[Editor] CodeQuickTester - Write and run code without saving to a temporary file

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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 11:51

The working directory will be the same as the working directory of the code tester. The actual script directory will be \\.\pipe, and I'm not sure what happens if you try to write normal files there
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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 11:58

OK. Thanks.

btw, I'm using this so much, I even created a nice multi-resolution icon for it so it shows up on my toolbar and taskbar nicely.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 12:03

What, you don't like AHK's own icon I picked for it? Is it the fact that it doesn't scale past 48x48? :P
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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 12:07

Ha, no, it's fine, I guess. But it just looks like a generic AHK script is running. I guess it's really not to be confused because it's not the H on green background.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 13:24

GeekDude wrote:Because that would ruin the lightweight single-file thing I'm going for.
KISS principle!
GeekDude wrote:Besides, you don't actually need the console class unless you want to do crazy stuff. Simple console output can be done in two lines:

Code: Select all

DllCall("AttachConsole") ; Top of script
FileOpen("CONOUT$", "w").Write("Some text") ; Wherever you want to print
However, this wouldn't really help much, seeing as there's already a pretty good built-in method of showing the user error messages.
Thank you, I forked your version adding a minimal console support, you find it here: https://gist.github.com/cyruz-git/d6078ec6fa6b3c6dedac

So that this code can be used:

Code: Select all

Loop C:\Windows\*.exe
    WriteCon(A_LoopFileName "`n")
You were refering to the AllocConsole function I guess. As it is now, when you close the console the dynamic script is forcefully closed I think, because the icon is still present in the tray. Any advice on how to fix this?
Last edited by cyruz on 27 Feb 2015, 08:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 13:30

You could embed the console into your own GUI (where you can then handle the close event manually), as done in my demo code here https://github.com/G33kDude/Console/blo ... /Embed.ahk

Though, it's a slightly silly workaround. I'm not sure how to do it "properly"
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Re: CodeQuickTester

29 Jan 2015, 15:38

GeekDude wrote:You could embed the console into your own GUI (where you can then handle the close event manually), as done in my demo code here https://github.com/G33kDude/Console/blo ... /Embed.ahk

Though, it's a slightly silly workaround. I'm not sure how to do it "properly"
Tried, it's nice but too much code gets added to the script.

I found a small workaround using SetConsoleCtrlHandler, so now the script get terminated when clicking on the X button and when pressing CTRL+C.
I updated the code: https://gist.github.com/cyruz-git/d6078ec6fa6b3c6dedac
Last edited by cyruz on 27 Feb 2015, 08:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

01 Feb 2015, 11:44

Soft wrote:I really like this! good work
You might want to refrain from pasting to IRC under my name. Gets a tad confusing, you know. In fact, you might consider updating to fix the whole "default name is GeekDude" thing
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 15:58

You can now drop a file (or multiple files, but it only uses the first) onto the GUI to load it
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 20:11

Nice!, how about making syntax highlight using Scilexer.dll? or am I going too far :D
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 23:12

Too far. You're encroaching on AHK Studio's scratch pad's territory
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 23:17

What would be wrong with having a similar tool for those of us that don't use AHK Studio?

Don't get me wrong. I like the tool, but is there a reason to hold back features if they would be useful?
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 23:19

Nothing would be wrong, I suppose. However, I'd need to borrow AHK Studio's lexer and a ton of other code from it. Or I could use fincs', but I'm closer to maestrith than fincs. Additionally, it'd be likely to increase the number of bugs greatly, and I don't have an update system like Studio does.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 23:26

Understood. Sometimes "better" is the enemy of "good enough" anyway.

Some intelligent indenting would be nice. That would be more useful to me than the syntax highlighting. Maybe that's the same issue, though. I don't mean it would have to recognize braces and Loop commands and stuff. Just tab over to the same place as the line above it or something like that.
Last edited by boiler on 04 Feb 2015, 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

04 Feb 2015, 23:27

I do want to implement auto-indent, but that's still a while off as I've got other projects I'm working on as well.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

14 Feb 2015, 21:20

It now supports AutoHashBangs (as per my thread here http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.p ... 14&p=38251)
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Re: CodeQuickTester

18 Feb 2015, 07:05

I guess this will help you!

