EitherMouse 0.8 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

23 Feb 2016, 17:17

Hey gwarble, if you are replying to me, here is what I'd like to do:

I want my main mouse to be usable by me for whatever I feel like doing (browsing, gaming, and so forth).

I have an AHK script that I run, and if possible, I'd like only the secondary cursor to be used by it. My script mostly involves moving the mouse and clicking certain spots on browser windows. Occasionally, it requires keyboard inputs (from the script itself, not me). As of right now, the script blocks any input from me when it does certain actions (to stop me from messing things up).

It would be nice so that I can keep that script running all day, without being interrupted during my regular computer use.

Is this possible? Let me know if you need any clarification, hopefully I explained it okay.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2016, 13:49

Hi gwardble,

This is awesome.

It works great on windows 8.1, however it seems unable to handle me moving both mice at the same time. I noticed in your painting GIF that you were able to pull that off somehow?

Is there anything I can do to make it work so that if i move both mice, they both move like two separate mice? presently what happens is they get confused and one gets moved to the place of the other. I tried reproducing your painting demonstration without success.

Also it seems that there is a tooltip looking thing behind the mouse, but it is blank? whenever it is not the 'active' mouse, it is blank.

Thanks a lot for your work. It's brilliant.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2016, 13:59

Thanks for pointing out that "shadow" square in multicursor mode, i'll fix that

EitherMouse doesn't support simultaneous use of multiple mice as of now, there are tons more things to figure out and make it functional (because windows is oblivious to multiple cursors, we have to draw the cursors, handle the clicking, dragging, acceleration, and active/inactive windows all ourselves... What i show in that paint example is that while possible, there are still things to work out (ie the reason those lines between the two cursors when holding down, windows thinks the mouse is moving back and forth). Someday i hope to work out a system but i wouldnt hold my breath

As it is right now, multicursor mode is for alternating mice and remembering the position for each cursor seperately, which is useful when toggling back and forth, but not for using both at the exact same time
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2016, 14:08

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I understand the programming difficulty. I have done tons of googling and stuff, I have deliberated much on how to make such a thing, i have tried PluralInput which works very well but the mouse movement is very wonky (at least on my windows 10 computer), and it requires drivers which cripple custom settings on my secondary mouse. But I would understand custom drivers and etc like PluralInput does is beyond the scope of Eithermouse.

With that said, you said that it is possible but there are things to work out. I understand that it wouldn't be possible to hold the mouse down, drag something, highlight text, scroll, or anything simultaneously, but it looks like you managed to do simultaneous movement? I mean, is that a feature that 0.64 has that I am having difficulty with, or is this on your development instance of the program which isn't ready to be released into the wild?

I kind of get that there's never going to be a fully functional dual-mouse thing, and that's fine with me because dragging, highlighting, holding the mouse button down, etc, simultaneously are really not worth the effort in my opinion, but movement would be. So I am just wondering if there is a setting or if it's just not available yet.

Thanks a bunch.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2016, 15:32

that ability is not in EitherMouse at this time... The animation shown is using a variation that i tweaked on for testing... If you want to play around with it i'll put up a sample to download at some point, but i don't want to mess with the released EitherMouse until its been debugged more and is actually useful
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2016, 16:51

Got it. Well I would appreciate an opportunity to play around with it, but I am guessing that it is really just basically not worth you taking the time to ready a sample to download. But I suppose I don't know what all there is to it. So I guess don't worry about it but it is a feature that would be highly useful. I used to use a laptop with a touch screen, and sometimes i would do operations with my fingers rather than with the mouse because it was easier (because I could use 2 fingers). So this dual-mouse thing has been a dream of mine for a while. Recently this project caught my attention as well http://www.keymouse.com

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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Feb 2016, 21:50

clevo4k: thanks for the feedback, next time i look at it i will make it an optional addition to EitherMouse, doesn't hurt to have it in there and maybe it will spark more interest and ideas about implementing it

sjdheunaskdf9384348: you should just experiment with normal avenues in ahk to do what you want, but instead of moving the mouse somewhere, clicking, either save the mouse position, use ControlClick methods instead of mouse clicking, or "windows messages"... i don't think EitherMouse will help you with what you're after (in fact you face some of the same hurdles as the simultaneous mice issue, namely that windows purposefully doesn't know about two cursors, so clicking one down and moving the other is considered a drag movement no matter how you look at it)
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

29 Feb 2016, 02:43

Hi, nice program but it doesn't work on windows 7 64bit.

