 1.
	monitorIndex := 1

	VarSetCapacity(monitorInfo, 40)
	NumPut(40, monitorInfo)

	if (monitorHandle := DllCall("MonitorFromWindow", "uint", windowHandle, "uint", 0x2))
		&& DllCall("GetMonitorInfo", "uint", monitorHandle, "uint", &monitorInfo)
		monitorLeft   		:= NumGet(monitorInfo,  4, "Int")
		monitorTop    	:= NumGet(monitorInfo,  8, "Int")
		monitorRight  	:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 12, "Int")
		monitorBottom 	:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 16, "Int")
		workLeft      		:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 20, "Int")
		workTop       	:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 24, "Int")
		workRight     		:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 28, "Int")
		workBottom    	:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 32, "Int")
		isPrimary     		:= NumGet(monitorInfo, 36, "Int") & 1

		SysGet, monitorCount, MonitorCount

		Loop, % monitorCount
			SysGet, tempMon, Monitor, %A_Index%

			; Compare location to determine the monitor index.
			if ((monitorLeft = tempMonLeft) and (monitorTop = tempMonTop)
				and (monitorRight = tempMonRight) and (monitorBottom = tempMonBottom))
				monitorIndex := A_Index

	return % monitorIndex

screenDims(MonNr:=1) {	                                                                                        		    			;-- returns a key:value pair of width screen dimensions (only for primary monitor)

	Sysget, MonitorInfo, Monitor, % MonNr
	X	:= MonitorInfoLeft
	Y	:= MonitorInfoTop
	W	:= MonitorInfoRight - MonitorInfoLeft
	H 	:= MonitorInfoBottom - MonitorInfoTop

	DPI := A_ScreenDPI
	Orient := (W>H)?"L":"P"
	yEdge := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "Int", SM_CYEDGE)
	yBorder := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "Int", SM_CYBORDER)

 return {X:X, Y:Y, W:W, H:H, DPI:DPI, OR:Orient, yEdge:yEdge, yBorder:yBorder}

IsChild(hWnd) {
    WinGet Style, Style, ahk_id %hWnd%
    Return Style & 0x40000000 ; WS_CHILD

GetStatusBarText(hWnd) {
    SB_Text := ""
    hParentWnd := GetParent(hWnd)

    SendMessage 0x406, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; SB_GETPARTS
    Count := ErrorLevel
    If (Count != "FAIL") {
        Loop %Count% {
            StatusBarGetText PartText, %A_Index%, ahk_id %hParentWnd%
            SB_Text .= PartText . "|"

    Return SubStr(SB_Text, 1, -1)

GetAncestor(hWnd, Flag := 2) {
	; Flag: GA_PARENT = 1, GA_ROOT = 2, GA_ROOTOWNER  = 3
    Return DllCall("GetAncestor", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", Flag, "Ptr")

GetClassNNEx(hWnd) {

    hAncestor := GetAncestor(hWnd)
    If !hAncestor

    WinGetClass BaseClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
    NN := 0

    WinGet ControlList, ControlListHwnd, % "ahk_id " . hAncestor
    Loop Parse, ControlList, `n
        WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
        If (Class == BaseClass) {
            If (A_LoopField == hWnd) {
                Return Class . NN

IsWindowEnabled(hWnd) {
    Return DllCall("IsWindowEnabled", "Ptr", hWnd)

ShowBorder(hWnd, Duration := 500, Color := "0x3FBBE3", r := 3) {

    Local x, y, w, h, Index

    WinGetPos x, y, w, h, ahk_id %hWnd%
    If (!w) {

    g_Borders := []
    Loop 4 {
        Index := A_Index + 90
        Gui %Index%: +hWndhBorder -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
        Gui %Index%: Color, %Color%

    Gui 91: Show, % "NA x" (x - r) " y" (y - r) " w" (w + r + r) " h" r ; Top
    Gui 92: Show, % "NA x" (x - r) " y" (y + h) " w" (w + r + r) " h" r ; Bottom
    Gui 93: Show, % "NA x" (x - r) " y" y " w" r " h" h ; Left
    Gui 94: Show, % "NA x" (x + w) " y" y " w" r " h" h ; Right

    If (Duration != -1) {
        Sleep %Duration%
        Loop 4 {
            Index := A_Index + 90
            Gui %Index%: Destroy

GetClassLong(hWnd, Param) {
    Static GetClassLong := A_PtrSize == 8 ? "GetClassLongPtr" : "GetClassLong"
    Return DllCall(GetClassLong, "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", Param)

GetWindowLong(hWnd, Param) {
    ;GetWindowLong := A_PtrSize == 8 ? "GetWindowLongPtr" : "GetWindowLong"
    Return DllCall("GetWindowLong", "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", Param)

; Details
LoadClassInfo: ;{
    Gui ListView, %hClassInfo%

    SetFormat Integer, H
    WinGetClass ClassName, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    ClassStyle := GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -26)

    LV_Add("", "Class name", ClassName)
    LV_Add("", "Control ID", GetWindowLong(g_hWnd, -12))
    LV_Add("", "Font", GetFont())
    LV_Add("", "Window procedure", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -24))
    LV_Add("", "Instance handle", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -16))
    LV_Add("", "Class style", ClassStyle . GetClassStyles(ClassStyle))
    LV_Add("", "Icon handle", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -14))
    LV_Add("", "Small icon handle", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -34))
    LV_Add("", "Cursor handle", GetCursor(GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -12)))
    LV_Add("", "Background Brush", GetSysColorName(GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -10) - 1))
    LV_Add("", "Menu name", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -8))
    LV_Add("", "Window extra bytes", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -18))
    LV_Add("", "Class extra bytes", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -20))
    LV_Add("", "Class atom", GetClassLong(g_hWnd, -32))
    LV_Add("", "User data", GetWindowLong(g_hWnd, -21))
    SetFormat Integer, D
    LV_Add("", "Unicode", DllCall("IsWindowUnicode", "Ptr", g_hWnd) ? "Yes" : "No")
    LV_Add("", "Tab order index", GetTabOrderIndex(g_hWnd))
    LV_Add("", "Help context ID", DllCall("GetWindowContextHelpId", "Ptr", g_hWnd))
    LV_Add("", "Touch-capable", DllCall("IsTouchWindow", "Ptr", g_hWnd, "Ptr", 0))

Return ;}

GetFont() {
    FontName := FontSize := FontStyle := ""

    Wingetclass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    If (Class == "Scintilla") {
        FontName := Scintilla_GetFont(g_hWnd)
        FontSize := SendMsg(2485, 32) ; SCI_STYLEGETSIZE, STYLE_DEFAULT
    } Else {
        Control_GetFont(g_hWnd, FontName, FontSize, FontStyle)
        If (FontName == "" || FontSize > 1000) {
            Return "System default"

    FontInfo := FontName . ", " . Format("{:d}", FontSize)
    If (FontStyle != "") {
        FontInfo .= ", " . FontStyle

    Return FontInfo

Control_GetFont(hWnd, ByRef Name, ByRef Size, ByRef Style, IsGDIFontSize := 0) {
    SendMessage 0x31, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hWnd% ; WM_GETFONT
    If (ErrorLevel == "FAIL") {

    hFont := Errorlevel
    VarSetCapacity(LOGFONT, LOGFONTSize := 60 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ))
    DllCall("GetObject", "Ptr", hFont, "Int", LOGFONTSize, "Ptr", &LOGFONT)

    Name := DllCall("MulDiv", "Int", &LOGFONT + 28, "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "Str")

    Style := Trim((Weight := NumGet(LOGFONT, 16, "Int")) == 700 ? "Bold" : (Weight == 400) ? "" : " w" . Weight
    . (NumGet(LOGFONT, 20, "UChar") ? " Italic" : "")
    . (NumGet(LOGFONT, 21, "UChar") ? " Underline" : "")
    . (NumGet(LOGFONT, 22, "UChar") ? " Strikeout" : ""))

    Size := IsGDIFontSize ? -NumGet(LOGFONT, 0, "Int") : Round((-NumGet(LOGFONT, 0, "Int") * 72) / A_ScreenDPI)

Scintilla_GetFont(hWnd) {
    WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %hWnd%
    If !(hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x438, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")) {

    ; LF_FACESIZE := 32
    Address := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", 32, "UInt", 0x1000, "UInt", 4, "Ptr")

    SendMessage 2486, 32, Address,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; SCI_STYLEGETFONT, STYLE_DEFAULT
    If (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") {
        VarSetCapacity(FontName, 32, 0)
        DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "Ptr", &FontName, "UPtr", 32, "Ptr", 0)
        FontName := StrGet(&FontName, "UTF-8")

    DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "UPtr", 0, "UInt", 0x8000) ; MEM_RELEASE
    DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)

    Return FontName

Scintilla_GetLexerLanguage(hWnd) {
    WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %hWnd%
    If !(hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x438, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")) {

    Sendmessage 4012, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; SCI_GETLEXERLANGUAGE
    BufferSize := ErrorLevel
    Address := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", BufferSize, "UInt", 0x1000, "UInt", 4, "Ptr")

    Sendmessage 4012, 0, Address,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; SCI_GETLEXERLANGUAGE
    If (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") {
        VarSetCapacity(LexerName, BufferSize, 0)
        DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "Ptr", &LexerName, "UPtr", 32, "Ptr", 0)
        LexerName := StrGet(&LexerName, "UTF-8")

    DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "UPtr", 0, "UInt", 0x8000) ; MEM_RELEASE
    DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)

    Return LexerName

GetClassStyles(Style) {
    Static CS := {0x1: "CS_VREDRAW"
    , 0x2: "CS_HREDRAW"
    , 0x8: "CS_DBLCLKS"
    , 0x20: "CS_OWNDC"
    , 0x40: "CS_CLASSDC"
    , 0x80: "CS_PARENTDC"
    , 0x200: "CS_NOCLOSE"
    , 0x800: "CS_SAVEBITS"
    , 0x1000: "CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT"
    , 0x2000: "CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW"
    , 0x4000: "CS_GLOBALCLASS"
    , 0x10000: "CS_IME"
    , 0x20000: "CS_DROPSHADOW"}

    Styles := " ("
    For k, v in CS {
        If (Style & k) {
            Styles .= v ", "

    Return RTrim(Styles, ", ") . ")"

LoadCursors() {
    Static Constants := {"IDC_ARROW": 32512
        , "IDC_IBEAM": 32513
        , "IDC_WAIT": 32514
        , "IDC_CROSS": 32515
        , "IDC_UPARROW": 32516
        , "IDC_SIZENWSE": 32642
        , "IDC_SIZENESW": 32643
        , "IDC_SIZEWE": 32644
        , "IDC_SIZENS": 32645
        , "IDC_SIZEALL": 32646
        , "IDC_NO": 32648
        , "IDC_HAND": 32649
        , "IDC_APPSTARTING": 32650
        , "IDC_HELP": 32651}

    For Key, Value in Constants {
        hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", Value, "Ptr")
        Cursors[hCursor] := Key

GetCursor(CursorHandle) {
    Cursor := Cursors[CursorHandle]
    Return (Cursor != "") ? Cursor : CursorHandle

GetTabOrderIndex(hWnd) {
    hParent := GetAncestor(hWnd)

    WinGet ControlList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %hParent%
    Index := 1
    Loop Parse, ControlList, `n
        If (!IsWindowVisible(A_LoopField)) {

        WinGet Style, Style, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
        If !(Style & 0x10000) { ; WS_TABSTOP

        If (A_LoopField == hWnd) {
            Return Index


    Return 0

Tab_AddItem(hTab, Text) {
    VarSetCapacity(TCITEM, 16 + A_PtrSize * 3, 0)
    NumPut(0x1, TCITEM, 0, "UInt") ; TCIF_TEXT
    NumPut(&Text, TCITEM, 8 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
    SendMessage 0x1304, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_GETITEMCOUNT
    SendMessage 0x133E, %ErrorLevel%, &TCITEM, , ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_INSERTITEMW

StylesTabHandler: ;{
    If (A_GuiEvent == "N") {
        Code := NumGet(A_EventInfo + 0, A_PtrSize * 2, "Int")
        If (Code == -551) { ; TCN_SELCHANGE
            SendMessage 0x130B, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hStylesTab% ; TCM_GETCURSEL
            nTab := Errorlevel + 1
            If (nTab == 1) {
                GuiControl Hide, ListBox3
                GuiControl Hide, ListBox2
                GuiControl Show, ListBox1

                GuiControl Hide, EdtExtraStyleSum
                GuiControl Hide, EdtExStyleSum
                GuiControl Show, EdtStyleSum
            } Else If (nTab == 2) {
                GuiControl Hide, ListBox1
                GuiControl Hide, ListBox3
                GuiControl Show, ListBox2

                GuiControl Hide, EdtExtraStyleSum
                GuiControl Hide, EdtStyleSum
                GuiControl Show, EdtExStyleSum
            } Else If (nTab == 3) {
                GuiControl Hide, ListBox1
                GuiControl Hide, ListBox2
                GuiControl Show, ListBox3

                GuiControl Hide, EdtStyleSum
                GuiControl Hide, EdtExStyleSum
                GuiControl Show, EdtExtraStyleSum
Return ;}