FFAAS - Flicker Free and Anti Shake by szujeq
it blocks flickering gui during user resize window

Code: Select all

; Flicker Free and Anti Shake by szujeq
; v0.9 BETA

; This class prevent from any flicker during user resize window. It also eliminate shaking client area content for example when window is resizing by top border.
; Currently window may blind only twice, when start resizing and/or at end when user hold up mouse
; The only cost for that is little bit slower render (depend on window size) and window frame won't resize instantly after mouse move. If window is very large then laso high CPU load

; It work for any window in current scirpt excluding child window's

; How to use:
; FFAAS.Enable(State)  - Enable/Disable Class. State - If 1 or omitted then enable class, if 0 then disable.
; FFAAS.Exclude(hwnd) - exclude window from being process by this class. hwnd - handle to window
; FFAAS.Include(hwnd) - Include window again to being process. hwnd - handle to window


; Tested platform:
;	 AutoHotkey v1.1.16.03
;	 *Windows 7 Ultimate x86 - AHK_U32, AHK_ANSI
;	 *Windows 7 Ultimate x64 - AHK_U32, AHK_U64, AHK_ANSI
;	 In any case Aero/Composition was toggled

; Not sure is this will work properly on XP and Win8
goto _FFAAS_EndScript ; prevent from execute labels in this script when #include is in execute section
		This.dhwnd := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow")
		WM_SIZE              := 0x0005
		WM_SIZING            := 0x0214
		WM_EXITSIZEMOVE      := 0x0232
		WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE     := 0x231
		WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN     := 0x00A1
		WM_NCCALCSIZE        := 0x0083

		; loop,% 0x038F
		; {
			; OnMessage(A_Index, "__msg")
		; }
		if not This.Active
			OnMessage(WM_SIZING           , "")
			OnMessage(WM_EXITSIZEMOVE     , "")
			OnMessage(WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE    , "")
			OnMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN    , "")
			OnMessage(WM_NCCALCSIZE       , "")
		if This.IsComp
			OnMessage(WM_NCCALCSIZE       , "")
			OnMessage(WM_SIZING           , "FFAAS_WM_SIZING")
			; OnMessage(WM_SIZE             , "__msg")
			OnMessage(WM_SIZING           , "FFAAS_WM_SIZING")
			; OnMessage(WM_SIZE             , "__msg")
		This._Exclude[hwnd] := 0
		This.IsComp := _FFAAS_IsComposition()
		; This.SetAero(0)
		global _FFAAS
		; _ := FFAAS
		this.Active := State
		This._Exclude := {}
		This.ChildList := {}
		; This.SyncMode("Manual")
		; global gui8, gui6
		; This.AddChild(gui6)
		; This.AddChild(gui8)
		; tooltip,% DllCall("GetDesktopWindow")
	; AddChild(hwnd){
		; This.ChildList[hwnd] := 0
	; }
	global _FFAAS
	maxw := _FFAAS_GetSystemMetrics(78) ; SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN
		if not This.IsComp
			_FFAAS.osx := 0
			; _FFAAS.osx := -1500
			; _FFAAS.osx := -2500
			_FFAAS.osx := -(maxw*5)
		if not This.IsComp
			This.Aero := 0
			This.Aero := state
	SyncMode(Mode="ASync", Timer = 30){
		global _FFAAS
		if (Mode = "ASync")
			_FFAAS.ASync := 1
			_FFAAS.Timer := Timer
		else if (Mode = "Manual")
			_FFAAS.ASync := 0
			_FFAAS.Timer := "Off"
		; if this._ChildList.MaxIndex()          ; Alternative sync mode
		; {                                     
			; this._ChildList.Remove(hwnd,"")   
			; if this._ChildList.MaxIndex()     
				; return                        
		; }                                     
		; if (this.ResizeHWND !="NULL")
		; This.RedrawDB_Aero(this.ResizeHWND)
	RedrawDB_Aero(hwnd){ ; hwnd to ResizeHWND
	global _FFAAS
		hdcSrc := DllCall("GetWindowDC", "Ptr",hWnd)
		hdcBuf  := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr",hdcSrc)  ; buffer
		Static bmw, bmh, hbmBuf
		if (ww > bmw) or (wh > bmh) ; Create new bitmap only while new one is bigger ; --> create on entersizemove
			DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr",hbmBuf)
			hbmBuf := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "Ptr",hdcSrc, "Int",ww, "Int",wh)
			bmw := ww, bmh := wh
		obmBuf  := DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr",hdcBuf, "Ptr",hbmBuf)
		if not _FFAAS.IsComp && not This.Aero
			DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Ptr", _FFAAS.dhwnd, "UInt", 0, "UInt", _FFAAS.hrgn, "UInt", 0x585) ; erase old frame from desktop ; hwnd must be to desktop othervise sidebar gadget won't be redraw properly
		if This.Aero
			_FFAAS_UpdateLayeredWindow(_FFAAS.hLayer, hdcSrc, wx-_FFAAS.osx, wy, wW, wH)
			DllCall("PrintWindow", "Ptr",hwnd, "Ptr",hdcBuf, "uint",0) ; force redraw NC area (only composition)
			_FFAAS_UpdateLayeredWindow(_FFAAS.hLayer, hdcBuf, wx-_FFAAS.osx, wy, wW, wH)
		DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr",hdcBuf, "Ptr",obmBuf)
		DllCall("DeleteDC", "Ptr",hdcBuf)

