It's currently working in Teams version
Code: Select all
WinGet, id, list, ahk_exe Teams.exe ;get IDs for all teams windows
Loop, %id% ;Loop through IDs of all teams windows
this_ID := id%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, Title, ahk_id %this_ID% ;get the title of the current window
If Title <> Microsoft Teams Notification ;make sure title is not the notification
If Title <> ;screen sharing win uses null title, make sure the win does not have a null title
WinActivate, ahk_id %this_ID% ;This should be the correct win, activate it
Send, ^M ;send ctrl,shift,m shortcut
break ;There are two teams windows, the main win and the meeting win, break the loop so that the mute commmand doesnt get sent twice
This post helped me put this script together: https /2020/03/keyboard-shortcut-to-mute-teams-with-autohotkey/ Broken Link for safety