; Styles
LoadStyles: ;{
    Gui Spy: Default

    GuiControl,, EdtStyleSum, %g_Style%
    GuiControl,, EdtExStyleSum, %g_ExStyle%
    GuiControl,, EdtExtraStyleSum, %g_ExtraStyle%

    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    If (Class == "") {

    ; Load control styles
    LoadStyles(Class, "ListBox1")

    If (Class == "ToolbarWindow32" || Class == "ReBarWindow32") {
        LoadStyles("CommonControls", "ListBox1", True)

    ; Load window styles
    LoadStyles("Window", "ListBox1", True)
    LoadStyles("WindowEx", "ListBox2")

    ; Delete the third tab
    SendMessage 0x1308, 2, 0,, ahk_id %hStylesTab% ; TCM_DELETEITEM
    If (ErrorLevel == True) {
        GuiControl Hide, ListBox3
        GuiControl Show, ListBox1
        SendMessage 0x1330, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hStylesTab% ; TCM_SETCURFOCUS
        Sleep 0
        SendMessage 0x130C, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hStylesTab% ; TCM_SETCURSEL

    If (Class == "ComboBox" && g_Style & 0x10) { ; CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED
        Class := "ComboBoxEx"

    ; Add third tab
    If (Class == "SysListView32"
    ||  Class == "SysTreeView32"
    ||  Class == "SysTabControl32"
    ||  Class == "ToolbarWindow32"
    ||  Class == "ComboBoxEx") {
        Tab_AddItem(hStylesTab, RegExReplace(Class, "Sys|32|Control|Window") . " Extended Styles")
        LoadStyles(Class . "Ex", "ListBox3")

    WStyle := g_Style
    Type := 0
    If (Class == "Button") {
        Type := WStyle & 0xF ; BS_TYPEMASK
        WStyle &= ~Type
    } Else If (Class == "SysListView32") {
        Type := WStyle & 0x3 ; LVS_TYPEMASK
        WStyle &= ~Type
    } Else If (Class == "Static") {
        Type := WStyle & 0x1F ; SS_TYPEMASK
        WStyle &= ~Type

    ControlGet Items, List,,, ahk_id %hLbxStyles%
    Loop Parse, Items, `n
        LStyle := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")[2]
        If (WStyle & LStyle || Type == LStyle) {
            WStyle &= ~LStyle
            GuiControl Choose, %hLbxStyles%, %A_Index%

    If (WStyle) {
        Leftover := Format("0x{:08X}", WStyle)
        GuiControl,, %hLbxStyles%, % Leftover . "`t" . Leftover . "||"

    SendMessage 0x115, 6, 0,, ahk_id %hLbxStyles% ; WM_VSCROLL, scroll to top
    WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %hLbxStyles%

    ; Extended styles
    WExStyle := g_ExStyle
    ControlGet Items, List,,, ahk_id %hLbxExStyles%
    Loop Parse, Items, `n
        LExStyle := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")[2]
        If (WExStyle & LExStyle || LExStyle == 0) {
            WExStyle &= ~LExStyle
            GuiControl Choose, %hLbxExStyles%, %A_Index%

    If (WExStyle) {
        Leftover := Format("0x{:08X}", WExStyle)
        GuiControl,, %hLbxExStyles%, % Leftover . "`t" . Leftover . "||"

    SendMessage 0x115, 6, 0,, ahk_id %hLbxExStyles% ; WM_VSCROLL, scroll to top
    WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %hLbxExStyles%

    ; Extra control styles (LV, TV, Toolbar, Tab)
    ExtraStyle := g_ExtraStyle
    ControlGet Items, List,,, ahk_id %hLbxExtraStyles%
    Loop Parse, Items, `n
        LExtraStyle := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")[2]
        If (ExtraStyle & LExtraStyle || LExtraStyle == 0) {
            ExtraStyle &= ~LExtraStyle
            GuiControl Choose, %hLbxExtraStyles%, %A_Index%

Return ;}

LoadStyles(IniSection, ListBox, Append := False) {
    Static IniFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Constants\Styles.ini"
    IniRead Section, %IniFile%, %IniSection%

    Child := (IniSection == "Window" && IsChild(g_hWnd)) ? True : False

    Values := ""
    Loop Parse, Section, `n
        Fields := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "|")
        Const := Fields[1]

        If (Child && (Const == "WS_MAXIMIZEBOX" || Const == "WS_MINIMIZEBOX" || Const == "WS_OVERLAPPED")) {

        If (!Child && (Const == "WS_TABSTOP" || Const == "WS_GROUP")) {

        Values .= Const . "`t" . Fields[2] . "|"
        oStyles[Const] := {"Value": Fields[2], "Desc": Fields[3]}

    Gui Spy: Default
    GuiControl,, %ListBox%, % (Append) ? Values : "|" . Values

LbxStylesHandler: ;{
    Gui Spy: Default
    GuiControlGet hLbx, hWnd, %A_GuiControl%
    GuiControl -AltSubmit, %hLbx%

    GuiControlGet Items,, %hLbx%

    Sum := 0
    Loop Parse, Items, |
        StringSplit Field, A_LoopField, `t
        Sum += Field2

    GuiControl,, % StrReplace(A_GuiControl, "Lbx", "Edt") . "um", % Format("0x{:08X}", Sum)

    ; Style description
    GuiControl +AltSubmit, %hLbx%
    SendMessage 0x188, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hLbx% ; LB_GETCURSEL
    If (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") {
        ; Credits to just_me
        Index := ErrorLevel
        SendMessage 0x18A, %Index%, 0,, ahk_id %hLbx% ; LB_GETTEXTLEN
        Len := ErrorLevel
        VarSetCapacity(LB_Text, Len << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
        SendMessage 0x189, %Index%, % &LB_Text,, ahk_id %hLbx% ; LB_GETTEXT
        Const := StrSplit(StrGet(&LB_Text, Len), "`t")[1]
        Desc := StrReplace(oStyles[Const].Desc, "\n", "`n")
        GuiControl,, GrpDesc, %Const%
        GuiControl,, TxtDesc, %Desc%

Return ;}

ApplyStyle: ;{
    SendMessage 0x130B, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hStylesTab% ; TCM_GETCURSEL
    nTab := ErrorLevel + 1

    If (nTab == 1) {
        GuiControlGet Style,, EdtStyleSum
        WinSet Style, %Style%, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    } Else If (nTab == 2) {
        GuiControlGet ExStyle,, EdtExStyleSum
        WinSet ExStyle, %ExStyle%, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    } Else If (nTab == 3) {
        GuiControlGet ExtraStyle,, EdtExtraStyleSum
        WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

        If (Class == "SysListView32") {
            SendMessage 0x1036, 0, %ExtraStyle%,, ahk_id %g_hWnd% ; LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE
        } Else If (Class == "SysTreeView32") {
            SendMessage 0x112C, 0, %ExtraStyle%,, ahk_id %g_hWnd% ; TVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE
        } Else If (Class == "SysTabControl32") {
            SendMessage 0x1334, 0, %ExtraStyle%,, ahk_id %g_hWnd% ; TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE
        } Else If (Class == "ToolbarWindow32") {
            SendMessage 0x454, 0, %ExtraStyle%,, ahk_id %g_hWnd% ; TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE
        } Else If (Class == "ComboBox" && (g_Style & 0x10)) {
            SendMessage 0x40E, 0, %ExtraStyle%,, ahk_id %g_hWnd% ; CBEM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE

    DllCall("SetWindowPos", "Ptr", g_hWnd, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x17)
    WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

Return ;}

ResetStyle: ;{

    nTab := DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hStylesTab, "UInt", 0x130B, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0) + 1
    If (nTab == 1) {
        GuiControl, Spy:, EdtStyleSum, %g_Style%
    } Else If (nTab == 2) {
        GuiControl, Spy:, EdtExStyleSum, %g_ExStyle%
    } Else If (nTab == 3) {
        GuiControl, Spy:, EdtExtraStyleSum, %g_ExtraStyle%

    GoSub LoadStyles

Return ;}

GetExtraStyle(hWnd) {
    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %hWnd%

    If (Class == "SysListView32") {
        Message := 0x1037 ; LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE
    } Else If (Class == "SysTreeView32") {
        Message := 0x112D ; TVM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE
    } Else If (Class == "SysTabControl32") {
        Message := 0x1335 ; TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE
    } Else If (Class == "ToolbarWindow32") {
        Message := 0x455 ; TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE
    } Else If (Class == "ComboBox" && g_Style & 0x10) {
        Message := 0x409 ; CBEM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE

    SendMessage %Message%, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd%
    Return Format("0x{:08X}", ErrorLevel)

ShowDescription: ;{

    GuiControlGet Const,, GrpDesc
    GuiControlGet Desc,, TxtDesc

    Gui Desc: New, LabelDesc -SysMenu OwnerSpy
    Gui Color, White
    Gui Margin, 10, 0
    Gui Add, CheckBox, x0 y0 w0 h0

    Gui Add, Picture, x12 y12 w32 h32 Icon5, user32.dll
    Gui Font, s12 c0x003399, Segoe UI
    Gui Add, Text, x58 y15 w473 h23 +0x200, %Const%
    Gui Font

    Gui Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui Add, Edit, vEdtDesc x55 y55 w444 Multi -VScroll -E0x200, %Desc%
    Gui Font

    GuicontrolGet Pos, Pos, EdtDesc
    py := PosY + PosH + 20
    Gui Add, Text, hWndhFooter x-1 y%py% w533 h48 -Background

    Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
    Gui Add, Button, gDescClose x432 yp+12 w88 h25 Default, &Close

    Gui Show, w531, Style Description

Return ;}

DescEscape: ;{
    Gui Desc: Destroy
Return ;}

; Messages
LoadMessages: ;{

    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

    Constants := GetMessages(Class)

    Gui Spy: Default
    GuiControlGet CurrentItem,, CbxMessages, Text
    GuiControl,, CbxMessages, |%Constants%
    GuiControl Text, CbxMessages, %CurrentItem%

    ; Common Control Messages
    If (Class == "ToolbarWindow32" || Class == "ReBarWindow32") {
        GuiControl,, CbxMessages, % GetMessages("CommonControls")

    If (g_WinMsgs == "") {
        g_WinMsgs := GetMessages("Window")

    GuiControl,, CbxMessages, %g_WinMsgs%

Return ;}

GetMessages(Class) {                                                                                                            	; collects briefs descriptions from constants file *changes here*

    Static IniFile := A_ScriptDir "\Constants\Messages.ini"

    If (Class == "")

    IniRead Section, %IniFile%, %Class%

    Constants := ""
    Loop Parse, Section, `n
		msg      	:= StrSplit(A_LoopField, "=").1
        Constants .=	 msg "|"
		IniRead Description, %IniFile%, DESCRIPTIONS, % msg
		If (Description == "ERROR") or (Description == "")
			Description:= "Definition needed"
		Descriptions[msg] := Description

    Sort Constants, D|
    Return Constants

PostMsg: ;{

    Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide

    Function := (A_ThisLabel == "SendMsg") ? "SendMessage" : "PostMessage"

    If CbxMessages is Not Number
        If (SubStr(CbxMessages, 1, 3) == "WM_") {
            ClassName := "Window"
        } Else {
            ClassName := GetClassName(g_hWnd)

        IniRead Message, %A_ScriptDir%\Constants\Messages.ini, %ClassName%, %CbxMessages%
        If (Message == "ERROR") {
            Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
            MsgBox 0x10, %AppName%, %CbxMessages%: invalid message.
    } Else {
        Message := CbxMessages

    DataTypes	:= {"Number": "UPtr", "String": "WStr"}
    wType     	:= DataTypes[wParamType]
    lType     	:= DataTypes[lParamType]

    Result    	:= DllCall(Function, "Ptr", g_hWnd, "UInt", Message, wType, wParam, lType, lParam)
    GuiControl,, Result, % "Dec: " Result " | Hex: " GetHex(Result)

Return ;}

GetHex(hwnd) {                                                                                                                    	; *new*
return Format("0x{:x}", hwnd)

GetDec(hwnd) {                                                                                                                    	; *new*
return Format("{:u}", hwnd)

GoogleSearch: ;{
    GuiControlGet Message,, CbxMessages

    If (Message == "") {

    If (SubStr(Message, 1, 3) == "SCI") {
        URL := ""
    } Else {
        URL := ""

    Try {
        Run %URL%%Message%

Return ;}

CopyToClipboard: ;{
    Gui Spy: Default

    CRLF := "`r`n"
    Output := ""

    If (Tab == 1) { ; General
        Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide
        Output .= "[General]" . CRLF
        Output .= "Handle:`t" . EdtHandle . CRLF
        Output .= "Text:`t" . EdtText . CRLF
        Output .= "Class:`t" . EdtClass . CRLF
        Output .= "ClassNN:`t" . EdtClassNN . CRLF
        Output .= "Style:`t" . EdtStyle . CRLF
        Output .= "Extended:`t" . EdtExStyle . CRLF
        Output .= "Position:`t" . EdtPosition . CRLF
        Output .= "Size:`t" . EdtSize . CRLF
        Output .= "Cursor:`t" . EdtCursor . CRLF
    Else If (Tab == 2) { ; Styles
        If (g_Style) {
            GuiControlGet Styles,, %hLbxStyles%
            Output .= "[Styles]" . CRLF . StrReplace(Styles, "|", CRLF) . CRLF . CRLF

