chalk.ahk - An AutoHotkey library for colorizing terminal output

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Joined: 28 Oct 2022, 20:50

chalk.ahk - An AutoHotkey library for colorizing terminal output

Post by joshuacc » 19 Nov 2022, 13:27

Hi folks! First time posting here, and wanted to share my new library chalk.ahk, which is inspired by the JavaScript chalk library.


Chalk builds colorized strings using property and method chaining, which is easy both to read and to write.


Code: Select all

 ; Include chalk.ahk. The path may be different on your system.
#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\ahkpm-modules\\joshuacc\chalk.ahk\chalk.ahk

; Make a terminal styled and colored string
loudWarning :="This is not a drill!")

; Output the string to stdOut
FileAppend, %loudWarning%, *

; Make another string
quietCorrection := chalk.cyan("`r`nManagement sincerely apologizes. This is actually a drill.`r`n")

; Output the string to stdOut
FileAppend, %quietCorrection%, *
This will produce the following output. (Exact colors vary depending on your terminal settings.)

43DDBECD-9876-4AE4-B4E9-67635D5F1C78.png (7.38 KiB) Viewed 689 times

For more details, see the GitHub link above.

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