Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

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Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

04 Mar 2023, 14:40

I guess this is useful enough to post here...

This is all v1 stuff. The actual Hotstring Helper is found at the bottom of this page:

THe original HH has some lines of code to standardize the types of new line characters used. I haven't added that yet, but will. The first version of my script (and an explanation) is here:

Newer versions below in replies.
Select some text before activating -- or not.

Well... :oops:
Upon studying the above mentioned replacements in the original HH code.
Referring to this:

I see that it ALREADY supports multi-line replacements stings.

Oh well... I guess folks have more options now.

Code: Select all

;Original HotstringHelper saves as...

; Kunkel321's version here saves as...
Both create the same thing when expanded.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 07 Mar 2023, 18:13, edited 1 time in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

06 Mar 2023, 18:29

A couple minor improvements...
1. It now pops up near the top/left of the active window (which is where you're likely to need it).
2. There is a "validate" button, but validation will also happen if you click "Append." (see screenshot) The MsgBox only appears if there is a problem. Mostly this will just help me remember to put a replacement string. Also, if anything is entered in the Options box that isn't listed as one of the Options in the v1 docs, then the MsgBox will indicate what it was, as well as showing a list of tips.
Note that I didn't put the before-mentioned StringReplace commands that are in the original HotString Helper script. It occurred to me that this would be moot since I'm using hotstrings with continuation sections inside parentheses...

An interesting observation related to this: You can add a string like this
line one`nline two`nline three and it will save the string, using only one line of code as seen in the next screenshot.
This is interesting because the script looks for the presence of "`n" in the replacement string, and--if found--adds the open and close parantheses above and below. Apparently it doesn't see the `n characters in
line one`nline two`nline three though.
Whatever the reason, both of these (qq1 and qq2) seem to expand as you would want them to.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

07 Mar 2023, 18:25

I have a long-used custom version of the ubiquitous AutoCorrect.ahk. I replaced the classic Hotstring Helper component with my own and have been using it. I mostly have it doing what I want, so I probably won't do anymore updates. "Probably"

This version allows the use of the Enter key. If you press Enter while in the Options box or the Hotstring box, then it's the same as pressing the Append button. But if you are editing the Replacement Text box and press Enter, it just types a newline. Pressing Esc closes the GUI form.

I removed the Exit button, because my AutoCorrect script is also my MasterScript, that is always running in the background--I never exit/kill it. I did add an Open button though. Pressing Open will launch the script for editing, then navigate to the bottom, where the newer-created hotstrings will be.

I made the Replacement Text box a bit smaller.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support multi-line replacements.
; NEEDS AHK v1.1

!#h:: ; Activation key combo (not string) is Alt+Win+h.

WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A   ; "A" to get the active window's pos.
X := X + (W * 0.05) ; Use these with GUI Show, below.
Y := Y + (H * 0.2)

AutoTrim Off  ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll%
Clipboard =  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send ^c
ClipWait 0.3 ;

Gui, hh:Destroy
Gui, hh:-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop ToolWindow
Gui, hh:Font, s11

Gui, hh:Add, Text,, Add Hotstring (don't include colons)
Gui, hh:Add, Text, ys+25 xs w30 Section, Options
Gui, hh:Add, Text, x+20 w30, Hotstring
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, ys+20 xm+10 w30 vOpts Section,
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, x+28 w60 vHotStr,
Gui, hh:Add, Text, xm Section, Enter Replacement String
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, +Wrap ys+20 xs w285 h100 vRepStr, %Clipboard%
Gui, hh:Add, Button, Section, Append
Gui, hh:Add, Button, x+5, Validate
Gui, hh:Add, Button, x+5, Open
Gui, hh:Add, Button, x+5, Cancel
;~ Gui, hh:Add, Button, x+5, Exit

Gui, hh:Show, x%X% y%Y%, HotStrHelper-ML

#IfWinActive, HotStrHelper-ML
Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI.
  GuiControlGet, hhControl, hh:Focus
  if (hhControl = "Edit2") || (hhControl = "Edit1") ; Edit1 is Opts, Edit2 is the Hotstring box
  Gosub, hhButtonAppend
 ; MsgBox control is |%hhControl%|
    send {Enter} ; Just normal typing; Enter = Enter.
  Gui, hh:Destroy

;MsgBox either button pressed.
Gui, hh:Submit, NoHide
; Make sure hotstring options are valid.
NeedleRegEx := "(\*|B0|\?|C|K[0-9]{1,3}|O|R|SI|SP|SE|T|X)"
WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(Opts, NeedleRegEx, "")
If(WithNeedlesRemoved = "")
  validOpts = Okay.
	OptTips =
Don't include the colons.
..from AHK v1 docs...
 * ending char not needed
 ? trigger inside other words
 B0 no backspacing
 C case-sensitive
 K(n) set key delay
 O omit end char
 R send raw
 SI send input mode
 SP send play mode
 SE send event mode
 T super raw
 X execute command
  validOpts = Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> %WithNeedlesRemoved%`n`n`tTips:`n%OptTips%
; Make sure hotstring box is not empty.
If (HotStr = "")
	validHot = Hotstring box should not be empty.
	validHot = Okay.
; Make sure replacement string box is not empty.
If (RepStr = "")
	validRep = Replacement string box should not be empty.
	validRep = Okay.
CombinedValidMsg = OPTIONS BOX `n-%validOpts%`n`nHOTSTRING BOX `n-%validHot%`n`nREPLACEMENT BOX `n-%validRep%

; Which button was pressed?
if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonValidate")
 MsgBox , 4096, Validate, %CombinedValidMsg%

if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonAppend")
; MsgBox append was pressed
 If (validOpts = "Okay.") && (validHot = "Okay.") && (validRep = "Okay.") ; if all valid
  Gui, hh:Submit, Hide
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  ; Check for mult-line replacment and wrap in parenths if needed.
  If inStr(RepStr,"`n")
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::`n(`n" . RepStr . "`n)"
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::" . RepStr

  ;~ MsgBox , 4096, PREVIEW, %WholeStr%
  FileAppend, `n%WholeStr%, %A_ScriptFullPath%
   MsgBox , 4096, Validate, %CombinedValidMsg%

; The other buttons.
hhButtonOpen: ; Open this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
Gui, hh:Destroy
;Run,  %A_ScriptFullPath% ; This assumes your Windows default is to edit ahk files!!!
WinWaitActive, %A_ScriptName%
sleep, 250
Send, {Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home}

Gui, hh:Destroy

;~ hhButtonExit:
;~ ExitApp
;~ return

; HotStrings appended (added)
; by the script will be down there.
; Newest ones at the bottom.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

10 Mar 2023, 15:51


Just wanted to thank you for this. It's fantastic!

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Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

10 Mar 2023, 17:18

You are most welcome Kelly! And thank you.

