Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

24 Oct 2022, 12:39

Azzoc wrote:
24 Oct 2022, 04:14
Sir, did you released your pixel prod work?
You can find it here.

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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

14 Apr 2023, 21:25

I love seeing these kind of work using gdi it makes more appealing than the default controls.
@Hellbent do you know how to customize fonts in gdip without installing the fonts? Like the custom_font lib but i cant make it work in my bitmap. Only works in default guis.
-thanks in advance 😁
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

29 Oct 2023, 01:07

Simple Gui Scaling

Gui scaling.gif
Gui scaling.gif (917.64 KiB) Viewed 1859 times

This shows an easy method of gaining control over the size of the window ( Scale )

***Note*** DropDownLists / Comboboxes / etc. require using the "Rows" parameter in the CreateControl() function
It uses an approx. size for rows, some tweaking to this value ( ctrl+F : ( 2.6 * Scale ) ) may be required in your case.

Once you have created the gui you write your code like normal, including all the normal gui syntax.

The hotkeys show a few examples of how to use the scaling.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui1 := {}
Gui1.Scale := 1
Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +hwndhwnd -DPIScale 
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd
Gui1.MarginX := 10
Gui1.MarginY := 10
Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Margin", % Gui1.MarginX , % Gui1.MarginY
Gui1.FontType 		:= "Segoe UI"
Gui1.FontSize 		:= 9
Gui1.FontColor 		:= "000000"
Gui1.FontOptions 	:= ""
SetWindowFont( Gui1 )
Gui1.Controls := {}
;Control Name									 	Parent Object	, Control Type		, Options						, Display Value														, Rows		
Gui1.Controls.ColorListBox		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "ListBox" 		, "xm ym w250 h200 Multi" 		, "hwnd|posX||posY|posW|posH|Type|WinObj|DisplayValue|Options|" )
Gui1.Controls.CheckMeCheckBox	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Checkbox" 		, "x+m yp Checked section " 	, "Check Me!" )
Gui1.Controls.HideButton		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xs y+m wp" 					, "Hide" )
Gui1.Controls.ShowButton		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xs y+m wp" 					, "Show" )
Gui1.Controls.Option1Radio		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Radio" 			, "xs y+m wp Checked" 			, "Option 1" )
Gui1.Controls.Option2Radio		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Radio" 			, "xs y+m wp" 					, "Option 2" )
Gui1.Controls.TTestDDL			:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "DDL" 			, "xs y+m w200 r10" 			, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"	, 10 )
Gui1.Controls.TTestDDL2			:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "DDL" 			, "xs y+m w200 r10"				, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"	, 10 )
Gui1.Controls.TTestDDL3			:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "DDL" 			, "xs y+m w200 r10" 			, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"	, 10 )
Gui1.Controls.TTestDDL4			:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "DDL" 			, "xs y+m w200 r10" 			, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"	, 10 )
Gui1.Controls.TTestComboBox1	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "ComboBox" 		, "xs y+m w200 r10" 			, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"	, 10 )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton1		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "x+10 ym w120" 				, "Extra Button 1" )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton2		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xp y+10 wp" 					, "Extra Button 2" )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton3		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xp y+10 wp" 					, "Extra Button 3" )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton4		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xp y+10 wp" 					, "Extra Button 4" )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton5		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xp y+10 wp" 					, "Extra Button 5" )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton6		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xp y+10 wp" 					, "Extra Button 6" )
Gui1.Controls.extraButton7		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xp y+10 wp" 					, "Extra Button 7" )
Gui1.Controls.extraListBox1		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "ListBox" 		, "xm w250 r9" 					, "hwnd|posX||posY|posW|posH|Type|WinObj|DisplayValue|Options|" )
Gui1.Controls.extraEdit1		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Edit" 			, "x+10 yp w200 r3" 			, "hwnd|posX||posY|posW|posH|Type|WinObj|DisplayValue|Options|" )
Gui1.Controls.extraEdit2		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Edit" 			, "xp y+m w200 r3" 				, "hwnd|posX||posY|posW|posH|Type|WinObj|DisplayValue|Options|" )
Gui1.Controls.TestTab1			:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Tab3" 			, "xp y+m w300 r3 section"		, "Tab 1|Tab 2||Tab 3|" )
Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Tab",
Gui1.Controls.TestPicture1		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Picture" 		, "xm ys+20 w200 h-1"			, "TestImage.png" )
Gui, Show, AutoSize , Simple Gui Scaling
Gui1.Scale := A_ScreenDPI / 96
ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale )

;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	HOTKEYS
~$WheelUp:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale += 0.1 )
~$WheelDown:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale -= 0.1 )
F1:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 1 )
F2:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 1.5 )
F3:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 2 )
F4:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := .7 )
ScaleControls( Gui1 , Scale := 1 ){
	static lastSize 
	for k , v in Gui1.Controls	{
		cc := Gui1.Controls[ k ]
		x := cc.X * Scale
		y := cc.Y * Scale
		w := cc.W * Scale
		if( cc.Rows )
			h := cc.Rows * GetRowHeight( cc.FontType , size , cc.FontOptions ) + cc.Rows * ( 2.6 * Scale )
			h := cc.H * Scale
		size := ( cc.FontSize / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) ) * scale
		if( size != lastSize && lastSize := Size )
			Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" cc.FontColor " " cc.FontOptions , % cc.FontType
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % cc.Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":MoveDraw" , % cc.Hwnd , % "x" X " y" Y " w" W " h" H 
	Gui, % Gui1.hwnd ":Margin", % Gui1.MarginX * scale , % Gui1.MarginY * scale
	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Show" , AutoSize 
GetRowHeight( FontType , FontSize , FontOptions ){
	Gui, Dummy:Font, % "s" FontSize " " FontOptions , % FontType
	Gui, Dummy:Add, Text,, % "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyyYzZ1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+[{]}\|,<.>/?"
	GuiControlGet, pos , Dummy:pos , static1
	Gui, Dummy:Destroy
	return posH
SetWindowFont( Gui1 ){
	local size := Gui1.FontSize / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 )
	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" Gui1.FontColor " " Gui1.FontOptions , % Gui1.FontType
CreateControl( WinObj , Type := "Button" , Options := "" , DisplayValue := "" , Rows := "" ){
	local obj := {}
	Gui, % WinObj.Hwnd ":Add" , % Type , % Options " +hwndhwnd" , % DisplayValue
	GuiControlGet, pos , % WinObj.Hwnd ":pos" , % hwnd
	obj.Hwnd 			:= hwnd
	obj.Rows			:= Rows
	obj.X 				:= posX
	obj.Y 				:= posY
	obj.W 				:= posW
	obj.H 				:= posH
	obj.Type 			:= Type
	obj.Parent 			:= WinObj.Hwnd
	obj.DisplayValue 	:= DisplayValue
	obj.Options 		:= Options
	obj.FontType		:= WinObj.FontType
	obj.FontSize		:= WinObj.FontSize
	obj.FontColor		:= WinObj.FontColor
	obj.FontOptions		:= WinObj.FontOptions
	return obj

@vanheartnet098 I'm afraid that I don't know much about fonts.
I try to stick to fonts that I know everyone else has and I only know the name of a very small handful of them.
Last edited by Hellbent on 29 Oct 2023, 18:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

29 Oct 2023, 11:42

@Hellbent wow, that's super neat! thanks for sharing. :+1:
Image Image Image Image Image
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Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

29 Oct 2023, 18:07

joedf wrote:
29 Oct 2023, 11:42
@Hellbent wow, that's super neat! thanks for sharing. :+1:
I'm glad you liked it.

Here is an example of triggering the scaling using the +Resize gui option and the GuiSize label

I only bothered to calculate the new scale based on the new width ( the height is ignored ).

I also fixed the font resize from the last post. I only changed the font size in the original but I should have used all the saved font data.

Code: Select all

Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "s" size 

Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" cc.FontColor " " cc.FontOptions , % cc.FontType

Gui scaling 2.gif
Gui scaling 2.gif (360.84 KiB) Viewed 1714 times

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui1 := {}
Gui1.Scale := 1
Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +hwndhwnd -DPIScale +Resize
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd
Gui1.MarginX := 10
Gui1.MarginY := 10
Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Margin", % Gui1.MarginX , % Gui1.MarginY
Gui1.FontType 		:= "Segoe UI"
Gui1.FontSize 		:= 9
Gui1.FontColor 		:= "000000"
Gui1.FontOptions 	:= ""
SetWindowFont( Gui1 )
Gui1.Controls := {}
;Control Name									 	Parent Object	, Control Type		, Options						, Display Value														, Rows		
Gui1.Controls.ColorListBox		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "ListBox" 		, "xm ym w250 h200 Multi" 		, "hwnd|posX||posY|posW|posH|Type|WinObj|DisplayValue|Options|" )
Gui1.Controls.CheckMeCheckBox	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Checkbox" 		, "x+m yp Checked section " 	, "Check Me!" )
Gui1.Controls.HideButton		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xs y+m wp" 					, "Hide" )
Gui1.Controls.ShowButton		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Button" 			, "xs y+m wp" 					, "Show" )
Gui1.Controls.Option1Radio		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Radio" 			, "xs y+m wp Checked" 			, "Option 1" )
Gui1.Controls.Option2Radio		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "Radio" 			, "xs y+m wp" 					, "Option 2" )
Gui1.Controls.TTestDDL			:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 			, "DDL" 			, "xs y+m w200 r10" 			, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"		, 10 )
Gui, Show, AutoSize , Scale via +Resize
WinGetPos,,, w , h , % "ahk_id " Gui1.Hwnd 
Gui1.W := w
Gui1.H := h
Gui1.Scale := A_ScreenDPI / 96
ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale )
return	;<<<<---- End of the auto-exectute section of the script.
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	Exit Routine
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 	+RESIZE
GuiSize:	;{
	if( !init && init := 1 )
	WinGetPos,,, w, h , % "ahk_id " Gui1.Hwnd
	Gui1.Scale := w / Gui1.W
	ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale )
	sleep, 30
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	HOTKEYS	
F1:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 1 )
F2:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 1.5 )
F3:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 2 )
F4:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := .7 )
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Functions
ScaleControls( Gui1 , Scale := 1 ){
	static lastSize 
	for k , v in Gui1.Controls	{
		cc := Gui1.Controls[ k ]
		x := cc.X * Scale
		y := cc.Y * Scale
		w := cc.W * Scale
		if( cc.Rows )
			h := cc.Rows * GetRowHeight( cc.FontType , size , cc.FontOptions )
			h := cc.H * Scale
		size := ( cc.FontSize / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) ) * scale
		if( size != lastSize && lastSize := Size )
			Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" cc.FontColor " " cc.FontOptions , % cc.FontType
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % cc.Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":MoveDraw" , % cc.Hwnd , % "x" X " y" Y " w" W " h" H 
	Gui, % Gui1.hwnd ":Margin", % Gui1.MarginX * scale , % Gui1.MarginY * scale
	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Show" , AutoSize 
GetRowHeight( FontType , FontSize , FontOptions ){
	Gui, Dummy:Font, % "s" FontSize " " FontOptions , % FontType
	Gui, Dummy:Add, Text,, % "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyyYzZ1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+[{]}\|,<.>/?"
	GuiControlGet, pos , Dummy:pos , static1
	Gui, Dummy:Destroy
	return posH
SetWindowFont( Gui1 ){
	local size := Gui1.FontSize / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 )
	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" Gui1.FontColor " " Gui1.FontOptions , % Gui1.FontType
CreateControl( WinObj , Type := "Button" , Options := "" , DisplayValue := "" , Rows := "" ){
	local obj := {}
	Gui, % WinObj.Hwnd ":Add" , % Type , % Options " +hwndhwnd" , % DisplayValue
	GuiControlGet, pos , % WinObj.Hwnd ":pos" , % hwnd
	obj.Hwnd 			:= hwnd
	obj.Rows			:= Rows
	obj.X 				:= posX
	obj.Y 				:= posY
	obj.W 				:= posW
	obj.H 				:= posH
	obj.Type 			:= Type
	obj.Parent 			:= WinObj.Hwnd
	obj.DisplayValue 	:= DisplayValue
	obj.Options 		:= Options
	obj.FontType		:= WinObj.FontType
	obj.FontSize		:= WinObj.FontSize
	obj.FontColor		:= WinObj.FontColor
	obj.FontOptions		:= WinObj.FontOptions
	return obj
Posts: 238
Joined: 14 Dec 2019, 20:21

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

08 Nov 2023, 21:06


fantastic work as always!!! i was working on a basic gui using your controls to make it easier for people to make guis. but using your functions/controls. but now i need to revamp and try to use this in the gui. also i somehow over time lose the ability to show button pressed . well its a work in progress, i guess.