I can't move 2 mices at the same time
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

29 Feb 2016, 22:09

EitherMouse isn't for that, its for unique mouse settings (speeds, buttons, etc) for different mice
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

07 Mar 2016, 06:08

About milliseconds. That was mostly “just saying”.
I mean that one thing is that it's not much needed, and another thing is that something can be exactly defined. Of course it's normally impossible to press it in 1 ms. But if it can be 90, and can be 80, why not make it 1? It looks more logically robust as endpoint. i think 1 will be less confusing than 50.

About wrong detection of 1 mouse: yeah, silly of me, i have that script which copies the joystick into mouse actions, which is not perfect. It even makes troubles in some games and i always forget to turn it off. E. M. does detect 1 mouse normally.

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Mar 2016, 17:08

Is Eithermouse.com still the place to go to download EitherMouse? The site keeps timing out for me.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Mar 2016, 17:19

It is, unfortunately my computer died in a big storm yesterday, i hope to get it back up this weekend... Sorry for the inconvenience

- Joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

18 Mar 2016, 04:31

Still down, thats why people create mirrors with different websites like dropbox, uploadfile or others because they know that their own website wont stay there for eternity while the files uploaded this way will stay in the internet for a very very long time even with people reuploading them for others. So if someone has the installer may I ask if he can reupload it somewhere for 10 seconds and post the link here?

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

23 Mar 2016, 09:31

Guest wrote:Still down, thats why people create mirrors with different websites like dropbox, uploadfile or others because they know that their own website wont stay there for eternity while the files uploaded this way will stay in the internet for a very very long time even with people reuploading them for others. So if someone has the installer may I ask if he can reupload it somewhere for 10 seconds and post the link here?
I found an archived version of the website at web.archive.org. Here's the archive of it http://web.archive.org/web/201603052230 ... mouse.com/

The download worked for me. I've been trying to download it for weeks now but only today did I think of using an archive of the website!
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

23 Mar 2016, 20:19

Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, the site is back up for now:

EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Mar 2016, 13:16

Thanks for getting the site back up! I installed EitherMouse and its working well except for scrolling on my Kensington Orbit scrollwheel. For some reason even at scroll speed 1 it is scrolling 4x faster than my regular mouse at scroll speed 3. Its weird because the Kensington software seems to just be re-setting the windows mouse profile (it makes my other mouse hella slow and slow to scroll) but somehow it is implementing the scroll wheel differently and with more granularity. Any suggestions?
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Mar 2016, 14:11

You're welcome, sorry it took a while

I'd try turning off the Kensington software, or that one feature of it if you can, and see if it behaves as you want... Keep in mind i've noticed some windows do not apply a newly set scroll speed until closed and reopened after changing the setting
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Mar 2016, 14:26

I've tried it with the software on and off. There are some oddities with automatically handing off driver control between eithermouse and the Kensington software. Basically the Kensington drivers controlled scrolling at all times (butter smooth) but when switching to the trackball there saw a 1-2 second delay before Kensington took over the cursor speed. I would run them simultaneously if Kensington didn't slightly mess up my other mouse's speed.

Tried reopening chrome google search result page (my benchmark rn) and it is still 4x the scroll speed. very odd. Maybe Kensington is re-mapping the raw output data from the scroll wheel?
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Mar 2016, 21:42

if you are running a kensington driver with software, it could be changing things at a lower level than eithermouse can detect (as only user-level software)... but i'm sure you can find a workaround, can't you try speeding up the regular mouse instead of slowing down the trackball (in eithermouse) then control the speed globally with kensington software? do you need any other features of the kensington software? if not disable it completely and you should get the control you want from eithermouse

- Joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

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