I hadn't planned on adding more features to it... But then I did anyway. :geek:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support block multi-line replacements.
; Needs AHK v1.1
; Please get a copy of AutoHotkey.exe and rename it to match the name of this
; script file, so that the .exe and the .ahk have the same name, in the same folder.
; DO NOT COMPILE, or the Append command won't work.

!#h::   ; Activation key combo (not string) is Alt+Win+h.

AutoTrim Off  ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll% ; Save and put back later.
Clipboard =  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send ^c ; Copy selected text.
ClipWait 0.3 ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.

; If white space present in selected text, probably not an Autocorrect entry.
If (InStr(Clipboard, " ") || InStr(Clipboard, "`n"))
 myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
 myPrefix := ";"        ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
 addFirstLetters := 5   ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
  tooSmallLen := 2      ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
 mySuffix := ""         ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
  If (addFirstLetters > 0)
    LBLhotstring := "Edit trigger string as needed"
    initials := "" ; Initials will be the first letter of each word as a hotstring suggestion.
    HotStrSug := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`n"," ") ; Unwrap, but only for hotstr suggestion.
    Loop, Parse, HotStrSug, %A_Space%
      lenW := Strlen(A_LoopField)
      If (lenW > tooSmallLen) ; Check length of each word, ignore if 2 letters.
         initials :=initials . SubStr(A_LoopField, "1", "1")
      lenHS := StrLen(initials)
      If (lenHS = addFirstLetters) ; stop looping if hotstring is 5 chars long.
    StringLower, initials, initials
    defaultHotStr := myPrefix . initials . mySuffix ; Append preferred prefix or suffix, as defined above, to initials.
   LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
   defaultHotStr := myPrefix . mySuffix ; Use prefix and/or suffix as needed, but no initials.
  LBLhotstring := "Add misspelled word"
  defaultHotStr = %Clipboard% ; No spaces found so assume it's a mispelling autocorrect entry: No options, no pre/suffix.

  myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.

WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A   ; "A" to get the active window's position on screen.
X := X + (W * 0.05) ; Use these with GUI Show, below.
Y := Y + (H * 0.2)

Gui, hh:Destroy ; Prevents duplicates of the GUI form.
Gui, hh:-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop ToolWindow
Gui, hh:Font, s11

Gui, hh:Add, Text, y3, Add Hotstring (don't include colons)
Gui, hh:Add, Text, ys+25 xs w30 Section, Options
Gui, hh:Add, Text, x+20 w200, %LBLhotstring%
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, ys+20 xm+10 w30 h24 vOpts Section, %myDefaultOpts%
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, x+28 w200 vHotStr, %defaultHotStr%
Gui, hh:Add, Text, xm Section, Enter Replacement String
Gui, hh:Font, s8
Gui, hh:Add, Button, ys x+20 h10 -Tabstop vBtsize gTogSize, make bigger
Gui, hh:Font, s11
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, +Wrap ys+20 xs w285 h100 vRepStr, %Clipboard%

Gui, hh:Add, Button, Section y216 x14 vBtappend, Append
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y216 x+5 vBtvalidate, Validate
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y216 x+5 vBtopen, Open
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y216 x+5 vBtcancel, Cancel

Gui, hh:Show, x%X% y%Y% h250 w312, HotStrHelper-ML ; If GUI title gets chaned, change below #IfWinActive too.

TogSize:  ; "make bigger" button activates this.
GuiControlGet, Btsize
If (Btsize = "make bigger") ; This is the default state of the button.
 GuiControl, move, RepStr, w400 h400 ; Make replacement string box bigger.
 GuiControl, move, Btappend, y516 ; Move the buttons down.
 GuiControl, move, Btvalidate, y516
 GuiControl, move, Btopen, y516
 GuiControl, move, Btcancel, y516
 guicontrol,,Btsize, make small ; Change button to say 'make small'
 Gui, Show, h554 w428 ; Make the whole GUI form bigger.
else ; Button says 'make small' so...
 GuiControl, move, RepStr, w285 h100 ; Make box small again.
 GuiControl, move, Btappend, y216 ; Move buttons back up.
 GuiControl, move, Btvalidate, y216
 GuiControl, move, Btopen, y216
 GuiControl, move, Btcancel, y216
 guicontrol,,Btsize, make bigger ; Change button text back.
 Gui, Show, h250 w312 ; Make GUI smaller again.

#IfWinActive, HotStrHelper-ML ; Allows window-specific behavior.=======
Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI.
  GuiControlGet, hhControl, hh:Focus ; Determine which part of GUI is active.
  if (hhControl = "Edit1") || (hhControl = "Edit2") ; Edit1 is Opts box, Edit2 is the Hotstring box
    Gosub, hhButtonAppend ; Opts box or HotStr box is active, so press Append button.
  else ; Replacement text box must be active, so...
    send {Enter} ; Just normal typing; Enter yields Enter key press.
  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
#IfWinActive ; Turn off window-specific behavior.======================

hhButtonValidate: ; If either of these buttons are pressed.
Gui, hh:Submit, NoHide
FileRead, ThisFile, %A_ScriptName% ; Save these contents to variable 'ThisFile'.

If (Opts = "") ; If options box is empty, skip rexex check.
  validOpts = Okay.
 ; Make sure hotstring options are valid.
 NeedleRegEx := "(\*|B0|\?|SI|C|K[0-9]{1,3}|SE|X|SP|O|R|T)" ; These are in the AHK docs!!!
 WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(Opts, NeedleRegEx, "") ; Remove all valid options from var.
 If(WithNeedlesRemoved = "") ; If they were all removed...
   validOpts = Okay.
 else ; Some characters from the Options box were not recognized.
     OptTips = ; Just a block text assignement to var.
Don't include the colons.

..from AHK v1 docs...
 * ending char not needed
 ? trigger inside other words
 B0 no backspacing
 SI send input mode
 C case-sensitive
 K(n) set key delay
 SE send event mode
 X execute command
 SP send play mode
 O omit end char
 R send raw
 T super raw
   validOpts = Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> %WithNeedlesRemoved%`n`n`tTips:`n%OptTips%

; Make sure hotstring box is not empty.
validHot := "" ; Reset to empty each time.
If (HotStr = "") || (HotStr = myPrefix) || (HotStr = mySuffix) || inStr(HotStr, ":") ; || means 'or'
	validHot = Hotstring box should not be empty.`n-Don't include colons.
else ; No colons, and not empty. Good. Now check for duplicates.
   Loop, parse, ThisFile, `n, `r ; Check line-by-line.
    If instr(A_LoopField, HotStr . "::") ; If line contains HotStr...
         validHot = DUPLICATE FOUND`nAt Line %A_Index%:`n %A_LoopField%
 If (validHot = "") ; If variable didn't get set in loop, then no duplicates found
     validHot = Okay.