Code: Select all

;Many Thanks to tic (Tariq Porter) for his GDI+ Library
;Many Thanks to Hellbent for his functions of buttons, switches, tabs, and help in learning ahk

;#####################################################   					    ###################################
;#####################################################       sec. global settings	 	    ###################################
;#####################################################  					    ###################################
;###### "21b9eb" // cAqua  or cGreen // "008000" or cWhite // "FFFFFF" or cBlack // "000000" or dark grey \\ 333437 or purple \\ 1177dd
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
global Hov:=[]
global up:=[]
global Config:=[]

Config[2] := "2B2728"		;all-background
Config[3] := "00FFFF"		;tab-outline
Config[4] := "445"		;total width of app
Config[5] := "220"		;total height of app
Config[6] := "Lucida Console"	;font background
Config[7] := "cAqua"		;color font background
Config[8] := "10"		;font size background
Config[9] := "Lucida Console"	;switch button font
Config[10] := "00FFFF"		;switch button font color
Config[11] := "15"		;switch button font size

size25 := % Config[4] - 25
size50 := % Config[4] - 50

;#####################################################   					    ###################################
;#####################################################  		sec.DPI Scaling 	    ###################################
;#####################################################  					    ###################################
RegRead, PC_DPI, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, AppliedDPI
;---100 percent----
if PC_DPI = 96
config[8] :="s" config[8]
config[11] :="s" config[11]
config[14] :="s" config[14]
;---125 percent----
if PC_DPI = 120
config[8]:="s" config[8] - 2
config[11]:="s" config[11]
config[14]:="s" config[14]
;---150 percent----
if PC_DPI = 144
config[8]:="s" config[8] - 3
config[11]:="s" config[11]
config[14]:="s" config[14]
;---175 percent----
if PC_DPI = 168
config[8]:="s" config[8] - 4
config[11]:="s" config[11]
config[14]:="s" config[14]

;#####################################################   					    ###################################
;#####################################################  		section.gui main	    ###################################
;#####################################################  					    ###################################
Gui,1: -Caption -DPIScale
Gui,1:Color,% Config[2],% Config[2]
Gui,1:Font,% config[8] Config[7] , % Config[6]
Gui,1:Add,Text, x0 y0 w%size50% h30 BackgroundTrans gMove_Window,
Gui,1:Add,Text, x%size50% y5 w25 h30 BackgroundTrans gMin_Window,_
Gui,1:Add,Text, x%size25% y5 w25 h30 BackgroundTrans gGuiClose,X

Gui,1:Add, Text, x120 y30 w80 h35 , Title Text

Gui,1:Add, Edit, x120 y160 w315 h20 vSearch,

Hov.push(New Button(345,190,100,25,,"Submit","Submit","ff0000"))

up1:=New OnOff(130,120,,State:=up[1])

Gui,1:Show,% "w"Config[4] " h"Config[5],
SetTimer, Hov_Hover , 50
OnMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND := 0x0112, "On_WM_SYSCOMMAND")
;#####################################################   					    ###################################
;#####################################################  		section.Commands	    ###################################
;#####################################################  					    ###################################
Move_Window()  {
		SetTimer , Hov_Hover , Off
		PostMessage , 0xA1 , 2
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" ) )
		sleep , 10
		SetTimer , Hov_Hover , On
Min_Window()   {
		Gui , 1: Minimize
   Static HTCLOSE := 20
   Static HTNOWHERE := 0
   Static SC_CLOSE := 0xF060
   Static WM_NCHITTEST := 0x0084
   If ((W & 0xFFF0) = SC_CLOSE) {
      LW := L & 0xFFFF
      HW := L >> 16
      Gui, %A_Gui%:+LastFound
      HGUI := WinExist()
      SendMessage, %WM_NCHITTEST%, 0, L, , ahk_id %HGUI%
      If (ErrorLevel <> HTCLOSE) ; will restrict closing to the close button in the caption
      If (ErrorLevel = HTNOWHERE) ; will prevent closing via taskbar menu and Alt+F4
         Return 0

Gui, Submit , NoHide

;#####################################################   				    ###################################
;#####################################################  	sec.switch on commands	    ###################################
;#####################################################  				    ###################################
GuiControl,,displayupdate, Batch Started
GuiControl,,displayupdate, Running
GuiControl,,displayupdate, Running  
GuiControl,,displayupdate, Batch Done

;#####################################################				    ###################################
;#####################################################		sec.Hover 	    ###################################
;#####################################################  			    ###################################

	static Hover_On,Index
		Loop,% Hov.Length()	{
	}else if(Hover_On){

;#####################################################			       	     ###################################
;#####################################################		sec.Radio            ###################################
;#####################################################  			     ###################################

class Radio_Button	{
	__New(x,y,w:=19,Text:="Text",Font:="Arial",FontSize:= "10 Bold" , FontColor:="FFFFFF" ,Window:="1",Background_Color:="36373A",HighLightColor:="1A1C1F",State:=0,GroupArray:=""){
		This.FontColor:="0xFF" FontColor
		This.HighLightColor:= "0xFF" HighLightColor
		This.Background_Color:="0xFF" Background_Color
		udb := THIS.UpdateValue.BIND( THIS )
		SetTimer,% udb,-100
		Gui , % This.Window ": Add" , Picture , % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " 0xE hwndHwnd"
		BD := THIS.Switch_State.BIND( THIS ) 
		GUICONTROL +G , % This.Hwnd , % BD
		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W , 19 ) 
		 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , 21 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF313436" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 1 , 1 , 17 , 17 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF1A1C1F" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 1 , 0 , 17 , 17 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 7 , 1 , 10 , 14 , "0xFF60646A" , "0xFF393B3F" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 2 , 1 , 15 , 15 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 7 , 2 , 10 , 14 , "0xFF4A4D52" , "0xFF393B3F" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 3 , 2 , 13 , 13 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF4D5055" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 7 , 7 , 5 , 6 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222325" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 7 , 6 , 5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FontColor )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.FontSize " vCenter c" Brush " x23 y0" , This.Font , This.W-23, This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Off_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W , 19 ) 
		 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , 21 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF484A4B" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 1 , 1 , 17 , 17 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF1A1C1F" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 1 , 0 , 17 , 17 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF29292F" )       ;replaced this
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighLightColor ) ; with this
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 2 , 1 , 15 , 15 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 5 , 1 , 10 , 14 , "0xFF2E2F31" , "0xFF333337" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 3 , 2 , 13 , 13 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF4D5055" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 7 , 7 , 5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighLightColor )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 7 , 6 , 5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Adding text
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FontColor )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.FontSize " vCenter c" Brush " x23 y0" , This.Font , This.W-23, This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.On_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( pBitmap )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		Loop,% This.GroupArray.Length()	
				Loop,% This.GroupArray.Length()	
			Loop,% This.GroupArray.Length()	{
			Loop,% This.GroupArray.Length()	{
			Loop,% This.GroupArray.Length()	{
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Off_Bitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.On_Bitmap )

;##################################################### 				  ###################################
;#####################################################		sec.onoff         ###################################
;#####################################################  			  ###################################
class OnOff{
	__New(x:="",y:="", window:="1", State:="", Background_Color:="", Text:="", Font:="", Font_Size:="", Font_Color:="", Y_Offset:="0"){
		This.Font_Color:="0xFF" Font_Color
		This.Background_Color:="0xFF" Background_Color
		sleep, 20
		local hwnd
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Picture,% "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " hwndhwnd 0xE"
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Hwnd,% BP
	Create_Off_Bitmap( ScaleFactor := .40 ){
	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 180 * ScaleFactor , 74 * ScaleFactor ), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 4 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF2B2728" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 1 * ScaleFactor , 1 * ScaleFactor , 190 * ScaleFactor , 90 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 * ScaleFactor , 0 * ScaleFactor , 180 * ScaleFactor , 74 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF030504" , "0xFF545454" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 1 * ScaleFactor , 1 * ScaleFactor , 177 * ScaleFactor , 71 * ScaleFactor , 25 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 10 * ScaleFactor , 10 * ScaleFactor , 160 * ScaleFactor , 54 * ScaleFactor , 26 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF111111" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 12 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF111111" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 118 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF101010" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 30 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 110 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 12 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 46 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF101010" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 50 * ScaleFactor , 21 * ScaleFactor , 100 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor , 8 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 66 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 46 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 27 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF101010" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 127 * ScaleFactor , 21 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF800000" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , "OFF" , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vcenter c" Brush " x" 87 * ScaleFactor " y" 15 * ScaleFactor  , This.Font , 100 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 60 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 12 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 30 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0C0E0D" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 63 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 43 * ScaleFactor , 39 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0C0E0D" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 16 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 43 * ScaleFactor , 39 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0C0E0D" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 30 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 58 * ScaleFactor , 39 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 73 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 15 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 30 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillPie( G , Brush , 19 * ScaleFactor , 14 * ScaleFactor , 85 * ScaleFactor , 27 * ScaleFactor , 0 , 180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillPie( G , Brush , 68 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 36 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 0 , -90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillPie( G , Brush , 19 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 36 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 180 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 33 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 54 * ScaleFactor , 10 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ),This.Switch_Off_Bitmap:=Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap),Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap)	
	Create_On_Bitmap( ScaleFactor := .40 ){
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 180 * ScaleFactor , 74 * ScaleFactor ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 4 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF2B2728" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 1 * ScaleFactor , 1 * ScaleFactor , 190 * ScaleFactor , 90 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 * ScaleFactor , 0 * ScaleFactor , 180 * ScaleFactor , 74 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF030504" , "0xFF545454" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 1 * ScaleFactor , 1 * ScaleFactor , 177 * ScaleFactor , 71 * ScaleFactor , 25 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 10 * ScaleFactor , 10 * ScaleFactor , 160 * ScaleFactor , 54 * ScaleFactor , 26 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF111111" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 12 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF111111" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 118 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF101010" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 30 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 110 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF101010" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 28 * ScaleFactor , 21 * ScaleFactor , 100 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor , 8 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 69 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 46 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 87 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF101010" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 14 * ScaleFactor , 21 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 123 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 46 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF008000" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , "ON" , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vcenter c" Brush " x" -3 * ScaleFactor " y" 15 * ScaleFactor  , This.Font , 100 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 118 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 71 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 89 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0C0E0D" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 120 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 43 * ScaleFactor , 39 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0C0E0D" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 76 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 43 * ScaleFactor , 39 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0C0E0D" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 90 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 58 * ScaleFactor , 39 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 130 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 75 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212221" ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 90 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillPie( G , Brush , 77 * ScaleFactor , 14 * ScaleFactor , 85 * ScaleFactor , 27 * ScaleFactor , 0 , 180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillPie( G , Brush , 126 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 36 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 0 , -90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 93 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 54 * ScaleFactor , 10 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF474948" ) , Gdip_FillPie( G , Brush , 77 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 36 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 180 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ),This.Switch_On_Bitmap:=Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap),Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap)
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
				gosub,% This.Label

;#####################################################  			#######################################################
;#####################################################  	sec.Button	#######################################################
;#####################################################  			#######################################################
class Button{
	__New( x := 10 , y := 10 , w := 150 , h := 40  , Window := "1", Text := "Button",Label := "" , Button_Color := "" , Button_Background_Color:= "" ,  Font := "Tahoma" , Font_Size := "16" , Font_Color_Top := "000000" , Font_Color_Bottom := "FFFFFF"  ){
		This.Text_Color_Top := "0xFF" Config[10] , This.Text_Color_Bottom := "0xFF000000" , This.Font := Config[9] , This.Font_Size := Config[11] 
		This.X := x , This.Y := y , This.W := w , This.H := h , This.Window := Window , This.Text := Text ,This.Label := Label, This.Button_Background_Color := "0xFF" Button_Background_Color , This.Button_Color := "0xFF" Button_Color 
		This.Create_Default_Bitmap() , This.Create_Hover_Bitmap() , This.Create_Pressed_Bitmap() , This.Create_Trigger()
		sleep, 20
;		num := Button.Length() + 1
		Gui , % This.Window ": Add" , Picture , % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " hwndHwnd_" Num " v" Num " g" This.Label " 0xE"
		This.Number := Num , This.Hwnd := Hwnd_%num%
		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W, This.H )
		G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Button_Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , This.H+2 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222222" )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 , -1 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , "0xFF555555" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+5 , "0xFF333333" , This.Button_Color , 1 , 1 )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+5 , This.Button_Color , "0xFF333333" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 1 , This.W-6 , This.H-5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x22F0F0F0" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , This.W/15 , This.H/13 , This.W-(This.W/15*2) , This.H*0.45 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Bottom )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter c" Brush " x-1 y-1" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Top )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter c" Brush " x0 y0" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Default_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W , This.H )
		 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Button_Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , This.H+2 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )  
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 1 , -1 , This.W-2 , This.H+1 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222222" )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 , -1 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , "0xFF555555" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+10 , "0xFF444444" , This.Button_Color , 1 , 1 )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+10 , This.Button_Color , "0xFF444444" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 1 , This.W-6 , This.H-5 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x22F0F0F0" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , This.W/15 , This.H/13 , This.W-(This.W/15*2) , This.H*0.45 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Bottom )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x-1 y-1" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Top )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x0 y0" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Hover_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W , This.H )
		 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Button_Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , This.H+2 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222222" )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , "0xFF555555" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+5 , "0xFF333333" , This.Button_Color , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 1 , This.W-6 , This.H-5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Bottom )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x-1 y-2" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Top )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x0 y-1" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Pressed_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( pBitmap )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Default_Bitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Hover_Bitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Pressed_Bitmap )
		SetTimer , Hov_Hover , Off
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" ) )
			sleep , 10
		SetTimer , Hov_Hover , On
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl , 2
		if( This.Hwnd != ctrl ){
			return False
		}else	{
			return true

;#####################################################  			    ###################################
;#####################################################  	sec.Tabs 	    ###################################
;#####################################################  			    ###################################

