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22 Mar 2019, 09:03


These structures contain information about the resource usage of each process, including the number of threads and handles used by the process, the peak page-file usage, and the number of memory pages that the process has allocated.



Code: Select all


	if (DllCall("ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "int", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "uint*", size) != 0) {
		size := VarSetCapacity(buf, size, 0)
		if (DllCall("ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "int", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "ptr", &buf, "uint", size, "uint*", 0) != 0)
			return (ErrorLevel := 2) & 0
		addr := &buf, SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION := {}
		while (addr)
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "NumberOfThreads"]              :=        NumGet(addr +   4, "uint" )                             ;   4 |   4
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "WorkingSetPrivateSize"]        :=        NumGet(addr +   8, "int64")                             ;   8 |   8
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "HardFaultCount"]               :=        NumGet(addr +  16, "uint" )                             ;  16 |  16
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "NumberOfThreadsHighWatermark"] :=        NumGet(addr +  20, "uint" )                             ;  20 |  20
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "CycleTime"]                    :=        NumGet(addr +  24, "int64")                             ;  24 |  24
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "CreateTime"]                   :=        NumGet(addr +  32, "int64")                             ;  32 |  32
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "UserTime"]                     :=        NumGet(addr +  40, "int64")                             ;  40 |  40
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "KernelTime"]                   :=        NumGet(addr +  48, "int64")                             ;  48 |  48
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "ImageName"]                    := StrGet(NumGet(addr +  56 + A_PtrSize *  1, "ptr"  ), "utf-16") ;  60 |  64
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "BasePriority"]                 :=        NumGet(addr +  56 + A_PtrSize *  2, "int"  )            ;  64 |  72
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "UniqueProcessId"]              :=        NumGet(addr +  56 + A_PtrSize *  3, "ptr"  )            ;  68 |  80
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "InheritedFromUniqueProcessId"] :=        NumGet(addr +  56 + A_PtrSize *  4, "ptr*" )            ;  72 |  88
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "HandleCount"]                  :=        NumGet(addr +  56 + A_PtrSize *  5, "uint" )            ;  76 |  96
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "SessionId"]                    :=        NumGet(addr +  60 + A_PtrSize *  5, "uint" )            ;  80 | 100
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "UniqueProcessKey"]             :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize *  5, "ptr*" )            ;  84 | 104
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "PeakVirtualSize"]              :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize *  6, "uptr" )            ;  88 | 112
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "VirtualSize"]                  :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize *  7, "uptr" )            ;  92 | 120
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "PageFaultCount"]               :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize *  8, "uint" )            ;  96 | 128
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "PeakWorkingSetSize"]           :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize *  9, "uptr" )            ; 100 | 136
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "WorkingSetSize"]               :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 10, "uptr" )            ; 104 | 144
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage"]      :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 11, "ptr*" )            ; 108 | 152
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "QuotaPagedPoolUsage"]          :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 12, "uptr" )            ; 112 | 160
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage"]   :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 13, "ptr*" )            ; 116 | 168
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage"]       :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 14, "uptr" )            ; 120 | 176
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "PagefileUsage"]                :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 15, "uptr" )            ; 124 | 184
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "PeakPagefileUsage"]            :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 16, "uptr" )            ; 128 | 192
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "PrivatePageCount"]             :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 17, "uptr" )            ; 132 | 200
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "ReadOperationCount"]           :=        NumGet(addr +  64 + A_PtrSize * 18, "int64")            ; 136 | 208
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "WriteOperationCount"]          :=        NumGet(addr +  72 + A_PtrSize * 18, "int64")            ; 144 | 216
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "OtherOperationCount"]          :=        NumGet(addr +  80 + A_PtrSize * 18, "int64")            ; 152 | 224
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "ReadTransferCount"]            :=        NumGet(addr +  88 + A_PtrSize * 18, "int64")            ; 160 | 232
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "WriteTransferCount"]           :=        NumGet(addr +  96 + A_PtrSize * 18, "int64")            ; 168 | 240
			SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION[A_Index, "OtherTransferCount"]           :=        NumGet(addr + 104 + A_PtrSize * 18, "int64")            ; 176 | 248

			if !(NumGet(addr + 0, "uint"))
			addr += NumGet(addr + 0, "uint")
	return (ErrorLevel := 1) & 0
[AHK] v2.0.5 | [WIN] 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | [GitHub] Profile
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Re: SystemProcessInformation

22 Mar 2019, 09:04


Returns an array of SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structures, one for each process running in the system.