	global _FFAAS
	Static GWL_STYLE   := -16
	Static GWL_EXSTYLE := -20

	Static WM_SETFONT  := 0x0030
	Static WM_GETFONT  := 0x0031

	Static WM_SETICON  := 0x0080
	Static WM_GETICON  := 0x007F

	Static WM_SETTEXT  := 0x000C
	Static WM_GETTEXT  := 0x000D

	Static WS_EX_LAYERED     := 0x00080000
	Static WS_EX_TRANSPARENT := 0x00000020
	static WS_VISIBLE        := 0x10000000
	static WS_EX_TOPMOST     := 0x00000008
	static WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW  := 0x00000080
	CW_USEDEFAULT := 0x80000000
	WS_POPUP := 0x80000000
	WS_CHILD := 0x40000000
		Style   := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "Ptr", hwndSrc, "Int", GWL_STYLE,   "UInt")
		ExStyle := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "Ptr", hwndSrc, "Int", GWL_EXSTYLE, "UInt")
		; maxw := _GetSystemMetrics(78) ; SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN
		; maxh := _GetSystemMetrics(79) ; SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN
		; Style   &= ~WS_VISIBLE ; no composition
			; Style   |= WS_POPUP           ; co composition ??
			; Style   &= ~0x00040000           ; co composition ??
		if This.Aero
			; h := _CreateWindowEx(ExStyle|WS_EX_TOPMOST, "#32770", "", Style, _FFAAS.osx,0, 0,0)
			h := _FFAAS_CreateWindowEx(ExStyle, "#32770", "", Style, _FFAAS.osx,0, 0,0)
			DllCall("ShowWindow", "Ptr", h, "UInt",0)
			DllCall("SetWindowLong", "Ptr", h, "Int", GWL_EXSTYLE, "UInt", ExStyle|ExStyleAdd) ; from some unknown reason ExStyle (WS_EX_LAYERED|WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) must be set after create otherwise window will lost them frame (aero glass)
		else if not This.Aero
			h := _FFAAS_CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED, "#32770", "", WS_POPUP, _FFAAS.osx,0, 0,0)  ; no composition
			DllCall("ShowWindow", "Ptr", h, "UInt",0)
		_TextLen := 1024, VarSetCapacity(_Text, _TextLen*8, 0)
		_Font := DllCall("SendMessage",  "Ptr", hwndSrc, "Int", WM_GETFONT, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)
		_Icon := DllCall("SendMessage",  "Ptr", hwndSrc, "Int", WM_GETICON, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)
		         DllCall("SendMessage",  "Ptr", hwndSrc, "Int", WM_GETTEXT, "Int", _TextLen-1, "Int", &_Text)
		DllCall("SendMessage",  "Ptr", h, "Int", WM_SETFONT, "Int", _Font, "Int", 1)
		DllCall("SendMessage",  "Ptr", h, "Int", WM_SETICON, "Int", 0, "Int", _Icon)
		DllCall("SendMessage",  "Ptr", h, "Int", WM_SETTEXT, "Int", 0, "Int", &_Text)
		_FFAAS.hlayer := h
	global _FFAAS
	if not this.IsComp
		hdc := DllCall("GetWindowDC", "Ptr",hWnd)
		_FFAAS_UpdateLayeredWindow(_FFAAS.hLayer, hdc, wx, wy, ww, wh) ; Window must be visible othervise it will lock visible rect that is render