		Gui,2:show,% "x0 y0 " Config[4] Config[5]
	}else if(Tab.Tab=2){
		Gui,3:show,% "x0 y0 " Config[4] Config[5]
	}else if(Tab.Tab=3){
		Gui,4:show,% "x0 y0 " Config[4] Config[5]
	}else if(Tab.Tab=4){
		Gui,5:show,% "x0 y0 " Config[4] Config[5]
	}else if(Tab.Tab=5){
		Gui,6:show,% "x0 y0 " Config[4] Config[5]
	}else if(Tab.Tab=6){
		Gui,7:show,% "x0 y0 " Config[4] Config[5]		

class 5Tab {

__New(x:=0, y:=0, window:="", label:="", Selected_Tab:="", Background_Color:=""){
		sleep 20
		local hwnd
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Picture,% "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " hwndhwnd 0xE"
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Text,% "x" This.X+3 " y" This.Y+5 " w100 h30 BackgroundTrans hwndhwnd"
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Text,% "x" This.X+104 " y" This.Y+5 " w100 h30 BackgroundTrans hwndhwnd"
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Text,% "x" This.X+206 " y" This.Y+5 " w100 h30 BackgroundTrans hwndhwnd"
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Text,% "x" This.X+309 " y" This.Y+5 " w100 h30 BackgroundTrans hwndhwnd"
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Text,% "x" This.X+412 " y" This.Y+5 " w100 h30 BackgroundTrans hwndhwnd"
		Gui,% This.Window ":Add",Text,% "x" This.X+515 " y" This.Y+5 " w100 h30 BackgroundTrans hwndhwnd"
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Tab1_Hwnd,% TabBind
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Tab2_Hwnd,% TabBind
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Tab3_Hwnd,% TabBind
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Tab4_Hwnd,% TabBind
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Tab5_Hwnd,% TabBind
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":+G",% This.Tab6_Hwnd,% TabBind

	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 608 , 34 ) 
	 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 0 , 0 , 608 , 34 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 103 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 204 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 305 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 406 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 507 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , "0xFF" Config[1] , "0xFF" Config[1] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[1] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic Bold c" Brush " x0 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[2] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x103 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[3] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x204 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[4] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x305 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[5] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x406 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[6] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x507 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
        Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Tab1_Bitmap:= Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 608 , 34 ) 
	 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 0 , 0 , 608 , 34 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 204 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 305 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 406 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 507 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , "0xFF" Config[1] , "0xFF" Config[1] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 103 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[1] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x0 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[2] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Bold Italic c" Brush " x103 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[3] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x204 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[4] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x305 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[5] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x406 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[6] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x507 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Tab2_Bitmap:= Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 608 , 34 ) 
	 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 0 , 0 , 608 , 34 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 103 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 305 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 406 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 507 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , "0xFF" Config[1] , "0xFF" Config[1] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 204 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[1] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x0 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[2] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x103 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[3] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Bold Italic c" Brush " x204 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[4] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x305 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[5] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x406 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[6] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x507 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Tab3_Bitmap:= Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 608 , 34 ) 
	 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 0 , 0 , 608 , 34 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 103 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 204 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 406 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 507 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , "0xFF" Config[1] , "0xFF" Config[1] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 305 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[1] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x0 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[2] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x103 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[3] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x204 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[4] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Bold Italic c" Brush " x305 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[5] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x406 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[6] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x507 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Tab4_Bitmap:= Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 608 , 34 ) 
	 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 0 , 0 , 608 , 34 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 103 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 204 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 305 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 507 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , "0xFF" Config[1] , "0xFF" Config[1] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 406 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[1] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x0 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[2] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x103 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[3] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x204 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[4] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x305 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[5] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Bold Italic c" Brush " x406 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[6] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x507 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Tab5_Bitmap:= Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
	pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( 608 , 34 ) 
	 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 0 , 0 , 608 , 34 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 103 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 204 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 305 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 207 , 4 , 98 , 29 , "0xFF" Config[2] , "0xFF" Config[2] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 406 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , "0xFF" Config[1] , "0xFF" Config[1] , 1 , 1 )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 507 , 2 , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[1] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x0 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[2] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x103 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[3] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x204 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[4] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x305 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[5] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Italic c" Brush " x406 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[13] )
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , tabSet[6] , Config[14] " Center vCenter Bold Italic c" Brush " x507 y3" , Config[12] , 100 , 30 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	This.Tab6_Bitmap:= Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
		GuiControl,% This.Window ":Focus",% This.Hwnd
		}else if(This.Label){
		gosub,% This.Label
;#####################################################  			    ###################################
;#####################################################  	sec.custom gdip     ###################################
;#####################################################  			    ###################################
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if !DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", Ptr)
		DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus")
	VarSetCapacity(si, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 16, 0), si := Chr(1)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", pToken, Ptr, &si, Ptr, 0)
	return pToken

Gdip_CreateBitmap(Width, Height, Format=0x26200A)
    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", Format, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", 0, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", pBitmap)
    Return pBitmap

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBitmap, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pGraphics)
	return pGraphics

Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, SmoothingMode)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetSmoothingMode", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "int", SmoothingMode)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateSolidFill", "UInt", ARGB, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pBrush)
	return pBrush

Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRectangle"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, pBrush
					, "float", x
					, "float", y
					, "float", w
					, "float", h)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteBrush", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBrush)

Gdip_CreatePen(ARGB, w)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePen1", "UInt", ARGB, "float", w, "int", 2, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pPen)
   return pPen

Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawRectangle", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeletePen", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pPen)

Gdip_TextToGraphics(pGraphics, Text, Options, Font="Arial", Width="", Height="", Measure=0)
	IWidth := Width, IHeight:= Height
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", xpos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", ypos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Width)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Height)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)C(?!(entre|enter))([a-f\d]+)", Colour)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Top|Up|Bottom|Down|vCentre|vCenter", vPos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)NoWrap", NoWrap)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)R(\d)", Rendering)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)S(\d+)(p*)", Size)

	if !Gdip_DeleteBrush(Gdip_CloneBrush(Colour2))
		PassBrush := 1, pBrush := Colour2
	if !(IWidth && IHeight) && (xpos2 || ypos2 || Width2 || Height2 || Size2)
		return -1

	Style := 0, Styles := "Regular|Bold|Italic|BoldItalic|Underline|Strikeout"
	Loop, Parse, Styles, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
		Style |= (A_LoopField != "StrikeOut") ? (A_Index-1) : 8
	Align := 0, Alignments := "Near|Left|Centre|Center|Far|Right"
	Loop, Parse, Alignments, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
			Align |= A_Index//2.1      ; 0|0|1|1|2|2

	xpos := (xpos1 != "") ? xpos2 ? IWidth*(xpos1/100) : xpos1 : 0
	ypos := (ypos1 != "") ? ypos2 ? IHeight*(ypos1/100) : ypos1 : 0
	Width := Width1 ? Width2 ? IWidth*(Width1/100) : Width1 : IWidth
	Height := Height1 ? Height2 ? IHeight*(Height1/100) : Height1 : IHeight
	if !PassBrush
		Colour := "0x" (Colour2 ? Colour2 : "ff000000")
	Rendering := ((Rendering1 >= 0) && (Rendering1 <= 5)) ? Rendering1 : 4
	Size := (Size1 > 0) ? Size2 ? IHeight*(Size1/100) : Size1 : 12

	hFamily := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(Font)
	hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style)
	FormatStyle := NoWrap ? 0x4000 | 0x1000 : 0x4000
	hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(FormatStyle)
	pBrush := PassBrush ? pBrush : Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(Colour)
	if !(hFamily && hFont && hFormat && pBrush && pGraphics)
		return !pGraphics ? -2 : !hFamily ? -3 : !hFont ? -4 : !hFormat ? -5 : !pBrush ? -6 : 0
	CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, Height)
	Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
	Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, Rendering)
	ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if vPos
		StringSplit, ReturnRC, ReturnRC, |
		if (vPos = "vCentre") || (vPos = "vCenter")
			ypos += (Height-ReturnRC4)//2
		else if (vPos = "Top") || (vPos = "Up")
			ypos := 0
		else if (vPos = "Bottom") || (vPos = "Down")
			ypos := Height-ReturnRC4
		CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, ReturnRC4)
		ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if !Measure
		E := Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC)

	if !PassBrush
	return E ? E : ReturnRC

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics)

Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap, Background=0xffffffff)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBitmap, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", hbm, "int", Background)
	return hbm

SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
	SendMessage, 0x172, 0x0, hBitmap,, ahk_id %hwnd%
	E := ErrorLevel
	return E

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBitmap)

   return DllCall("DeleteObject", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hObject)

Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillEllipse", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, pBrush, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)

Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect(x, y, w, h, ARGB1, ARGB2, LinearGradientMode=1, WrapMode=1)
	CreateRectF(RectF, x, y, w, h)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", &RectF, "int", ARGB1, "int", ARGB2, "int", LinearGradientMode, "int", WrapMode, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", LGpBrush)
	return LGpBrush

Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, r)
	Region := Gdip_GetClipRegion(pGraphics)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	return E

Gdip_FillPie(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPie"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, pBrush
					, "float", x
					, "float", y
					, "float", w
					, "float", h
					, "float", StartAngle
					, "float", SweepAngle)

Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, r)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	return E

Gdip_DrawLine(pGraphics, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawLine"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, pPen
					, "float", x1
					, "float", y1
					, "float", x2
					, "float", y2)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBrush", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBrush, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pBrushClone)
	return pBrushClone

	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if (!A_IsUnicode)
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &Font, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wFont, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &Font, "int", -1, Ptr, &wFont, "int", nSize)
					, Ptr, A_IsUnicode ? &Font : &wFont
					, "uint", 0
					, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", hFamily)
	return hFamily

Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFont", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFamily, "float", Size, "int", Style, "int", 0, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", hFont)
   return hFont

Gdip_StringFormatCreate(Format=0, Lang=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateStringFormat", "int", Format, "int", Lang, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", hFormat)
   return hFormat

CreateRectF(ByRef RectF, x, y, w, h)
   VarSetCapacity(RectF, 16)
   NumPut(x, RectF, 0, "float"), NumPut(y, RectF, 4, "float"), NumPut(w, RectF, 8, "float"), NumPut(h, RectF, 12, "float")

Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetStringFormatAlign", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFormat, "int", Align)

Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, RenderingHint)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetTextRenderingHint", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "int", RenderingHint)
Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, ByRef RectF)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	VarSetCapacity(RC, 16)
	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)   
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, Ptr, &wString, "int", nSize)
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, A_IsUnicode ? &sString : &wString
					, "int", -1
					, Ptr, hFont
					, Ptr, &RectF
					, Ptr, hFormat
					, Ptr, &RC
					, "uint*", Chars
					, "uint*", Lines)
	return &RC ? NumGet(RC, 0, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 4, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 8, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 12, "float") "|" Chars "|" Lines : 0

Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, ByRef RectF)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if (!A_IsUnicode)
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, Ptr, 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, Ptr, &wString, "int", nSize)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawString"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, A_IsUnicode ? &sString : &wString
					, "int", -1
					, Ptr, hFont
					, Ptr, &RectF
					, Ptr, hFormat
					, Ptr, pBrush)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteStringFormat", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFormat)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFont", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFont)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFontFamily", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFamily)

	Region := Gdip_CreateRegion()
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetClip", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "UInt*", Region)
	return Region

Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x, y, w, h, CombineMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRect",  A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "int", CombineMode)

Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, CombineMode=0)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRegion", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, Region, "int", CombineMode)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteRegion", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", Region)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipResetClip", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics)
Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawEllipse", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateRegion", "UInt*", Region)
	return Region

	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", Ptr, pToken)
	if hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", Ptr)
		DllCall("FreeLibrary", Ptr, hModule)
	return 0
i hope its ok that i tweaked some functions to make it simplier for me to add controls.
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Posts: 2114
Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

11 Nov 2023, 19:29

joekingcool wrote:
08 Nov 2023, 21:06

fantastic work as always!!! i was working on a basic gui using your controls to make it easier for people to make guis. but using your functions/controls. but now i need to revamp and try to use this in the gui. also i somehow over time lose the ability to show button pressed . well its a work in progress, i guess.
Nice work Joe. I noticed that the text on the switch is a bit big ( "Off" in particular ).
If you go into the part of your code that creates the switch bitmap you can add scaling to the text to fix for that.
i.e. FontSize * scalefactor
i hope its ok that i tweaked some functions to make it simplier for me to add controls.
For sure, go right ahead.

I don't know how far I will get with it this time but I have started on a new version of the bitmap maker script.
I worked out the basic layout for the window.

BMM6 1.gif
BMM6 1.gif (528.2 KiB) Viewed 1404 times

I also made a new window class with a helper tool.