; Make sure replacement string box is not empty.
If (RepStr = "") || (SubStr(RepStr, "1", "1")==":") ; If Replacement box empty, or first char is ":"
	validRep = Replacement string box should not be empty.`n-Don't include the colons.
	validRep = Okay.

; Concatenate the three above validity checks.
CombinedValidMsg = OPTIONS BOX `n-%validOpts%`n`nHOTSTRING BOX `n-%validHot%`n`nREPLACEMENT BOX `n-%validRep%

; Both buttons lead here, so which was pressed?
if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonValidate")
 MsgBox , 4096, VALIDATION, %CombinedValidMsg%

if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonAppend")

   Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  ; Check for mult-line replacment and wrap in parenths if needed.
  If inStr(RepStr,"`n")
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::`n(`n" . RepStr . "`n)"
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::" . RepStr
     ;~ MsgBox , 4096, PREVIEW, %WholeStr%

 If (validOpts = "Okay.") && (validHot = "Okay.") && (validRep = "Okay.") ; if all valid
   Gui, hh:Submit, Hide
   FileAppend, `n%WholeStr%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.
 else ; The three validity checks weren't all okay, so...
   MsgBox , 4100, VALIDATION, %CombinedValidMsg%`n`n####################`nContinue Anyway?
   IfMsgBox Yes
     Gui, hh:Submit, Hide
     FileAppend, `n%WholeStr%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.

; The other buttons.
hhButtonOpen: ; Open this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  WinWaitActive, %A_ScriptName% ; Wait for the script to be open in text editor.
  sleep, 250
  Send, {Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home} ; Navigate to the bottom.

  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.

; HotStrings appended (added)
; by the script will be down there.
; Newest ones at the bottom.

::;tatat::This and that and the other.
Miscellaneous tips/comments:
3-12-2023 EDIT (again) comments and code updated.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 23 Oct 2023, 18:52, edited 1 time in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

20 Mar 2023, 20:30

A few more features:
* The Spell button will call a function (written by TheDewd) that uses Googe's "Did you mean...." feature to offer spelling recommendations.
* The little show pilcrow button will make pilcrows (paragraph chars) and tabs visible. (also locks the replacement box)


Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support block multi-line replacements.
; Needs AHK v1.1
; Please get a copy of AutoHotkey.exe and rename it to match the name of this
; script file, so that the .exe and the .ahk have the same name, in the same folder.
; DO NOT COMPILE, or the Append command won't work.
; By Kunkel321, Version 3-22-2023

!#h::   ; Activation key combo (not string) is Alt+Win+h.

AutoTrim On  ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll% ; Save and put back later.
Clipboard =  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send ^c ; Copy selected text.
ClipWait 0.3 ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.

If !InStr(Clipboard,"`n") ; Only trim NON multi line text strings.
  Clipboard := Trim(Clipboard) ; Because MS Word keeps leaving spaces.

; If white space present in selected text, probably not an Autocorrect entry.
If (InStr(Clipboard, " ") || InStr(Clipboard, "`n"))
 myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
 myPrefix := ";"        ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
 addFirstLetters := 5   ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
  tooSmallLen := 2      ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
 mySuffix := ""         ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
  If (addFirstLetters > 0)
    LBLhotstring := "Edit trigger string as needed"
    initials := "" ; Initials will be the first letter of each word as a hotstring suggestion.
    HotStrSug := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`n"," ") ; Unwrap, but only for hotstr suggestion.
    Loop, Parse, HotStrSug, %A_Space%
      lenW := Strlen(A_LoopField)
      If (lenW > tooSmallLen) ; Check length of each word, ignore if 2 letters.
         initials :=initials . SubStr(A_LoopField, "1", "1")
      lenHS := StrLen(initials)
      If (lenHS = addFirstLetters) ; stop looping if hotstring is 5 chars long.
    StringLower, initials, initials
    defaultHotStr := myPrefix . initials . mySuffix ; Append preferred prefix or suffix, as defined above, to initials.
   LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
   defaultHotStr := myPrefix . mySuffix ; Use prefix and/or suffix as needed, but no initials.
  LBLhotstring := "Add misspelled word"
  defaultHotStr = %Clipboard% ; No spaces found so assume it's a mispelling autocorrect entry: No options, no pre/suffix.

  myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.

WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A   ; "A" to get the active window's position on screen.
X := X + (W * 0.05) ; Use these with GUI Show, below.
Y := Y + (H * 0.2)

Gui, hh:Destroy ; Prevents duplicates of the GUI form.
Gui, hh:-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop ToolWindow
Gui, hh:Font, s11

Gui, hh:Add, Text, y3, Add Hotstring (don't include colons)
Gui, hh:Add, Text, ys+25 xs w30 Section, Options
Gui, hh:Add, Text, x+20 w200, %LBLhotstring%
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, ys+20 xm+10 w30 h24 vOpts Section, %myDefaultOpts%
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, x+28 w215 vHotStr, %defaultHotStr%
Gui, hh:Add, Text, xm Section, Enter Replacement Text
Gui, hh:Font, s8
Gui, hh:Add, Button, ys-2 x+10 h10 -Tabstop vBtsize gTogSize, make bigger
Gui, hh:Add, Button, ys-2 x+2 h10 -Tabstop gBtsymb vTogSymb, show ¶
Gui, hh:Font, s11
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, +Wrap ys+20 xs w295 h100 vRepStr, %Clipboard%

Gui, hh:Add, Button, Section y212 x14 vBtappend, Append
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtvalidate, Validate
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtspell, Spell ; "Spell Check" took too much space.
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtopen, Open
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtcancel, Cancel

Gui, hh:Show, x%X% y%Y% h250 w322, Hotstring Helper - Multi Line ; If GUI title gets chaned, change below #IfWinActive too.

TogSize:  ; "make bigger" button activates this.
GuiControlGet, Btsize
If (Btsize = "make bigger") ; This is the default state of the button.
 GuiControl, move, RepStr, w400 h400 ; Make replacement string box bigger.
 GuiControl, move, Btappend, y512 ; Move the buttons down.
 GuiControl, move, Btvalidate, y512
 GuiControl, move, Btspell, y512
 GuiControl, move, Btopen, y512
 GuiControl, move, Btcancel, y512
 guicontrol,,Btsize, make small ; Change button to say 'make small'
 Gui, Show, h551 w428 ; Make the whole GUI form bigger.
else ; Button says 'make small' so...
 GuiControl, move, RepStr, w295 h100 ; Make box small again.
 GuiControl, move, Btappend, y212 ; Move buttons back up.
 GuiControl, move, Btvalidate, y212
 GuiControl, move, Btspell, y212
 GuiControl, move, Btopen, y212
 GuiControl, move, Btcancel, y212
 guicontrol,,Btsize, make bigger ; Change button text back.
 Gui, Show, h250 w322 ; Make GUI smaller again.

