Disable all keyboard buttons

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Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by RunarSF » 01 Jul 2017, 14:04

This is a simple script that disables all keyboard buttons except escape. To end the script, simply press escape and a message box will pop up.
What might be the use for this script? Personally, I used it when I was cleaning my keyboard and had to remove all the keys, so I wouldn't mess up my computer by spamming random buttons (I know, I know, I could have turned off my computer, but who has time for that.) but you are free to use the script as you wish.

Download: https://pastebin.com/XMrPp1LG
or download the file directly (attatched file) :D
disable keys.ahk
(1.66 KiB) Downloaded 2718 times
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by feiyue » 04 Jul 2017, 16:51

Good idea! :thumbup:
Your ideas can be succinctly implemented: :D

Code: Select all

hk(f=0) {  ; By FeiYue
  static allkeys, ExcludeKeys:="LButton,RButton"
  if !allkeys
    Loop, 254
        , s.=InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
    For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
      s:=StrReplace(s, k, v)
    allkeys:=Trim(s, "|")
  f:=f ? "On":"Off"
  For k,v in StrSplit(allkeys,"|")
    if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
      Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, %f% UseErrorLevel

hk(1)  ; Disable all keyboard buttons
Sleep, 8000
hk(0)  ; Enable all keyboard buttons
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 05 Jul 2017, 06:14

Nice script. Very useful for keeping children away from the keyboard. I added an option to disable the mouse as well.
Now, I try to implement the ability to display a message something like a reminder on how to unlock.
So far the result is not bad. Any suggestion on how to improve further the function ? :bravo:

Code: Select all

hk(f=0, mouse=0, message:="Keyboard or mouse Locked ! `nPress Alt+F2 to unlock") { 
  static allkeys, ExcludeKeys:="LButton,RButton"
  if !allkeys
    Loop, 254
        , s.=InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
    For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
      s:=StrReplace(s, k, v)
    allkeys:=Trim(s, "|")
  f:=f ? "On":"Off"
  if mouse
  For k,v in StrSplit(allkeys,"|")
    if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
      Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, %f% UseErrorLevel
  if message!=
  Progress, B1 M fs12 ZH0, %message%
  if (f="off")
  Progress, Off

hk(1,1)  ; Disable all keyboard or mouse buttons

hk(0)  ; Enable all keyboard and mouse buttons

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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by iPhilip » 06 Jul 2017, 03:01

Here is a version that allows keyboard keys and/or mouse buttons to be disabled:

Code: Select all

hk(keyboard:=0, mouse:=0, message:="", timeout:=3) { 
   static AllKeys
   if !AllKeys {
      s := "||NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins|"
      Loop, 254
         k := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:0X}", A_Index))
       , s .= InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
      For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
         AllKeys := StrReplace(s, k, v)
      AllKeys := StrSplit(Trim(AllKeys, "|"), "|")
   For k,v in AllKeys {
      IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
      Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if (message != "") {
      Progress, B1 M FS12 ZH0, %message%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   Progress, Off

!F1::hk(1,1,"Keyboard keys and mouse buttons disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F2::hk(0,0,"Keyboard keys and mouse buttons restored!")         ; Enable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F3::hk(1,0,"Keyboard keys disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all keyboard keys (but not mouse buttons)
!F4::hk(0,1,"Mouse buttons disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all mouse buttons (but not keyboard keys)

Edit: Added a timeout parameter to the function and changed the default values of the other parameters.
Last edited by iPhilip on 06 Jul 2017, 11:37, edited 1 time in total.
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 06 Jul 2017, 05:46

Thanks a lot iPhilip you did a fantastic job :thumbup: .
Hoever i think the function need to be more tweaked. Suppose you want your child to watch a cartoon or a movie. The permanant display of a message will compromise everything ! :(
It would have more sense to only display the message when typing en hide it after 2 or 3 seconds. :roll:
i was trying to implement that behaviour and also the possibility to disable only the right mouse button (if mouse=2...) but i did not succeed to disble mouse only without the keyboard. Can you implement that in your funtion ? Then it would be perfect. 8-)

here is my attempt
(hide the message after 2 sec and possiblity to lock only the ritght mouse button)