__msg(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
; msg := dec2hex(msg)
; hwnd := dec2hex(hwnd)
; wParam := dec2hex(wParam)
; lparam := dec2hex(lParam)
	; msgbox,% _msg[msg]
	; if (hwnd = gui1)
	; if (hwnd = gui8)
	; {
		; _GetWindowInfo(hWnd,wx,wy,ww,wh,cx,cy,cw,ch)
		; _MSGLIST .= gn[hwnd] ": " _msg[msg] " -==- " wx  " x " wy " ___ " ww " x " wh "`n"
	; }
	; k := _msg[msg]
	k := "_" _msg[msg]
	r := %k%(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
	; tooltip,% r
	return r

FFAAS_WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global _FFAAS
	; Make sure WM_SIZING is generated only by user sizing
	; It prevent from size effect for example when user try to move maximized window
	if not ( 10 <= wparam && wparam <=17) ; click on resizable border only
	_FFAAS.ResizeParent := _FFAAS_GetParent(hWnd)
	if not (_FFAAS.ResizeParent == 0) ; window must be desktop window
	if _FFAAS._Exclude.HasKey(hwnd)
	_FFAAS.ResizeHWND := hWnd

; FFAAS_WM_SIZE(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) ; Alternative sync mode
; {
; global _FFAAS
; critical
	; if (hwnd != _FFAAS.ResizeHWND) && _FFAAS.SIZING
	; {
		; if _FFAAS.ChildList.HasKey(hwnd)
		; _FFAAS._ChildList[hwnd] := _FFAAS.ResizeHWND
	; }
; }

FFAAS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global _FFAAS
if not (hwnd = _FFAAS.ResizeHWND)
	; Settingup duplicated window before sizing. Mainly for Aero effect's frame
	; tooltip, enter
	_FFAAS._ChildList := {}
	settimer, _redraw, off
	_FFAAS._CheckComposition() ; Allow class to working even if user toggle Composition
	; tooltip, duplicate

FFAAS_WM_SIZING(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global _FFAAS

	if (hwnd = _FFAAS.ResizeHWND) && _FFAAS.SIZEMOVE
		if not _FFAAS.SIZING
			; tooltip,% SetForegroundWindow(_FFAAS.hlayer)
		settimer, _redraw, off
		_FFAAS.SIZING := 1 ; Make Sure window is resizing instead moved
		_FFAAS.resizing := 0

FFAAS_WM_EXITSIZEMOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global _FFAAS

	if (hwnd = _FFAAS.ResizeHWND) 
	&& _FFAAS.SIZING ; prevent from move window if it was not resized
		settimer, _redraw, off
		_FFAAS.ResizeHWND := "NULL"
		_FFAAS.SIZING     := 0
		_FFAAS.VISIBLE    := 0
		if _FFAAS.IsComp
			WinGetpos, x,y,w,h,ahk_id %hwnd%
			WinMove,% "ahk_id" hwnd, , x-_FFAAS.osx ; return main window to oryginal position
			sleep 15
			DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", _FFAAS.hLayer, "UInt", 0)
			HRGN := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateRectRgn", "int", wx, "int", wy, "int", wx+ww, "int", wy+wh)
			HRGN1 := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateRectRgn", "int", cx, "int", cy, "int", cx+cw, "int", cy+ch)
			DllCall("gdi32.dll\CombineRgn", "Ptr", HRGN1, "Ptr", HRGN, "Ptr", HRGN1, "int", 4) ;RGN_AND=1 RGN_OR=2 RGN_XOR=3 RGN_DIFF=4 RGN_COPY=5
			DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", _FFAAS.hLayer, "UInt", 0)
			_FFAAS_RedrawWindow(_FFAAS.dhwnd,0,HRGN1,0x585) ; redraw only non client area
			; hdcd := GetDC(0)
			; DllCall("gdi32.dll\FillRgn", "Ptr", hdcd, "Ptr", HRGN1, "Ptr", _br.red)
FFAAS_WM_NCCALCSIZE(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global _FFAAS