Gui, Submit, NoHide
	GuiControlGet, TogSymb
If (TogSymb = "show ¶")
    RepStr := StrReplace(StrReplace(RepStr,"`r`n","`n"),"`n","¶`n") ; Pilcrow for Enter
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Space,"•") ; middle dot for Space
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Tab," ? ") ; space arrow space for Tab
	GuiControl,, RepStr, %RepStr%
	GuiControl, +Readonly, RepStr,
	GuiControl,, TogSymb, hide ¶
	GuiControl, Disable, Btappend
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr,"¶`n","`n")
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, "•",A_Space)
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr," ? ",A_Tab)
	GuiControl, -Readonly, RepStr,
	GuiControl,, RepStr, %RepStr%
	GuiControl,, TogSymb, show ¶
	GuiControl, Enable, Btappend

#IfWinActive, Hotstring Helper - Multi Line ; Allows window-specific behavior.=======
$Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI. "$" prevents accidental Enter key loop.
  GuiControlGet, hhControl, hh:Focus ; Determine which part of GUI is active.
  GuiControlGet, TogSymb ; Get current text of button
    ; MsgBox hhControl is |%hhControl%|`n`nTogSymb is |%TogSymb%|
  if (TogSymb = "show ¶") ; Do nothing if symbol button returns this text.
    ;MsgBox togSymp is 'show' so just return
  Else if (hhControl = "Edit1") || (hhControl = "Edit2") ; Edit1 is Opts box, Edit2 is the Hotstring box
    Gosub, hhButtonAppend ; Opts box or HotStr box is active, so press Append button.
  else ; Replacement text box must be active, so...
    send {Enter} ; Just normal typing; Enter yields Enter key press.
  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
#IfWinActive ; Turn off window-specific behavior.======================

hhButtonValidate: ; If either of these buttons are pressed.
Gui, hh:Submit, NoHide
FileRead, ThisFile, %A_ScriptName% ; Save these contents to variable 'ThisFile'.

If (Opts = "") ; If options box is empty, skip regxex check.
  validOpts = Okay.
 ; Make sure hotstring options are valid.
 NeedleRegEx := "(\*|B0|\?|SI|C|K[0-9]{1,3}|SE|X|SP|O|R|T)" ; These are in the AHK docs!!!
 WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(Opts, NeedleRegEx, "") ; Remove all valid options from var.
 If(WithNeedlesRemoved = "") ; If they were all removed...
   validOpts = Okay.
 else ; Some characters from the Options box were not recognized.
     OptTips = ; Just a block text assignement to var.
Don't include the colons.

..from AHK v1 docs...
 * ending char not needed
 ? trigger inside other words
 B0 no backspacing
 SI send input mode
 C case-sensitive
 K(n) set key delay
 SE send event mode
 X execute command
 SP send play mode
 O omit end char
 R send raw
 T super raw
   validOpts = Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> %WithNeedlesRemoved%`n`n`tTips:`n%OptTips%

; Make sure hotstring box is not empty.
validHot := "" ; Reset to empty each time.
If (HotStr = "") || (HotStr = myPrefix) || (HotStr = mySuffix) || inStr(HotStr, ":") ; || means 'or'
	validHot = Hotstring box should not be empty.`n-Don't include colons.
else ; No colons, and not empty. Good. Now check for duplicates.
   Loop, parse, ThisFile, `n, `r ; Check line-by-line.
    If instr(A_LoopField, ":" . HotStr . "::") ; If line contains HotStr...
         validHot = DUPLICATE FOUND`nAt Line %A_Index%:`n %A_LoopField%
 If (validHot = "") ; If variable didn't get set in loop, then no duplicates found
     validHot = Okay.

; Make sure replacement string box is not empty.
If (RepStr = "") || (SubStr(RepStr, "1", "1")==":") ; If Replacement box empty, or first char is ":"
	validRep = Replacement string box should not be empty.`n-Don't include the colons.
	validRep = Okay.

; Concatenate the three above validity checks.
CombinedValidMsg = OPTIONS BOX `n-%validOpts%`n`nHOTSTRING BOX `n-%validHot%`n`nREPLACEMENT BOX `n-%validRep%

; Both buttons lead here, so which was pressed?
if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonValidate")
 MsgBox , 4096, VALIDATION, %CombinedValidMsg%

if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonAppend")

   Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  ; Check for mult-line replacment and wrap in parenths if needed.
  If inStr(RepStr,"`n")
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::`n(`n" . RepStr . "`n)"
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::" . RepStr
     ;~ MsgBox , 4096, PREVIEW, %WholeStr%

 If (validOpts = "Okay.") && (validHot = "Okay.") && (validRep = "Okay.") ; if all valid
   Gui, hh:Submit, Hide
   FileAppend, `n%WholeStr%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.
 else ; The three validity checks weren't all okay, so...
   MsgBox , 4100, VALIDATION, %CombinedValidMsg%`n`n####################`nContinue Anyway?
   IfMsgBox Yes
     Gui, hh:Submit, Hide
     FileAppend, `n%WholeStr%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.

hhButtonSpell: ; Spell button goes here.
Gui, hh:Submit, NoHide
If (RepStr = "")
  MsgBox Replacement Text not found.
  googleSugg := GoogleAutoCorrect(RepStr) ; Calls below function
  If (RepStr = googleSugg)
      MsgBox No suggestions found.
      MsgBox 4100, Google Suggestion, %googleSugg%`n`n######################`nChange Replacement Text?
      IfMsgBox Yes
        GuiControl, Text, Edit3, %googleSugg%
GoogleAutoCorrect(Word) ; Uses Google's "Did you mean..." feature.
{ ; function by TheDewd ;
	ReqURL := "" Word
	objReq := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	objReq.Open("GET", ReqURL)
	objReq.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)")
	HTML := objReq.ResponseText
     ; MsgBox HTML is |%HTML%| ; It returns with a whole page of html code.
    ; These regexes filter though the html to get the google suggestion.
	RegExMatch(HTML, "value=""(.*?)""", A)
     ; MsgBox A1 is %A1%
	RegExMatch(HTML, ";spell=1.*?>(.*?)<\/a>", B)
     ; MsgBox B1 is %B1%
	return (B1 ? B1 : A1)

; The other buttons.
hhButtonOpen: ; Open this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  WinWaitActive, %A_ScriptName% ; Wait for the script to be open in text editor.
  sleep, 250
  Send, {Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home} ; Navigate to the bottom.

  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.

; HotStrings appended (added)
; by the script will be down there.
; Newest ones at the bottom.

::;tatat::This and that and the other.
Will do screencast later.

Oddly, the tab symbol (a right arrow) displays correctly in some ahk files that are opened in SciTE, but not in others. Dunno why.

EDIT: IMPORTANT... Or maybe not.. I added a $ before the Enter:: hotkey. Under certain circumstances the hotkey does a Send, {Enter}. The dollar sign prevents a loop. ...Though I wasn't seeing a loop with previous versions either, so I suspect that the AutoHotkey engine was stopping the loop.

