Very cool thanks a lot, will try make it work. Just a thought, your op (--> talking about GITHUB link instructions) says put your script into the same folder as Vis2 but that didn't work. It would be easier to understand if it said extract folder in zip, then put script into that folder (not the Vis2 ahk folder) with the instructions at top to point to the Vis2 ahk. I think it should say 'put the script into same folder as Vis2-master' not the file to be clear.
edit; Dropped the moving axis search box found a way to get the static data instead so reading that now works nicely
It was very tricky to actually get the static search box since the command to get the coordinates for it was set to alt space, which when pressed activates a menu for virtually all folders and apps resulting in aborting the coordinates fetching. I had to literally film the screen to catch a glimps of the coordinates and then replay the video to type them down. It worked though so I'm good
thanks for this helps a lot!
Code: Select all
;search box that is static
#include <Vis2>
OCR([796, 1, 70, 26]).clipboard()
;Use this to set the size and place for the data
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
WinActivate, %Title%
WinRestore, %Title%
WinMove, %Title%, , windowx, windowy, windoww, windowh
;use this to get the coordinates of the data above that is to be read
WinGetActiveStats, winT, winW, winH, winX, winY
MsgBox, % "Title of active window:`n" winT "`n`nCoords start at:`nx" winX ", y" winY "`n`nWidth x Height:`n" winW " x " winH
;slim the window up
tog := (!tog)
If (tog)
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, A