Code: Select all

hk(f=0, mouse=0, message:="") { 
  static allkeys, ExcludeKeys:="LButton,RButton", m
  if !allkeys
    Loop, 254
        , s.=InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
    For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
      s:=StrReplace(s, k, v)
    allkeys:=Trim(s, "|")
  f:=f ? "On":"Off"
  if mouse=1                 ;disable all mouse buttons
  if mouse=2                 ;disable right mouse only

  For k,v in StrSplit(allkeys,"|")
    if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
      Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, %f% UseErrorLevel
  if m!=
  Progress, B1 M fs12 ZH0, %m%
  sleep, 1500                ;hide message after 1.5 sec
  if (f="off")
  Progress, Off

hk(1,2,"Keyboard and right mouse button Locked ! `nPress Alt+F2 to unlock")  ; Disable all keyboard and right mouse buttons

hk(0,0,"Keyboard and mouse unlocked")  ; Enable all keyboard and mouse buttons

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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by wolf_II » 06 Jul 2017, 07:32

Here is a version, that facilitates readability, because I need this bigly :). Thanks to feiyue for your code :thumbup:, sorry about my edits :(.

This code does not treat mouse buttons differently from keyboard keys. This code only uses one "default" message, stored in a super-global variable.
To clarify: It is not meant to address SpeedMaster's requirements, it is meant to be readable (sorry).

@ SpeedMaster: Test my version if you like. You can always change (or request changes) to meet your requirements. At the moment I don't understand why you would need to have mouse buttons treated differently.

Code: Select all

global AllKeys := get_AllKeys()
global Message := "Keyboard and mouse are locked!`nPress Alt+F2 to unlock."
Return ; end of auto-execute section

!F1:: Disable_Keys(True)    ; disable keys
!F2:: Disable_Keys(False)   ; enable keys

get_AllKeys() { ; return a pipe delimited list of all keys
    Keys := "NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins"

    Loop, 254
        If KeyName := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:X}", A_Index))
            Keys .= "|" KeyName

    For key, val in {Control: "Ctrl", Escape: "Esc"}
        Keys := StrReplace(Keys, key, val)

    Return, Keys

Disable_Keys(BOOL := False) { ; (en/dis) -able all keys
    global Block := BOOL ? "On" : "Off"

    For each, KeyName in StrSplit(AllKeys, "|")
        Hotkey, *%KeyName%, Block_Input, %Block% UseErrorLevel

        If (Block = "On") {
            Progress, B1 ZH0, %Message%
            Sleep, 2000
            Progress, Off
If I messed up something, please tell me.
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by Helgef » 06 Jul 2017, 08:09

You could turn on the hotkeys once, and make them context sensitive.
There is also the BlockInput command.
I do a manual #l and have a password on my pc.
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 06 Jul 2017, 08:48

wolf_II wrote:At the moment I don't understand why you would need to have mouse buttons treated differently.
Young children can be confused about whether to use the right or left button on a mouse. :problem:
There are many sites that offer interesting things for young children. The problem is that most browsers displays a menu when you click the right button, which can cause problems. :think:

More explanations here...
http://www.hackingpages.com/2016/07/dis ... sktop.html
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by wolf_II » 06 Jul 2017, 09:24

Helgef wrote:You could turn on the hotkeys once, and make them context sensitive.
Thanks for the suggestion! :thumbup:

Code: Select all

    ; define AllKeys as a pipe delimited list
    AllKeys := "NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins"
    Loop, 254
        If KeyName := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:X}", A_Index))
            AllKeys .= "|" KeyName
    For Key, Replacement in {Control: "Ctrl", Escape: "Esc"}
        AllKeys := StrReplace(AllKeys, Key, Replacement)

    ; turn on the hotkeys once and make them context sensitive
    Hotkey, If, Block = "On"
    For each, KeyName in StrSplit(AllKeys, "|")
        Hotkey, *%KeyName%, Block_Input, %Block% UseErrorLevel

Return ; end of auto-execute section

!F1:: Block := "On"  ; disable keys
!F2:: Block := "Off" ; enable keys

Block_Input: ; context sensitive
    Progress, B1 ZH0, Keyboard and mouse are locked!`nPress Alt+F2 to unlock.
    Sleep, 2000
    Progress, Off