EDIT 3-22-2023. Code updated. See also, discussion here:
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Posts: 1194
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

24 Mar 2023, 15:38

This version adds a feature that folks may--or may not--want (comment-out as desired. Aprox Lines 278-288). IF you are adding an autocorrect item and have used Google to correct the spelling, THEN the script will type the corrected word into your document. The assumption here, is that you're typing in Notepad, Word, etc, and misspell a word. You then double-click the word to select it, and you activate the Hotstring Helper script. The script detects that a single word is selected, so it enters that (misspelled) word into the trigger string box and the replacement sting box. (Note that the word is still selected in your document this whole time.) IF (only if) you use the Spell button, AND if google offers a correct spelling AND if you accept that spelling correction, and then you click the Append button, THEN the form will close, and the script will again copy the misspelled word and compare it with the previouslly copied misspelled word. If they are the same, then it types in the correctly spelled replacment (in addition to appending it to your personal copy of AutoCorrect.ahk). So if you click someplace else while the HH form is still open, then the same text won't be selected, and the typing is skipped. Hopefully that makes sense.

Other changes:
-Copied text gets whitespace trimmed from edges, but only if it's not a multi-line string.
-Cleaned up some extraneous curly braces, etc.
-The "Show Symbols" feature was added so the end user could visualize line breaks, tabs, etc. The actual symbols for this can be assigned to variables. (Approx Line 124.)

EDIT 3-25-2023: Cleaned up the code a little more.
EDIT 3-26-2023: Combined a couple lines of code.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support block multi-line replacements.
; Needs AHK v1.1
; Please get a copy of AutoHotkey.exe and rename it to match the name of this
; script file, so that the .exe and the .ahk have the same name, in the same folder.
; DO NOT COMPILE, or the Append command won't work.
; By Kunkel321, Version 3-26-2023

!#h::   ; Activation key combo (not string) is Alt+Win+h.

AutoTrim On  ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll% ; Save and put back later.
Clipboard =  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send ^c ; Copy selected text.
ClipWait 0.3 ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.

If !InStr(Clipboard,"`n") ; Only trim NON multi line text strings.
  preTrimBrd := Clipboard ; Use this in Appendit label to ensure misspelled word selected.
  Clipboard := Trim(Clipboard) ; Because MS Word keeps leaving spaces.

; If white space present in selected text, probably not an Autocorrect entry.
If (InStr(Clipboard, " ") || InStr(Clipboard, "`n"))
 myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
 myPrefix := ";"        ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
 addFirstLetters := 5   ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
  tooSmallLen := 2      ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
 mySuffix := ""         ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
  If (addFirstLetters > 0)
    LBLhotstring := "Edit trigger string as needed"
    initials := "" ; Initials will be the first letter of each word as a hotstring suggestion.
    HotStrSug := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`n"," ") ; Unwrap, but only for hotstr suggestion.
    Loop, Parse, HotStrSug, %A_Space%
      If (Strlen(A_LoopField) > tooSmallLen) ; Check length of each word, ignore if N letters.
         initials :=initials . SubStr(A_LoopField, "1", "1")
      If (StrLen(initials) = addFirstLetters) ; stop looping if hotstring is N chars long.
    StringLower, initials, initials
    defaultHotStr := myPrefix . initials . mySuffix ; Append preferred prefix or suffix, as defined above, to initials.
   LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
   defaultHotStr := myPrefix . mySuffix ; Use prefix and/or suffix as needed, but no initials.
  LBLhotstring := "Add misspelled word"
  defaultHotStr = %Clipboard% ; No spaces found so assume it's a mispelling autocorrect entry: no pre/suffix.

  myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.

WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A   ; "A" to get the active window's position on screen.
X := X + (W * 0.05) ; Use these with GUI Show, below.
Y := Y + (H * 0.2)

Gui, hh:Destroy ; Prevents duplicates of the GUI form.
Gui, hh:-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop ToolWindow
Gui, hh:Font, s11

Gui, hh:Add, Text, y3, Add Hotstring (don't include colons)
Gui, hh:Add, Text, ys+25 xs w30 Section, Options
Gui, hh:Add, Text, x+20 w200, %LBLhotstring%
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, ys+20 xm+10 w30 h24 vOpts Section, %myDefaultOpts%
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, x+28 w215 vHotStr, %defaultHotStr%
Gui, hh:Add, Text, xm Section, Enter Replacement Text
Gui, hh:Font, s8
Gui, hh:Add, Button, ys-2 x+10 h10 -Tabstop vBtsize gTogSize, make bigger
Gui, hh:Add, Button, ys-2 x+2 h10 -Tabstop vBtsymb gTogSymb, show ¶ ; don't change
Gui, hh:Font, s11
Gui, hh:Add, Edit, +Wrap ys+20 xs w295 h100 vRepStr, %Clipboard%
Gui, hh:Add, Button, Section y212 x14 vBtappend, Append
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtvalidate, Validate
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtspell, Spell ; "Spell Check" took too much space.
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtopen, Open
Gui, hh:Add, Button, y212 x+5 vBtcancel, Cancel

Gui, hh:Show, x%X% y%Y% h250 w322, Hotstring Helper - Multi Line ; If GUI title gets chaned, change below #IfWinActive too.

TogSize:  ; "make bigger" button activates this.
GuiControlGet, Btsize
If (Btsize = "make bigger") ; This is the default state of the button.
   GuiControl, move, RepStr, w400 h400 ; Make replacement string box bigger.
   GuiControl, move, Btappend, y512 ; Move the buttons down.
   GuiControl, move, Btvalidate, y512
   GuiControl, move, Btspell, y512
   GuiControl, move, Btopen, y512
   GuiControl, move, Btcancel, y512
   guicontrol,,Btsize, make small ; Change button to say 'make small'
   Gui, Show, h551 w428 ; Make the whole GUI form bigger.
else ; Button says 'make small' so...
   GuiControl, move, RepStr, w295 h100 ; Make box small again.
   GuiControl, move, Btappend, y212 ; Move buttons back up.
   GuiControl, move, Btvalidate, y212
   GuiControl, move, Btspell, y212
   GuiControl, move, Btopen, y212
   GuiControl, move, Btcancel, y212
   guicontrol,,Btsize, make bigger ; Change button text back.
   Gui, Show, h250 w322 ; Make GUI smaller again.