        If (g_ExStyle) {
            GuiControlGet ExStyles,, %hLbxExStyles%
            Output .= "[ExStyles]" . CRLF . StrReplace(ExStyles, "|", CRLF) . CRLF . CRLF

        If (g_ExtraStyle) {
            GuiControlGet ExtraStyles,, %hLbxExtraStyles%
            Output .= "[ExtraStyles]" . CRLF . StrReplace(ExtraStyles, "|", CRLF)
    Else If (Tab == 3) { ; Details
        ControlGet, ClassInfo, List,,, ahk_id %hClassInfo%
        ControlGet, PropInfo, List,,, ahk_id %hPropInfo%
        Output .= "[Details]" . CRLF . ClassInfo . CRLF . CRLF . "[Properties]" . CRLF . PropInfo
    Else If (Tab == 5) { ; Extra
        ControlGet, ExtraInfo, List,,, ahk_id %hExtraInfo%
        Output .= "[Extra]" . CRLF . ExtraInfo
    Else If (Tab == 6) { ; Windows
        ControlGet, Child, List,,, ahk_id %hChildList%
        If (Child != "") {
            Output .= "[Child]" . CRLF . Child . CRLF . CRLF

        ControlGet, Sibling, List,,, ahk_id %hSiblingList%
        If (Sibling != "") {
            Output .= "[Sibling]" . CRLF . Sibling . CRLF . CRLF

        GuiControlGet ParentLink,, ParentLink
        Output .= "Parent:`t" . RegExReplace(ParentLink, "\<\/?a\>") . CRLF
        GuiControlGet OwnerLink,, OwnerLink
        Output .= "Owner:`t" . RegExReplace(OwnerLink, "\<\/?a\>")
    Else If (Tab == 7) { ; Process
        ControlGet, ProcInfo, List,,, ahk_id %hProcInfo%
        Output .= "[Process]" . CRLF . ProcInfo

    Clipboard := RTrim(Output, CRLF)

Return ;}

ControlFromPoint(mx, my, hWnd) {
    hParent := GetParent(hWnd)
    If (hParent == 0) {
        hParent := hWnd

    SmallerArea := 999999999
    hChildWnd := 0

    WinGet List, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %hParent% ; EnumChildWindows
    Loop Parse, List, `n
        VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
        DllCall("GetWindowRect", "Ptr", A_LoopField, "Ptr", &RECT)
        Left := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
        Top := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
        Right := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int")
        Bottom := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int")

        If ((mx >= Left) && (mx <= Right) && (my >= Top) && (my <= Bottom)) {
            Area := (Right - Left) * (Bottom - Top)
            If (Area < SmallerArea) {
                SmallerArea := Area
                hChildWnd := A_LoopField

    Return (hChildWnd == 0) ? hWnd : hChildWnd

; Details tab
LoadProperties: ;{
    Gui Spy: ListView, %hPropInfo%

    Callback := RegisterCallback("PropEnumProcEx", "F")
    DllCall("EnumPropsEx", "Ptr", g_hWnd, "Ptr", Callback, "UInt", lParam := 0)
Return ;}

PropEnumProcEx(hWnd, lpszString, hData, dwData) {
    Global hPropInfo

    Property := StrGet(lpszString, "UTF-16")
    If (Property == "") {
        Property := lpszString . " (Atom)"

    Gui Spy: ListView, %hPropInfo%
    LV_Add("", Property, Format("0x{:08X}", hData))

    Return True

LoadExtraInfo: ;{
    Gui Spy: ListView, %hExtraInfo%

    While (LV_GetText(foo, 0, 1)) {

    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

    If (Class == "Edit" || InStr(Class, "RICHEDIT")) {
        LV_InsertCol(1, "169", "Property")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "169", "Value")

        ControlGetText Text,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        Length := StrLen(Text) . " characters"
        ControlGet Lines, LineCount,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        ControlGet CurLine, CurrentLine,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        ControlGet CurCol, CurrentCol,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

        LV_Add("", "Length", Length)
        LV_Add("", "Current line", CurLine)
        LV_Add("", "Current column", CurCol)
        LV_Add("", "Line count", Lines)
        LV_Add("", "Text Limit", SendMsg(0xD5) . " bytes") ; EM_GETLIMITTEXT
        LV_Add("", "Modified", {0: "False", 1: "True"}[SendMsg(0xB8)]) ; EM_GETMODIFY
    Else If (InStr(Class, "Scintilla")) {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "169", "Property")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "169", "Value")

        LexerName := Scintilla_GetLexerLanguage(g_hWnd)
        CodePage := SendMsg(2137) ; SCI_GETCODEPAGE
        Pos := SendMsg(2008)
        Line := SendMsg(2166, Pos)
        Char := SendMsg(2007, Pos)
        Size := FormatBytes(SendMsg(2006), Sep, "B", 0) . " bytes"
        SelSize := FormatBytes(SendMsg(2161, 0, 0) - 1, Sep, "B", 0) . " bytes"

        LV_Add("", "Lexer", SendMsg(4002) . (LexerName != "" ? " (" . LexerName . ")" : "")) ; SCI_GETLEXER
        LV_Add("", "Current position", Pos + 1) ; SCI_GETCURRENTPOS
        LV_Add("", "Char at position", Char . " (""" . Chr(Char) . """)") ; SCI_GETCHARAT
        LV_Add("", "Style at position", SendMsg(2010, Pos)) ; SCI_GETSTYLEAT
        LV_Add("", "Current line", Line + 1) ; SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION
        LV_Add("", "Position from line", SendMsg(2167, Line) + 1) ; SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE
        LV_Add("", "Line end position", SendMsg(2136, Line) + 1) ; SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION
        LV_Add("", "Line length", SendMsg(2350, Line)) ; SCI_LINELENGTH
        LV_Add("", "Current column", SendMsg(2129, Pos) + 1) ; SCI_GETCOLUMN
        LV_Add("", "Line count", SendMsg(2154)) ; SCI_GETLINECOUNT
        LV_Add("", "Document size", Size) ; SCI_GETLENGTH
        LV_Add("", "File encoding", (CodePage == 65001 ? "UTF-8 (65001)" : CodePage)) ; SCI_GETCODEPAGE
        LV_Add("", "Modified", SendMsg(2159) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETMODIFY
        LV_Add("", "Read only", SendMsg(2140) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETREADONLY
        LV_Add("", "Wrap mode", SendMsg(2269)) ; SCI_GETWRAPMODE
        LV_Add("", "Tab width", SendMsg(2121)) ; SCI_GETTABWIDTH
        LV_Add("", "Indent with spaces", !SendMsg(2125) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETUSETABS
        LV_Add("", "Show indentation guides", SendMsg(2133) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETINDENTATIONGUIDES
        LV_Add("", "EOL mode", {0: "CRLF", 1: "CR", 2: "LF"}[SendMsg(2030)]) ; SCI_GETEOLMODE
        LV_Add("", "Paste convert EOL", SendMsg(2468) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETPASTECONVERTENDINGS
        LV_Add("", "Overtype mode", SendMsg(2187) ? "1 (overtype)" : "0 (insert)") ; SCI_GETOVERTYPE
        LV_Add("", "Anchor position", SendMsg(2009) + 1) ; SCI_GETANCHOR
        LV_Add("", "Selection start", SendMsg(2143) + 1) ; SCI_GETSELECTIONSTART
        LV_Add("", "Selection end", SendMsg(2145) + 1) ; SCI_GETSELECTIONEND
        LV_Add("", "Selected text length", SelSize) ; SCI_GETSELTEXT
        LV_Add("", "Selection mode", SendMsg(2423)) ; SCI_GETSELECTIONMODE
        LV_Add("", "Selection is rectangular", SendMsg(2372) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_SELECTIONISRECTANGLE
        LV_Add("", "Virtual space options", SendMsg(2597)) ; SCI_GETVIRTUALSPACEOPTIONS
        LV_Add("", "Rectangular selection modifier", SendMsg(2599)) ; SCI_GETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER
        LV_Add("", "Mouse rectangular selection", SendMsg(2669) ? "True" : "False")
        LV_Add("", "Selection start line position", SendMsg(2424, Line) + 1) ; SCI_GETLINESELSTARTPOSITION
        LV_Add("", "Selection end line position", SendMsg(2425, Line) + 1) ; SCI_GETLINESELENDPOSITION
        LV_Add("", "Multiple selection", SendMsg(2564) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETMULTIPLESELECTION
        LV_Add("", "Additional selection typing", SendMsg(2566) ? "True" : "False")
        LV_Add("", "Multipaste", SendMsg(2615)) ; SCI_GETMULTIPASTE
        LV_Add("", "Line height", SendMsg(2279, Line)) ; SCI_TEXTHEIGHT
        LV_Add("", "Baseline extra ascent", SendMsg(2526)) ; SCI_GETEXTRAASCENT
        LV_Add("", "Baseline extra descent", SendMsg(2528)) ; SCI_GETEXTRADESCENT
        LV_Add("", "Lines on screen", SendMsg(2370)) ; SCI_LINESONSCREEN
        LV_Add("", "First visible line", SendMsg(2152) + 1) ; SCI_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE
        LV_Add("", "Current line wrap count", SendMsg(2235, Line)) ; SCI_WRAPCOUNT
        LV_Add("", "Mouse hover time", SendMsg(2265)) ; SCI_GETMOUSEDWELLTIME
        LV_Add("", "Word start position", SendMsg(2266, Pos, 1) + 1) ; SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION
        LV_Add("", "Word end position", SendMsg(2267, Pos, 1) + 1) ; SCI_WORDENDPOSITION
        LV_Add("", "Autocomplete ignore case", SendMsg(2116) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_AUTOCGETIGNORECASE
        LV_Add("", "Autocomplete list presorted", SendMsg(2661)) ; SCI_AUTOCGETORDER
        LV_Add("", "Autocomplete list max rows", SendMsg(2211)) ; SCI_AUTOCGETMAXHEIGHT
        LV_Add("", "Position before", SendMsg(2417, Pos) + 1) ; SCI_POSITIONBEFORE
        LV_Add("", "Position after", SendMsg(2418, Pos) + 1) ; SCI_POSITIONAFTER
        LV_Add("", "Current indicator", SendMsg(2501)) ; SCI_GETINDICATORCURRENT
        LV_Add("", "Target start", SendMsg(2191) + 1) ; SCI_GETTARGETSTART
        LV_Add("", "Target end", SendMsg(2193) + 1) ; SCI_GETTARGETEND
        LV_Add("", "Search flags", SendMsg(2199)) ; SCI_GETSEARCHFLAGS
        LV_Add("", "Error status", SendMsg(2383)) ; SCI_GETSTATUS
        LV_Add("", "Font quality", SendMsg(2612)) ; SCI_GETFONTQUALITY
        LV_Add("", "Technology (drawing API)", SendMsg(2631)) ; SCI_GETTECHNOLOGY
        LV_Add("", "Buffered drawing", SendMsg(2034) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETBUFFEREDDRAW
        LV_Add("", "Zoom factor", SendMsg(2374)) ; SCI_GETZOOM
        LV_Add("", "Edge mode", SendMsg(2362)) ; SCI_GETEDGEMODE
        LV_Add("", "Edge column", SendMsg(2360) + 1) ; SCI_GETEDGECOLUMN
        LV_Add("", "Scroll width", SendMsg(2275)) ; SCI_GETSCROLLWIDTH
        LV_Add("", "Scroll width tracking", SendMsg(2517) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETSCROLLWIDTHTRACKING
        LV_Add("", "End at last line", SendMsg(2278) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETENDATLASTLINE
        LV_Add("", "View white space", SendMsg(2020)) ; SCI_GETVIEWWS
        LV_Add("", "White space size", SendMsg(2087)) ; SCI_GETWHITESPACESIZE
        LV_Add("", "View EOL characters", SendMsg(2355) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETVIEWEOL
        LV_Add("", "Caret width", SendMsg(2189)) ; SCI_GETCARETWIDTH
        LV_Add("", "Caret blinking rate", SendMsg(2075) . " ms") ; SCI_GETCARETPERIOD
        LV_Add("", "Markers in current line", SendMsg(2046, Line)) ; SCI_MARKERGET
        LV_Add("", "Automatic fold", SendMsg(2664)) ; SCI_GETAUTOMATICFOLD
        LV_Add("", "All lines visible", SendMsg(2236) ? "True" : "False") ; SCI_GETALLLINESVISIBLE
        ;LV_Add("", "", SendMsg()) ;

        Loop 5 { ; The maximum number of margins
            i := A_Index - 1
            LV_Add("", "Margin " . A_Index . " - type, width, mask"
            , SendMsg(2241, i) . ", " . SendMsg(2243, i) . ", " . SendMsg(2245, i))

    Else If (Class == "ToolbarWindow32") {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "41", "Index")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "85", "Command ID")
        LV_InsertCol(3, "212", "Button Text")

