RunCMD() v0.97 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

06 Mar 2022, 20:42

pond_pop wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 15:54
wow great~! :bravo:

but, i'm try to use this

Code: Select all

cmd = vspipe --y4m "C:\i.vpy" - | ffmpeg -i pipe: -c:v libx264 -crf 19 "G:\o.mkv"
MsgBox, % RunCMD(cmd)
and.. get this

Code: Select all

Unknown argument: |

have any hope?


Maybe your cmd should start with cmd /c
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

07 Mar 2022, 00:46

SKAN wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 20:42
pond_pop wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 15:54
wow great~! :bravo:

but, i'm try to use this

Code: Select all

cmd = vspipe --y4m "C:\i.vpy" - | ffmpeg -i pipe: -c:v libx264 -crf 19 "G:\o.mkv"
MsgBox, % RunCMD(cmd)
and.. get this

Code: Select all

Unknown argument: |

have any hope?


Maybe your cmd should start with cmd /c
wow thank, it's work now
:dance: :dance:
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

14 Mar 2022, 14:45

Hello. I am using Runcmd to run an external script with AHKh.Exe. (Because I see that it reacts faster.) But the script causes constant CPU usage. CPU usage is normal when run with normal cmd command.
Any idea?

Code: Select all

ScriptfileH	:= A_ScriptDir . "\dizinizleAHKh.ahk" 
ExeFileH 		:= A_ScriptDir . "\WatchFileChangeAHKH.exe"
CombinScriptExe := Chr(34) . ExeFileH . Chr(34) . A_Space . Chr(34) . ScriptfileH . Chr(34)

;This option works fine.
;if(GetScriptPID(ScriptfileH) == "") 
;Run, %CombinScriptExe%,A_ScriptDir

;When I use it with Run Cmd, a heavy processor usage occurs. I can't see why.
if(GetScriptPID(ScriptfileH) == "")
RunCMD(CombinScriptExe,A_ScriptDir) ; Normal run ile çalıştırınca çok yavaş çalışıyor

;I also tried these commands but not the solution.
Process, Close, % A_Args.RunCMD.PID
A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

01 Apr 2022, 04:40

I found the method for reading bytearray of png from ADB, but it reads very slowly...

Code: Select all

While (A_Args.RunCMD.PID + DllCall("Sleep", "Int", 1)) and DllCall("PeekNamedPipe", "Ptr",hPipeR, "Ptr",0, "Int",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0) {
    While A_Args.RunCMD.PID {
        Line := File.ReadUChar()
        HEX := Format("{:02X}", Line)
        if (sOutput="" and Hex="00")
        if (Line="")
        sOutput .= Fn ? Fn.Call(HEX " ", LineNum++) : HEX " "
Last edited by peameedo112 on 06 Apr 2022, 03:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

06 Apr 2022, 02:15

SKAN wrote:

Code: Select all

While A_Args.RunCMD.PID and (Line := File.ReadLine())
What if Line is "0" ?
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

17 May 2022, 03:54

How to run RunCMD as administrator ?
I want to execute mklink with it .
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

18 May 2022, 07:59

Find an approach that works .

Code: Select all

if !A_IsAdmin
Run, *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

20 May 2022, 20:02

it's better to add a parameter for timeout to prevent from endless loop.
becuase I found some cmd about network will be blocked if can't connect.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

25 May 2022, 10:38

How can I get complete feedback information like cmd ?
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

02 Jun 2022, 06:02

Hi @SKAN ,

Can you help me with wait function, I mean how to wait RunCMD for lets say 10 seconds and if is not finished than close it and give msgbox that something is wrong, if is under 10s than everything is fine and script can continue.

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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

05 Aug 2022, 04:11


I added what you requested.

Code: Select all

Cli_RunCMD(CmdLine, WorkingDir:="", Codepage:="CP850", Fn:="RunCMD_Output", maxDelay:=15250) {
; modified by Marius Șucan
  Local         ; RunCMD v0.94 by SKAN on D34E/D37C @                                                             
  Global A_Args ; Based on StdOutToVar.ahk by Sean @

  Fn := IsFunc(Fn) ? Func(Fn) : 0
  r := DllCall("CreatePipe", "UPtr*",hPipeR:=0, "UPtr*",hPipeW:=0, "UPtr",0, "Int",0)
  If (r=0 || r="")

  DllCall("SetHandleInformation", "UPtr",hPipeW, "Int",1, "Int",1)
  DllCall("SetNamedPipeHandleState","UPtr",hPipeR, "UInt*",PIPE_NOWAIT:=1, "UPtr",0, "UPtr",0)