Code: Select all


PrintArr(Arr, Option := "w1200 h800", GuiNum := 90)
	for index, obj in Arr {
		if (A_Index = 1) {
			for k, v in obj {
				Columns .= k "|"    
			Gui, %GuiNum%: Margin, 5, 5
			Gui, %GuiNum%: Add, ListView, %Option%, % Columns
		RowNum := A_Index        
		Gui, %GuiNum%: default
		for k, v in obj {
			LV_GetText(Header, 0, A_Index)
			if (k <> Header) {    
				FoundHeader := False
				loop % LV_GetCount("Column") {
					LV_GetText(Header, 0, A_Index)
					if (k <> Header)
					else {
						FoundHeader := A_Index
				if !(FoundHeader) {
					LV_InsertCol(cnt + 1, "", k)
					ColNum := "Col" cnt
				} else
					ColNum := "Col" FoundHeader
			} else
				ColNum := "Col" A_Index
			LV_Modify(RowNum, ColNum, (IsObject(v) ? "Object()" : v))
	loop % LV_GetCount("Column")
		LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
	Gui, %GuiNum%: Show,, Array
[AHK] v2.0.5 | [WIN] 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | [GitHub] Profile
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Re: SystemProcessInformation

22 Mar 2019, 09:58

Impressive. This will be quite useful.
Posts: 831
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Re: SystemProcessInformation

11 Jan 2022, 21:33

@jNizM, Thank you for sharing the original post. Based on your function, I wrote the following to get the WorkingSetPrivateSize value from a process PID. It's the closest thing to the memory values shown in the Task Manager.

Code: Select all


; Note: See to understand the difference between WorkingSetPrivateSize
; and the value shown in Task Manager under the "Memory (active private working set)" column in the Details tab.

PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Loop {
   SizeInKB := GetWorkingSetPrivateSize(PID) // 1024
   ToolTip, % PID ": " SizeInKB " KB"
   Sleep, 250

GetWorkingSetPrivateSize(PID) {
   if (DllCall("Ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "UInt", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", Size, "Int") != 0) {
      VarSetCapacity(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Size), Offset := 0
      if (DllCall("Ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "UInt", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "Ptr", &SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, "UInt", Size, "UInt*", 0, "Int") = 0) {
         Loop {
            WorkingSetPrivateSize := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset + 8, "Int64")
            UniqueProcessId := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset + 56 + 3 * A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
            if (UniqueProcessId = PID)
               return WorkingSetPrivateSize
            NextEntryOffset := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset, "UInt")
            Offset += NextEntryOffset
         } Until !NextEntryOffset
I hope others find it useful.
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)
Posts: 60
Joined: 12 Sep 2019, 21:15

Re: SystemProcessInformation

15 Mar 2024, 10:08

iPhilip wrote:
11 Jan 2022, 21:33
@jNizM, Thank you for sharing the original post. Based on your function, I wrote the following to get the WorkingSetPrivateSize value from a process PID. It's the closest thing to the memory values shown in the Task Manager.

Code: Select all


; Note: See to understand the difference between WorkingSetPrivateSize
; and the value shown in Task Manager under the "Memory (active private working set)" column in the Details tab.

PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Loop {
   SizeInKB := GetWorkingSetPrivateSize(PID) // 1024
   ToolTip, % PID ": " SizeInKB " KB"
   Sleep, 250

GetWorkingSetPrivateSize(PID) {
   if (DllCall("Ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "UInt", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", Size, "Int") != 0) {
      VarSetCapacity(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Size), Offset := 0
      if (DllCall("Ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "UInt", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "Ptr", &SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, "UInt", Size, "UInt*", 0, "Int") = 0) {
         Loop {
            WorkingSetPrivateSize := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset + 8, "Int64")
            UniqueProcessId := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset + 56 + 3 * A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
            if (UniqueProcessId = PID)
               return WorkingSetPrivateSize
            NextEntryOffset := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset, "UInt")
            Offset += NextEntryOffset
         } Until !NextEntryOffset
I hope others find it useful.

Thank you so much for sharing this. I actually wanted something like this over a year ago and I asked for help and searched everywhere for a solution but couldn't figure it out. I still don't know much about getting this working with Windows API, I only just dabble a bit into coding but it's not my forte. Anyways, I wanted something that can show the total RAM usage as per Task Manager. Your script actually helps me achieve that.

Here's an example of my script. It basically checks a specific process (thorium.exe) to see if the RAM usage is > 5000MB and if yes, it'll show a tooltip popup. Since Thorium comprises of multiple child processes, I'm combining all of them together to form the total RAM usage. This actually very closely matches what's shown in Task Manager. Hopefully it helps someone:

Code: Select all

SetTimer, Check_Browser_RAM_Usage, 10000

	TotalRam := ""
	for Process in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where name = 'thorium.exe'")
		TotalRam += GetWorkingSetPrivateSize(Process.ProcessId) // 1024 // 1024
	if (TotalRam > 5000)
		ToolTipColor("Red", "White")
		tooltipText := "Browser RAM usage is too damn high !!!" "`nTotal RAM: " TotalRam " MB"
		Tooltip(tooltipText, DummyXLocation, DummyYLocation, 13, true)


GetWorkingSetPrivateSize(PID) {
   if (DllCall("Ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "UInt", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", Size, "Int") != 0) {
      VarSetCapacity(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Size), Offset := 0
      if (DllCall("Ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "UInt", SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, "Ptr", &SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, "UInt", Size, "UInt*", 0, "Int") = 0) {
         Loop {
            WorkingSetPrivateSize := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset + 8, "Int64")
            UniqueProcessId := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset + 56 + 3 * A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
            if (UniqueProcessId = PID)
               return WorkingSetPrivateSize
            NextEntryOffset := NumGet(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Offset, "UInt")
            Offset += NextEntryOffset
         } Until !NextEntryOffset

RemoveToolTip_Module(Period, WhichToolTip)
	if (Period = "timer")
		ToolTip,,,, WhichToolTip
		;msgbox %WhichToolTip%
		timer := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind("timer", WhichToolTip)
		SetTimer, % timer, -%Period%

Tooltip(tooltip_message, tooltip_X_location, tooltip_Y_location, tooltip_array_channel, tooltip_dummy_text_toggle)
	;CoordMode, ToolTip, Window
	CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
	;msgbox % tooltip_X_location
	;msgbox % tooltip_Y_location
	if (tooltip_dummy_text_toggle = true)
		;tooltip ".", %tooltip_dummy_dot_2nd_monitor_location_X%, %tooltip_dummy_dot_2nd_monitor_bottom_right_location_Y% ; this is a dummy tooltip to address the stupid bug
		tooltip ".", %tooltip_dummy_dot_2nd_monitor_location_X%, %tooltip_dummy_dot_2nd_monitor_bottom_right_location_Y%, %tooltip_array_channel% ; this is a dummy tooltip to address the stupid bug
		;sleep, 150
		;CoordMode, ToolTip, Window

	if (tooltip_array_channel = "")
		;msgbox "hi"
		tooltip %tooltip_message%, %tooltip_X_location%, %tooltip_Y_location%
		;msgbox %tooltip_array_channel%
		tooltip %tooltip_message%, %tooltip_X_location%, %tooltip_Y_location%, %tooltip_array_channel%

Posts: 831
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 12:21

Re: SystemProcessInformation

15 Mar 2024, 11:03

Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)

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