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Levenshtein Distance
Originally written in C translated into AutoHotkey
LDistance(s, t)
; degenerate cases
if (StrLen( s ) = 0)
return StrLen( t )
if ( StrLen( t ) = 0)
return StrLen( s )
s := StrSplit( s )
t := StrSplit( t )
v0 := []
Loop % t.Length() + 1
v0[ A_Index ] := A_Index - 1
v3 := [v0]
Loop % s.Length()
; calculate v1 (current row distances) from the previous row v0
i := A_Index
v1 := [i]
; use formula to fill in the rest of the row
Loop % t.Length()
cost := !( s[ i ] == t[ A_Index ] )
v1[ A_Index + 1 ] := _lMin( v1[ A_Index ] + 1
, v0[ A_Index + 1 ] + 1
, v0[ A_Index ] + cost )
v3.Push( v0 )
v0 := v1
return v1[ t.Length() +1 ]
Damerau-Levenshtein Distance
Originally written in Python translated into AutoHotkey
Thx to Helgef for correcting it.
DLDistance( a, b )
da := {}
d := []
a := StrSplit( a )
b := StrSplit( b )
maxdist := a.Length() + b.Length()
d[-1, -1] := maxdist
Loop % a.Length() + 1
i := A_Index - 1
d[i, -1] := maxdist
d[i, 0] := i
Loop % b.Length() + 1
j := A_Index - 1
d[-1, j] := maxdist
d[0, j] := j
Loop % a.Length()
db := 0
i := A_Index
Loop % b.Length()
j := A_Index
k := da.HasKey(b[j]) ? da[b[j]] : da[b[j]] := 0
l := db
if !( cost := !(a[i] == b[j]) )
db := j
d[i, j] := _lmin( d[i-1, j-1] + cost, d[i, j-1] + 1, d[i-1, j ] + 1, d[k-1, l-1] + (i-k-1) + 1 + (j-l-1 ) )
da[a[i]] := i
return d[a.Length(), b.Length()] ;I cant understand why but it always reports 1 more than it should. Since I'm a fan of easy solutions I just subtract 1 here
_lMin( p* )
Ret := p.Pop()
For each,Val in p
if ( Val < Ret )
Ret := Val
return Ret