  P8 := (A_PtrSize=8) ? 1 : 0
  VarSetCapacity(SI, P8 ? 104 : 68, 0)                          ; STARTUPINFO structure      
  NumPut(P8 ? 104 : 68, SI)                                     ; size of STARTUPINFO
  NumPut(STARTF_USESTDHANDLES:=0x100, SI, P8 ? 60 : 44,"UInt")  ; dwFlags
  NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 88 : 60)                              ; hStdOutput
  NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 96 : 64)                              ; hStdError
  VarSetCapacity(PI, P8 ? 24 : 16)                              ; PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
  g := DllCall("GetPriorityClass", "UPtr",-1, "UInt")
  r := DllCall("CreateProcess", "UPtr",0, "Str",CmdLine, "UPtr",0, "Int",0, "Int",1
            ,"Int",0x08000000 | g, "Int",0
            ,"UPtr",WorkingDir ? &WorkingDir : 0, "UPtr",&SI, "UPtr",&PI)

  If (r=0 || r="")
     z := ErrorLevel "|" A_LastError
     DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr",hPipeW)
     DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr",hPipeR)
     Return ; z

  DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr",hPipeW)
  PIDu := NumGet(PI, P8? 16 : 8, "UInt")
  A_Args.RunCMD := {"PID": PIDu}
  FileObj := FileOpen(hPipeR, "h", Codepage)
  startTime := A_TickCount
  LineNum := 1,  sOutput := ""
  timeOut := 0
  While ((A_Args.RunCMD.PID + DllCall("Sleep", "Int",0)) && DllCall("PeekNamedPipe", "UPtr",hPipeR, "UPtr",0, "Int",0, "UPtr",0, "UPtr",0, "UPtr",0))
       If (A_TickCount - startTime>maxDelay)
          timeOut := 1
       While (A_Args.RunCMD.PID and (Line := FileObj.ReadLine()))
            sOutput .= Fn ? Fn.Call(Line, LineNum++) : Line
            If (A_TickCount - startTime>maxDelay)
               timeOut := 1

  If (timeOut=1)
     SoundBeep 300, 100
     Process, Close, % PIDu

  A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0
  hProcess := NumGet(PI, 0)
  hThread  := NumGet(PI, A_PtrSize)

  DllCall("GetExitCodeProcess", "UPtr",hProcess, "UPtr*",ExitCode:=0)
  DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr",hProcess)
  DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr",hThread)
  DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr",hPipeR)
  ErrorLevel := ExitCode
  Return sOutput

MaxDelay is in miliseconds. It will stop the execution after the delay you set.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

19 Oct 2022, 02:15

Is it possible to continuously write stdin to the same process? For example to the python interpreter. I've looked around the forum but couldn't find any relevant code about this.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

19 Oct 2022, 23:14

Very nice function. Thank you.

It would be great if the callback parameter accepts a bound function created with ObjBindMethod().
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

21 Oct 2022, 02:17

I'm just reporting that while A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 makes the callback function return, it doesn't close the console process.

Code: Select all

msgbox % RunCMD( "ping -t",,, "log" )
log( sLine, iLineNum ) {
    Tooltip, % iLineNum ": " sLine
    FileAppend, % "[" A_Year "-" A_MM "-" A_DD " " A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec "] [" A_Args.RunCMD.PID "] " iLineNum ": " sLine, % A_ScriptDir "\test.log"
    if ( iLineNum >= 10 ) {
        A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 ; cancel
        ; Process, Close, % A_Args.RunCMD.PID   ; <-- without this PING.exe doesn't exit
    return sLine

Is there a way to send ^c to the console program?
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

22 Oct 2022, 23:07

william_ahk wrote:
19 Oct 2022, 02:15
Is it possible to continuously write stdin to the same process? For example to the python interpreter. I've looked around the forum but couldn't find any relevant code about this.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
ListLines 0
KeyHistory 0
SendMode "Input" ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir A_ScriptDir ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


StrBuf(str, encoding)
    ; Calculate required size and allocate a buffer.
    buf := Buffer(StrPut(str, encoding))
    ; Copy or convert the string.
    StrPut(str, buf, encoding)
    return buf

class ChildProcess {
    static counter:=0

    __New(CmdLine, WorkingDir:="") { ;from zig : std.ChildProcess.exec() :
        pipe_path:="\\.\pipe\ahk-childprocess-" DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") "-" ChildProcess.counter