Helper 1.gif
Helper 1.gif (404.85 KiB) Viewed 1404 times

current class and Demo.
*Demo code requires windows 8+ (child layered window)

PopUpWindowv3.gif (339.74 KiB) Viewed 1401 times

Code: Select all

#Include <GDIP_ALL> ;GDIP:  https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6517
#SingleInstance Force

Gui1 := New PopUpWindow_V3( "+AlwaysOnTop" , "Test Window" ,, { AutoShow: 1 , W: 380 , H: 320 , X: A_ScreenWidth - 410 , Y: 130 } )
Gui2 := New PopUpWindow_V3( "+Parent" Gui1.Hwnd ,"", 2 , { AutoShow: 1 , X:10 , Y:10 , W: 300 , H: 300 } )
Gui2.PaintBackground( "0xff22262a" )
Gui2.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x660077dd" , X: 12 , Y: 12 , W: Gui2.W - 24 , H: Gui2.H - 24 , Roundness: 40 } , 1 ) 
Gui2.Add( "Text" , "x0 y0 w" Gui2.W " h" Gui2.H ,,, "TestLabel2" )
Gui2.DrawBitmap( Gui2.CreateBitmapFromFile( "C:\Users\CivRe\OneDrive\Desktop\AHK Tools\Color Picker Mini\Screen Shots\20231013004430.png" ) , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: Gui2.W , H: Gui2.H } , dispose := 1 , autoUpdate := 1 )
Gui1.Add( "Button" ,,,, "TestLabel" )

Gui2.FillEllipse_Solid( color := "0x66FF0000" , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: 100 , H: 100 } ,,,, 1 )
Gui2.DrawText_Solid( "Hello World" , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: Gui2.W , H: Gui2.H } , { Size: 42 , Color: "0xFFFFFFFF" , Options: "Center vCenter" , Type: "Impact" } , offset := 0 , bottomColor := "0xFF000000" , 1 )

Gui2.PolygonShapes( { X: 100 , Y: 100 } , Color := "0xFF3399ff" , Radius := 33 , StartAngle := 0 , Sides := 12 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 , ReturnWinSetRegion := 0 , AutoUpdate := 1 )
angle := 0
Sleep, 2000

Loop, 33	{
	Gui2.PolygonShapes( { X: 100 , Y: 100 } , Color := "0xFF3399ff" , Radius := 70 , StartAngle := angle+=35 , Sides := A_Index + 2 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 , ReturnWinSetRegion := 0 , AutoUpdate := 1 )
	sleep, 60

Gui2.DrawArrow(  { X:0 , Y: 10 } , s := { X:11 , Y: 11 } , color := "0xFFFF0000" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , ,,,, AutoUpdate := 1 )
Loop, 111	{
	s.X += .03
	s.Y += 2
	Gui2.DrawArrow( { X:0 , Y: 10 } ,s , color := "0xFF000000" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , ,,,, AutoUpdate := 1 )
	Sleep, 22
Gui2.DrawArrow( { X:0 , Y: 10 } ,s , color := "0xFFFF0000" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , ,,,, AutoUpdate := 1 )

angle := 0
Sleep, 1000
Loop, 33	{
	Gui2.PolygonShapes( { X: 100 , Y: 100 } , Color := "0x990099ff" , Radius := 100 , StartAngle := 270 , Sides := A_Index + 2 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 , ReturnWinSetRegion := 0 , AutoUpdate := 1 )
	Gui2.PolygonShapes( { X: 100 , Y: 100 } , Color := "0xaa880000" , Radius := 70 , StartAngle := angle+=35 , Sides := A_Index + 2 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 , ReturnWinSetRegion := 0 , AutoUpdate := 1 )
	sleep, 122

Gui2.DrawArrow(  { X:250 , Y: 210 } , s := { X:222 , Y: 11 } , color := "0xFFFF0000" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , ,,,, AutoUpdate := 1 )
Loop, 140	{
	s.X += .03
	s.Y += 2
	Gui2.DrawArrow( { X:250 , Y: 210 } ,s , color := "0x2322262a" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , ,,,, AutoUpdate := 1 )
	Sleep, 22
Gui2.DrawArrow( { X:250 , Y: 210 } ,s , color := "0xFF00FF00" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , ,,,, AutoUpdate := 1 )