#If, Block = "On"
#If ; end of context
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 06 Jul 2017, 10:23

Helgef wrote:There is also the BlockInput command.
I was wondering why Feiyue did not use this command. :think:

Good luck to regain control of the keyboard in less than a minute without using control-alt-delete or a timed event. :angel:

Code: Select all

BlockInput On

sleep, 60000  ;timed event to regain control of the keyboard

BlockInput off   ; This just does not work !!!
wolf_II wrote:Here is a version, that facilitates readability...
Of course it facilitates readability but it loses its portability. :|
If someone can improve the function of iphilip and mix it with my attempt it would be great :D
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by iPhilip » 06 Jul 2017, 11:43

Hi SpeedMaster,

I modified the function above by adding a timeout parameter (in seconds) and changed the default parameters for the other parameters.

I hope that works for you.
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 06 Jul 2017, 18:19

iPhilip wrote:Hi SpeedMaster,

I modified the function above by adding a timeout parameter (in seconds) and changed the default parameters for the other parameters.

I hope that works for you.
Thank you for your help iPhilip. The timeout parameter is good idea. :D
I tested the code and I noticed taht the message appeared only once and also noticed that it was not possible to disable only the right mouse button.
So I tweaked the function and added an option (displayonce=) to display the message only once or more and also the possiblity to disable the right mouse button only (mouse=2). :dance:
everything works fine now the only thing is that the code need to be cleaned up :?

Here is the function

Code: Select all

hk(keyboard:=0, mouse:=0, message:="", timeout:=3, displayonce:=0) { 
   static AllKeys, z, d
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, off         ; initialisation
   if !AllKeys {
      s := "||NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins|"
      Loop, 254
         k := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:0X}", A_Index))
       , s .= InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
      For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
         AllKeys := StrReplace(s, k, v)
      AllKeys := StrSplit(Trim(AllKeys, "|"), "|")
   if (mouse!=2)  ; if mouse=1 disable right and left mouse buttons  if mouse=0 don't disable mouse buttons
        For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if (mouse=2)   ;disable right mouse button (but not left mouse)
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if d
   if (z != "") {
      Progress, B1 ZH0, %z%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   if (d!=1)
   if (z != "") {
      Progress, B1 ZH0, %z%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   Progress, Off

!F1::hk(1,1,"Keyboard keys and mouse buttons disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F2::hk(0,0,"Keyboard keys and mouse buttons restored!")         ; Enable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F3::hk(1,0,"Keyboard keys disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all keyboard keys (but not mouse buttons)
!F4::hk(0,1,"Mouse buttons disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all mouse buttons (but not keyboard keys)
!F5::hk(1,2,"Keyboard keys and Right Mouse button disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable")   ; Disable all keyboard keys and right mouse button only
!F6::hk(0,2,"Right Mouse button disabled!`nPress Alt+F2 to enable",3,1)   ; Disable right mouse button only and show message only once
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SorrymyEN » 06 Jul 2019, 08:26

Hi, SpeedMaster

Your code has been very useful to me and I am trying to make the screen message more emphatic as an OSD text because it was barely visible in certain contexts. Everything worked fine except that the blocked keyboard prompt only appears once, not every click. Could you check what I'm doing wrong? My thanks...

Code: Select all

	Progress, hide %Height% W2000 H43 b zh0 cwFF0000 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %text%, AutoHotKeyProgressBar, Backlash BRK
	WinSet, TransColor, 000000 255, AutoHotKeyProgressBar
	Progress, show
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
	Progress, Off

	Progress, hide %Height% W2000 H43 b zh0 cw009F00 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %text%, AutoHotKeyProgressBar, Backlash BRK
	WinSet, TransColor, 000000 255, AutoHotKeyProgressBar
	Progress, show
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 4000
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
	Progress, Off

hk(keyboard:=0, mouse:=0, message:="", timeout:=3, displayonce:=0) { 
   static AllKeys, z, d
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, off         ; initialisation
   if !AllKeys {
      s := "||NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins|"
      Loop, 254
         k := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:0X}", A_Index))
       , s .= InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
      For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
         AllKeys := StrReplace(s, k, v)
      AllKeys := StrSplit(Trim(AllKeys, "|"), "|")
   if (mouse!=2)  ; if mouse=1 disable right and left mouse buttons  if mouse=0 don't disable mouse buttons
        For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if (mouse=2)   ;disable right mouse button (but not left mouse)
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if d
   if (z != "") {
      Progress, B1 ZH0, %z%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   if (d!=1)
   if (z != "") {
      Progress, B1 ZH0, %z%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   Progress, Off

