Print current date and time in different formats depending on how many times the same hotkey is pressed

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Joined: 26 Dec 2020, 08:27

Print current date and time in different formats depending on how many times the same hotkey is pressed

Post by a0l0e0x000 » 23 May 2021, 09:09

Press once you get: 23. 5. 2021
Press twice you get: 23/5/2021
Press 3 times you get: 16:06:28 23/5/2021
Script resets after 5 seconds.
Feel free to change or add time formats as well as change the F15 hotkey (CHANGE ALL "F15" IN THE SCRIPT FOR IT TO WORK) ;)

Code: Select all

SendMode Input
Hotkey, F15, , T3 ;3 threads, increase if more presses are added
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,T8, d. M. yyyy ; ;T8 sets 24h time format, if American please switch to the superior 24h standard ;)
if N_of_presses = 1
  SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
if N_of_presses = 2
  date_dot = %CurrentDateTime%
  StringLen, date_dot_length, date_dot
  send, {backspace %date_dot_length%}
  FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,T8, d/M/yyyy
  send, %CurrentDateTime%
if N_of_presses = 3
  date_dot = %CurrentDateTime%
  StringLen, date_dot_length, date_dot
  send, {backspace %date_dot_length%}
  FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,T8, hh:mm:ss d/M/yyyy
  send, %CurrentDateTime%
sleep, 5000 ;time before script resets
N_of_presses = 0

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