	if (hwnd = _FFAAS.ResizeHWND)
	; && not _FFAAS.IsComp
		if _FFAAS.resizing ; WM_NCCALCSIZE is call more than once so it prevent from generate wrong HRGN and other things
		_FFAAS.resizing := 1
		1x1 := numget(lParam+0,0, "int")
		1Y1 := numget(lParam+0,4, "int")
		1x2 := numget(lParam+0,8, "int")
		1Y2 := numget(lParam+0,12, "int")
		1W := 1X2-1X1
		1H := 1Y2-1Y1
		2x1 := numget(lParam+0,16, "int")
		2Y1 := numget(lParam+0,20, "int")
		2x2 := numget(lParam+0,24, "int")
		2Y2 := numget(lParam+0,28, "int")
		2W := 2X2-2X1
		2H := 2Y2-2Y1
		_FFAAS_DeleteObject(_FFAAS.HRGN) ; Prevent from memory leak
		HRGN0 := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateRectRgn", "int", 2x1, "int", 2y1, "int", 2x2, "int", 2y2)
		HRGN1 := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateRectRgn", "int", 1x1, "int", 1y1, "int", 1x2, "int", 1y2)
		DllCall("gdi32.dll\CombineRgn", "Ptr", HRGN1, "Ptr", HRGN0, "Ptr", HRGN1, "int", 4) ;RGN_AND=1 RGN_OR=2 RGN_XOR=3 RGN_DIFF=4 RGN_COPY=5
		; HRGN  := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateRectRgn", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 2222, "int", 2222)    ; just for inspection
		; DllCall("gdi32.dll\FillRgn", "Ptr", lw.wHDC, "Ptr", HRGN, "Ptr", _br.grey)                   ; just for inspection
		; DllCall("gdi32.dll\FillRgn", "Ptr", lw.wHDC, "Ptr", HRGN1, "Ptr", _br.red)                   ; just for inspection

FFAAS_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global _FFAAS
Static _x_offset := A_PtrSize*2 ; Support for x64 AHK
	if (hwnd = _FFAAS.ResizeHWND) && _FFAAS.SIZING
		_x := numget(lParam+0,_x_offset, "int") ; Get oryginal x coord
		numput(_x+_FFAAS.osx,lParam+0,_x_offset, "int")      ; Move main window out of screen
		if NOT _FFAAS.VISIBLE ; Show duplicated window if not yet visible
			DllCall("ShowWindow", "Ptr", _FFAAS.hLayer, "UInt",4)
		if _FFAAS.ASync
			settimer, _redraw,% -_FFAAS.Timer

; _MSGLIST .= "ASYNC `n"
; tooltip,% A_TickCount
settimer, _redraw,% 100

_FFAAS_CreateWindowEx(ExStyle, ClassName, WindowName, Style, x,y, w,h, hWndParent=0, hMenu=0, hInstance=0, lpParam=0){
	return DllCall( "CreateWindowEx"
	, "UInt", ExStyle
	, "Str" , ClassName
	, "Str" , WindowName
	, "UInt", Style
	, "Int" , x
	, "Int" , y
	, "UInt", w
	, "UInt", h
	, "UInt", hWndParent
	, "Int" , hMenu
	, "Int" , hInstance
	, "Int" , lpParam )

_FFAAS_UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, x="", y="", w="", h="", Alpha=255, flag=4)
Static Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	if ((x != "") && (y != ""))
		VarSetCapacity(pt, 8), NumPut(x, pt, 0, "UInt"), NumPut(y, pt, 4, "UInt")

	if (w = "") ||(h = "")
		WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id %hwnd%
	return DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow"
	, Ptr,       hwnd                               ; HWND          hwnd
	, Ptr,       0                                  ; HDC           hdcDst
	, Ptr,       ((x = "") && (y = "")) ? 0 : &pt   ; POINT         *pptDst
	, "int64*",  w|h<<32                            ; SIZE          *psize
	, Ptr,       hdc                                ; HDC           hdcSrc
	, "int64*",  0                                  ; POINT         *pptSrc
	, "uint",    0                                  ; COLORREF      crKey
	, "UInt*",   Alpha<<16|1<<24                    ; BLENDFUNCTION *pblend
	, "uint",    flag)                              ; DWORD         dwFlags