        Items := GetToolbarItems(g_hWnd)
        For Each, Item in Items {
            LV_Add("", A_Index, Item.ID, Item.String)
    Else If (Class == "SysHeader32") {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "42", "Index")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "48", "Width")
        LV_InsertCol(3, "248", "Text")

        Items := GetHeaderInfo(g_hWnd)
        For Each, Item in Items {
            LV_Add("", A_Index, Item.Width, Item.Text)
    Else If (Class == "msctls_progress32") {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "169", "Property")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "169", "Value")

        LV_Add("", "Range", SendMsg(0x407, 1) . " - " . SendMsg(0x407, 0)) ; PBM_GETRANGE
        LV_Add("", "Position", SendMsg(0x408)) ; PBM_GETPOS
        LV_Add("", "Step increment", SendMsg(0x40D)) ; PBM_GETSTEP
        LV_Add("", "State", {1: "Normal", 2: "Error", 3: "Paused"}[SendMsg(0x411)]) ; PBM_GETSTATE
    Else If (Class ~= "ListBox" || Class ~= "ComboBox") {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "38", "Line")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "300", "Text")

        ControlGet ItemList, List,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        Loop Parse, ItemList, `n
            LV_Add("", A_Index, A_LoopField)
    Else If (Class == "msctls_statusbar32") {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "38", "Part")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "300", "Text")

        SB_Text := GetStatusBarText(g_hWnd)
        Loop Parse, SB_Text, |
            LV_Add("", A_Index, A_LoopField)
    Else If (Class == "SysTabControl32") {

        LV_InsertCol(1, "42", "Index")
        LV_InsertCol(2, "296", "Text")

        Tabs := ControlGetTabs(g_hWnd)
        Loop % Tabs.Length() {
            LV_Add("", A_Index, Tabs[A_Index])
    Else If (Class == "SysListView32") {

        SendMessage 0x101F, 0, 0,, ahk_id %g_hWnd% ; LVM_GETHEADER
        hHeader := ErrorLevel
        SendMessage 0x1200, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hHeader% ; HDM_GETITEMCOUNT
        Columns := ErrorLevel + 1

        Loop %Columns% {
            ColTitle := A_Index == 1 ? "Index" : "Column " . A_Index - 1
            LV_InsertCol(A_Index, "", ColTitle)

        ControlGet ItemList, List,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        Loop Parse, ItemList, `n
            Items := StrSplit(A_LoopField, A_Tab)
            LV_Add("", A_Index, Items*)

        Loop %Columns% {
            LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")

    ; GetMenu return value: If the window is a child window, the return value is undefined.
    If (!IsChild(g_hWnd) && hMenu := GetMenu(g_hWnd)) {
        GuiControl Enable, %hBtnMenu%
    } Else {
        GuiControl Disable, %hBtnMenu%

Return ;}

SendMsg(Message, wParam := 0, lParam := 0) {
    SendMessage %Message%, %wParam%, %lParam%,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    Return ErrorLevel

Screenshot: ;{

    If (!WinExist("ahk_id" . g_hWnd)) {
        Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
        MsgBox 0x40010, Error, Window no longer exists.

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
        WinActivate % "ahk_id" . GetAncestor(g_hWnd)
        Sleep 100
        If (g_ShowBorder) {
            ShowBorder(g_hWnd, -1, g_BorderColor, g_BorderWidth)
            Sleep 100
            Send !{PrintScreen}
            Sleep 200
        } Else {
            CaptureWindow(hSpyWnd, g_hWnd)
    } Else {
        WinActivate ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        Sleep 100
        Send !{PrintScreen}

    Loop 4 {
        Index := A_Index + 90
        Gui %Index%: Destroy

    WinActivate ahk_id %hSpyWnd%
    Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
    MsgBox 0x40040, %AppName%, Content copied to the clipboard.

Return ;}

CaptureWindow(hwndOwner, hwnd) {
    VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
    DllCall("GetWindowRect", "Ptr", hwnd, "Ptr", &RECT)
    width  := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int")  - NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
    height := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")

    hdc    := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
    hdcMem := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr", hdc, "UPtr")
    hBmp   := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "Ptr", hdc, "Int", width, "Int", height, "UPtr")
    hdcOld := DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", hdcMem, "Ptr", hBmp)

    DllCall("BitBlt", "Ptr", hdcMem
        , "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", width, "Int", height
        , "Ptr", hdc, "Int", Numget(RECT, 0, "Int"), "Int", Numget(RECT, 4, "Int")
        , "UInt", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY

    DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", hdcMem, "Ptr", hdcOld)

    DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr", hwndOwner) ; Clipboard owner
    DllCall("SetClipboardData", "UInt", 0x2, "Ptr", hBmp) ; CF_BITMAP

    DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hdc)

    Return True

GetToolbarItems(hToolbar) {
    WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %hToolbar%

    If !(hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x438, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")) {

    If (A_Is64bitOS) {
        Try DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProc, "Int*", Is32bit := true)
    } Else {
        Is32bit := True

    RPtrSize := Is32bit ? 4 : 8
    TBBUTTON_SIZE := 8 + (RPtrSize * 3)

    SendMessage 0x418, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hToolbar% ; TB_BUTTONCOUNT
    ButtonCount := ErrorLevel

    IDs := [] ; Command IDs
    Loop %ButtonCount% {
        Address := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", TBBUTTON_SIZE, "UInt", 0x1000, "UInt", 4, "Ptr")

        SendMessage 0x417, % A_Index - 1, Address,, ahk_id %hToolbar% ; TB_GETBUTTON
        If (ErrorLevel == 1) {
            VarSetCapacity(TBBUTTON, TBBUTTON_SIZE, 0)
            DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "Ptr", &TBBUTTON, "UPtr", TBBUTTON_SIZE, "Ptr", 0)
            IDs.Push(NumGet(&TBBUTTON, 4, "Int"))

        DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "UPtr", 0, "UInt", 0x8000) ; MEM_RELEASE

    ToolbarItems := []
    Loop % IDs.Length() {
        ButtonID := IDs[A_Index]
        ;SendMessage 0x44B, %ButtonID% , 0,, ahk_id %hToolbar% ; TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW
        ;BufferSize := ErrorLevel * 2
        BufferSize := 128

        Address := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", BufferSize, "UInt", 0x1000, "UInt", 4, "Ptr")

        SendMessage 0x44B, %ButtonID%, Address,, ahk_id %hToolbar% ; TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW

        VarSetCapacity(Buffer, BufferSize, 0)
        DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "Ptr", &Buffer, "UPtr", BufferSize, "Ptr", 0)

        ToolbarItems.Push({"ID": IDs[A_Index], "String": Buffer})

        DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", Address, "UPtr", 0, "UInt", 0x8000) ; MEM_RELEASE

    DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)

    Return ToolbarItems

LoadWindowsTab: ;{

    GoSub LoadChildList
    GoSub LoadSiblingList

    hParent := GetParent(g_hWnd)
    ParentClass := (hParent) ? " (" GetClassName(hParent) . ")" : ""
    ParentLink := "<a>" . Format("0x{:08X}", hParent) . "</a>" . ParentClass
    GuiControl, Spy:, ParentLink, %ParentLink%

    hOwner := GetOwner(g_hWnd)
    OwnerClass := (hOwner) ? " (" GetClassName(hOwner) . ")" : ""
    OwnerLink := "<a>" . Format("0x{:08X}", hOwner) . "</a>" . OwnerClass
    GuiControl, Spy:, OwnerLink, %OwnerLink%

Return ;}

LinkToHandle: ;{

    GuiControlGet LinkText, Spy:, %A_GuiControl%
    If (RegExMatch(LinkText, "(0x\w+)", Match)) {

Return ;}

WindowsTabHandler: ;{

    If (A_GuiEvent == "N") {
        Code := NumGet(A_EventInfo + 0, A_PtrSize * 2, "Int")
        If (Code == -551) { ; TCN_SELCHANGE
            SendMessage 0x130B, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWindowsTab% ; TCM_GETCURSEL
            nTab := Errorlevel + 1

            If (nTab == 1) {
                GuiControl Hide, %hSiblingList%
                GuiControl Show, %hChildList%
            } Else {
                GuiControl Hide, %hChildList%
                GuiControl Show, %hSiblingList%

Return ;}

LoadChildList: ;{

    Gui Spy: ListView, %hChildList%

    WinGet ChildList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    Loop Parse, ChildList, `n
        If (GetParent(A_LoopField) != g_hWnd) {

        WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
        ControlGetText Text,, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
        LV_Add("", Format("0x{:08X}", A_LoopField), Class, Text)

Return ;}

LoadSiblingList: ;{
    Gui Spy: ListView, %hSiblingList%

    hParent := GetParent(g_hWnd)

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
        WinGet SiblingList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %hParent%
        Loop Parse, SiblingList, `n
            If (A_LoopField == g_hWnd) {

            If (GetParent(A_LoopField) != hParent) {

            WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
            ControlGetText Text,, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
            LV_Add("", Format("0x{:08X}", A_LoopField), Class, Text)

    } Else {
        WinGet WinList, List, % (hParent == 0) ? "" : "ahk_id " . hParent
        Loop %WinList% {
            hWnd := WinList%A_Index%

            If (hWnd == g_hWnd) {

            WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %hWnd%
            WinGetTitle Text, ahk_id %hWnd%
            LV_Add("", Format("0x{:08X}", hWnd), Class, Text)

Return ;}

SiblingListHandler: ;{

    Gui Spy: ListView, % (A_ThisLabel == "ChildListHandler") ? hChildList : hSiblingList
    If (A_GuiEvent != "ColClick") {
        LV_GetText(hWnd, LV_GetNext())

Return ;}

OnWM_KEYDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {

    If (wParam == 112) { ; F1
        GoSub ShowHelp

    } Else If (wParam == 113) { ; F2
        If (hParent := GetParent(g_hWnd)) {
            g_hWnd := hParent

    } Else If (wParam == 114) { ; F3
        GoSub ShowFindDlg

    } Else If (wParam == 115) { ; F4
        GoSub ShowTree

    } Else If (wParam == 116) { ; F5
        If (WinActive("ahk_id" . hTreeWnd)) {

        Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide

    } Else If (wParam == 117) { ; F6
        GoSub FlashWindow

    } Else If (wParam == 118) { ; F7
        GoSub ShowXYWHDlg

    } Else If (wParam == 119) { ; F8
        GoSub CopyToClipboard

    } Else If (wParam == 120) { ; F9
        GoSub Screenshot

UpdateTitleBar: ;{

    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    hWnd := Format("0x{:X}", g_hWnd)
    WinSetTitle ahk_id %hSpyWnd%,, %AppName% [%hWnd%`, %Class%]

Return ;}

ControlGetTabs(hTab) {
    Static MAX_TEXT_LENGTH := 260
         , MAX_TEXT_SIZE := MAX_TEXT_LENGTH * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)

    WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %hTab%

    ; Open the process for read/write and query info.
    If !(hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x438, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")) {

    ; Should we use the 32-bit struct or the 64-bit struct?
    If (A_Is64bitOS) {
        Try DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProc, "Int*", Is32bit := true)
    } Else {
        Is32bit := True

    RPtrSize := Is32bit ? 4 : 8
    TCITEM_SIZE := 16 + RPtrSize * 3

    ; Allocate a buffer in the (presumably) remote process.
    remote_item := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", 0
                         , "uPtr", TCITEM_SIZE + MAX_TEXT_SIZE
                         , "UInt", 0x1000, "UInt", 4, "Ptr") ; MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
    remote_text := remote_item + TCITEM_SIZE

    ; Prepare the TCITEM structure locally.
    VarSetCapacity(TCITEM, TCITEM_SIZE, 0)
    NumPut(1, TCITEM, 0, "UInt") ; mask (TCIF_TEXT)
    NumPut(remote_text, TCITEM, 8 + RPtrSize) ; pszText
    NumPut(MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, TCITEM, 8 + RPtrSize * 2, "Int") ; cchTextMax

    ; Write the local structure into the remote buffer.
    DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_item, "Ptr", &TCITEM, "UPtr", TCITEM_SIZE, "Ptr", 0)

    Tabs := []
    VarSetCapacity(TabText, MAX_TEXT_SIZE)

    SendMessage 0x1304, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_GETITEMCOUNT
    Loop % (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") ? ErrorLevel : 0 {
        ; Retrieve the item text.
        SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode) ? 0x133C : 0x1305, A_Index - 1, remote_item,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_GETITEM
        If (ErrorLevel == 1) { ; Success
            DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_text, "Ptr", &TabText, "UPtr", MAX_TEXT_SIZE, "Ptr", 0)
        } Else {
            TabText := ""

        Tabs[A_Index] := TabText

    ; Release the remote memory and handle.
    DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_item, "UPtr", 0, "UInt", 0x8000) ; MEM_RELEASE
    DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)

    Return Tabs

SetDHW: ;{
    g_DetectHidden := !g_DetectHidden
Return ;}

SetMinimize: ;{
    g_Minimize := !g_Minimize
Return ;}

SetExplorerTheme(hWnd) {
    DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", hWnd, "WStr", "Explorer", "Ptr", 0)