        NumPut("Uint",saAttr.Size,saAttr,0) ;nLength
        NumPut("Ptr",0,saAttr,8) ;lpSecurityDescriptor
        NumPut("Int",1,saAttr,16) ;bInheritHandle


            ,"Uint",1 ;HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT

            ,"Uint",0x40000001 ;0x00000001 | 0x40000000 ;PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
            ,"Uint",0 ;0x00000000 ;PIPE_TYPE_BYTE

            ,"Uint",0x40000000 ;GENERIC_WRITE
            ,"Uint",3 ;OPEN_EXISTING
            ,"Uint",0x80 ;FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL

            ,"Uint",1 ;HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT

        P8 := (A_PtrSize==8)
        , SI:=Buffer(P8 ? 104 : 68, 0) ; STARTUPINFO structure
        , NumPut("UInt", P8 ? 104 : 68, SI) ; size of STARTUPINFO
        , NumPut("UInt", STARTF_USESTDHANDLES:=0x100, SI, P8 ? 60 : 44) ; dwFlags
        , NumPut("Ptr", g_hChildStd_IN_Rd, SI, P8 ? 80 : 56) ; hStdInput
        , NumPut("Ptr", write_handle, SI, P8 ? 88 : 60) ; hStdOutput
        , NumPut("Ptr", write_handle, SI, P8 ? 96 : 64) ; hStdError
        , PI:=Buffer(P8 ? 24 : 16) ; PROCESS_INFORMATION structure

            ,"Ptr",0 ;lpProcessAttributes: *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
            ,"Int",0 ;lpThreadAttributes: *SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
            ,"Uint",0x08000400 ;dwCreationFlags: CREATE_NO_WINDOW=0x08000000, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT=0x00000400
            ,"Int",0 ;lpEnvironment
            ,"Ptr",WorkingDir ? StrPtr(WorkingDir) : 0

        bool:=DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",write_handle) ;THIS IS MUST, THIS IS IN FACT SO NECESSARY THAT WaitForSingleObject WILL ALWAYS HANG/BE WAITING
        bool:=DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",g_hChildStd_IN_Rd)

        this.g_hChildStd_IN_Wr := g_hChildStd_IN_Wr

    writeToStdIn(str) {
        ; Calculate required size and allocate a buffer.
        wowBuf := Buffer(StrPut(str, "UTF-8"))
        ; Copy or convert the string.
        StrPut(str, wowBuf, "UTF-8")

            ,"Uint",wowBuf.Size - 1

    stopAndGetStr() {
        bool:=DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",this.g_hChildStd_IN_Wr)


        overlapped:=Buffer(32, 0)


        while (true) {
            while (true) {
                if (bool == 1) {
                } else {
                    switch (A_LastError) {
                        case 997: ;IO_PENDING
                        case 109: ;BROKEN_PIPE: The pipe has been ended.
                            break outer1
                            MsgBox "h89fh2398h4`nA_LastError: " A_LastError
            ; status:=DllCall("WaitForSingleObject"
                ; ,"Ptr",read_handle
                ; ,"Uint",4294967295 ;INFINITE ;If dwMilliseconds is INFINITE, the function will return only when the object is signaled.
            ; )
            while (true) { ;this is faster but maybe more expensive???
                ; ToolTip status
                if (status == 258) {
                    DllCall("Sleep", "Uint",0)
                } else if (status == 0) {
                } else {
                    MsgBox "no way: " status

                ,"Uint*", &Overlapped_read_bytes:=0


        return finalStr

pythonProcess := ChildProcess("python")
sleep 500
; this is "continuously write stdin"
MsgBox pythonProcess.stopAndGetStr()
; if you want to read stdout in real time then I'd have to think of something else
ahk_v2 btw
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

23 Oct 2022, 04:07

@MrDoge Thanks for answering! But yeah I do intend to read the stdout in real time too. My apologies for not describing it well. I'm trying to leverage the power of Python interactive console with AHK. Is there any other way? I probably have to resort to using ControlSend to cmd.exe
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

23 Oct 2022, 06:56

william_ahk wrote:
23 Oct 2022, 04:07
@MrDoge Thanks for answering! But yeah I do intend to read the stdout in real time too. My apologies for not describing it well. I'm trying to leverage the power of Python interactive console with AHK. Is there any other way? I probably have to resort to using ControlSend to cmd.exe

My cli lib should be able to achieve what you want, but it's a beast.

CliSAK for AHK v1
CliSAK for AHK v2

There's several examples to get you started. The nature of what it seems you are trying to do is async (stdin, stdout, and stderr separately), and that is what CliSAK is built for.

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