[Class] LV_Colors - (2024-03-16)

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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

07 Aug 2015, 15:56

How to check single click? Want to run a method on a single click basis. Thanks.
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

08 Aug 2015, 05:45

Just added AltSubmit to the options and it solved. Thank you.

Anyway to disable highlight (blue color) row? When i select a row i want no highlight. Or better; I want to highlight only the cell i just selected. Not full row. Just the cell. Any idea to achive this? Thanks.
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

09 Aug 2015, 01:03

No, the highlight color is not drawn by the script.

Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

10 Aug 2015, 12:48

I have been getting this error when I finally updated my Autohotkey

Error at line 55.
Line Text: New(HWND, StaticMode : = False, NoSort := True, NoSizing := True)
Error: Missing comma
The program will exit.

WHAT comma is missing? I didn't change your LV_Colors.ahk file.
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

11 Aug 2015, 00:30

rpboulan wrote:I didn't change your LV_Colors.ahk file.
Are you sure? I cannot find this space in the original script:
New(HWND, StaticMode : = False, NoSort := True, NoSizing := True)
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

13 Aug 2015, 16:37

Can you tell me why this isn't working?

I have tried moving "CLV := New LV_Colors(HLV, True)" from places , but it doesn't work , it doesn't change the rows color
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

14 Aug 2015, 01:03

If you create a local object within a function, the object will be destroyed when the function finishes.
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

14 Aug 2015, 06:06

I'm new but i got what you mean. Adding Global to SetUpColors fixed tks :)
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

24 Aug 2015, 03:54

murataygun wrote: Anyway to disable highlight (blue color) row? When i select a row i want no highlight. Or better; I want to highlight only the cell i just selected. Not full row. Just the cell. Any idea to achive this? Thanks.
I have manually removed the selection every time the user clicks on a row.

Code: Select all

LV_Modify(CurrentRow, "-Select")
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

30 Jan 2016, 15:00

just me wrote:No, the highlight color is not drawn by the script.
In another thread, I found a script that you wrote for changing the highlight color. Considering the age of that thread, I was wondering if there is an easy way to include this functionality in LV_Colors? Possibly a better way. Thanks!
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

30 Jan 2016, 16:14

The other script uses owner drawing.
The owner window can paint items in report view. The list-view control sends a WM_DRAWITEM message to paint each item; it does not send separate messages for each subitem. The iItemData member of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure contains the item data for the specified list-view item.

LV_Colors() is using custom drawing. These are totally different concepts. So no!
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

08 Mar 2016, 12:06

Hi just me,
Just a quick note to thank you for this excellent solution. I used your LV_Colors to solve the issue discussed in this thread — works great! Thanks again, Joe
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

17 Mar 2016, 21:50

Static Mode doesn't appear to be working in Windows 10 64bit (using ANSI version)

Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

18 Mar 2016, 06:50

First off, let me just say that LV_Colors works great and i use it extensively!!

Now, my questions....if i have no background color set, and i want to color an individual column(lets assume only 1 column exists in the LV) there is a slight space before the text starts that remains thebackgrouund color of the LV (white in this case) is there a way to make the cell coloring extend FULLY between the left and right edges of the listview? This would be extremely helpful to me!

Thanks so much for all your works m8! :)

Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

18 Mar 2016, 06:52

Oops...my comment above, i meant color an individual ROW, not column...but only 1 column exists, so essentially just a list.
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

18 Mar 2016, 09:11

Hi treashunter,
Sounds as if I'm using LV_Colors like you — a single column, so essentially a list (I call it the Processing Console — gives the user feedback as the program is processing). Here's the code snippet I'm using to change the background color and text color on a row:

Code: Select all

ColorBackground:="0xRRGGBB" ; hex RGB of background color
ColorText:="0xRRGGBB" ; hex RGB of text color
LV_Modify(RowNumber,"Vis") ; scroll LV so newly added last row is visible
I don't know if that will solve your problem, as I don't know what you mean by "a slight space before the text starts", but the code snippet above colors the whole row for me. Regards, Joe
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

18 Mar 2016, 09:39

Hi treashunter,

all ListView items are slightly indented on the left side. Therefore the background color remains in this area.
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Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

18 Mar 2016, 12:59

just me - is Static Mode working for you in Win 10 Pro (x64) using ANSI?

Re: [Class] LV_Colors - (2015-04-12)

18 Mar 2016, 14:42

Thanks for the reply, Just me!

I found a workaround :)

I simply created column 1 and 'Hide' it. When column 2 is the first 'visible' column...the background spans the complete listview width, especially when using option -E0x200...perfectly colored backgrounds! :D

Thanks again for all your hard work!!!!


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