SetButtonIcon(hButton, File, Index := 1) {
    himl := DllCall("ImageList_Create", "Int", 16, "Int", 16, "UInt", 0x20, "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "Ptr") ; ILC_COLOR32
    IL_Add(himl, File, Index)
    VarSetCapacity(BUTTON_IMAGELIST, 20 + A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut(himl, BUTTON_IMAGELIST, 0, "Ptr")
    NumPut(4, BUTTON_IMAGELIST, 16 + A_PtrSize, "UInt") ; Alignment (BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_CENTER)
    SendMessage 0x1602, 0, &BUTTON_IMAGELIST,, ahk_id %hButton% ; BCM_SETIMAGELIST
    Return ErrorLevel

ShowXYWHDlg: ;{
    Gui XYWH: New, LabelXYWH
    Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
    Gui Color, White

    Gui Add, GroupBox, x10 y6 w145 h105, Relative to:
    Gui Add, Radio, vClientCoords gSetXYWH x25 y27 w120 h23 +Checked, Client area
    Gui Add, Radio, vWindowCoords gSetXYWH x25 y51 w120 h23, Window border
    Gui Add, Radio, vScreenCoords gSetXYWH x25 y75 w120 h23, Screen coords

    Gui Add, GroupBox, x166 y5 w253 h105
    Gui Add, Text, x182 y31 w26 h23 +0x200, X:
    Gui Add, Edit, vEdtX x209 y31 w70 h21
    Gui Add, UpDown, gMoveWindow Range-64000-64000 +0x80
    Gui Add, Text, x303 y31 w26 h23 +0x200, Y:
    Gui Add, Edit, vEdtY x330 y31 w70 h21
    Gui Add, UpDown, gMoveWindow Range-64000-64000 +0x80
    Gui Add, Text, x182 y69 w26 h23 +0x200, W:
    Gui Add, Edit, vEdtW x209 y69 w70 h21
    Gui Add, UpDown, gMoveWindow Range-64000-64000 +0x80
    Gui Add, Text, x303 y69 w26 h23 +0x200, H:
    Gui Add, Edit, vEdtH x330 y69 w70 h21
    Gui Add, UpDown, gMoveWindow Range-64000-64000 +0x80

    Gui Add, Text, x-1 y121 w460 h49 +0x200 -Background +Border
    Gui Add, Button, gResetXYWH x9 y133 w88 h25, &Reset
    Gui Add, Button, gMoveWindow x235 y133 w88 h25 +Default, &Apply
    Gui Add, Button, gXYWHClose x331 y133 w88 h25, &Close

    Gui Show, w429 h170, Position and Size

    g_NewXYWH := True
    GoSub SetXYWH

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
        GuiControl Enable, ClientCoords
        GuiControl Enable, WindowCoords
        GuiControl Enable, ScreenCoords
    } Else {
        GuiControl Disable, ClientCoords
        GuiControl Disable, WindowCoords
        GuiControl Disable, ScreenCoords
        GuiControl,, ScreenCoords, 1
Return ;}

XYWHClose: ;{
    Gui XYWH: Destroy
Return ;}

SetXYWH: ;{
    Gui XYWH: Submit, NoHide

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
        If (ClientCoords) {
            GetWindowPos(g_hWnd, X, Y, W, H)
        } Else If (WindowCoords) {
            ControlGetPos X, Y, W, H,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        } Else If (ScreenCoords) {
            WinGetPos X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    } Else { ; Top-level window
        WinGetPos X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

    GuiControl, XYWH:, EdtX, %X%
    GuiControl, XYWH:, EdtY, %Y%
    GuiControl, XYWH:, EdtW, %W%
    GuiControl, XYWH:, EdtH, %H%

    If (g_NewXYWH) {
        g_BackupXYWH := [X, Y, W, H]
        g_NewXYWH := False
Return ;}

MoveWindow: ;{
    Gui XYWH: Submit, NoHide

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {

        If (ClientCoords) {
            SetWindowPos(g_hWnd, EdtX, EdtY, EdtW, EdtH, 0, 0x14) ; SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER
        } Else If (WindowCoords) {
            ControlMove,, %EdtX%, %EdtY%, %EdtW%, %EdtH%, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        } Else If (ScreenCoords) {
            VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
            NumPut(EdtX, POINT, 0)
            NumPut(EdtY, POINT, 4)
            DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Ptr", GetParent(g_hWnd), "Ptr", &POINT) ; PARENT
            X := NumGet(POINT, 0)
            Y := NumGet(POINT, 4)
            SetWindowPos(g_hWnd, X, Y, EdtW, EdtH, 0, 0x14) ; SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER
    } Else {
        WinMove ahk_id %g_hWnd%,, %EdtX%, %EdtY%, %EdtW%, %EdtH%

    WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
Return ;}

ResetXYWH: ;{
    Gui XYWH: Submit, NoHide

    If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
        GuiControl, XYWH:, ClientCoords, 1

    GuiControl,, EdtX, % g_BackupXYWH[1]
    GuiControl,, EdtY, % g_BackupXYWH[2]
    GuiControl,, EdtW, % g_BackupXYWH[3]
    GuiControl,, EdtH, % g_BackupXYWH[4]
    GoSub MoveWindow
Return ;}

OnWM_RBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
    If (hWnd == hLbxStyles || hWnd == hLbxExStyles || hWnd == hLbxExtraStyles) {
        SendMessage 0x1A9, 0, lParam,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; LB_ITEMFROMPOINT
        Index := ErrorLevel
        SendMessage 0x18A, %Index%, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; LB_GETTEXTLEN
        Len := ErrorLevel
        VarSetCapacity(LB_Text, Len << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
        SendMessage 0x189, %Index%, % &LB_Text,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; LB_GETTEXT
        Const := StrSplit(StrGet(&LB_Text, Len), "`t")[1]
        Desc := StrReplace(oStyles[Const].Desc, "\n", "`n")
        GuiControl,, GrpDesc, %Const%
        GuiControl,, TxtDesc, %Desc%

ShowWindowInfoIfExist(hWnd) {
    If (IsWindow(hWnd)) {
        g_hWnd := hWnd
    } Else {
        Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
        MsgBox 0x40010, %AppName%, Invalid window handle.

; Returns an object containing the text and width of each item of a remote SysHeader32 control
GetHeaderInfo(hHeader) {
    Static MAX_TEXT_LENGTH := 260
         , MAX_TEXT_SIZE := MAX_TEXT_LENGTH * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)

    WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %hHeader%

    ; Open the process for read/write and query info.
    If !(hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x438, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")) {

    ; Should we use the 32-bit struct or the 64-bit struct?
    If (A_Is64bitOS) {
        Try DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProc, "Int*", Is32bit := True)
    } Else {
        Is32bit := True

    RPtrSize := Is32bit ? 4 : 8
    cbHDITEM := (4 * 6) + (RPtrSize * 6)

    ; Allocate a buffer in the remote process.
    remote_item := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", 0
                         , "UPtr", cbHDITEM + MAX_TEXT_SIZE
                         , "UInt", 0x1000, "UInt", 4, "Ptr") ; MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
    remote_text := remote_item + cbHDITEM

    ; Prepare the HDITEM structure locally.
    VarSetCapacity(HDITEM, cbHDITEM, 0)
    NumPut(0x3, HDITEM, 0, "UInt") ; mask (HDI_WIDTH | HDI_TEXT)
    NumPut(remote_text, HDITEM, 8, "Ptr") ; pszText
    NumPut(MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, HDITEM, 8 + RPtrSize * 2, "Int") ; cchTextMax

    ; Write the local structure into the remote buffer.
    DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_item, "Ptr", &HDITEM, "UPtr", cbHDITEM, "Ptr", 0)

    HDInfo := {}
    VarSetCapacity(HDText, MAX_TEXT_SIZE)

    SendMessage 0x1200, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hHeader% ; HDM_GETITEMCOUNT
    Loop % (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") ? ErrorLevel : 0 {
        ; Retrieve the item text.
        SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode) ? 0x120B : 0x1203, A_Index - 1, remote_item,, ahk_id %hHeader% ; HDM_GETITEMW
        If (ErrorLevel == 1) { ; Success
            DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_item, "Ptr", &HDITEM, "UPtr", cbHDITEM, "Ptr", 0)
            DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_text, "Ptr", &HDText, "UPtr", MAX_TEXT_SIZE, "Ptr", 0)
        } Else {
            HDText := ""

        HDInfo.Push({"Width": NumGet(HDITEM, 4, "UInt"), "Text": HDText})

    ; Release the remote memory and handle.
    DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProc, "Ptr", remote_item, "UPtr", 0, "UInt", 0x8000) ; MEM_RELEASE
    DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)

    Return HDInfo

SetMouseCoordMode: ;{
    GuiControlGet g_MouseCoordMode, Spy:, MouseCoordMode
Return ;}

GetClientCoords(hWnd, ByRef x, ByRef y) {
    VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
    NumPut(x, POINT, 0, "Int")
    NumPut(y, POINT, 4, "Int")
    hParent := GetParent(hWnd)
    DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Ptr", (hParent == 0 ? hWnd : hParent), "Ptr", &POINT)
    x := NumGet(POINT, 0, "Int")
    y := NumGet(POINT, 4, "Int")

GetWindowCoords(hWnd, ByRef x, ByRef y) {
    hParent := GetParent(hWnd)
    WinGetPos px, py,,, % "ahk_id" . (hParent == 0 ? hWnd : hParent)
    x := x - px
    y := y - py

; fnbar: 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = hWnd is a scroll bar
GetScrollInfo(hWnd, fnBar := 1) {
    Local o := {}
    NumPut(VarSetCapacity(SCROLLINFO, 28, 0), SCROLLINFO, 0, "UInt")
    NumPut(0x1F, SCROLLINFO, 4, "UInt") ; fMask: SIF_ALL
    DllCall("GetScrollInfo", "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", fnBar, "Ptr", &SCROLLINFO)
    o.Min  := NumGet(SCROLLINFO, 8, "Int")
    o.Max  := NumGet(SCROLLINFO, 12, "Int")
    o.Page := NumGet(SCROLLINFO, 16, "UInt")
    o.Pos  := NumGet(SCROLLINFO, 20, "Int")
    Return o

ShowScrollBarInfo: ;{
    V := H := "No"
    WinGet Style, Style, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

    If (Class == "ScrollBar") {
        If (Style & 1) { ; SBS_VERT
            V := "Yes"
            VSB := GetScrollInfo(g_hWnd, 2)
        } Else {
            H := "Yes"
            HSB := GetScrollInfo(g_hWnd, 2)
    } Else {
        If (Style & 0x200000) { ; WS_VSCROLL
            V := "Yes"
        If (Style & 0x100000) { ; WS_HSCROLL
            H := "Yes"

        HSB := GetScrollInfo(g_hWnd, 0)
        VSB := GetScrollInfo(g_hWnd, 1)

    HPercent := (HSB.Pos) ? " (" . Round(HSB.Pos / (HSB.Max - HSB.Min) * 100) . "%)" : ""
    VPercent := (VSB.Pos) ? " (" . Round(VSB.Pos / (VSB.Max - VSB.Min) * 100) . "%)" : ""

    Gui ScrollInfo: New, LabelScrollInfo hWndhScrollInfo -MinimizeBox OwnerSpy
    SetWindowIcon(hScrollInfo, ResDir . "\TreeIcons.icl", 31)
    Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
    Gui Color, White
    Gui Add, CheckBox, w0 y0

    Gui Add, GroupBox, x15 y13 w148 h152, Horizontal Scrollbar
    Gui Add, Text, x24 y32 w60 h23 +0x200, Visible:
    Gui Add, Edit, x86 y36 w60 h21 -E0x200, %H%
    Gui Add, Text, x24 y57 w60 h23 +0x200, Minimum:
    Gui Add, Edit, x86 y61 w60 h21 -E0x200, % HSB.Min
    Gui Add, Text, x24 y82 w60 h23 +0x200, Maximum:
    Gui Add, Edit, x86 y86 w60 h21 -E0x200, % HSB.Max
    Gui Add, Text, x24 y107 w60 h23 +0x200, Position:
    Gui Add, Edit, x86 y111 w70 h21 -E0x200, % HSB.Pos . HPercent
    Gui Add, Text, x24 y132 w60 h23 +0x200, Page size:
    Gui Add, Edit, x86 y136 w60 h21 -E0x200, % HSB.Page

    Gui Add, GroupBox, x178 y13 w148 h152, Vertical Scrollbar
    Gui Add, Text, x188 y32 w56 h23 +0x200, Visible:
    Gui Add, Edit, x250 y36 w60 h21 -E0x200, %V%
    Gui Add, Text, x188 y57 w56 h23 +0x200, Minimum:
    Gui Add, Edit, x250 y61 w60 h21 -E0x200, % VSB.Min
    Gui Add, Text, x188 y82 w56 h23 +0x200, Maximum:
    Gui Add, Edit, x250 y86 w60 h21 -E0x200, % VSB.Max
    Gui Add, Text, x188 y107 w56 h23 +0x200, Position:
    Gui Add, Edit, x250 y111 w70 h21 -E0x200, % VSB.Pos . VPercent
    Gui Add, Text, x188 y132 w56 h23 +0x200, Page size:
    Gui Add, Edit, x250 y136 w60 h21 -E0x200, % VSB.Page