myPilcrow := "¶"    ; Okay to change symbol here if desired.
myDot := "• "       ; adding a space allows more natural wrapping.
myTab := " >=> "    ; I can't get a right arrow symbol to display correctly.
Gui, Submit, NoHide
	GuiControlGet, Btsymb
If (Btsymb = "show ¶") ; don't change
    RepStr := StrReplace(StrReplace(RepStr,"`r`n","`n"),"`n",myPilcrow . "`n") ; Pilcrow for Enter
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Space, myDot) ; middle dot for Space
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Tab, myTab) ; space arrow space for Tab
	GuiControl,, RepStr, %RepStr%
	GuiControl, +Readonly, RepStr,
	GuiControl,, Btsymb, hide ¶ ; don't change
	GuiControl, Disable, Btappend
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr,myPilcrow . "`n", "`n")
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myDot, A_Space)
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myTab, A_Tab)
	GuiControl, -Readonly, RepStr,
	GuiControl,, RepStr, %RepStr%
	GuiControl,, Btsymb, show ¶ ; don't change
	GuiControl, Enable, Btappend

#IfWinActive, Hotstring Helper - Multi Line ; Allows window-specific behavior.=======
$Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI. "$" prevents accidental Enter key loop.
  GuiControlGet, hhControl, hh:Focus ; Determine which part of GUI is active.
  GuiControlGet, Btsymb ; Get current text of button
  if (Btsymb = "show ¶") ; Do nothing if symbol button returns this text.
  Else if (hhControl = "Edit1") || (hhControl = "Edit2") ; Edit1 is Opts box, Edit2 is the Hotstring box
    Gosub, hhButtonAppend ; Opts box or HotStr box is active, so press Append button.
  else ; Replacement text box must be active, so...
    send {Enter} ; Just normal typing; Enter yields Enter key press.
  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
#IfWinActive ; Turn off window-specific behavior.======================

hhButtonValidate: ; If either of these buttons are pressed.
Gui, hh:Submit, NoHide
FileRead, ThisFile, %A_ScriptName% ; Save these contents to variable 'ThisFile'.
; Contents of the file get used below to check for duplicate hotstrings.

If (Opts = "") ; If options box is empty, skip regxex check.
  validOpts = Okay.
 ;===== Make sure hotstring options are valid ========
 NeedleRegEx := "(\*|B0|\?|SI|C|K[0-9]{1,3}|SE|X|SP|O|R|T)" ; These are in the AHK docs!!!
 WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(Opts, NeedleRegEx, "") ; Remove all valid options from var.
 If(WithNeedlesRemoved = "") ; If they were all removed...
   validOpts = Okay.
 else ; Some characters from the Options box were not recognized.
     OptTips = ; Just a block text assignement to var.
Don't include the colons.

..from AHK v1 docs...
 * ending char not needed
 ? trigger inside other words
 B0 no backspacing
 SI send input mode
 C case-sensitive
 K(n) set key delay
 SE send event mode
 X execute command
 SP send play mode
 O omit end char
 R send raw
 T super raw
   validOpts = Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> %WithNeedlesRemoved%`n`n`tTips:`n%OptTips%

;==== Make sure hotstring box content is valid ========
validHot := "" ; Reset to empty each time.
If (HotStr = "") || (HotStr = myPrefix) || (HotStr = mySuffix) || inStr(HotStr, ":") ; || means 'or'
	validHot = Hotstring box should not be empty.`n-Don't include colons.
else ; No colons, and not empty. Good. Now check for duplicates.
   Loop, parse, ThisFile, `n, `r ; Check line-by-line.
    If instr(A_LoopField, ":" . HotStr . "::") ; If line contains HotStr...
         validHot = DUPLICATE FOUND`nAt Line %A_Index%:`n %A_LoopField%
 If (validHot = "") ; If variable didn't get set in loop, then no duplicates found
     validHot = Okay.

;==== Make sure replacement string box content is valid ===========
If (RepStr = "") || (SubStr(RepStr, "1", "1")==":") ; If Replacement box empty, or first char is ":"
	validRep = Replacement string box should not be empty.`n-Don't include the colons.
	validRep = Okay.

; Concatenate the three above validity checks.
CombinedValidMsg = OPTIONS BOX `n-%validOpts%`n`nHOTSTRING BOX `n-%validHot%`n`nREPLACEMENT BOX `n-%validRep%

; Both buttons lead here, so which was pressed?
if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonValidate")
 MsgBox , 4096, VALIDATION, %CombinedValidMsg%

if (A_ThisLabel = "hhButtonAppend")
  ; Check for mult-line replacment and wrap in parenths if needed.
  If inStr(RepStr,"`n")
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::`n(`n" . RepStr . "`n)"
      WholeStr :=  ":" . Opts . ":" . HotStr . "::" . RepStr

 If (validOpts = "Okay.") && (validHot = "Okay.") && (validRep = "Okay.") ; if all valid
    gosub, Appendit
 else ; The three validity checks weren't all okay, so...
   MsgBox , 4100, VALIDATION, %CombinedValidMsg%`n`n####################`nContinue Anyway?
   IfMsgBox Yes ; User clicked Yes.
    gosub, Appendit

Appendit: ; Not associated with a button.  This is reached from above Gosub commands.
   Gui, hh:Submit, Hide
   FileAppend, `n%WholeStr%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.
    If (LBLhotstring = "Add misspelled word") && (ReplaceMisspell = googleSugg)
    ; If it is an autocorrect entry and a google suggestion was accepted...
    { ; Comment-out this If { } block to prevent typing of corrected word.
      Sleep, 250
      Clipboard =
      Send, ^c
      If (Clipboard = preTrimBrd) ; Compare originally-captured word with just now copied.
        Send, %ReplaceMisspell%
    Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.

hhButtonSpell: ; Spell button goes here.
Gui, hh:Submit, NoHide
If (RepStr = "")
  MsgBox Replacement Text not found.
  googleSugg := GoogleAutoCorrect(RepStr) ; Calls below function
  If (RepStr = googleSugg)
      MsgBox No suggestions found.
      MsgBox 4100, Google Suggestion, %googleSugg%`n`n######################`nChange Replacement Text?
      IfMsgBox Yes
        GuiControl, Text, Edit3, %googleSugg%
        ReplaceMisspell := googleSugg

GoogleAutoCorrect(Word) ; Uses Google's "Did you mean..." feature.
{ ; function by TheDewd ;
	ReqURL := "" Word
	objReq := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	objReq.Open("GET", ReqURL)
	objReq.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)")
	HTML := objReq.ResponseText
  	RegExMatch(HTML, "value=""(.*?)""", A) ; These regexes filter though the html to get the google suggestion.
   	RegExMatch(HTML, ";spell=1.*?>(.*?)<\/a>", B)
   	return (B1 ? B1 : A1)

; The other buttons.
hhButtonOpen: ; Open this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  WinWaitActive, %A_ScriptName% ; Wait for the script to be open in text editor.
  sleep, 250
  Send, {Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home} ; Navigate to the bottom.

  Gui, hh:Destroy
  Clipboard = %ClipboardOld%  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.

; HotStrings appended (added)
; by the script will be down there.
; Newest ones at the bottom.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
User avatar
Posts: 1194
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

06 Aug 2023, 13:23

A preliminary version for AHK v2. Still tweaking it... Learning v2 as I go...

