Code to detect all forms of input (Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick) with up/down events

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Code to detect all forms of input (Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick) with up/down events

Post by evilC » 22 Aug 2015, 16:33

This code is derived from my CHotkeyControl project - it demonstrates how to unify all forms of input to flow through one function, with a consistent syntax.

It allows you to receive notification when any form of digital input (ie button types, not axis types) changes state.
  • Keyboard keys - as per normal AHK - Up events / down events.
    Ignores repeats if key is held.
    Ignores extra keys (eg ignores CTRL down event sent when you hit RALT)
  • Mouse buttons - as per normal AHK - Up events / down events.
    Automatically generates an Up event for Mouse wheel, as wheel does not normally generate these.
  • Joystick buttons - emulates up events for joystick buttons with a GetKeyState loop.
  • Joystick hats
    generates Up / Down events for Hat directions - eg if you press the hat for joystick 2 right, it generates a "Joystick 2, Hat Right PRESSED" event, and generates a "Joystick 2, Hat Right RELEASED" event when you move the hat back to center.
    Hat diagonals generate two events, one for each cardinal direction.
  • Code uses SetWindowsHookEx, so it could easily be modified to block the keys / mouse buttons from being seen by other applications (eg Stop keys from doing anything when in a "Bind" routine).
Currently, the code uses AHK hotkeys to detect joystick input, and so is limited to detecting 32 buttons, 1 POV per stick.
At some point I plan on merging in my RawInput code to work around this issue, but that opens a can of worms...

Code: Select all

; A script to process all forms of input and generate events any time anything changes.
; Detects keyboard and mouse input using SetWindowsHookEx
; Detects Joystick  input using a combination of button hotkeys and a GetKeyState loop for POV Hat

#SingleInstance force
mc := new MyClass()


class MyClass{
		fn := this._ProcessInput.Bind(this)
		this.hkhandler := new HkHandler(fn)
		Gui, Add, ListView, w280 h190, Type|Code|Name|Event
		LV_ModifyCol(3, 100)
		Gui, Show, w300 h200 x0 y0
	; All Input events should flow through here
		static mouse_lookup := ["Lbutton", "RButton", "MButton", "XButton1", "XButton2", "WheelU", "WheelD", "WheelL", "WheelR"]
		static pov_directions := ["U", "R", "D", "L"]
		static event_lookup := {0: "Release", 1: "Press"}
		if (obj.Type = "m"){
			; Mouse button
			key := mouse_lookup[obj.Code]
		} else if (obj.Type = "k") {
			; Keyboard Key
			key := GetKeyName(Format("sc{:x}", obj.Code))
		} else if (obj.Type = "j") {
			; Joystick button
			key := obj.joyid "Joy" obj.Code
		} else if (obj.Type = "h") {
			; Joystick hat
			key := obj.joyid "JoyPOV" pov_directions[obj.Code]
		LV_Add(,obj.Type, obj.code, key, event_lookup[obj.event])
		; Do not block input
		return 0

	; Gui Closed

; The hotkey handler class
class HkHandler {
	#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1000
		static WH_KEYBOARD_LL := 13, WH_MOUSE_LL := 14
		; Lookup table to accelerate finding which mouse button was pressed

		this._Callback := callback
		; Hook Input
		this._hHookKeybd := this._SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, RegisterCallback(this._ProcessKHook,"Fast",,&this))
		this._hHookMouse := this._SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, RegisterCallback(this._ProcessMHook,"Fast",,&this))
		this._JoysticksWithHats := []
		Loop 8 {
			joyid := A_Index
			joyinfo := GetKeyState(joyid "JoyInfo")
			if (joyinfo){
				; watch buttons
				Loop % 32 {
					fn := this._ProcessJHook.Bind(this, joyid, A_Index)
					hotkey, % joyid "Joy" A_Index, % fn
				; Watch POVs
				if (instr(joyinfo, "p")){
		fn := this._WatchJoystickPOV.Bind(this)
		SetTimer, % fn, 10
		; remove hooks

	; Process Joystick button down events
	_ProcessJHook(joyid, btn){
		;ToolTip % "Joy " joyid " Btn " btn
		this._Callback.({Type: "j", Code: btn, joyid: joyid, event: 1})
		fn := this._WaitForJoyUp.Bind(this, joyid, btn)
		SetTimer, % fn, -0
	; Emulate up events for joystick buttons
	_WaitForJoyUp(joyid, btn){
		str := joyid "Joy" btn
		while (GetKeyState(str)){
			sleep 10
		this._Callback.({Type: "j", Code: btn, joyid: joyid, event: 0})
	; A constantly running timer to emulate "button events" for Joystick POV directions (eg 2JoyPOVU, 2JoyPOVD...)
		static pov_states := [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
		static pov_strings := ["1JoyPOV", "2JoyPOV", "3JoyPOV", "4JoyPOV", "5JoyPOV", "6JoyPOV" ,"7JoyPOV" ,"8JoyPOV"]
		static pov_direction_map := [[0,0,0,0], [1,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0] , [0,1,0,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,0], [0,0,1,1], [0,0,0,1], [1,0,0,1]]
		static pov_direction_states := [[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]]
		Loop % this._JoysticksWithHats.length() {
			joyid := this._JoysticksWithHats[A_Index]
			pov := GetKeyState(pov_strings[joyid])
			if (pov = pov_states[joyid]){
				; do not process stick if nothing changed
			if (pov = -1){
				state := 1
			} else {
				state := round(pov / 4500) + 2
			Loop 4 {
				if (pov_direction_states[joyid, A_Index] != pov_direction_map[state, A_Index]){
					this._Callback.({Type: "h", Code: A_Index, joyid: joyid, event: pov_direction_map[state, A_Index]})
			pov_states[joyid] := pov
			pov_direction_states[joyid] := pov_direction_map[state]
	; Process Keyboard Hook messages
	_ProcessKHook(wParam, lParam){
		; KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT structure:
		; KeyboardProc function:
		; ToDo:
		; Use Repeat count, transition state bits from lParam to filter keys
		static WM_KEYDOWN := 0x100, WM_KEYUP := 0x101, WM_SYSKEYDOWN := 0x104
		static last_sc := 0
		static last_event := 0
		if (this<0){
			Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Uint", Object(A_EventInfo)._hHookKeybd, "int", this, "Uint", wParam, "Uint", lParam)
		vk := NumGet(lParam+0, "UInt")
		Extended := NumGet(lParam+0, 8, "UInt") & 1
		sc := (Extended<<8)|NumGet(lParam+0, 4, "UInt")
		sc := sc = 0x136 ? 0x36 : sc
        ;key:=GetKeyName(Format("vk{1:x}sc{2:x}", vk,sc))
		event := wParam = WM_SYSKEYDOWN || wParam = WM_KEYDOWN
        if ( ! (sc = 541 || (last_event = event && last_sc = sc) ) ){		; ignore non L/R Control. This key never happens except eg with RALT
			block := this._Callback.({ Type: "k", Code: sc, event: event})
			last_sc := sc
			last_event := event
			if (block){
				return 1
		Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Uint", Object(A_EventInfo)._hHookKeybd, "int", this, "Uint", wParam, "Uint", lParam)