    Gui Add, Text, x-1 y180 w343 h50 -Background +Border
    Gui Add, Button, gScrollInfoClose x247 y193 w84 h24 +Default, &OK

    WinGetPos, X, Y,,, ahk_id %hSpyWnd%
    x += 30
    y += 109
    Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w341 h229, Scrollbars
Return ;}

ScrollInfoClose: ;{
    Gui ScrollInfo: Destroy
Return ;}

GetSysColorName(Value) {
    Static SysColors := {0: "COLOR_SCROLLBAR"
    , 4: "COLOR_MENU"
    , 5: "COLOR_WINDOW"
    , 15: "COLOR_BTNFACE"
    , 17: "COLOR_GRAYTEXT"
    , 18: "COLOR_BTNTEXT"
    , 21: "COLOR_3DDKSHADOW"
    , 22: "COLOR_3DLIGHT"
    , 23: "COLOR_INFOTEXT"
    , 24: "COLOR_INFOBK"
    , 26: "COLOR_HOTLIGHT"
    , 30: "COLOR_MENUBAR"}

    Color := SysColors[Value]
    Return (Color == "") ? Value : Color

GetWindowPos(hWnd, ByRef X, ByRef Y, ByRef W, ByRef H) {
    VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
    DllCall("GetWindowRect", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &RECT)
    DllCall("MapWindowPoints", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", GetParent(hWnd), "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", 2)
    X := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
    Y := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
    w := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") - X
    H := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") - Y

FindToolHandler: ;{
    If (g_Minimize) {
        WinMove ahk_id %hSpyWnd%,,,,, 78
        g_Minimized := True

    Dragging := True

    GuiControl,, %hFindTool%, %Bitmap2%

    DllCall("SetCapture", "Ptr", hSpyWnd)
    hOldCursor := DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", hCrossHair, "Ptr")
Return ;}

OnWM_MOUSEMOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
    Static hOldWnd := 0

    If (Dragging) {
        MouseGetPos x, y, hWin, hCtl, 2

        g_hWnd := (hCtl == "") ? hWin : hCtl

        If (g_MouseCoordMode != "Screen") {
            SendMessage 0x84, 0, % y << 16 | x,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; WM_NCHITTEST
            HitTest := ErrorLevel

            If (HitTest == 1 || hCtl != "") { ; 1 = HTCLIENT
                If (g_MouseCoordMode == "Client") {
                    GetClientCoords(g_hWnd, x, y)
                } Else If (g_MouseCoordMode == "Window") {
                    GetWindowCoords(g_hWnd, x, y)

        GuiControl, Spy:, EdtCursor, %x%, %y%

        If (g_DetectHidden) {
            g_hWnd := ControlFromPoint(x, y, g_hWnd)

        If (g_hWnd != hOldWnd && !IsBorder(g_hWnd)) {
            ShowBorder(g_hWnd, -1)
            If (IsChild(g_hWnd)) {
                MouseGetPos,,,, ClassNN
            } Else {
            GoSub UpdateTitleBar

        hOldWnd := g_hWnd

OnWM_LBUTTONUP(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
    If (Dragging) {
        Dragging := False

        DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", hOldCursor)
        GuiControl,, %hFindTool%, %Bitmap1%

        Loop 4 {
            Index := A_Index + 90
            Gui %Index%: Destroy

        MouseGetPos,,,, ClassNN

        If (g_Minimized) {
            If (Workaround) {
                SendMessage 0x130C, 1, 0,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_SETCURSEL
                SendMessage 0x1330, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_SETCURFOCUS
                Sleep 0
                SendMessage 0x130C, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_SETCURSEL
                Workaround := False

            WinMove ahk_id %hSpyWnd%,,,,, 493

SetWindowIcon(hWnd, Filename, Index := 1) {
    Local hSmIcon := LoadPicture(Filename, "w16 Icon" . Index, ErrorLevel)
    SendMessage 0x80, 0, hSmIcon,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL
    Return ErrorLevel

GetWindowPlacement(hWnd) {
    VarSetCapacity(WINDOWPLACEMENT, 44, 0)
    DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &WINDOWPLACEMENT)
    Result := {}
    Result.x := NumGet(WINDOWPLACEMENT, 7 * 4, "UInt")
    Result.y := NumGet(WINDOWPLACEMENT, 8 * 4, "UInt")
    Result.w := NumGet(WINDOWPLACEMENT, 9 * 4, "UInt") - Result.x
    Result.h := NumGet(WINDOWPLACEMENT, 10 * 4, "UInt") - Result.y
    Result.showCmd := NumGet(WINDOWPLACEMENT, 8, "UInt")
    ; 1 = normal, 2 = minimized, 3 = maximized
    Return Result

GetWindowInfo(hWnd) {
    NumPut(VarSetCapacity(WINDOWINFO, 60, 0), WINDOWINFO)
    DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &WINDOWINFO)
    wi := Object()
    wi.WindowX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 4, "Int")
    wi.WindowY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 8, "Int")
    wi.WindowW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 12, "Int") - wi.WindowX
    wi.WindowH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 16, "Int") - wi.WindowY
    wi.ClientX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 20, "Int")
    wi.ClientY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 24, "Int")
    wi.ClientW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 28, "Int") - wi.ClientX
    wi.ClientH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 32, "Int") - wi.ClientY
    wi.Style   := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "UInt")
    wi.ExStyle := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 40, "UInt")
    wi.Active  := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 44, "UInt")
    wi.BorderW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 48, "UInt")
    wi.BorderH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 52, "UInt")
    wi.Atom    := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 56, "UShort")
    wi.Version := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 58, "UShort")
    Return wi

GetParent(hWnd) {
    Return DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr")

GetOwner(hWnd) {
    Return DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", 4, "Ptr") ; GW_OWNER

ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow := 1) {
    DllCall("ShowWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", nCmdShow)

IsWindow(hWnd) {
    Return DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", hWnd)

IsWindowVisible(hWnd) {
    Return DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", hWnd)

GetMenu(hWnd) {
    Return DllCall("GetMenu", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr")

GetSubMenu(hMenu, nPos) {
    Return DllCall("GetSubMenu", "Ptr", hMenu, "Int", nPos, "Ptr")

GetMenuItemCount(hMenu) {
    Return DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Ptr", hMenu)

GetMenuItemID(hMenu, nPos) {
    Return DllCall("GetMenuItemID", "Ptr", hMenu, "Int", nPos)

GetMenuString(hMenu, uIDItem) {
    ; uIDItem: the zero-based relative position of the menu item
    Local lpString, MenuItemID
    VarSetCapacity(lpString, 4096)
    If !(DllCall("GetMenuString", "Ptr", hMenu, "UInt", uIDItem, "Str", lpString, "Int", 4096, "UInt", 0x400)) {
        MenuItemID := GetMenuItemID(hMenu, uIDItem)
        If (MenuItemID > -1) {
            Return "SEPARATOR"
        } Else {
            Return (GetSubMenu(hMenu, uIDItem)) ? "SUBMENU" : "ERROR"
    Return lpString

GetClassName(hWnd) {
    WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %hWnd%
    Return Class

GetFileIcon(File, SmallIcon := 1) {
    VarSetCapacity(SHFILEINFO, cbFileInfo := A_PtrSize + 688)
    If (DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHGetFileInfoW"
        , "WStr", File
        , "UInt", 0
        , "Ptr" , &SHFILEINFO
        , "UInt", cbFileInfo
        , "UInt", 0x100 | SmallIcon)) { ; SHGFI_ICON
        Return NumGet(SHFILEINFO, 0, "Ptr")

SetWindowPos(hWnd, x, y, w, h, hWndInsertAfter := 0, uFlags := 0x40) { ; SWP_SHOWWINDOW
    Return DllCall("SetWindowPos", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", hWndInsertAfter, "Int", x, "Int", y, "Int", w, "Int", h, "UInt", uFlags)

ShowSettingsDlg: ;{

    Gui Settings: New, LabelSettings hWndhSettingsDlg -MinimizeBox OwnerSpy
    SetWindowIcon(hSettingsDlg, ResDir . "\Settings.ico")
    Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
    Gui Color, White

    Gui Add, GroupBox, x8 y7 w319 h56, %AppName%
    Gui Add, CheckBox, vg_AlwaysOnTop x20 y27 w291 h23 Checked%g_AlwaysOnTop%, Show the window always on top

    Gui Add, GroupBox, x8 y69 w319 h152, Screenshot
    Gui Add, Radio, % "x20 y88 w290 h23 " . (!g_ShowBorder ? "Checked" : "")
    , Capture the contents of the control only
    Gui Add, Radio, vg_ShowBorder x20 y118 w290 h23 Checked%g_ShowBorder%
    , Display a border around the control
    Gui Add, Text, x36 y150 w78 h23 +0x200, Border color:
    Gui Add, Progress, vBorderColorPreview x119 y151 w23 h23 +0x800000 c%g_BorderColor%, 100
    Gui Add, Button, gChooseBorderColor x150 y150 w80 h24, Choose
    Gui Add, Text, x36 y183 w79 h23 +0x200, Border width:
    Gui Add, Edit, vg_BorderWidth x119 y184 w42 h21
    Gui Add, UpDown, x159 y184 w18 h21, %g_BorderWidth%

    Gui Add, Text, x-1 y231 w338 h48 -Background +Border
    Gui Add, Button, gApplySettings x152 y243 w84 h24 +Default, &OK
    Gui Add, Button, gSettingsClose x243 y243 w84 h24, &Cancel
    Gui Show, w335 h278, Settings

Return ;}

SettingsClose: ;{
    Gui Settings: Destroy
Return ;}

ApplySettings: ;{
    Gui Settings: Submit
    WinSet AlwaysOnTop, % g_AlwaysOnTop ? "On" : "Off", ahk_id %hSpyWnd%
    g_ShowBorder := (g_ShowBorder == 2) ? 1 : 0
    g_BorderColor := g_BorderColorTemp
Return ;}

ChooseBorderColor: ;{
    g_BorderColorTemp := g_BorderColor
    If (ChooseColor(g_BorderColorTemp, hSettingsDlg)) {
        GuiControl, Settings: +c%g_BorderColorTemp%, BorderColorPreview
Return ;}

ChooseColor(ByRef Color, hOwner := 0) {
    rgbResult := ((Color & 0xFF) << 16) + (Color & 0xFF00) + ((Color >> 16) & 0xFF)

    VarSetCapacity(CUSTOM, 64, 0)
    NumPut(VarSetCapacity(CHOOSECOLOR, A_PtrSize * 9, 0), CHOOSECOLOR, 0)
    NumPut(hOwner, CHOOSECOLOR, A_PtrSize)
    NumPut(rgbResult, CHOOSECOLOR, A_PtrSize * 3)
    NumPut(&CUSTOM, CHOOSECOLOR, A_PtrSize * 4) ; COLORREF *lpCustColors
    NumPut(0x103, CHOOSECOLOR, A_PtrSize * 5) ; Flags: CC_ANYCOLOR | CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN

    RetVal := DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColorA", "Str", CHOOSECOLOR)
    If (ErrorLevel != 0 || RetVal == 0) {
        Return False

    rgbResult := NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR, A_PtrSize * 3)
    Color := (rgbResult & 0xFF00) + ((rgbResult & 0xFF0000) >> 16) + ((rgbResult & 0xFF) << 16)
    Color := Format("0x{:06X}", Color)
    Return True

OnWM_SYSCOMMAND(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
    If (wParam == 0xC0DE) {
        Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
        MsgBox 0x40040, About, %AppName% %Version%`nWindow information tool`n`nCredits:`n - J Brown (WinSpy++ developer)`n - Lexicos (AutoHotkey developer)

ShowFindDlg: ;{
    If (FindDlgExist) {
        Gui Find: Show
    } Else {
        Gui Find: New, LabelFind hWndhFindDlg
        Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
        Gui Color, White

        Gui Add, Text, x15 y16 w81 h23 +0x200, Text or Title:
        Gui Add, Edit, hWndhEdtFindByText vEdtFindByText gFindWindow x144 y17 w286 h21
        Gui Add, CheckBox, vChkFindRegEx x441 y16 w120 h23, Regular Expression
        Gui Add, Text, x15 y54 w79 h23 +0x200, Class Name:
        Gui Add, ComboBox, vCbxFindByClass gFindWindow x144 y54 w286
        Gui Add, Text, x15 y93 w110 h23 +0x200, Process ID or Name:
        Gui Add, ComboBox, vCbxFindByProcess gFindWindow x144 y93 w286

        Gui Add, ListView, hWndhFindList gFindListHandler x10 y130 w554 h185 +LV0x14000
        , hWnd|Class|Text|Process
        LV_ModifyCol(1, 0)
        LV_ModifyCol(2, 133)
        LV_ModifyCol(3, 285)
        LV_ModifyCol(4, 112)

        Gui Add, Text, x-1 y329 w576 h49 +Border -Background
        Gui Add, Button, gFindOK x381 y342 w88 h25 Default, &OK
        Gui Add, Button, gFindClose x477 y342 w88 h25, &Cancel

        Gui Show, w574 h377, Find Window

        FindDlgExist := True

    ; Unique class names
    Global Classes := []
    WinGet WinList, List
    Loop %WinList% {
        hThisWnd := WinList%A_Index%
        WinGetClass WClass, ahk_id %hThisWnd%