_FFAAS_GetWindowInfo(hwnd,ByRef wx,ByRef wy,ByRef ww,ByRef wh,ByRef cx,ByRef cy,ByRef cw,ByRef ch){
Static SizeOfWINDOWINFO := 60
	DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "Ptr",hWnd, "Ptr",&WINDOWINFO)
	WX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO,  4, "Int")       ; X coordinate of the window
	WY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO,  8, "Int")       ; Y coordinate of the window
	WW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 12, "Int") - WX  ; Width of the window
	WH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 16, "Int") - WY  ; Height of the window
	CX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 20, "Int")       ; X coordinate of the client area
	CY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 24, "Int")       ; Y coordinate of the client area
	CW := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 28, "Int") - CX  ; Width of the client area
	CH := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 32, "Int") - CY  ; Height of the client area

_FFAAS_RedrawWindow(hWnd, lprcUpdate=0, hrgnUpdate=0, flags=0x101) {
; f := 0
; f |= RDW_ERASE:=0x4
; f |= RDW_FRAME:=0x400
; f |= RDW_INVALIDATE:=0x1

; f |= RDW_NOERASE:=0x20
; f |= RDW_NOFRAME:=0x800
; f |= RDW_VALIDATE:=0x8

; f |= RDW_ERASENOW:=0x200
; f |= RDW_UPDATENOW:=0x100

; f |= RDW_ALLCHILDREN:=0x80
; f |= RDW_NOCHILDREN:=0x40

return DllCall("RedrawWindow"
	, "Ptr", hWnd			; A handle to the window to be redrawn. If this parameter is NULL, the desktop window is updated.
	, "UInt", lprcUpdate	; A pointer to a RECT structure containing the coordinates, in device units, of the update rectangle. This parameter is ignored if the hrgnUpdate parameter identifies a region.
	, "UInt", hrgnUpdate	; A handle to the update region. If both the hrgnUpdate and lprcUpdate parameters are NULL, the entire client area is added to the update region.
	, "UInt", flags)		; One or more redraw flags. This parameter can be used to invalidate or validate a window, control repainting, and control which windows are affected by RedrawWindow.

	return DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "Int",Index)

	hr := DllCall("Dwmapi\DwmIsCompositionEnabled", "Int*", Composition)
	if Composition and (hr==0)
		return 1
		return 0

_FFAAS_WM_SETREDRAW(hWnd, state=1){
	return DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr",hWnd, "UInt",0xB, "UInt",state, "UInt",0)
; Return value
; An application returns zero if it processes this message.

_FFAAS_ReleaseDC(hdc, hwnd=0){
Static Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
	return DllCall("ReleaseDC", Ptr, hwnd, Ptr, hdc)

	return DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr", hWnd)

Static Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
   return DllCall("DeleteObject", Ptr, hObject)

_FFAAS_BitBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, Raster=""){
	return DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt", "Ptr", dDC, "int", dx, "int", dy, "int", dw, "int", dh
	, "Ptr", sDC, "int", sx, "int", sy, "uint", Raster ? Raster : 0x00CC0020)

and add command to your CodeQuickTester script

#Include <FFAAS>

Gui, Main:New, +Resize +LastFound
MainF := WinExist()

Gui, Show, w640 h480, %Title%
return :dance:
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Re: CodeQuickTester

18 Feb 2015, 09:39

That is just barely over twice as long as the original script, which does not have any significant issues with resizing. Nearly every resizeable program I have has this "issue" that is even present in Windows Explorer. It's normal behavior, and can be mitigated slightly by adding SetBatchLines, -1 to the top of the script.

Additionally, that script (which may be well thought out, I'm not sure) is not particularly well written, and would require me to comb through for problems. Just glancing through, for example, he is not specifying return types for his DllCalls, and he has random bits of extra code commented out everywhere.
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Re: CodeQuickTester

19 Feb 2015, 01:08

Will it be possible in the future that you add support for theme?
Probably taken from the currently widely used AHK Editor such as AHK Studio or Scite4AHK (or any other editors), so you don't have to reinvent the wheel..

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Re: CodeQuickTester

27 Feb 2015, 08:32

I forked your recent version and added back the console support, but without code in the main section (I added a couple of static vars in the writecon function).

Thanks for keeping updating it!
ABCza on the old forum.
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