	; Process Mouse Hook messages
	_ProcessMHook(wParam, lParam){
		typedef struct tagMSLLHOOKSTRUCT {
		  POINT     pt;
		  DWORD     mouseData;
		  DWORD     flags;
		  DWORD     time;
		  ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
		; MSLLHOOKSTRUCT structure:
		static WM_LBUTTONDOWN := 0x0201, WM_LBUTTONUP := 0x0202 , WM_RBUTTONDOWN := 0x0204, WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x0205, WM_MBUTTONDOWN := 0x0207, WM_MBUTTONUP := 0x0208, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL := 0x20E, WM_MOUSEWHEEL := 0x020A, WM_XBUTTONDOWN := 0x020B, WM_XBUTTONUP := 0x020C
		static button_map := {0x0201: 1, 0x0202: 1 , 0x0204: 2, 0x0205: 2, 0x0207: 3, 0x208: 3}
		static button_event := {0x0201: 1, 0x0202: 0 , 0x0204: 1, 0x0205: 0, 0x0207: 1, 0x208: 0}
		if (this<0 || wParam = 0x200){
			Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Uint", Object(A_EventInfo)._hHookMouse, "int", this, "Uint", wParam, "Uint", lParam)
		out := "Mouse: " wParam " "
		keyname := ""
		event := 0
		button := 0
		;if (IsObject(this._MouseLookup[wParam])){
		if (ObjHasKey(button_map, wParam)){
			; L / R / M  buttons
			button := button_map[wParam]
			event := button_event[wParam]
		} else {
			; Wheel / XButtons
			; Find HiWord of mouseData from Struct
			mouseData := NumGet(lParam+0, 10, "Short")
			if (wParam = WM_MOUSEHWHEEL || wParam = WM_MOUSEWHEEL){
				; Mouse Wheel - mouseData indicate direction (up/down)
				event := 1	; wheel has no up event, only down
				if (wParam = WM_MOUSEWHEEL){
					if (mouseData > 1){
						button := 6
					} else {
						button := 7
				} else {
					if (mouseData < 1){
						button := 8
					} else {
						button := 9
			} else if (wParam = WM_XBUTTONDOWN || wParam = WM_XBUTTONUP){
				; X Buttons - mouseData indicates Xbutton 1 or Xbutton2
				if (wParam = WM_XBUTTONDOWN){
					event := 1
				} else {
					event := 0
				button := 3 + mouseData
		;OutputDebug % "Mouse: " keyname ", event: " event
		block := this._Callback.({Type: "m", Code: button, event: event})
		if (wParam = WM_MOUSEHWHEEL || wParam = WM_MOUSEWHEEL){
			; Mouse wheel does not generate up event, simulate it.
			this._Callback.({Type: "m", Code: button, event: 0})
		if (block){
			return 1
		Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Uint", Object(A_EventInfo)._hHookMouse, "int", this, "Uint", wParam, "Uint", lParam)
	; ============= HOOK HANDLING =================
	_SetWindowsHookEx(idHook, pfn){
		Return DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "Ptr", idHook, "Ptr", pfn, "Uint", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Uint", 0, "Ptr"), "Uint", 0, "Ptr")
		Return DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Ptr", idHook)

   type: "k"
   code: ScanCode
   event: 0 for up, 1 for down

Code: Select all

   type: "m"
   code: 1: LButton, 2: Rbutton, 3: MButton, 4: XButton1, 5: XButton2, 6: WheelU, 7: WheelD, 8: WheelL, 9: WheelR
   event: 0 for up, 1 for down
Joystick button:

Code: Select all

   type: "j"
   code: Button Number
   joyid: Joystick number
   event: 0 for up, 1 for down
Joystick POV hat:

Code: Select all

   type: "h"
   code: 1: Up, 2: Right, 3: Down, 4: Left
   joyid: Joystick number
   event: 0 for up, 1 for down
[Updated 24/08/2015 - No longer checks POV state of sticks without a hat, no longer declares hotkeys for buttons of non-existent sticks, fix for holding multiple joystick buttons at once]
Posts: 8
Joined: 25 Jul 2021, 03:46

Re: Code to detect all forms of input (Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick) with up/down events

Post by Seamndel » 28 Jun 2023, 02:54

Is there a video showing how this works in practice? I am asking as a layman.
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