        WinGet ControlList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %hThisWnd%
        Loop Parse, ControlList, `n
            WinGetClass CClass, ahk_id %A_LoopField%

    ClassList := ""
    Loop % Classes.Length()  {
        ClassList .= Classes[A_Index] . "|"

    GuiControl,, CbxFindByClass, %ClassList%

    ; Unique process names
    Processes := []
    For Process in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process") {
        If (Process.ProcessID < 10) {

        Unique := True
        Loop % Processes.Length() {
            If (Process.Name == Processes[A_Index]) {
                Unique := False

        If (Unique) {

    ProcList := ""
    MaxItems := Processes.Length()
    Loop %MaxItems%  {
        ProcList .= Processes[MaxItems - A_Index + 1] . "|"

    GuiControl,, CbxFindByProcess, %ProcList%
Return ;}

AddUniqueClass(ClassName) {
    Local Unique := True
    Loop % Classes.Length() {
        If (ClassName == Classes[A_Index]) {
            Unique := False

    If (Unique) {

FindClose: ;{
    Gui Find: Hide
Return ;}

FindWindow: ;{
    Gui Find: Submit, NoHide

    Gui ListView, %hFindList%
    GuiControl -Redraw, %hFindList%

    WinGet WinList, List
    Loop %WinList% {
        hThisWnd := WinList%A_Index%
        If (hThisWnd == hFindDlg) {

        WinGetClass WClass, ahk_id %hThisWnd%
        WinGetTitle WTitle, ahk_id %hThisWnd%
        WinGet WProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %hThisWnd%
        WinGet WProcPID, PID, ahk_id %hThisWnd%

        If (MatchCriteria(WTitle, WClass, IsNumber(CbxFindByProcess) ? WProcPID : WProcess)) {
            LV_Add("", hThisWnd, WClass, WTitle, WProcess)

        WinGet ControlList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %hThisWnd%
        Loop Parse, ControlList, `n
            ControlGetText CText,, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
            WinGetClass CClass, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
            WinGet CProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
            WinGet CProcPID, PID, ahk_id %A_LoopField%

            If (MatchCriteria(CText, CClass, IsNumber(CbxFindByProcess) ? CProcPID : CProcess)) {
                LV_Add("", A_LoopField, CClass, CText, CProcess)

    GuiControl +Redraw, %hFindList%
Return ;}

MatchCriteria(Text, Class, Process) {

    If (EdtFindByText != "") {
        If (ChkFindRegEx) {
            If (RegExMatch(Text, EdtFindByText) < 1) {
                Return False
        } Else {
            If (!InStr(Text, EdtFindByText)) {
                Return False

    If (CbxFindByClass != "" && !InStr(Class, CbxFindByClass)) {
        Return False

    If (CbxFindByProcess != "") {
        Return IsNumber(Process) ? CbxFindByProcess == Process : InStr(Process, CbxFindByProcess)

    Return True

FindOK: ;{
    Gui ListView, %hFindList%
    LV_GetText(hWnd, LV_GetNext())
    GuiControl, Spy:, EdtHandle, %hWnd%
    WinActivate ahk_id %hSpyWnd%
    Gui Find: Hide
Return ;}

FindListHandler: ;{
    If (A_GuiEvent == "DoubleClick") {
        GoSub FindOK
Return ;}

CreateImageList() {
    ImageList := IL_Create(32)
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 1)  ; Generic window icon
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 2)  ; Desktop (#32769)
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 3)  ; Dialog (#32770)
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 4)  ; Button
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 5)  ; CheckBox
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 6)  ; ComboBox
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 7)  ; DateTime
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 8)  ; Edit
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 9)  ; GroupBox
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 10) ; Hotkey
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 11) ; Icon
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 12) ; Link
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 13) ; ListBox
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 14) ; ListView
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 15) ; MonthCal
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 16) ; Picture
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 17) ; Progress
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 18) ; Radio
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 19) ; RichEdit
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 20) ; Separator
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 21) ; Slider
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 22) ; Status bar
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 23) ; Tab
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 24) ; Text
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 25) ; Toolbar
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 26) ; Tooltips
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 27) ; TreeView
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 28) ; UpDown
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 29) ; IE
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 30) ; Scintilla
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 31) ; ScrollBar
    IL_Add(ImageList, TreeIcons, 32) ; SysHeader
    Return ImageList

ShowTree: ;{
    If (WinExist("ahk_id" . hTreeWnd)) {
        Gui Tree: Show
        SetWindowIcon(hTreeWnd, "shell32.dll", 42)
    } Else {
        Gui Tree: New, LabelTree hWndhTreeWnd +Resize
        SetWindowIcon(hTreeWnd, "shell32.dll", 42)

        Menu TreeMenu, Add, &Reload`tF5, LoadTree
        Menu TreeMenu, Add
        Menu TreeMenu, Add, E&xit`tEsc, TreeClose
        Menu MenuBar, Add, &Tree, :TreeMenu
        Menu ViewMenu, Add, Show &Hidden Windows, ToggleHiddenWindows
        Menu ViewMenu, Add
        Menu ViewMenu, Add, &Flash Window`tF6, FlashWindow
        Menu ViewMenu, Add
        Menu ViewMenu, Add, E&xpand All Nodes, ExpandAll
        Menu ViewMenu, Add, &Collapse All Nodes, CollapseAll
        Menu MenuBar, Add, &View, :ViewMenu
        Gui Tree: Menu, MenuBar

        Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
        Gui Add, TreeView, hWndhTree gTreeHandler x0 y0 w681 h445 -Lines +0x9000

        Gui Show, w681 h445, %AppName% - Tree


    GoSub LoadTree

Return ;}

TreeClose: ;{
    Gui Tree: Hide
Return ;}

TreeSize: ;{
    If (A_EventInfo == 1) { ; Minimized

    AutoXYWH("wh", hTree)
Return ;}

LoadTree: ;{
    Global TreeIDs := {}

    Gui Tree: Default

    RootID := TV_Add("Desktop", 0, "Icon2")
    TreeIDs[RootID] := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", "Ptr")

    WinGet WinList, List
    Loop %WinList% {
        hWnd := WinList%A_Index%

        WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %hWnd%
        WinGetTitle Title, ahk_id %hWnd%
        If (Title != "") {
            Title := " - " . Title

        Invisible := !IsWindowVisible(hWnd)

        If (!g_TreeShowAll && Invisible) {

        If (Invisible) {
            Title .= " (hidden)"

        Icon := GetWindowIcon(hWnd, Class, True)

        ID := TV_Add(Class . Title, RootID, "Icon" . Icon)
        TreeIDs[ID] := hWnd
        Tree(hWnd, ID)

    TV_Modify(RootID, "+Expand")

    For Key, Value in TreeIDs {
        If (g_hWnd == Value) {
            TV_Modify(Key, "Select")
Return ;}

Tree(hParentWnd, ParentID) {
    WinGet WinList, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %hParentWnd%
    Loop Parse, WinList, `n
        If (GetParent(A_LoopField) != hParentWnd) {

        WinGetClass Class, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
        If (IsChild(A_LoopField)) {
            ControlGetText Text,, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
        } Else {
            WinGetTitle Text,, ahk_id %A_LoopField%

        If (Text != "") {
            Text := " - " . Text

        Invisible := !IsWindowVisible(A_LoopField)

        If (!g_TreeShowAll && Invisible) {

        If (Invisible) {
            Text .= " (hidden)"

        Icon := GetWindowIcon(A_LoopField, Class)

        ID := TV_Add(Class . Text, ParentID, "Icon" . Icon)
        TreeIDs[ID] := A_LoopField
        Tree(A_LoopField, ID)

TreeHandler: ;{
    If (A_GuiEvent == "DoubleClick") {
        g_hWnd := TreeIDs[A_EventInfo]
Return ;}

GetWindowIcon(hWnd, Class, TopLevel := False) {
    Static Classes := {0:0
    , "#32770": 3
    , "Button": 4
    , "CheckBox": 5
    , "ComboBox": 6
    , "SysDateTimePick32": 7
    , "Edit": 8
    , "GroupBox": 9
    , "msctls_hotkey32": 10
    , "Icon": 11
    , "SysLink": 12
    , "ListBox": 13
    , "SysListView32": 14
    , "SysMonthCal32": 15
    , "Picture": 16
    , "msctls_progress32": 17
    , "Radio": 18
    , "RebarWindow32": 25
    , "RichEdit": 19
    , "Separator": 20
    , "msctls_trackbar32": 21
    , "msctls_statusbar32": 22
    , "SysTabControl32": 23
    , "Static": 24
    , "ToolbarWindow32": 25
    , "tooltips_class32": 26
    , "SysTreeView32": 27
    , "msctls_updown32": 28
    , "Internet Explorer_Server": 29
    , "Scintilla": 30
    , "ScrollBar": 31
    , "SysHeader32": 32}

    If (Class == "Button") {
        WinGet Style, Style, ahk_id %hWnd%
        Type := Style & 0xF
        If (Type == 7) {
            Class := "GroupBox"
        } Else If (Type ~= "2|3|5|6") {
            Class := "CheckBox"
        } Else If (Type ~= "4|9") {
            Class := "Radio"
        } Else {
            Class := "Button"
    } Else If (Class == "Static") {
        WinGet Style, Style, ahk_id %hWnd%
        Type := Style & 0x1F ; SS_TYPEMASK
        If (Type == 3) {
            Class := "Icon"
        } Else If (Type == 14) {
            Class := "Picture"
        } Else If (Type == 0x10) {
            Class := "Separator"
        } Else {
            Class := "Static"
    } Else If (InStr(Class, "RICHED", True) == 1) {
        Class := "RichEdit" ; RICHEDIT50W

    Icon := Classes[Class]
    If (Icon != "") {
        Return Icon

    SendMessage 0x7F, 2, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL2
    hIcon := ErrorLevel

    If (hIcon == 0 && TopLevel) {
        WinGet ProcessPath, ProcessPath, ahk_id %hWnd%
        hIcon := GetFileIcon(ProcessPath)

    IconIndex := (hIcon) ? IL_Add(ImageList, "HICON: " . hIcon) : 1
    Return IconIndex

ToggleHiddenWindows: ;{
    g_TreeShowAll := !g_TreeShowAll
    GoSub LoadTree
    Menu ViewMenu, ToggleCheck, Show &Hidden Windows
Return ;}

ExpandAll: ;{
    Expand := (A_ThisLabel == "ExpandAll") ? "+Expand" : "-Expand"

    ItemID := 0
    Loop {
        ItemID := TV_GetNext(ItemID, "Full")
        If (!ItemID) {

        TV_Modify(ItemID, Expand)
Return ;}

FlashWindow: ;{
    If (A_Gui == "Tree") {
        hWnd := TreeIDs[TV_GetSelection()]
    } Else {
        hWnd := g_hWnd

    ShowBorder(hWnd, 200, 0xFF0000)
    Sleep 200
    ShowBorder(hWnd, 200, 0xFF0000)
    Sleep 200
    ShowBorder(hWnd, 200, 0xFF0000)
Return ;}

; Based on a script written by Lexicos
ShowMenuViewer: ;{
    If (MenuViewerExist) {
        Gui MenuViewer: Show
    } Else {
        Gui MenuViewer: New, +LabelMenuViewer +hWndhMenuViewer +Resize
        Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
        Gui Color, 0xF1F5FB

        Gui Add, ListView, hWndhMenuList vLVMenu x0 y0 w600 h400 +LV0x14000, Menu Item String|Keyboard|Menu ID
        LV_ModifyCol(1, 410)
        LV_ModifyCol(2, 103)
        LV_ModifyCol(3, "65 Integer")

        Gui Add, Edit, hWndhEdtMenuSearch vEdtMenuSearch gSearchMenu x8 y408 w200 h23 +0x2000000 ; WS_CLIPCHILDREN
        DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hEdtMenuSearch, "UInt", 0x1501, "Ptr", 1, "WStr", "Search")

        Gui Add, Picture, hWndhSearchIcon x178 y1 w16 h16, %ResDir%\Search.ico
        DllCall("SetParent", "Ptr", hSearchIcon, "Ptr", hEdtMenuSearch)
        WinSet Style, -0x40000000, ahk_id %hSearchIcon% ; -WS_CHILD
        ControlFocus,, ahk_id %hEdtMenuSearch%

        NoAmpersands := True
        Gui Add, CheckBox, vNoAmpersands gShowMenuItems x220 y408 w167 h23 Checked%NoAmpersands%
        , Remove Ampersands (&&)
        Gui Add, Button, vBtnMenuCopy gCopyMenuList x466 y407 w125 h25, Copy to Clipboard
        Gui Show, w600 h440, Menu Viewer
        MenuViewerExist := True

    GoSub ShowMenuItems
Return ;}

ShowMenuItems: ;{
    Gui MenuViewer: Default
    Gui Submit, NoHide

    hMenu := GetMenu(g_hWnd)
    If (hMenu) {
        MenuItems := []
        GetMenuItems(hMenu, "", "")
Return ;}

GetMenuItems(hMenu, Prefix, ByRef Commands) {
    ItemCount := GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)