	SoundBeep 999

class PopUpWindow_V3 extends PopUpWindow_LayeredWindowDrawingFunctions	{	;class lvl = 6
	;Date Started: Nov 9th, 2023
	static MethodList := 	[	"New" 					,	"Helper"				,	"DrawBitmap" 		
							, 	"PaintBackground" 		, 	"DrawCachedBitmap" 		, 	"UpdateWindow" 
							, 	"ClearWindow" 			,	"CreateWindowGraphics" 	, 	"DestroyWindowsGraphics" 
							, 	"CreateCachedBitmap" 	, 	"DisposeCachedbitmap" 	, 	"Add" 
							, 	"GetControlPosition" 	,	"Show" 					, 	"Hide" 
							, 	"SetMargin" 			, 	"SetFont" 				, 	"SetColor" 
							, 	"SetPosition" 			, 	"UpdateDefaults"  		, 	"UpdateGraphics" 		
							, 	"__Delete"				,	"SetControlList"		,	"Set"
							,	"Get"					, 	"OwnsTips"				, 	"CreateBitmapFromFile"	
							,	"FillEllipse_Solid" 	,	"DrawText_Solid"		,	"FillPolygon_Solid"
							,	"PolygonShapes" 		,	"DrawArrow"				]
	__New( options := "" , title := "" , type := "Normal" , defaultsObject := "" ){
		This.UpdateDefaults( defaultsObject )
		if( type = 2 || type = "Layered" || type = "L" || type = "LW" || type = "LayeredWindow" || type = "Layered Window" )
			This.WindowType := "LayeredWindow"
			This.WindowType := "NormalWindow"
		This._CreateWindow( options , title )
		if( This.WindowType = "LayeredWindow" )
		if( This.AutoShow )
class PopUpWindow_HelperClass extends PopUpWindow_V3 {
	Static 	SelectedMethod := 1 		;{
		,	SelectedListType := 1 
		,	OutputName	:= "Gui1"
		,	Param1 := ""
		,	Param2 := ""
		,	Param3 := ""
		,	Param4 := ""
		,	Param5 := ""
		,	Param6 := ""
		,	Param7 := ""
		,	Param8 := ""
		,	Param9 := ""
		static cc , textWidth := 110
		cc := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow := New PopUpWindow_V3( "+AlwaysOnTop ",,, {Color:"22262a" , ControlColor: "12161a" , FontColor: "FFFFFF" ,FontSize: 8 } )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xm ym w135 r1 " , "Window Object Name:" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w135 r1 Center" , "Gui1" , "OutputNameEdit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Radio" 	, "xm w135 r1 Group Checked" , "All Methods" )
		cc.Add( 	"ListBox" 	, " xm w300 r20 AltSubmit Section" ,, "MethodListbox" , PopUpWindow_HelperClass._Helper_SetParams.Bind( PopUpWindow_HelperClass ) )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "w690 Center 0x200 Border " , "Details" , "ExampleOutputText" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "wp r6 -VScroll Disabled" , "Tips`nTips`nTips`nTips" , "DetailsEdit" )	
		cc.Add( 	"Button" 	, "wp r1 " , "Clipboard Method Call" , "ClipButton" , PopUpWindow_HelperClass._Helper_ClipboardMethodCall.Bind( PopUpWindow_HelperClass ) )	
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "x" cc.Controls.MethodListbox.X + cc.Controls.MethodListbox.W + cc.MarginX " ys w" textWidth " Border Section " , "Param 1:" , "Param1Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m ys w260 " , "Param 1" , "Param1Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 2:" , "Param2Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 2" , "Param2Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 3:" , "Param3Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 3" , "Param3Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 4:" , "Param4Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 4" , "Param4Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 5:" , "Param5Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 5" , "Param5Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 6:" , "Param6Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 6" , "Param6Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 7:" , "Param7Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 7" , "Param7Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 8:" , "Param8Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 8" , "Param8Edit" )
		cc.Add( 	"Text" 		, "xs  w" textWidth " Border " , "Param 9:" , "Param9Text" )
		cc.Add( 	"Edit" 		, "x+m w260 " , "Param 9" , "Param9Edit" )
		cc.SetControlList( cc.Controls.MethodListbox , PopUpWindow_V3.MethodList , choose := 1 )
		cc.SetFocus( cc.Controls.MethodListbox )
		cc.Show( "AutoSize" )
		static controlList := [ "OutputName" , "Param1" , "Param2" , "Param3" , "Param4" , "Param5" , "Param6" , "Param7" , "Param8" , "Param9" ]
		for k , v in controlList
			PopUpWindow_HelperClass[ v ] := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Get( PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls[ v "Edit" ] )
		local cc := PopUpWindow_HelperClass
		local MethodLib := PopUpWindow_HelperClass._Helper_GetMethodMap()
		local controlObject := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls.MethodListbox
		local method := PopUpWindow_V3.MethodList[ PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Get( controlObject ) ]
		for k , v in [ "Param1" , "Param2" , "Param3" , "Param4" , "Param5" , "Param6" , "Param7" , "Param8" , "Param9" ]	{
			controlObject := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls[ "Param" A_Index "Edit" ]
			PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Set( controlObject , "-Disabled" )
			PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Set( controlObject ,, MethodLib[ method ][ "Default_Param" A_Index ] )
			PopUpWindow_HelperClass[ v ] := MethodLib[ method ][ "Default_Param" A_Index ]
			if( PopUpWindow_HelperClass[ v ] = "" )
				PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Set( controlObject , "+Disabled" )	
			controlObject := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls[ v "Text" ]
			PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Set( controlObject ,, MethodLib[ method ][ "Default_Param" A_Index "_Name" ] )
		PopUpWindow_HelperClass[ "OutputName" ] := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Get( PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls[ "OutputNameEdit" ] )
		MethodLib := PopUpWindow_HelperClass._Helper_GetMethodMap()
		controlObject := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls[ "ExampleOutputText" ]
		PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Set( controlObject ,, MethodLib[ method ][ "Output" ] )
		local cc := PopUpWindow_HelperClass
		local index := 0
		local MethodLib := {}	
		MethodLib.New					:=	{ 	Default_Param1		: 	"""+AlwaysOnTop"""		, 	Default_Param1_Name : "Options" 	
											, 	Default_Param2		:	"WinTitle"				, 	Default_Param2_Name : "Title"
											, 	Default_Param3		:	"NormalWindow"			, 	Default_Param3_Name : "WindowType"
											, 	Default_Param4		:	"{ AutoShow: 1 , X: ""Center"" , Y: ""Center"" , W: A_ScreenWidth / 2 , H: A_ScreenHeight / 2 , Color: ""22262a"" }"	, 	Default_Param4_Name : "DefaultsObject" 
											,	Output				:	cc.OutputName " := New PopUpWindow_V3( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " )" 	}	
		;~ ;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|					
		MethodLib.Helper 				:= 	{ 	Output				: 	"PopUpWindow_HelperClass.Helper()"	}	
		;~ ;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|					
		MethodLib.DrawBitmap			:=	{ 	Default_Param1 		: 	"pBitmap := """			, 	Default_Param1_Name 	: 	"pBitmap" 
											,	Default_Param2 		: 	"0"						, 	Default_Param2_Name 	: 	"X_Position" 
											,	Default_Param3 		: 	"0"						, 	Default_Param3_Name 	: 	"Y_Position" 
											,	Default_Param4 		: 	cc.OutputName ".W"		, 	Default_Param4_Name 	: 	"W_Position" 
											,	Default_Param5 		: 	cc.OutputName ".H"		, 	Default_Param5_Name 	: 	"H_Position" 
											,	Default_Param6 		: 	false					, 	Default_Param6_Name 	:	"DisposeBitmap" 
											,	Default_Param7 		: 	false					, 	Default_Param7_Name 	: 	"AutoUpdate" 
											, 	Output				:	cc.OutputName ".DrawBitmap( " cc.Param1 " , { X: " cc.Param2  " , Y: " cc.Param3 " , W: " cc.Param4 " , H: " cc.Param5 " } , dispose := " cc.Param6 " , autoUpdate := " cc.Param7 " )"	} 					
		;~ ;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|
		MethodLib.PaintBackground		:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"0xFF000000" 	,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Color"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	false 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AutoUpdate"	
											,	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".PaintBackground( BGColor := " cc.param1 " , AutoUpdate := " cc.Param2 " ) `;{ Color: " cc.Param1 " , X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: " cc.OutputName ".W - 4 , H: " cc.OutputName ".H - 4 , Roundness: 10 }"	}	
		;~ ;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|;;;|<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>||<<<---(0)_(0)--->>>|
		MethodLib.DrawCachedBitmap		:= 	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	false 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AutoUpdate"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".DrawCachedBitmap( autoUpdate := " cc.Param1 " )"	}		
		MethodLib.UpdateWindow			:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"255" 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Alpha"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".UpdateWindow( alpha := " cc.Param1 " )"	}	
		MethodLib.ClearWindow			:= 	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	false 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AutoUpdate"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".ClearWindow( autoUpdate := " cc.Param1 " )"		}
		MethodLib.CreateWindowGraphics	:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".CreateWindowGraphics()"	}
		MethodLib.DestroyWindowsGraphics:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".DestroyWindowsGraphics()" 	}
		MethodLib.CreateCachedBitmap	:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"pBitmap" 	,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"pBitmap"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	false 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Dispose"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".CreateCachedBitmap( " cc.Param1 " , Dispose := " cc.Param2 " )"	}
		MethodLib.DisposeCachedbitmap 	:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".DisposeCachedbitmap()" 	}
		MethodLib.Add					:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"controlType := ""Button""" 	,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlType"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"options := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Options"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"displayValue := """"" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"DisplayValue"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"controlName := """"" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlName"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"label := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Label"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"rows := """"" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Rows"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".Add( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " , " cc.Param5 " , " cc.Param6 " )"	}
		MethodLib.GetControlPosition 	:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"controlObject" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlObject"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".GetControlPosition( " cc.Param1 " )"	}
		MethodLib.Show					:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"options := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Options"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"title := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Title"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"transparency :=  255" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Transparency"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".Show( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " )"	}
		MethodLib.Hide					:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".Hide()" 	}
		MethodLib.SetMargin				:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	10 								,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"MarginX"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	10 								,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"MarginY"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".SetMargin( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " )"		}
		MethodLib.SetFont				:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"type := """"" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Type"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"size := """"" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Size"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"color :=  """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Color"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"options :=  """""				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Options"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".SetFont( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " )"	}
		MethodLib.SetColor				:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"color := ""22262A""" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Color"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"controlColor := ""12161A""" 	,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlColor"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".SetColor( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " )"		}
		MethodLib.SetPosition 			:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"x_or_Rectobj := """"" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"X_Or_RectObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"y := """"" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Y"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"w :=  """"" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"W"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"h :=  """""					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"H"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".SetPosition( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " )"	}
		MethodLib.UpdateDefaults 		:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"defaultsObject" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"DefaultsObject"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".UpdateDefaults( " cc.Param1 " )"	}
		MethodLib.UpdateGraphics 		:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".UpdateGraphics()" 	}
		MethodLib.__Delete				:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName " := """"" 	}
		MethodLib.SetControlList		:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"controlObject" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"list := """"" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"List"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"choose := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Choose"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".SetControlList( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " )"	}	
		MethodLib.Set					:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"controlObject" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"subCommand := """"" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"SubCommand"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"value := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Value"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".Set( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " )"	}	
		MethodLib.Get					:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"controlObject" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ControlObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"subCommand := """"" 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"SubCommand"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".SetColor( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " )"		}
		MethodLib.OwnsTips				:=	{	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".OwnsTips()" 	}
		MethodLib.CreateBitmapFromFile	:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"path := """"" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ImageFilePath"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".CreateBitmapFromFile( """ cc.Param1 """ )"	}
		MethodLib.DrawText_Solid		:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"""SampleText""" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Text"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"rectObject" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"RectObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"fontObject := """""			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"FontObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"offset := 0"					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Offset"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"bottomColor := ""0xFF000000"""	,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"BottomColor"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"AutoUpdate := 0"				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AutoUpdate"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".DrawText_Solid( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " , " cc.Param5 " , " cc.Param6 " )"	}
		MethodLib.FillEllipse_Solid		:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"Color := ""0xFFFF0000""" 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Color"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"x_Or_RectObject := 0" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"x_Or_RectObject"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"y := 0"						,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Y_Position"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"w := 10"						,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Width"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"h := 10"						,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Height"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"AutoUpdate := 0"				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AutoUpdate"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".FillEllipse_Solid( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " , " cc.Param5 " , " cc.Param6 " )"	}
		MethodLib.FillPolygon_Solid		:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"Points := ""50 , 50 | 100 , 100 | 150 , 50 | 50 , 50 """ 	,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Points"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"color := ""0xFF000000""" 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Color"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".FillPolygon_Solid( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " )"		}
		MethodLib.PolygonShapes			:=	{	"Default_Param" ( index := 1 )	:	"homeVector := { X: 10 , Y: 10 }" ,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"HomeVector"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"color := ""0xFF000000""" 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Color"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"radius := 100" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Radius"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"startAngle := 0" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"StartAngle"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"sides := 4" 					,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"Sides"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"returnString := 1" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ReturnString"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"addExtraWrapArm := 1" 			,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AddExtraWrapArm"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"returnWinSetRegion := 0" 		,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"ReturnWinSetRegion"
											,	"Default_Param" ++index			:	"autoUpdate := 0" 				,	"Default_Param" index "_Name" 	:	"AutoUpdate"
											, 	Output							:	cc.OutputName ".PolygonShapes( " cc.Param1 " , " cc.Param2 " , " cc.Param3 " , " cc.Param4 " , " cc.Param5 " , " cc.Param6 " , " cc.Param7 " , " cc.Param8 " , " cc.Param9 " )"		}
		return MethodLib
	_Helper_ClipboardMethodCall( ){
		local MethodLib 
		local controlObject 
		local method 
		controlObject := PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Controls.MethodListbox
		method := PopUpWindow_V3.MethodList[ PopUpWindow_HelperClass.HelperWindow.Get( controlObject ) ]
		MethodLib := PopUpWindow_HelperClass._Helper_GetMethodMap()
		Clipboard := MethodLib[ method ][ "Output" ]
		ToolTip, added to clipboard 
		Sleep, 1000
class PopUpWindow_LayeredWindowDrawingFunctions extends PopUpWindow_LayeredWindowMethods	{
	DrawBitmap( pBitmap , obj , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		Gdip_DrawImage( This.G , pBitmap , obj.X , obj.Y , obj.W , obj.H )
		if( dispose )
			Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		if( Autoupdate )
	PaintBackground( color := "0xFF000000" , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		if( isObject( color ) ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( color.HasKey( "Color" ) ) ? ( color.Color ) : ( "0xFF000000" ) ) 
			if( color.Haskey( "Roundness" ) )
				Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , color.X , color.Y , color.W , color.H , color.Roundness )
				Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , color.X , color.Y , color.W , color.H ) 
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color ) 
			Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W + 2 , This.H + 2 ) 
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( AutoUpdate )
	DrawCachedBitmap( AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipDrawCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , this.G , "Ptr" , This.CachedBitmap , "Int" , 0 , "Int" , 0 )
		if( AutoUpdate )
	CreateBitmapFromFile( path ){
		return Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( path )
	FillEllipse_Solid( color := "0xFFFF0000" , x_Or_RectObject := 0 , y := 0 , w := 10 , h := 10 , autoUpdate := 0 ){
		local Brush := This._CreateBrush_Solid( color )
		local rectObject := {}
		if( IsObject( x_Or_RectObject ) )
			rectObject := x_Or_RectObject
			rectObject := { X: x_Or_RectObject , Y: y , W: w , H: h }
		This._FillEllipse( Brush , rectObject )
		This._DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( autoUpdate )
	_CreateBrush_Solid( color := "0xFFFF0000" ){
		return Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color )
	_DeleteBrush( pBrush ){
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( pBrush )
	_FillEllipse( pBrush , rect ){
		Gdip_FillEllipse( This.G , pBrush , rect.X , rect.Y , rect.W , rect.H )
	DrawText_Solid( text , rectObject , fontObject := "" , offset := 0 , bottomColor := "0xFF000000" , autoUpdate := 0 ){
		static fObj := { Type: "Arial" , Size: 10 , Color: "0xFF000000" , Options: "" }
		local Brush 
		local k , v 
		for	k , v in FontObject	
			fObj[ k ] := v
		if( offset != 0 ){
			Brush := This._CreateBrush_Solid( bottomColor )
			This._TextToGraphics( text , rectObject , fObj , Brush , offset )
			This._DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := This._CreateBrush_Solid( fObj.Color )
		This._TextToGraphics( text , rectObject , fObj , Brush )
		This._DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( autoUpdate )
	_TextToGraphics( text , rectObject , fObj , pBrush , offset := 0 , Measure := 0 ){
		local options := "c" pBrush " s" fObj.Size " " fObj.Options " x" rectObject.X " y" rectObject.Y 
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , text , options , fObj.Type , rectObject.W , rectObject.H , Measure )
	FillPolygon_Solid( Points := "50 , 50 | 100 , 100 | 150 , 50 | 50 , 50 " , Color := "0xFFFF0000" ){
		local Brush := This._CreateBrush_Solid( color )
		This._FillPolygon( Brush , points )
		This._DeleteBrush( Brush )
	_FillPolygon( pBrush , points ){
		Gdip_FillPolygon( This.G , pBrush , Points ) 
	PolygonShapes( HomeVector , Color := "0xFF000000" , Radius := 100 , StartAngle := 0 , Sides := 4 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 , ReturnWinSetRegion := 0 , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		local outputShapeString := This._PolygonShapes( HomeVector , Radius , StartAngle , Sides , returnString , AddExtraWrapArm , ReturnWinSetRegion )
		This.FillPolygon_Solid( outputShapeString , Color )
		;~ MsgBox, % outputShapeString
		if( Autoupdate )
	DrawArrow( StartVector , EndVector , color := "0xFFFF0000" , borderColor := "0xFF000000" , HeadLength := 25 , NeckLength := 2 , ArmLength := 12 , ElbowLength := 4 , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		local ArrowPoints 
		ArrowPoints := New ArrowHead_2( StartVector , EndVector , HeadLength , NeckLength , ArmLength , ElbowLength )
		This.FillPolygon_Solid( ArrowPoints , color )
		if( Autoupdate )
	_PolygonShapes( HomeVector , Radius := 100 , StartAngle := 0 , Sides := 4 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 , ReturnWinSetRegion := 0 ){
		local StartVector , points , SpacingAngle , OutputString
		if( sides < 3 ){
			MsgBox, 262192, Error , A shape requires 3 or more sides.`nWhat you're thinking of is a line or a point.
		StartVector := New Vector( HomeVector )
		StartVector.SetMag( Radius )
		StartVector.SetAngle( StartAngle )
		SpacingAngle := 360 / Sides
		Points := []
		Points[ 1 ] := New Vector( StartVector )
		Points[ 1 ].Add( HomeVector )
		if( returnString )
			OutputString := Points[ 1 ].X "," Points[ 1 ].Y "|"
		Loop, % Sides - 1	{
			StartVector.RotateAngle( SpacingAngle )
			Points[ A_Index + 1 ] := New Vector( StartVector )
			Points[ A_Index + 1 ].Add( HomeVector )
			if( returnString )
				OutputString .= Points[ A_Index + 1 ].X "," Points[ A_Index + 1 ].Y "|"
		if( returnString ){
			OutputString .= Points[ 1 ].X "," Points[ 1 ].Y "|"
			if( AddExtraWrapArm ) ;Adds an extra overlap so that when you use "DrawLines" the shape fully closes regardless of the thickness of the lines.
				OutputString .= Points[ 2 ].X "," Points[ 2 ].Y "|"
			if( ReturnWinSetRegion ){
				OutputString := strReplace( OutputString , "," , "-" )
				OutputString := strReplace( OutputString , "|" , " " )
			return OutputString
		return Points
class PopUpWindow_LayeredWindowMethods	extends PopUpWindow_Controls {
	UpdateWindow( alpha := 255 ){
		UpdateLayeredWindow( This.hwnd , This.hdc , This.X , This.Y , This.W , This.H , alpha )
	ClearWindow( AutoUpdate := 0 , Color := "" ){
		if( color != "" )
			Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G , color )
			Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G )
		if( Autoupdate )
		if( This.hbm ){
		This.hbm := CreateDIBSection( This.W , This.H )
		This.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
		This.obm := SelectObject( This.hdc , This.hbm )
		This.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC( This.hdc )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , This.Smoothing )
		Gdip_SetInterpolationMode( This.G , This.InterpolationMode )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( This.G )
		SelectObject( This.hdc , This.obm )
		DeleteObject( This.hbm )
		DeleteDC( This.hdc )
	CreateCachedBitmap( pBitmap , Dispose := 0 ){
		local pCachedBitmap
		if( This.CachedBitmap )
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipCreateCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , pBitmap , "Ptr" , this.G , "PtrP" , pCachedBitmap )
		This.CachedBitmap := pCachedBitmap
		if( Dispose )
			Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipDeleteCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , This.CachedBitmap )
class PopUpWindow_Events extends PopUpWindow_Controls	{	;class lvl = 5
class PopUpWindow_Controls extends PopUpWindow_Windows	{	;class lvl = 4
	Add( controlType := "Button" , options := "" , displayValue := "" , controlName := "" , label := "" , rows := "" ){
		local hwnd , cc 
		if( label && !isObject( label ) )
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", % controlType , % options " +hwndhwnd g" label , % displayValue
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", % controlType , % options " +hwndhwnd " , % displayValue
		if( isObject( label ) )
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+g", % hwnd , % label
		if( controlName = "" )
			controlName := hwnd
		This.Controls[ controlName ] := {}
		cc := This.Controls[ controlName ]
		This.ControlArray.Push( cc )
		This.ControlHandles[ hwnd ] := cc 
		cc.Hwnd := hwnd
		cc.Name := controlName 
		cc.Label := label 
		cc.Type := controlType
		cc.DisplayValue := displayValue
		cc.Options := options
		cc.Index := This.ControlArray.Length()
		if( rows )
			cc.Rows := rows
		cc.FontType := This.FontType
		cc.FontSize := This.FontSize
		cc.FontColor := This.FontColor
		cc.FontOptions := This.FontOptions
		This.GetControlPosition( cc )
		cc.Tip := ""
	GetControlPosition( controlObject ){
		GuiControlGet, pos , % This.Hwnd ":pos" , % controlObject.Hwnd 
		controlObject.X := PosX
		controlObject.Y := PosY
		controlObject.W := PosW
		controlObject.H := PosH
	SetControlList( controlObject , list := "" , choose := "" ){
		local string := ""
		if( isObject( list ) ){
			for k , v in list	
				string .= v "|"
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":" , % controlObject.Hwnd , % "|" string
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":" , % controlObject.Hwnd , % "|" list
		if( choose )
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":Choose" , % controlObject.Hwnd , % choose
	Choose( controlObject , choice := 1 ){
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":Choose" , % controlObject.Hwnd , % choice
	SetFocus( controlObject ){
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":Focus" , % controlObject.Hwnd
	Get( controlObject , subCommand := "" ){
		local outVar
		GuiControlGet, outVar , % This.Hwnd ":" subCommand , % controlObject.Hwnd
		return outVar
	Set( controlObject , subCommand := "" , value := "" ){
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":" subCommand , % controlObject.Hwnd , % value
class PopUpWindow_Windows extends PopUpWindow_Settings	{	;class lvl = 3
	Show( options := "" , title := "" , transparency := "" ){
		if( title != "" )
			This.Title := title
		if( options != "" ){
			if( instr( "winSize" , options ) ){
				options := strReplace( options , "winSize" )
				Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Show", % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " " options , % This.Title
				Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Show", % options , % This.Title
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Show", % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H , % This.Title
		This.IsVisable := 1
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Hide"
		This.IsVisable := 0
class PopUpWindow_Settings	extends PopUpWindow_BaseMethods	{   ;class lvl = 2
	SetMargin( x := "" , y := "" ){
		if( x != "" )
			This.MarginX := x 
		if( y != "" )
			This.MarginY := y 
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Margin", % This.MarginX , % This.MarginY
	SetFont( type := "" , size := "" , color := "" , options := "" ){
		if( type != "" )
			This.FontType := type 
		if( size != "" )
			This.FontSize := size
		if( color != "" )
			This.FontColor := color 
		if( options != "" )
			This.FontOptions := options
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Font", % "norm s" This.FontSize " c" This.FontColor " " This.FontOptions , % This.FontType
	SetColor( color := "" , controlColor := "" ){
		if( color != "" )
			This.Color := color
		if( controlColor != "" )
			This.ControlColor := controlColor
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Color", % This.Color , % This.ControlColor
	SetPosition( x_or_Rect := "" , y := "" , w := "" , h := "" ){
		if( isObject( x_or_Rect ) ){
			for k , v in [ "X" , "Y" , "W" , "H" ]	{
				if( x_or_Rect[ k ] != "" )
					This[ k ] := x_or_Rect[ k ]
			if( w != "" )
				This.W := w
			if( h != "" )
				This.H := h
			if( x != "" ){
				if( x = "Center" )
					This.X := ( A_ScreenWidth - This.W ) / 2
					This.X := x
			if( Y != "" ){
				if( Y = "Center" )
					This.Y := ( A_ScreenHeight - This.H ) / 2
					This.Y := Y	
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":+OwnDialogs"
class PopUpWindow_BaseMethods	{   ;class lvl = 1
		This.Hwnd := ""
		This.Label := ""
		This.Title := ""
		This.Name := ""
		This.X := "Center"
		This.Y := "Center"
		This.W := 300
		This.H := 300
		This.Color := ""
		This.ControlColor := ""
		This.FontColor := "000000"
		This.FontSize := 9
		This.FontType := "Arial"
		This.FontOptions := ""
		This.Controls := {}
		This.ControlArray := []
		This.ControlHandles := []
		This.isVisable := 0
		This.Transparency := 255
		This.MarginX := 10
		This.MarginY := 10
		This.MinWidth := ""
		This.MaxWidth := ""
		This.MinHeight := ""
		This.MaxHeight := ""
		This.Smoothing := 2
		This.InterpolationMode := 7
		This.AutoShow := 0
	UpdateDefaults( defaultsObject ){
		local changeFont , changeColor , changeMargin 
		for k , v in defaultsObject	
			This[ k ] := defaultsObject[ k ]
		if( This.X = "Center" )
			This.X := ( A_ScreenWidth - This.W ) / 2
		if( This.Y = "Center" )
			This.Y := ( A_ScreenHeight - This.H ) / 2
	_CreateWindow( options := "" , title := "" ){
		local hwnd
		if( title != "" )
			This.Title := title
		if( This.WindowType = "LayeredWindow" ){
			Gui, New, % " +hwndhwnd +E0x80000 -Caption -DPIScale " options , % This.Title
			Gui, New, % " +hwndhwnd " options , % This.Title
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
		if( This.WindowType = "LayeredWindow" )
class ArrowHead_2	{
	__New( Start , End , HeadLength := 30 , NeckLength := 10 , ArmLength := 30 , ElbowLength := 15 ){
		Master := This._NewVector( Start )
		This._SubVector( Master , End )
		Head := This._NewVector( Master )
		This._SetVectorMag( Head , HeadLength )
		This._AddVector( Head , End )
		Neck := This._NewVector( Master )
		This._SetVectorMag( Neck , NeckLength )
		This._AddVector( Neck , Head )
		RightArm := This._NewVector( Master , , 1 )
		This._SetVectorMag( RightArm , ArmLength )
		This._AddVector( RightArm , Neck )
		RightElbow := This._NewVector( Master , , 1 )
		This._SetVectorMag( RightElbow , ElbowLength )
		This._AddVector( RightElbow , Head )
		LeftArm := This._NewVector( Master , , 2 )
		This._SetVectorMag( LeftArm , ArmLength )
		This._AddVector( LeftArm , Neck )
		LeftElbow := This._NewVector( Master , , 2 )
		This._SetVectorMag( LeftElbow , ElbowLength )
		This._AddVector( LeftElbow , Head )
		OutputString := ""
		for k , v in [ "Start" , "RightElbow" , "RightArm" , "End" , "LeftArm" , "LeftElbow" , "Start" ]	
			OutputString .= %v%.X "," %v%.Y "|"
		return OutputString 
	_NewVector( x , y := "" , rotate := 0 ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			if( !rotate )
				return { X: x.X , Y: x.Y }
			else if( rotate = 1 )
				return { X: x.Y * -1 , Y: x.X }
			else if( rotate = 2 )
				return { X: x.Y , Y: x.X * -1 }
			if( !rotate )
				return { X: x , Y: x }
			else if( rotate = 1 )
				return { X: y * -1 , Y: x }
			else if( rotate = 2 )
				return { X: y , Y: x * -1 }
	_SubVector( vector1 , vector2 ){
		vector1.X -= vector2.X
		vector1.Y -= vector2.Y
	_AddVector( vector1 , vector2 ){
		vector1.X += vector2.X
		vector1.Y += vector2.Y
	_SetVectorMag( vector , mag ){
		local m := This._GetVectorMag( vector )
		vector.X := vector.X * mag / m
		vector.Y := vector.Y * mag / m
	_GetVectorMag( vector ){
		return Sqrt( vector.X * vector.X + vector.Y * vector.Y )
;Vector Class
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
Class Vector	{
	;Written By: HB
	;Date: Sept 23rd, 2022
	;Last Edit: Sept 24th, 2022
	;Purpose: Vector math class 
	;Credit: Rohwedder 
		;Line intercept concepts and code: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=37175
		;Create an Arrow: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=92039&p=479129#p478944
		;Getting an angle: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=108760&p=483661#p483678
		;Setting an Angle: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=108760&p=483786#p483811
	static RadToDeg := 45 / ATan( 1 ) 
		, DegToRad := ATan( 1 ) / 45 
	__New( x := 0 , y := 0 , rotate := 0 ){ 
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			if( rotate = 3 ){
				This.X := x.X * -1
				,This.Y := x.Y * -1
			}else if( rotate = 2 ){
				This.X := x.Y 
				,This.Y := x.X * -1
			}else if( rotate = 1 ){
				This.X := x.Y * -1
				,This.Y := x.X 
				This.X := x.X
				,This.Y := x.Y
			if( rotate = 3 ){
				This.X := X * -1
				,This.Y := Y * -1
			}else if( rotate = 2 ){
				This.X := Y 
				,This.Y := X * -1
			}else if( rotate = 1 ){
				This.X := Y * -1
				,This.Y := X 
				This.X := X
				,This.Y := Y
	Add( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X += x.X
			,This.Y += x.Y
		}else if( y = "" ){
			This.X += x 
			,This.Y += x
			This.X += x 
			,This.Y += y 
	Sub( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X -= x.X
			,This.Y -= x.Y
		}else if( y = "" ){
			This.X -= X
			,This.Y -= X
			This.X -= X
			,This.Y -= Y
	Div( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X /= x.X
			,This.Y /= x.Y
		}else if( x && y = "" ){
			This.X /= x 
			,This.Y /= x 
			This.X /= X
			,This.Y /= Y
	Mult( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X *= x.X
			,This.Y *= x.Y
		}else if( x && y = "" ){
			This.X *= x 
			,This.Y *= x 
			This.X *= X
			,This.Y *= Y
	Dist( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return Sqrt( ( ( This.X - x.X ) **2 ) + ( ( This.Y - x.Y ) **2 ) )
			return Sqrt( ( ( This.X - X ) **2 ) + ( ( This.Y - Y ) **2 ) )
		return Sqrt( This.X * This.X + This.Y * This.Y )
	SetMag( magnitude ){
		local m := This.GetMag()
		This.X := This.X * magnitude / m
		,This.Y := This.Y * magnitude / m
		return This.GetMag()**2
	Dot( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return ( This.X * x.X ) + ( This.Y * x.Y )
			return ( This.X * X ) + ( This.Y * Y )
	Cross( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return This.X * x.Y - This.Y * x.X
			return This.X * Y - This.Y * X
		local m := This.GetMag()
		This.X /= m
		This.Y /= m
		local angle 
		( (  angle := Vector.RadToDeg * DllCall( "msvcrt\atan2" , "Double" , This.Y , "Double" , This.X , "CDECL Double" ) ) < 0 ) ? ( angle += 360 )
		return angle
	SetAngle( newAngle := 0 , NewVector := 0 ){
		local Angle := This.GetAngle()
		, ChangeAngle := newAngle - Angle 
		, Co := Cos( Vector.DegToRad * ChangeAngle )
		, Si := Sin( Vector.DegToRad * ChangeAngle )
		, X := This.X 
		, Y := This.Y
		, X2 := X * Co - Y * Si 
		, Y2 := X * Si + Y * Co 
		if( !NewVector )
			This.X := X2 , This.Y := Y2
			return New Vector( X2 , Y2 )
	RotateAngle( rotationAmount := 90 , NewVector := 0 ){
		local Co := Cos( Vector.DegToRad * rotationAmount )
		, Si := Sin( Vector.DegToRad * rotationAmount )
		, X := This.X 
		, Y := This.Y
		, X2 := X * Co - Y * Si 
		, Y2 := X * Si + Y * Co 
		if( !NewVector )
			This.X := X2 , This.Y := Y2
			return New Vector( X2 , Y2 )
	;class methods
	TestLineInterceptPoint( interceptPoint , Line1 , Line2 ){ ; Line = { Start: { X: , Y: } , End: { X: , Y: } } , interceptPoint = { X: , Y: }
		for k , v in [ "X" , "Y" ]	
			M%v%_Min := min( Line1.Start[ v ] , Line1.End[ v ] )
			,M%v%_Max := max( Line1.Start[ v ] , Line1.End[ v ] )
			,L%v%_Min := min( Line2.Start[ v ] , Line2.End[ v ] )
			,L%v%_Max := max( Line2.Start[ v ] , Line2.End[ v ] )
		if( !( interceptPoint.X < Mx_Min || interceptPoint.X > Mx_Max || interceptPoint.X < Lx_Min || interceptPoint.X > Lx_Max ) && !( interceptPoint.Y < My_Min || interceptPoint.Y > My_Max || interceptPoint.Y < Ly_Min || interceptPoint.Y > Ly_Max ) )
			return 1
		return 0
	GetLineInterceptPoint( Line1 , Line2 ){ ; Line = { Start: { X: , Y: } , End: { X: , Y: } }
		local A1 := Line1.End.Y - Line1.Start.Y
		,B1 := Line1.Start.X - Line1.End.X
		,C1 := A1 * Line1.Start.X + B1 * Line1.Start.Y
		,A2 := Line2.End.Y - Line2.Start.Y
		,B2 := Line2.Start.X - Line2.End.X
		,C2 := A2 * Line2.Start.X + B2 * Line2.Start.Y
		,Denominator := A1 * B2 - A2 * B1 
		return New Vector( { X: ( ( B2 * C1 - B1 * C2 ) / Denominator )  , Y: ( ( A1 * C2 - A2 * C1 ) / Denominator ) } )
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 