!F1::hk(1,1),OSD1("KEYBOARD AND MOUSE LOCKED!  -  ALT+F2 TO UNLOCK")     ;Disable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F2::hk(0.0),OSD2("KEYBOARD AND MOUSE UNLOCKED!  -  ALT-F1 TO LOCK")     ;Enable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 06 Jul 2019, 17:37

SorrymyEN wrote:
06 Jul 2019, 08:26
Could you check what I'm doing wrong? My thanks..
OSD() was not part of the function hk() :think:

try this:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force

hk(keyboard:=0, mouse:=0, message:="", timeout:=3, displayonce:=0) { 
   static AllKeys, z, d, kb, ms
   z:=message, d:=displayonce, kb:=keyboard, ms:=mouse
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, off         ; initialisation
   if !AllKeys {
      s := "||NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins|"
      Loop, 254
         k := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:0X}", A_Index))
       , s .= InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
      For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
         AllKeys := StrReplace(s, k, v)
      AllKeys := StrSplit(Trim(AllKeys, "|"), "|")
   if (mouse!=2)  ; if mouse=1 disable right and left mouse buttons  if mouse=0 don't disable mouse buttons
        For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if (mouse=2)   ;disable right mouse button (but not left mouse)
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if d
   if (z != "") {
      Progress, %Height% W2000 H43 b zh0 cwFF0000 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %z%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   if (d!=1)
   if (z != "") {
	    if (kb || ms)
			Progress, W2000 H43 b zh0 cwFF0000 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %z%
			Progress, W2000 H43 b zh0 cw009F00 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %z%
		SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   Progress, Off

!F1::hk(1,1,"KEYBOARD AND MOUSE LOCKED!  -  ALT+F2 TO UNLOCK")   ; Disable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F2::hk(0,0,"KEYBOARD AND MOUSE UNLOCKED!  -  ALT-F1 TO LOCK")   ; Enable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons

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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SpeedMaster » 07 Jul 2019, 05:47

I added an option to also hide the screen and choose the hiding color 8-) :thumbup:
Press Alt + F3 to test

how to use the function:
hk(keyboard:=false, mouse:=0, message:="", timeout:=3, displayonce:=false,screen:=false, screencolor:="blue")

keyboard (true/false).......................... disable/enable keyboard
mouse=1........................................ disable all mouse buttons
mouse=2........................................ disable right mouse button only
msessage....................................... display a message
timeout........................................ how long to display the message in sec
displayonce (true/false) ...................... display a message only once or always
hide the screen (true/false)................... hide or show everything
ScreenColor ................................... RGB Hex background color for the hiding GUI

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force

!F1::hk(1,1,"KEYBOARD AND MOUSE LOCKED!  -  ALT+F2 TO UNLOCK")              ; Disable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F2::hk(0,0,"KEYBOARD AND MOUSE UNLOCKED!  -  ALT-F1 TO LOCK")              ; Enable all keyboard keys and mouse buttons
!F3::hk(1,1,"KEYBOARD MOUSE AND SCREEN LOCKED!  -  ALT+F2 TO UNLOCK",,,1,"teal")   ; Disable keyboard mouse and screen

hk(keyboard:=false, mouse:=0, message:="", timeout:=3, displayonce:=false,screen:=false, screencolor:="blue") { 

;keyboard (true/false).......................... disable/enable keyboard
;mouse=1........................................ disable all mouse buttons
;mouse=2........................................ disable right mouse button only
;msessage....................................... display a message
;timeout........................................ how long to display the message in sec
;displayonce (true/false) ...................... display a message only once or always
;hide the screen (true/false)................... hide or show everything
;ScreenColor ................................... RGB Hex background color for the hiding GUI 

   static AllKeys, z, d, kb, ms, sc
   z:=message, d:=displayonce, kb:=keyboard, ms:=mouse, sc:=screen