+Adds ability to define how large the large size is (when toggled).
+Adds a place to put comments.
-Removed "appear over active window" feature.
-Removed "automatically replace the google-corrected misspelling" as you create the new autocorrect entry.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support block multi-line replacements.
; Needs AHK v2. Partly auto-converted from v1, partly rewritten.
; Please get a copy of AutoHotkey.exe (v2) and rename it to match the name of this
; script file, so that the .exe and the .ahk have the same name, in the same folder.
; DO NOT COMPILE, or the Append command won't work.
; By Kunkel321, Version 8-6-2023

calColor := "F0F8FF" ; "F0F8FF" is light blue
FontColor := "003366" ; "003366" is dark blue
Global hFactor := 0 ; Don't change here.  Change in TogSize() function.
Global wFactor := 0 ; Don't change here.  Change in TogSize() function.
FormName := "Hotstring Helper -- Muli-Line"

hh := Gui('', FormName)
hh.Opt("-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop")
hh.BackColor := calColor
hh.SetFont("s11 c" . FontColor)
; -----  Trigger string parts
hh.AddText('y4 w30', 'Options')
hh.AddText('vTrigStrLbl x+20 w250', 'Trigger String')
hh.AddEdit('vMyDefaultOpts yp+20 xm+10 w30 h24')
DefHotStr := hh.AddEdit('vDefHotStr x+28 w' . wFactor + 250, '')
; ----- Replacement string parts
hh.AddText('xm', 'Enter Replacement String')
hh.AddButton('vSizeTog x+5 yp-5 h8 +notab', 'Make Bigger').OnEvent("Click", TogSize)
hh.AddButton('vSymTog x+5 h8 +notab', '+ Symbols').OnEvent("Click", TogSym)
;RepStr := hh.AddEdit('vRepStr +Wrap yp+25 xs h' . hFactor + 100 . ' w' . wFactor + 320, '')
RepStr := hh.AddEdit('vRepStr +Wrap y+1 xs h' . hFactor + 100 . ' w' . wFactor + 320, '')
ComLbl := hh.AddText('xm y' . hFactor + 182, 'Enter Comment')
ComStr := hh.AddEdit('vComStr xs y' . hFactor + 200 . ' w' . wFactor + 315)
; ---- Buttons
(ButApp := hh.AddButton('xm y' . hFactor + 234, '&Append')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonAppend)
(ButVal := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Validate')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonValidate)
(ButSpell := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Spell')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonSpell)
(ButOpen := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Open')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonOpen)
(ButCancel := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Cancel')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonCancel)

!#h::   ; Activation key combo (not string) is Win+h.
  MyDefaultOpts := ""
  DefaultHotStr := ""
  DefHotStr := ""
  LBLhotstring := ""
  SizeTog := ""
  addFirstLetters := ""
  tooSmallLen := ""
  Global myPrefix := ""
  Global mySuffix := ""
  initials := ""
  HotStrSug := ""
  Global tMyDefaultOpts := ""
  Global tDefHotStr := ""
  Global tRepStr := ""
  Global tComStr := ""
  Global ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll() ; Save and put back later.
  A_Clipboard := ""  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
  Send("^c") ; Copy selected text.
  Errorlevel := !ClipWait(0.3) ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.

  If !InStr(A_Clipboard, "`n") ; Only trim NON multi line text strings.
    A_Clipboard := Trim(A_Clipboard) ; Because MS Word keeps leaving spaces.

  ; If white space present in selected text, probably not an Autocorrect entry.
  If (InStr(A_Clipboard, " ") || InStr(A_Clipboard, "`n"))
   MyDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these multi-word hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
   myPrefix := ";"        ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
   addFirstLetters := 5   ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
    tooSmallLen := 2      ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
   mySuffix := ""         ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
    If (addFirstLetters > 0)
    { LBLhotstring := "Edit trigger string as needed"
      initials := "" ; Initials will be the first letter of each word as a hotstring suggestion.
      HotStrSug := StrReplace(A_Clipboard, "`n", " ") ; Unwrap, but only for hotstr suggestion.
      Loop Parse, HotStrSug, A_Space
      { If (Strlen(A_LoopField) > tooSmallLen) ; Check length of each word, ignore if N letters.
           initials :=initials . SubStr(A_LoopField, ("1")<1 ? ("1")-1 : ("1"), "1")
        If (StrLen(initials) = addFirstLetters) ; stop looping if hotstring is N chars long.
      initials := StrLower(initials)
      DefaultHotStr := myPrefix . initials . mySuffix ; Append preferred prefix or suffix, as defined above, to initials.
    {LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
     DefaultHotStr := myPrefix . mySuffix ; Use prefix and/or suffix as needed, but no initials.
  Else If (A_Clipboard = "")
      LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
  { LBLhotstring := "Add misspelled word"
    DefaultHotStr := A_Clipboard ; No spaces found so assume it's a mispelling autocorrect entry: no pre/suffix.
    myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these (single-word) autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.
  hh['MyDefaultOpts'].value := MyDefaultOpts
  hh['TrigStrLbl'].value := LBLhotstring
  hh['DefHotStr'].value := DefaultHotStr
  hh['RepStr'].value := A_Clipboard
} ; bottom of hotkey function

	If (hh['SizeTog'].text = "Make Bigger") {
       hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Smaller"
      hFactor := 200 ; <------------------------------  User changes as desired.
      wFactor := 200 ; <------------------------------  User changes as desired.

      DefHotStr.Move(,, wFactor + 250,)
      RepStr.Move(,, wFactor + 320, hFactor + 100)
      ComLbl.Move(, hFactor + 182,,)
      ComStr.move(, hFactor + 200, wFactor + 315,)
      ButApp.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButVal.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButSpell.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButOpen.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButCancel.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      hh.Show('Autosize Center')

    If (hh['SizeTog'].text = "Make Smaller") {
      hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Bigger"
      hFactor := 0
      wFactor := 0
       DefHotStr.Move(,, wFactor + 250,)
      RepStr.Move(,, wFactor + 320, hFactor + 100)
      ComLbl.Move(, hFactor + 182,,)
      ComStr.move(, hFactor + 200, wFactor + 315,)
      ButApp.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButVal.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButSpell.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButOpen.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
      ButCancel.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)

{ ;====assign=symbolss=for="show symb"=button=================================
  myPilcrow := "¶"    ; Okay to change symb here if desired.
  myDot := "• "       ; adding a space allows more natural wrapping.
  myTab := "►"