I don't know how far I will get with it this time, the release copy is at v0.1.11 and I am now prototyping v0.6.1. It's not promising lol.
Posts: 238
Joined: 14 Dec 2019, 20:21

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

11 Nov 2023, 20:15

you are so far above my pay grade, great work though. i was just thinking of creating a basic gui maker with one choice of buttons and other controls made by you. kinda a plug and play theme. just something that would help people getting into ahk or coding interested. thats when i got hooked once i knew i could add a little color. people can use your bitmapmaker and goto the next level and create amazing things for sure. make there own video games all kinda of things.

im currently working on a lossless video editor and and video shrinker using ffmpeg. i got a bunch home movies i want to merge but not encode. and got allot tv series that could be a third of the size and i wouldnt know the quality difference, so i figured i could save some hard drive space.

if i can help with this project in any way let me know. although i would proably slow you down like kid saying whats that for lol this is like my 5 year old thats currently setting next to me asking when can i type lol
Posts: 2
Joined: 13 Jan 2023, 16:47

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

20 Jan 2024, 18:42

Digital clock made out of progress bar lol

Code: Select all

; Digital clock made out of segments using progress bar LOL
; Author: Arekusei


global WinTitle := "Digital Clock"
Menu, SectionMenu, Add, ❌ | Exit`tDel, Exit

;Menu, Tray, DeleteAll
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Show/Hide, Menu_ShowHide
Menu, Tray, Add,
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Exit
Menu, Tray, Default, Show/Hide
Menu, Tray, Click, 1 ;opens on single click
Menu, Tray, Tip , % WinTitle

Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
hICON := Base64toHICON()               ; Create a HICON
Menu, Tray, Icon, HICON:*%hICON%       ; AHK makes a copy of HICON when * is used
Menu, Tray, Icon
DllCall( "DestroyIcon", "Ptr",hICON )  ; Destroy original HICON
ST:= A_TickCount

global width:= 27, height:= 5
global map:=
map := StrSplit(map, ",")

digit0:= [2,2,2, 2,1,2, 2,1,2, 2,1,2, 2,2,2] ;0
digit1:= [1,1,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2] ;1
digit2:= [2,2,2, 1,1,2, 2,2,2, 2,1,1, 2,2,2] ;2
digit3:= [2,2,2, 1,1,2, 2,2,2, 1,1,2, 2,2,2] ;3
digit4:= [2,1,2, 2,1,2, 2,2,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2] ;4
digit5:= [2,2,2, 2,1,1, 2,2,2, 1,1,2, 2,2,2] ;5
digit6:= [2,2,2, 2,1,1, 2,2,2, 2,1,2, 2,2,2] ;6
digit7:= [2,2,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2, 1,1,2] ;7
digit8:= [2,2,2, 2,1,2, 2,2,2, 2,1,2, 2,2,2] ;8
digit9:= [2,2,2, 2,1,2, 2,2,2, 1,1,2, 2,2,2] ;9
; arrays start from 1 in ahk ---------------

;loop % width * height

global mrg:= 6 ;margin
global size := 8 ;tile size

Gui,Margin, %mrg% , %mrg%

num:= []

global tilecolors:= ["c272828","c4E9D9D"]
;global tilecolors:= ["cAE81FF","cF92672"]
;global tilecolors:= ["cBB1818","cF8F96B"]
;global tilecolors:= ["c2D1A1B", "c604141"]

cback := tilecolors[1]

Loop % width * height
	n:=A_Index -1
	x := (Mod(n, width) * size) +mrg
	y := (n // width * size) + mrg
    ;get position without margin
	;xpos:= Floor((Mod(n, width) * size) / size)
	;ypos:= Floor((n // width * size) / size)
    xpos:= Floor((x-mrg) / size)
	ypos:= Floor((y-mrg) / size)
	arrPos:= (ypos) * (width) + xpos 
    ;msgbox % xpos "`n" ypos "`n" arrpos
	;color := tilecolors[map[arrpos+1]+1]

    color := tilecolors[map[arrpos+1]+1]
    ;msgbox % color
	Gui, Add,Progress, x%x% y%y% w%size% h%size% Disabled -Smooth vBAR%n% Background%color%
    ;Gui, Add, Picture, x%x%  y%y% w%size% h%size%   vBAR%n% Background%color%,
;Gui Add, Text,  x1 y1 w157 h58 0x7 BackGroundTrans gWM_LBUTTONDOWN
Gosub firstcheck
SetTimer, Check, 100
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") ;to move gui

Gui, Color, % cback ;0x272828 ;0x33BBA5
gui, +AlwaysOnTop  -Caption  +ToolWindow +border ;+Resize
Gui,Show, , % WinTitle

;sub menu / context menu
Gui menu:Default
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Border +ToolWindow
Gui, Color, 22262a
;Gui, Font, s8 Bold, Segoe UI
Gui, Font, s10  Bold, Segoe UI
Gui, Margin, 2, 2


addBtn(text:="btn", cText:="4E9D9D", cBack:="272828", w:= 100, h:=20, pos:= "xm+0", menu:= "menu"){
    Static count:= 0
    Gui %menu%:Default
    Gui, Add,Progress, % pos "   w" w " h" h " Disabled Background" cback
    Gui, Add  , Text , % " xp yp w" w " h" h " border Center BackgroundTrans glaunch c" cText " vbtn" count , % text 
    launch := Func("launch").Bind(text)
    GuiControl,+G, btn%count%, %launch%

	MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
    ;MsgBox test ;% ctrl
		;ToolTip, % ControlHandles[ ctrl ].RunPath
        gosub % ControlHandles[ ctrl ].RunPath
        ;ControlHandles[ ctrl ].RunPath
		;MsgBox, ERROR
	Gui, menu:Hide
    ;ToolTip % A_GuiControl "`n" arg
    Gui, menu:Hide ;hide before action or it will look delayed
        Gosub % arg
    } catch {
        ;ToolTip some problem occured

GuiContextMenu:  ; Launched in response to a right-click or press of the Apps key.
;ToolTip % A_EventInfo ;A_GuiControl ;wot ze fok
    ;Menu, SectionMenu, Show , %A_GuiX%, %A_GuiY%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseGetPos, x , y
	Gui, menu:Show, % "x" x - 1 " y" y - 1, subMenu 

if (!MouseIsOver("subMenu")){
        Gui menu:Hide

MouseIsOver(WinTitle) {
    MouseGetPos,,, Win
    return !!WinExist(WinTitle . " ahk_id " . Win)

    WinGet, winStyle, Style, %WinTitle%
    if (winStyle & 0x10000000)
        WinHide, %WinTitle%
        WinShow, %WinTitle%
        WinActivate , %WinTitle%
        WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, %WinTitle%
        WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, %WinTitle%

;#If MouseIsOver(WinTitle)

    while (GetKeyState("Lbutton", "P")){
        CoordMode Mouse , Client
        MouseGetPos x,y
        xpos:= Floor((x-10) / 16) 
        ypos:= Floor((y-10) / 16) 
        arrPos:=  (ypos) * 27 + (xpos)

        ToolTip % (ypos*width)+xpos+1
        MouseGetPos, , , HWIN, HCTRL, 2
        GuiControlGet, VarName, %HWIN%:Name, %HCTRL%
    ;ToolTip % VarName

        if (InStr(VarName, "clr"))
            selectedColor:= SubStr(VarName, 4)
        ;ToolTip % "X: " x " Y: " y " Tile: " (ypos*width)+xpos+1 " `nXpos: " xpos " Ypos: " ypos "`nS " selectedColor " COLORS: " tilecolors[selectedColor+1] , -30, -30
        map[arrpos+1]:= selectedColor
    ;GuiControl, % "+Backgroundc" SubStr("0xFF0000", 3) , % VarName
        GuiControl, % "+Background" tilecolors[selectedColor+1] , % VarName
    ;GuiControl,+Redraw, % VarName	
        sleep 20


;quick fix for performance reasons lol
if ((ST+1000) > A_TickCount) {
} else {
    ST:= A_TickCount
;if (num = 10)
hours:= StrSplit(A_Hour)
mins:= StrSplit(A_Min)
secs:= StrSplit(A_Sec)
num:= secs.2
digit := digit%num%
;Random clr, 1,6

sectors := {0:hours.1, 4:hours.2, 10:mins.1, 14:mins.2 , 20:secs.1, 24:secs.2}

for sk, sv in sectors{
        ;MsgBox % sk "`n" sv
        digit:= digit%sv% ;select digit
    for k,v in digit{
        ;msgbox % k "`n" v
        ;msgbox % s
        i := (Floor((k-1)/3) * 27) + sk + mod(k-1,3) 

        GuiControl, % "+Background" tilecolors[digit[k]] , BAR%i% ;VarName
;sleep 100

    ;PostMessage, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN := 0xA1, HTCAPTION := 2 
    SetTimer Check, off ;need to avoid conflic from timer
    PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
        sleep 100
    SetTimer Check, 100
		sleep 10

; Ask for help topic: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=36640
Base64toHICON() { ; 16x16 PNG image (236 bytes), requires WIN Vista and later
Local B64 :="iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAI1JREFUOE9j9Js79z8DBYARZMD5xkayjDCsr2eAG8DFxUWyIeqlpdgNAElgAyCXIluE1wB0b4GcS18DPj56hOILfjk54l0A0gnyH8wQbJphavDGAiww0f0OcxrOQISZDgtIWACCxOkbC0qJiQz35s8Hu5jkaESOBZAhJBtAUUr89u0bznyBNRBJzkVIGgC2WJSBjuiNYgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",  Bin, Blen, nBytes:=236, hICON:=0                     
  VarSetCapacity( Bin,nBytes,0 ), BLen := StrLen(B64)
  If DllCall( "Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", "Str",B64, "UInt",BLen, "UInt",0x1
            , "Ptr",&Bin, "UIntP",nBytes, "Int",0, "Int",0 )
     hICON := DllCall( "CreateIconFromResourceEx", "Ptr",&Bin, "UInt",nBytes, "Int",True
                     , "UInt",0x30000, "Int",16, "Int",16, "UInt",0, "UPtr" )            
Return hICON

Posts: 238
Joined: 14 Dec 2019, 20:21

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

01 Mar 2024, 12:58


thats pretty cool , good work ;)

i wanted to make overlays for cpu gpu usage etc like this. ive seen some good examples on here. but its on back burner for now
Posts: 238
Joined: 14 Dec 2019, 20:21

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

01 Mar 2024, 13:06


i started tring to merge my gui with your scale gui. been following allot of it. not sure how to make them compatible. i tried to just plug in functions into your gui scale. i expected it would be long shot. i understand some things in how your scaling so might be able to tweak somethings in my gui. i just dont think will be able to make it fully scalable like yours.

plus i still dont understand how to make the buttons stacked when you do that xm ym y+m stuff lol

heres example of when i tried to add to cutom buttons to your gui, below.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui1 := {}
Gui1.Scale := 1
Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +hwndhwnd -DPIScale +Resize
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd
Gui1.MarginX := 1
Gui1.MarginY := 1
Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Margin", % Gui1.MarginX , % Gui1.MarginY
Gui1.FontType 		:= "Segoe UI"
Gui1.FontSize 		:= 10
Gui1.FontColor 		:= "000000"
Gui1.FontOptions 	:= ""
SetWindowFont( Gui1 )
Gui1.Controls := {}
;Control Name									 	Parent Object	, Control Type		, Options						, Display Value														, Rows		
Gui1.Controls.ColorListBox	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "ListBox" 	, "xm ym w250 h200 Multi" 	, "hwnd|posX||posY|posW|posH|Type|WinObj|DisplayValue|Options|" )
Gui1.Controls.CheckMeCheckBox	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "Checkbox" 	, "x+m yp Checked section " 	, "Check Me!" )
Gui1.Controls.HideButton	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "Button" 	, "xs y+m wp" 			, "Hide" )
Gui1.Controls.ShowButton	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "Button" 	, "xs y+m wp" 			, "Show" )
Gui1.Controls.Option1Radio	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "Radio" 	, "xs y+m wp Checked" 		, "Option 1" )
Gui1.Controls.Option2Radio	:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "Radio" 	, "xs y+m wp" 			, "Option 2" )
Gui1.Controls.TTestDDL		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "DDL" 	, "xs y+m w200 r10" 		, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"		, 10 )
;Gui1.Controls.newButton		:= CreateControl( 	Gui1 	, "DDL" 	, "x300 y300 w200 r10" 		, "Item||Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|Item|"		, 10 )
;Gui1.Controls.newButton		:= CreateControl( 	Hov.push(New Button(500,500,100,25,,"Submit","Submit","ff0000")))
;Hov.push(New Button(500,500,100,25,,"Submit","Submit","ff0000"))

Gui, Show, AutoSize , Scale via +Resize
WinGetPos,,, w , h , % "ahk_id " Gui1.Hwnd 
Gui1.W := w
Gui1.H := h
Gui1.Scale := A_ScreenDPI / 96
ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale )
return	;<<<<---- End of the auto-exectute section of the script.
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	Exit Routine
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 	+RESIZE
GuiSize:	;{
	if( !init && init := 1 )
	WinGetPos,,, w, h , % "ahk_id " Gui1.Hwnd
	Gui1.Scale := w / Gui1.W
	ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale )
	sleep, 30
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	HOTKEYS	
F1:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 1 )
F2:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 1.5 )
F3:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := 2 )
F4:: ScaleControls( Gui1 , Gui1.Scale := .7 )
;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Functions
ScaleControls( Gui1 , Scale := 1 ){
	static lastSize 
	for k , v in Gui1.Controls	{
		cc := Gui1.Controls[ k ]
		x := cc.X * Scale
		y := cc.Y * Scale
		w := cc.W * Scale
		if( cc.Rows )
			h := cc.Rows * GetRowHeight( cc.FontType , size , cc.FontOptions )
			h := cc.H * Scale
		size := ( cc.FontSize / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) ) * scale
		if( size != lastSize && lastSize := Size )
			Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" cc.FontColor " " cc.FontOptions , % cc.FontType
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % cc.Hwnd
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":MoveDraw" , % cc.Hwnd , % "x" X " y" Y " w" W " h" H 
	Gui, % Gui1.hwnd ":Margin", % Gui1.MarginX * scale , % Gui1.MarginY * scale
	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Show" , AutoSize 
GetRowHeight( FontType , FontSize , FontOptions ){
	Gui, Dummy:Font, % "s" FontSize " " FontOptions , % FontType
	Gui, Dummy:Add, Text,, % "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyyYzZ1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+[{]}\|,<.>/?"
	GuiControlGet, pos , Dummy:pos , static1
	Gui, Dummy:Destroy
	return posH
SetWindowFont( Gui1 ){
	local size := Gui1.FontSize / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 )
	Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Font" , % "norm s" size " c" Gui1.FontColor " " Gui1.FontOptions , % Gui1.FontType
CreateControl( WinObj , Type := "Button" , Options := "" , DisplayValue := "" , Rows := "" ){
	local obj := {}
	Gui, % WinObj.Hwnd ":Add" , % Type , % Options " +hwndhwnd" , % DisplayValue
	GuiControlGet, pos , % WinObj.Hwnd ":pos" , % hwnd
	obj.Hwnd 		:= hwnd
	obj.Rows		:= Rows
	obj.X 			:= posX
	obj.Y 			:= posY
	obj.W 			:= posW
	obj.H 			:= posH
	obj.Type 		:= Type
	obj.Parent 		:= WinObj.Hwnd
	obj.DisplayValue 	:= DisplayValue
	obj.Options 		:= Options
	obj.FontType		:= WinObj.FontType
	obj.FontSize		:= WinObj.FontSize
	obj.FontColor		:= WinObj.FontColor
	obj.FontOptions		:= WinObj.FontOptions
	return obj