      For k,v in AllKeys {
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, off         ; initialisation
   if !AllKeys {
      s := "||NumpadEnter|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Left|Right|Up|Down|Del|Ins|"
      Loop, 254
         k := GetKeyName(Format("VK{:0X}", A_Index))
       , s .= InStr(s, "|" k "|") ? "" : k "|"
      For k,v in {Control:"Ctrl",Escape:"Esc"}
         AllKeys := StrReplace(s, k, v)
      AllKeys := StrSplit(Trim(AllKeys, "|"), "|")
   if (mouse!=2)  ; if mouse=1 disable right and left mouse buttons  if mouse=0 don't disable mouse buttons
        For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if (mouse=2)   ;disable right mouse button (but not left mouse)
      For k,v in AllKeys {
           IsMouseButton := Instr(v, "Wheel") || Instr(v, "Button")
           if v not in %ExcludeKeys%
           Hotkey, *%v%, Block_Input, % (keyboard && !IsMouseButton) || (mouse && IsMouseButton) ? "On" : "Off"
   if d
   if (z != "") {
      Progress, +AlwaysOnTop W2000 H43 b zh0 cwFF0000 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %z%
      SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off
   if (d!=1)
   if (z != "") {
	    if (kb || ms)
			Progress, W2000 H43 b zh0 cwFF0000 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %z%
			Progress, W2000 H43 b zh0 cw009F00 FM20 CTFFFFFF,, %z%
		SetTimer, TimeoutTimer, % -timeout*1000
      Progress, Off

if (sc=1)
     Gui screen:  -Caption
     Gui screen: Color,  % screencolor
     Gui screen: Show, x0 y0 h74 w%a_screenwidth% h%a_screenheight%, New GUI Window
      gui screen: Hide

   Progress, Off
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by SorrymyEN » 07 Jul 2019, 08:09

Oh yes, more emphatic that this is impossible :clap:

ps.: just do not forget to assign screen lock to !F7 so as not to conflict with previously used keys.
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by zvit » 26 Nov 2019, 15:01

When I release the keys with ALT-F2, there is one problem.
It is not releasing my backquote key (`) which I have mapped to del.
The key just does nothing.
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by rbreaves » 12 Oct 2020, 12:20

@feiyue @SpeedMaster Would you guys be ok with me adding this code to my GPLv2 (also open to those that would prefer MIT) open source project https://github.com/rbreaves/kinto? I really like the ability to disable the keyboard entirely, very useful for quick keyboard cleanings without needing to lock my computer or disrupt my workflow.
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by feiyue » 13 Oct 2020, 11:09

I don't mind. :D
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Re: Disable all keyboard buttons

Post by A Keymaker » 12 Jul 2022, 08:00

How these scripts would have to be modified in order to:

A] block also the Esc key

B] block also all keys on a wireless portable keyboard connected via USB dongle

C] block all mouse clicks

D] unblock all input after two different consecutive mouse movements that happens within a 1 second span, in form of: from left to right or right to left - and / or - from up to down or from down to up

E] close the scripts [i.e. the AHK file] when input is restored


Explanation / reasoning:

Ad A] My cat does not differentiate between keys, so all keys on keyboard have to be dead when I leave the room and execute this fail-safe script

Ad B] Special keys [e.g. Shift] and multimedia keys [e.g. Play / Pause] seem to be blocked on this particular keyboard - but ordinary ones [e.g. q] are not

Ad C] Mouse could fall from a desk and accidentally click itself, thus change something

Ad D] I chose a jumpy opposite movements of mouse as the signal to unblock all other input signals. A mouse movement will also turn back my monitor, as this AHK script I want to run simultaneously with my BAT script that turns off my screens [viewtopic.php?f=76&t=106180&p=471736#p471736]

Ad E] If the script is not closed, then in my Tray the number of AHK icons will grow with time, showing another instance of script whenever during a session I will leave the room. There really is no point in showing it in Tray once its job is over
Last edited by A Keymaker on 04 Jul 2023, 11:40, edited 1 time in total.
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