  If (hh['SymTog'].text = "+ Symbols") {
     hh['SymTog'].text := "- Symbols"
     RepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
     RepStr := StrReplace(StrReplace(RepStr, "`r`n", "`n"), "`n", myPilcrow . "`n") ; Pilcrow for Enter
     RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Space, myDot) ; middle dot for Space
     RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Tab, myTab) ; space arrow space for Tab
     hh['RepStr'].value := RepStr
     ButApp.Enabled := false
  If (hh['SymTog'].text = "- Symbols") {
    hh['SymTog'].text := "+ Symbols"
    RepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
    RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myPilcrow . "`r", "`r") ; Have to use `r ... weird.
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myDot, A_Space)
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myTab, A_Tab)
    hh['RepStr'].value := RepStr
    ButApp.Enabled := true

#HotIf WinActive(FormName, ) ; Allows window-specific behavior.=============================
  $Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI. "$" prevents accidental Enter key loop.
    If (hh['SymTog'].text = "Hide Symb")
    Else if RepStr.Focused {
      Send("{Enter}") ; Just normal typing; Enter yields Enter key press.
    Else {
      hhButtonAppend() ; Replacement box not focused, so press Append button.
    A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld
#HotIf ; Turn off window-specific behavior.======================

  tMyDefaultOpts := hh['MyDefaultOpts'].text
  tDefHotStr := hh['DefHotStr'].text
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text

  ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
  If Not InStr(CombinedValidMsg, "-Okay.",,, 3)
  {    ; Msg doesn't have three occurrences of "-Okay."
    msgResult := MsgBox(CombinedValidMsg "`n`n####################`nContinue Anyway?", "VALIDATION", "OC 4096" )
    if (msgResult = "OK") {
       Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr) ; not valid, but user chose to continue anyway
       return ; not valid, and user cancelled
  else { ; no validation problems found
    Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)

  tMyDefaultOpts := hh['MyDefaultOpts'].text
  tDefHotStr := hh['DefHotStr'].text
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
  MsgBox("Validation Results`n#################`n" . CombinedValidMsg,, 4096)

ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
  Global CombinedValidMsg
  ThisFile := Fileread(A_ScriptName) ; Save these contents to variable 'ThisFile'.
 ; ThisFile := Fileread("S:\AutoHotkey\MasterScript\MasterScript.ahk") ; <---- CHANGE later
  If (tMyDefaultOpts = "") ; If options box is empty, skip regxex check.
    validOpts := "Okay."
  else { ;===== Make sure hotstring options are valid ========
   NeedleRegEx := "(\*|B0|\?|SI|C|K[0-9]{1,3}|SE|X|SP|O|R|T)" ; These are in the AHK docs I swear!!!
   WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(tMyDefaultOpts, NeedleRegEx, "") ; Remove all valid options from var.

  If(WithNeedlesRemoved = "") ; If they were all removed...
     validOpts := "Okay."
   else { ; Some characters from the Options box were not recognized.
     OptTips := " ; Just a block text assignement to var
  Don't include the colons.
  ..from AHK v1 docs...
   * - ending char not needed
   ? - trigger inside other words
   B0 - no backspacing
   SI - send input mode
   C - case-sensitive
   K(n) - set key delay
   SE - send event mode
   X - execute command
   SP - send play mode
   O - omit end char
   R - send raw
   T - super raw
     validOpts := "Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> " . WithNeedlesRemoved . "`n`n`tTips:`n" . OptTips
    ;==== Make sure hotstring box content is valid ========
  validHot := "" ; Reset to empty each time.
  If (tDefHotStr = "") || (tDefHotStr = myPrefix) || (tDefHotStr = mySuffix) || InStr(tDefHotStr, ":")
      validHot := "HotString box should not be empty.`n-Don't include colons."
  else ; No colons, and not empty. Good. Now check for duplicates.
     Loop Parse, ThisFile, "`n", "`r" ; Check line-by-line.
      If instr(A_LoopField, ":" . tDefHotStr . "::") { ; If line contains tDefHotStr...
           validHot := "DUPLICATE FOUND`nAt Line " . A_Index . ":`n " . A_LoopField
   If (validHot = "") ; If variable didn't get set in loop, then no duplicates found
       validHot := "Okay."
  ;==== Make sure replacement string box content is valid ===========
  If (tRepStr = "") || (SubStr(tRepStr, ("1")<1 ? ("1")-1 : ("1"), "1")==":") ; If Replacement box empty, or first char is ":"
      validRep := "Replacement string box should not be empty.`n-Don't include the colons."
      validRep := "Okay."
  ; Concatenate the three above validity checks.
  CombinedValidMsg := "OPTIONS BOX `n-" . validOpts . "`n`nHOTSTRING BOX `n-" . validHot . "`n`nREPLACEMENT BOX `n-" . validRep
  Return CombinedValidMsg ; return result for use is Append or Validation functions.
} ; end of validation func

Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
  WholeStr := ""
  tMyDefaultOpts := hh['MyDefaultOpts'].text
  tDefHotStr := hh['DefHotStr'].text
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  tComStr := hh['ComStr'].text
  If (tComStr != "")
    tComStr := " `; " . tComStr
  If InStr(tRepStr, "`n") {
    WholeStr :=  ":" . tMyDefaultOpts . ":" . tDefHotStr . "::" . tComStr . "`n(`n" . tRepStr . "`n)"
  Else {
    WholeStr :=  ":" . tMyDefaultOpts . ":" . tDefHotStr . "::" . tRepStr . tComStr
  FileAppend("`n" WholeStr, A_ScriptFullPath) ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.
  Reload() ; relaod the script so the new hotstring will be ready for use.

hhButtonSpell(*) ; Called is "Spell" because "Spell Check" is too long.
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  If (tRepStr = "")
    MsgBox("Replacement Text not found.")
  else {
    googleSugg := GoogleAutoCorrect(tRepStr) ; Calls below function
    If (tRepStr = googleSugg)
        MsgBox("No suggestions found.")
    Else {
      msgResult := MsgBox(googleSugg "`n`n######################`nChange Replacement Text?", "Google Suggestion", "OC 4096")
      if (msgResult = "OK")
        hh['RepStr'].value := googleSugg

{ ; Original by TheDewd, converted to v2 by Mikeyww.
 objReq := ComObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1')
 objReq.Open('GET', '' word)
  , 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)')
 objReq.Send(), HTML := objReq.ResponseText
 RegExMatch(HTML, 'value="(.*?)"', &A)
 RegExMatch(HTML, ';spell=1.*?>(.*?)<\/a>', &B)
 Return B[1] || A[1]

{  ; Open this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
  A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  WinWaitActive(A_ScriptName) ; Wait for the script to be open in text editor.
  Send("{Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home}") ; Navigate to the bottom.

  A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.

; HotStrings appended (added)
; by the script will be below.
; Newest ones at the bottom.

ste(phen|ve) kunkel
User avatar
Posts: 1194
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: Multi-line version of Hotstring Helper

28 Feb 2024, 17:24

In case anyone is watching this tread... There is a new version of this tool here
And it got a new name. It is now "HotString Helper 2.0." It is currently bundled with AutoCorrect for v2.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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