;#####################################################				    ###################################
;#####################################################		sec.Hover 	    ###################################
;#####################################################  			    ###################################

	static Hover_On,Index
		Loop,% Hov.Length()	{
	}else if(Hover_On){
;#####################################################  			#######################################################
;#####################################################  	sec.Button	#######################################################
;#####################################################  			#######################################################
class Button{
	__New( x := 10 , y := 10 , w := 150 , h := 40  , Window := "1", Text := "Button",Label := "" , Button_Color := "" , Button_Background_Color:= "" ,  Font := "Tahoma" , Font_Size := "16" , Font_Color_Top := "000000" , Font_Color_Bottom := "FFFFFF"  ){
		This.Text_Color_Top := "0xFF" Config[10] , This.Text_Color_Bottom := "0xFF000000" , This.Font := Config[9] , This.Font_Size := Config[11] 
		This.X := x , This.Y := y , This.W := w , This.H := h , This.Window := Window , This.Text := Text ,This.Label := Label, This.Button_Background_Color := "0xFF" Button_Background_Color , This.Button_Color := "0xFF" Button_Color 
		This.Create_Default_Bitmap() , This.Create_Hover_Bitmap() , This.Create_Pressed_Bitmap() , This.Create_Trigger()
		sleep, 20
;		num := Button.Length() + 1
		Gui , % This.Window ": Add" , Picture , % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " hwndHwnd_" Num " v" Num " g" This.Label " 0xE"
		This.Number := Num , This.Hwnd := Hwnd_%num%
		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W, This.H )
		G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Button_Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , This.H+2 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222222" )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 , -1 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , "0xFF555555" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+5 , "0xFF333333" , This.Button_Color , 1 , 1 )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+5 , This.Button_Color , "0xFF333333" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 1 , This.W-6 , This.H-5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x22F0F0F0" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , This.W/15 , This.H/13 , This.W-(This.W/15*2) , This.H*0.45 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Bottom )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter c" Brush " x-1 y-1" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Top )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter c" Brush " x0 y0" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Default_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)

		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W , This.H )
		 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Button_Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , This.H+2 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" Config[3] )  
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 1 , -1 , This.W-2 , This.H+1 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222222" )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 2 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 , -1 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , "0xFF555555" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+10 , "0xFF444444" , This.Button_Color , 1 , 1 )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+10 , This.Button_Color , "0xFF444444" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 1 , This.W-6 , This.H-5 , Config[10] )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x22F0F0F0" )
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , This.W/15 , This.H/13 , This.W-(This.W/15*2) , This.H*0.45 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Bottom )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x-1 y-1" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Top )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x0 y0" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Hover_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
		pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W , This.H )
		 G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Button_Background_Color )
		Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W+2 , This.H+2 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF222222" )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , "0xFF555555" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 0 , This.W-4 , This.H-3 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 4 , -1 , This.W-6 , This.H+5 , "0xFF333333" , This.Button_Color , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 1 , This.W-6 , This.H-5 , 5 )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Bottom )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x-1 y-2" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Text_Color_Top )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.Font_Size " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x0 y-1" , This.Font , This.W , This.H )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		This.Pressed_Bitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( pBitmap )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Default_Bitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Hover_Bitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , This.Pressed_Bitmap )
		SetTimer , Hov_Hover , Off
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" ) )
			sleep , 10
		SetTimer , Hov_Hover , On
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl , 2
		if( This.Hwnd != ctrl ){
			return False
		}else	{
			return true

;#####################################################  			    ###################################
;#####################################################  	sec.custom gdip     ###################################
;#####################################################  			    ###################################
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if !DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", Ptr)
		DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus")
	VarSetCapacity(si, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 16, 0), si := Chr(1)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", pToken, Ptr, &si, Ptr, 0)
	return pToken

Gdip_CreateBitmap(Width, Height, Format=0x26200A)
    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", Format, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", 0, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", pBitmap)
    Return pBitmap

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBitmap, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pGraphics)
	return pGraphics

Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, SmoothingMode)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetSmoothingMode", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "int", SmoothingMode)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateSolidFill", "UInt", ARGB, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pBrush)
	return pBrush

Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRectangle"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, pBrush
					, "float", x
					, "float", y
					, "float", w
					, "float", h)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteBrush", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBrush)

Gdip_CreatePen(ARGB, w)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePen1", "UInt", ARGB, "float", w, "int", 2, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pPen)
   return pPen

Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawRectangle", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeletePen", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pPen)

Gdip_TextToGraphics(pGraphics, Text, Options, Font="Arial", Width="", Height="", Measure=0)
	IWidth := Width, IHeight:= Height
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", xpos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", ypos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Width)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Height)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)C(?!(entre|enter))([a-f\d]+)", Colour)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Top|Up|Bottom|Down|vCentre|vCenter", vPos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)NoWrap", NoWrap)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)R(\d)", Rendering)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)S(\d+)(p*)", Size)

	if !Gdip_DeleteBrush(Gdip_CloneBrush(Colour2))
		PassBrush := 1, pBrush := Colour2
	if !(IWidth && IHeight) && (xpos2 || ypos2 || Width2 || Height2 || Size2)
		return -1

	Style := 0, Styles := "Regular|Bold|Italic|BoldItalic|Underline|Strikeout"
	Loop, Parse, Styles, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
		Style |= (A_LoopField != "StrikeOut") ? (A_Index-1) : 8
	Align := 0, Alignments := "Near|Left|Centre|Center|Far|Right"
	Loop, Parse, Alignments, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
			Align |= A_Index//2.1      ; 0|0|1|1|2|2

	xpos := (xpos1 != "") ? xpos2 ? IWidth*(xpos1/100) : xpos1 : 0
	ypos := (ypos1 != "") ? ypos2 ? IHeight*(ypos1/100) : ypos1 : 0
	Width := Width1 ? Width2 ? IWidth*(Width1/100) : Width1 : IWidth
	Height := Height1 ? Height2 ? IHeight*(Height1/100) : Height1 : IHeight
	if !PassBrush
		Colour := "0x" (Colour2 ? Colour2 : "ff000000")
	Rendering := ((Rendering1 >= 0) && (Rendering1 <= 5)) ? Rendering1 : 4
	Size := (Size1 > 0) ? Size2 ? IHeight*(Size1/100) : Size1 : 12

	hFamily := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(Font)
	hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style)
	FormatStyle := NoWrap ? 0x4000 | 0x1000 : 0x4000
	hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(FormatStyle)
	pBrush := PassBrush ? pBrush : Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(Colour)
	if !(hFamily && hFont && hFormat && pBrush && pGraphics)
		return !pGraphics ? -2 : !hFamily ? -3 : !hFont ? -4 : !hFormat ? -5 : !pBrush ? -6 : 0
	CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, Height)
	Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
	Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, Rendering)
	ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if vPos
		StringSplit, ReturnRC, ReturnRC, |
		if (vPos = "vCentre") || (vPos = "vCenter")
			ypos += (Height-ReturnRC4)//2
		else if (vPos = "Top") || (vPos = "Up")
			ypos := 0
		else if (vPos = "Bottom") || (vPos = "Down")
			ypos := Height-ReturnRC4
		CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, ReturnRC4)
		ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if !Measure
		E := Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC)

	if !PassBrush
	return E ? E : ReturnRC

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics)

Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap, Background=0xffffffff)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBitmap, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", hbm, "int", Background)
	return hbm

SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
	SendMessage, 0x172, 0x0, hBitmap,, ahk_id %hwnd%
	E := ErrorLevel
	return E

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBitmap)

   return DllCall("DeleteObject", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hObject)

Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillEllipse", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, pBrush, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)

Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect(x, y, w, h, ARGB1, ARGB2, LinearGradientMode=1, WrapMode=1)
	CreateRectF(RectF, x, y, w, h)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", &RectF, "int", ARGB1, "int", ARGB2, "int", LinearGradientMode, "int", WrapMode, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", LGpBrush)
	return LGpBrush

Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, r)
	Region := Gdip_GetClipRegion(pGraphics)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	return E

Gdip_FillPie(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPie"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, pBrush
					, "float", x
					, "float", y
					, "float", w
					, "float", h
					, "float", StartAngle
					, "float", SweepAngle)

Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, r)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	return E

Gdip_DrawLine(pGraphics, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawLine"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, pPen
					, "float", x1
					, "float", y1
					, "float", x2
					, "float", y2)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBrush", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pBrush, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", pBrushClone)
	return pBrushClone

	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if (!A_IsUnicode)
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &Font, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wFont, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &Font, "int", -1, Ptr, &wFont, "int", nSize)
					, Ptr, A_IsUnicode ? &Font : &wFont
					, "uint", 0
					, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", hFamily)
	return hFamily

Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFont", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFamily, "float", Size, "int", Style, "int", 0, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", hFont)
   return hFont

Gdip_StringFormatCreate(Format=0, Lang=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateStringFormat", "int", Format, "int", Lang, A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "UInt*", hFormat)
   return hFormat

CreateRectF(ByRef RectF, x, y, w, h)
   VarSetCapacity(RectF, 16)
   NumPut(x, RectF, 0, "float"), NumPut(y, RectF, 4, "float"), NumPut(w, RectF, 8, "float"), NumPut(h, RectF, 12, "float")

Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetStringFormatAlign", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFormat, "int", Align)

Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, RenderingHint)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetTextRenderingHint", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "int", RenderingHint)
Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, ByRef RectF)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	VarSetCapacity(RC, 16)
	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)   
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, Ptr, &wString, "int", nSize)
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, A_IsUnicode ? &sString : &wString
					, "int", -1
					, Ptr, hFont
					, Ptr, &RectF
					, Ptr, hFormat
					, Ptr, &RC
					, "uint*", Chars
					, "uint*", Lines)
	return &RC ? NumGet(RC, 0, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 4, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 8, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 12, "float") "|" Chars "|" Lines : 0

Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, ByRef RectF)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if (!A_IsUnicode)
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, Ptr, 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, Ptr, &sString, "int", -1, Ptr, &wString, "int", nSize)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawString"
					, Ptr, pGraphics
					, Ptr, A_IsUnicode ? &sString : &wString
					, "int", -1
					, Ptr, hFont
					, Ptr, &RectF
					, Ptr, hFormat
					, Ptr, pBrush)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteStringFormat", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFormat)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFont", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFont)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFontFamily", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", hFamily)

	Region := Gdip_CreateRegion()
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetClip", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "UInt*", Region)
	return Region

Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x, y, w, h, CombineMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRect",  A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "int", CombineMode)

Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, CombineMode=0)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRegion", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, Region, "int", CombineMode)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteRegion", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", Region)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipResetClip", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", pGraphics)
Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawEllipse", Ptr, pGraphics, Ptr, pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateRegion", "UInt*", Region)
	return Region

	Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", Ptr, pToken)
	if hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", Ptr)
		DllCall("FreeLibrary", Ptr, hModule)
	return 0
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Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.)

09 Mar 2024, 13:01

joekingcool wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 13:06

i started tring to merge my gui with your scale gui. been following allot of it. not sure how to make them compatible. i tried to just plug in functions into your gui scale. i expected it would be long shot. i understand some things in how your scaling so might be able to tweak somethings in my gui. i just dont think will be able to make it fully scalable like yours.

plus i still dont understand how to make the buttons stacked when you do that xm ym y+m stuff lol

heres example of when i tried to add to cutom buttons to your gui, below.
Hi Joe.

To get it to scale your custom controls you will just need to handle them sperate from the normal controls.
So for example you can call the scaling code on the normal controls and then have another function to do all you custom controls.
plus i still dont understand how to make the buttons stacked when you do that xm ym y+m stuff lol
You shouldn't have to worry too much about that if you know how to manually set the controls to relative positions or if you know the absolute positions of the controls.

For example "xm" means set the x position to the x_Margin value.
If the X margin is 10, setting the x to "x10" is the same as using "xm".

Likewise, "y+10" would be something like

Code: Select all

prevControl_Y := 50
prevControl_H := 50
margin_Y := 10
Y_Pos := prevControl_Y + prevControl_H + margin_Y
;..........  " y" Y_Pos  
You can also just use fixed positions for everything i.e. "x10 y10 w200 h200"
The only thing that the scaling code does is create an object for the control when you add it.
When you add your new control it calls "GuiControlGet" to get the position so it doesn't really matter if you used relative positions or not, once a control is added it gets converted to absolute position anyways.

The scaling itself is just taking the stored absolute positions and applying a multiplier to it.

So if the x is 10 at a scale value of 1, x will be 20 at a scale value of 2
All that needs to be done is move the controls while applying the multiplier.

For example.

Code: Select all

Gui, Margin, 10 , 10
Gui, Add, Button, xm ym w100 h50 hwndButtonHwnd

Button1 := {X:10,Y:10,W:100,H:50,Hwnd: ButtonHwnd}

Scale := 3
x := Button1.X * Scale
y := Button1.Y * Scale
w := Button1.W * Scale
h := Button1.H * Scale
GuiControl, MoveDraw, % Button1.Hwnd, % "x" x " y" y " w" w " h" h 

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