    Loop %ItemCount% {
        ItemString := GetMenuString(hMenu, A_Index - 1)
        ItemID := GetMenuItemID(hMenu, A_Index - 1)

        RegExMatch(ItemString, "\t(.+)", Keyboard)
        ItemString := RegExReplace(ItemString, "\t.*")
        If (ItemString == "SEPARATOR") {
            ItemString := "----------------------------"

        MenuItems.Push([ItemString, Keyboard1, ItemID])

        If (NoAmpersands) {
            ItemString := StrReplace(ItemString, "&")

        LV_Add("", Prefix . ItemString, Keyboard1, ItemID)

        If (ItemID == -1) { ; Submenu
            hSubMenu := GetSubMenu(hMenu, A_Index - 1)
            If (hSubMenu) {
                Prefix .= "        "
                GetMenuItems(hSubMenu, Prefix, Commands)
                Prefix := StrReplace(Prefix, "        ", "",, 1)

SearchMenu: ;{
    Gui MenuViewer: Submit, NoHide

    Gui ListView, %hMenuList%

    Loop % MenuItems.Length() {
        MenuItem := MenuItems[A_Index][1]
        Keyboard := MenuItems[A_Index][2]
        MenuID   := MenuItems[A_Index][3]

        If (NoAmpersands) {
            MenuItem := StrReplace(MenuItem, "&")

        If (InStr(MenuItem, EdtMenuSearch)
        ||  InStr(Keyboard, EdtMenuSearch)
        ||  InStr(MenuID, EdtMenuSearch)) {
            LV_Add("", MenuItem, Keyboard, MenuID)
Return ;}

CopyMenuList: ;{
    Gui MenuViewer: Default
    ControlGet MenuList, List,,, ahk_id %hMenuList%
    Clipboard := StrReplace(MenuList, "        ", "`t")
Return ;}

MenuViewerClose: ;{
    Gui MenuViewer: Hide
Return ;}

MenuViewerSize: ;{
    If (A_EventInfo == 1) { ; Minimized

    AutoXYWH("wh", hMenuList)
    AutoXYWH("y", hEdtMenuSearch)
    AutoXYWH("y", hSearchIcon)
    AutoXYWH("y", "NoAmpersands")
    AutoXYWH("xy", "BtnMenuCopy")
Return ;}

MenuViewerContextMenu: ;{
    Row := LV_GetNext()
    LV_GetText(MenuString, Row, 1)
    LV_GetText(MenuID, Row, 3)

    If (A_GuiControl == "LVMenu" && MenuID > 0 && !InStr(MenuString, "-----")) {
        Menu MenuMenu, Add, Invoke Menu Command, InvokeMenuCommand
        Menu MenuMenu, Show
Return ;}

InvokeMenuCommand: ;{
    PostMessage 0x111, %MenuID%,,, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
Return ;}

LoadProcessProperties: ;{
    Gui Spy: Submit, NoHide

    WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %g_hWnd%

    StrQuery := "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId=" . PID
    Enum := ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(StrQuery)._NewEnum
    If (Enum[Process]) {
        ExePath := Process.ExecutablePath

        hIcon := GetFileIcon(ExePath, 0)
        If (!hIcon || ExePath == "") {
            hIcon := DllCall("LoadIcon", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 32512, "Ptr") ; IDI_APPLICATION

        GuiControl,, ProgIcon, % "HICON:" . hIcon
        GuiControl,, ProgName, % Process.Name
        FileGetVersion ProgVer, %ExePath%
        GuiControl,, ProgVer, %ProgVer%

        Gui ListView, %hProcInfo%
        LV_Add("", "Path", ExePath)
        LV_Add("", "Command line", Process.CommandLine)
        LV_Add("", "Process ID", Process.ProcessId)
        LV_Add("", "Thread ID", DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr", g_hWnd, "Ptr", 0))
        CreationDate := Process.CreationDate
        SubStr(CreationDate, 1, InStr(CreationDate, ".") - 1)
        FormatTime CreationDate, %CreationDate% D1 T0 ; Short date and time with seconds
        LV_Add("", "Started", CreationDate)
        LV_Add("", "Working Size", FormatBytes(Process.WorkingSetSize, Sep))
        LV_Add("", "Virtual Size", FormatBytes(Process.VirtualSize, Sep))
        LV_Add("", "Image Type", GetImageType(PID))
Return ;}

GetImageType(PID) {
    hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x400, "Int", False, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")
    If (!hProc) {
        Return "N/A"

    If (A_Is64bitOS) {
        ; Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64.
        Try DllCall("IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProc, "Int*", Is32Bit := True)
    } Else {
        Is32Bit := True

    DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)

    Return (Is32Bit) ? "32-bit" : "64-bit"

EndProcess: ;{
    GuiControlGet Filename,, ProgName
    If (Filename == "N/A") {

    Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
    MsgBox 0x40031, %AppName%, Are you sure you want to exit %Filename%?
    IfMsgBox OK, {
        WinGet PID, PID, ahk_id %g_hWnd%
        Process Close, %PID%
        If (ErrorLevel == 0) {
            Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
            MsgBox 0x40010, Error, The process named %Filename% with PID %PID% could not be ended.
Return ;}

OpenFolder: ;{
    Gui ListView, %hProcInfo%
    LV_GetText(ExePath, 1, 2)
    If (ExePath != "") {
        Run *open explorer.exe /select`,"%ExePath%"
Return ;}

FormatBytes(Value, sThousand := ".", Unit := -1, ShowUnit := True) {
    If ((Unit == -1 && Value > 999) || Unit == "K") {
        Value /= 1024
        Unit := ShowUnit ? " K" : ""
    } Else {
        Unit := ShowUnit ? " B" : ""

    a := ""
    Loop % StrLen(Value) {
        a .= SubStr(Value, 1 - A_Index, 1)
        If (Mod(A_Index, 3) == 0) {
            a .= sThousand

    a := RTrim(a, sThousand)

    b := ""
    Loop % StrLen(a) {
        b .= SubStr(a, 1 - A_Index, 1)

    Return b . Unit

AutoXYWH(DimSize, cList*) {
    Static cInfo := {}

    If (DimSize = "reset") {
        Return cInfo := {}

    For i, ctrl in cList {
        ctrlID := A_Gui ":" ctrl
        If (cInfo[ctrlID].x = "") {
            GuiControlGet i, %A_Gui%: Pos, %ctrl%
            MMD := InStr(DimSize, "*") ? "MoveDraw" : "Move"
            fx := fy := fw := fh := 0
            For i, dim in (a := StrSplit(RegExReplace(DimSize, "i)[^xywh]"))) {
                If (!RegExMatch(DimSize, "i)" . dim . "\s*\K[\d.-]+", f%dim%)) {
                    f%dim% := 1
            cInfo[ctrlID] := {x: ix, fx: fx, y: iy, fy: fy, w: iw, fw: fw, h: ih, fh: fh, gw: A_GuiWidth, gh: A_GuiHeight, a: a, m: MMD}
        } Else If (cInfo[ctrlID].a.1) {
            dgx := dgw := A_GuiWidth - cInfo[ctrlID].gw, dgy := dgh := A_GuiHeight - cInfo[ctrlID].gh
            Options := ""
            For i, dim in cInfo[ctrlID]["a"] {
                Options .= dim . (dg%dim% * cInfo[ctrlID]["f" . dim] + cInfo[ctrlID][dim]) . A_Space
            GuiControl, % A_Gui ":" cInfo[ctrlID].m, % ctrl, % Options

IsBorder(hWnd) {
    Loop % g_Borders.Length() {
        If (g_Borders[A_Index] == hWnd) {
            Return True
    Return False

IsNumber(n) {
    If n Is Number
        Return True
    Return False

ShowHelp: ;{

    Gui Spy: +OwnDialogs
    MsgBox 0x40, %AppName% Keyboard Shortcuts,
    F2:  Go to the parent window
    F3:  Show the Find dialog
    F4:  Show the hierarchical window tree
    F5:  Reload window information
    F6:  Highlight window location
    F7:  Position and Size dialog
    F8:  Copy information to the clipboard
    F9:  Copy screenshot to the clipboard

Return ;}

(125.65 KiB) Downloaded 457 times
Last edited by Frosti on 01 Feb 2020, 17:06, edited 3 times in total.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

01 Feb 2020, 10:30

HI Frosti - perhaps you should add something to to the topic name so that people can immediately see that it is a modified version, and not Alguimist's original.

Edit: Thank you! Actually I thought that it was a new topic, I didn't notice that it is was page 3 of the original topic ;) My bad :facepalm:

Thanky you for the contribution!
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

01 Feb 2020, 14:40

@Frosti, thank you very much, very well done.
Posts: 5
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

04 Feb 2020, 06:50

I can't download it as the browser said it contains virus.... I have tried chrome and IE.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

04 Feb 2020, 12:15

kris_ting wrote:
04 Feb 2020, 06:50
I can't download it as the browser said it contains virus.... I have tried chrome and IE.
Probably sourceforge-related (the website who hosts the download) which had developed a bad reputation a few years ago.
Although they seem to have changed their ways again since then:

Perhaps Alguimist should consider to host it somewhere else anyway, at least provide an additional, alternative download link.
Posts: 5
Joined: 01 Dec 2019, 01:36

Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

05 Feb 2020, 03:23

gregster wrote:
04 Feb 2020, 12:15
kris_ting wrote:
04 Feb 2020, 06:50
I can't download it as the browser said it contains virus.... I have tried chrome and IE.
Probably sourceforge-related (the website who hosts the download) which had developed a bad reputation a few years ago.
Although they seem to have changed their ways again since then: https /218764/warning-don%E2%80%99t-download-software-from-sourceforge-if-you-can-help-it/ Broken Link for safety

Perhaps Alguimist should consider to host it somewhere else anyway, at least provide an additional, alternative download link.
Thanks, did u download this tool? Can I have it from you?
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

05 Feb 2020, 10:12

kris_ting wrote:
05 Feb 2020, 03:23
Thanks, did u download this tool? Can I have it from you?
You can still download it via Chrome from sourceforge. As long as you don't close Chrome, there will be some file named ... 703550.crdownload or similar in your standard download folder for Chrome.
If you rename this file to winSpy.7z, for example, you should be able to extract it. But do this please at your own risk (I am not absolutely sure, why Chrome actually blocks the download).

The downloaded archive also contains the uncompiled script version (which you could inspect, before running), which you might prefer, if you are unsure about the integrity of the download and don't want to run the exe files.
Or, you could try Frosti's modified version:

Btw, Firefox doesn't complain and let's you download the archive without problem.
Posts: 5
Joined: 01 Dec 2019, 01:36

Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

05 Feb 2020, 21:05

gregster wrote:
05 Feb 2020, 10:12
kris_ting wrote:
05 Feb 2020, 03:23
Thanks, did u download this tool? Can I have it from you?
You can still download it via Chrome from sourceforge. As long as you don't close Chrome, there will be some file named ... 703550.crdownload or similar in your standard download folder for Chrome.
If you rename this file to winSpy.7z, for example, you should be able to extract it. But do this please at your own risk (I am not absolutely sure, why Chrome actually blocks the download).

The downloaded archive also contains the uncompiled script version (which you could inspect, before running), which you might prefer, if you are unsure about the integrity of the download and don't want to run the exe files.
Or, you could try Frosti's modified version:

Btw, Firefox doesn't complain and let's you download the archive without problem.
Thanks a lot. I downloaded the modified version but some files are missing and thus I can't the script. I finally need to download the original one and copy the resources to run the script.
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

06 Feb 2020, 07:37

Thanks for your interest in WinSpy! I will examine your code in details later when I get some time to implement new features. ;)

gregster wrote: Perhaps Alguimist should consider to host it somewhere else anyway, at least provide an additional, alternative download link.
There's always a mirror available for SourceForge projects.
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

07 Feb 2020, 08:21

Would you mind if I converted this for AHKv2? Not sure when I'd get around to it, but I'm interested to keep this one alive for sure. I'm trying to convert the old Window Spy now... just to have the AHKv2 equivalent available.
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

18 Feb 2020, 20:48

No need to ask, but I don't understand what do you mean with "keep this one alive". Ideally, libraries should be converted to AHKv2 at this point, not tools.
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

19 Feb 2020, 03:00

@Alguimist I guess my wording was premature... And I suppose AHKv1 isn't going anywhere any time soon. I'm just on an AHKv2 kick right now, that's all.

I like people to know I respect their intellectual property, so that's why I asked.
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Re: WinSpy - Window Information Tool

06 Apr 2021, 16:38

kris_ting wrote:
05 Feb 2020, 03:23
gregster wrote:
04 Feb 2020, 12:15
kris_ting wrote:
04 Feb 2020, 06:50
I can't download it as the browser said it contains virus.... I have tried chrome and IE.
Probably sourceforge-related (the website who hosts the download) which had developed a bad reputation a few years ago.
Although they seem to have changed their ways again since then: https /218764/warning-don%E2%80%99t-download-software-from-sourceforge-if-you-can-help-it/ Broken Link for safety

Perhaps Alguimist should consider to host it somewhere else anyway, at least provide an additional, alternative download link.
Thanks, did u download this tool? Can I have it from you?

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