Get AppX/MSIX information by process

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Get AppX/MSIX information by process

01 Feb 2023, 05:19

So i needed information on how i can get AppX/MSIX package information for existing running processes and the current process when the compiled AutoHotKey script is running within an AppX/MSIX container environment. I came up with the following functions you can use.

This script will start Notepad.exe and uses the PID to get the AppX Package information when it is started on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system. If no PID information is used it will try to get this information for its own process.

Code: Select all

Run, Notepad.exe,, UseErrorLevel, PID

hProc := OpenProcess(PID)
PackageFullName := GetPackageFullName(hProc)
PackagePath := GetPackagePath(PackageFullName)
PackageFamilyName := GetPackageFamilyName(hProc)
If PackageFamilyName
	StringSplit, PackageNamePublisherId, PackageFamilyName, _
	PackageName := PackageNamePublisherId1
	PublisherId := PackageNamePublisherId2
	PublisherId =
	PackageName =
AppUserModelId := GetApplicationUserModelId(hProc)
If AppUserModelId
	StringSplit, AppUserModelIdAppiD, AppUserModelId, !
	AppID :=  AppUserModelIdAppiD2
	AppID =
MsgBox, PackagePath = %PackagePath%`nPackageFullName = %PackageFullName%`nPackageName = %PackageName%`nPublisherId = %PublisherId%`nPackageFamilyName = %PackageFamilyName%`nAppUserModelId = %AppUserModelId%`nAppId = %AppID%

; --------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for Collecting AppX/MSIX Package Information ---------------------------------------------------------------
	hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", PID, "Ptr")
	Return hProc	
	pathLength = 256
	bytes_per_char := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1
	GetCurrentPackagePathLength := pathLength * bytes_per_char
	VarSetCapacity(GetCurrentPackagePath, GetCurrentPackagePathLength)
	If PackageFullName
		DllCall("GetPackagePathByFullName", "Ptr", &PackageFullName, "Wstr", GetCurrentPackagePathLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentPackagePath)
		DllCall("GetCurrentPackagePath", "Wstr", GetCurrentPackagePathLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentPackagePath)
	PackagePath := StrGet(&GetCurrentPackagePath)
	Return PackagePath
	packageFullNameLength = 128
	bytes_per_char := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1
	GetCurrentPackageFullNameLength := packageFullNameLength * bytes_per_char
	VarSetCapacity(GetCurrentPackageFullName, GetCurrentPackageFullNameLength)
	If hProc
		DllCall("GetPackageFullName", "Uint", hProc, "Wstr", GetCurrentPackageFullNameLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentPackageFullName)
		DllCall("GetCurrentPackageFullName", "Wstr", GetCurrentPackageFullNameLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentPackageFullName)
	PackageFullName := StrGet(&GetCurrentPackageFullName)
	Return PackageFullName
	packageFamilyNameLength = 128
	bytes_per_char := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1
	GetCurrentPackageFamilyNameLength := packageFamilyNameLength * bytes_per_char
	VarSetCapacity(GetCurrentPackageFamilyName, GetCurrentPackageFamilyNameLength)
	If hProc
		DllCall("GetPackageFamilyName", "Uint", hProc, "Wstr", GetCurrentPackageFamilyNameLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentPackageFamilyName)
		DllCall("GetCurrentPackageFamilyName", "Wstr", GetCurrentPackageFamilyNameLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentPackageFamilyName)
	PackageFamilyName := StrGet(&GetCurrentPackageFamilyName)
	Return PackageFamilyName
	applicationUserModelIdLength = 256
	bytes_per_char := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1
	GetCurrentApplicationUserModelIdLength := applicationUserModelIdLength * bytes_per_char		
	VarSetCapacity(GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId, GetCurrentApplicationUserModelIdLength)
	If hProc
		DllCall("GetApplicationUserModelId", "Uint", hProc, "Wstr", GetCurrentApplicationUserModelIdLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId)
		DllCall("GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId", "Wstr", GetCurrentApplicationUserModelIdLength, "Ptr", &GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId)
	AppUserModelId := StrGet(&GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId)
	Return AppUserModelId
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Re: Get AppX/MSIX information by process

05 Feb 2023, 03:53

Thank you for sharing this code.

Is it possible to determine from ahk if the product is bought or not?

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: Get AppX/MSIX information by process

10 Feb 2023, 05:51

Hi Marius,

I don't think you can determine if the product is bought but most App-X UWP applications are retrieved from the Microsoft Store. Some of them free and some of them paid. Using MSIX you now have the possibility to create your own UWP application for your own Win32 programs and scripts (AutoHotKey) so they can be deployed using the Microsoft Store. I'm currently working on my own Launcher created in AutoHotKey to provide support for other Legacy applications that are deliverd using an MSIX package for enterprise environments because there are some limitations that will not work with all applications for now.

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