[Function] Resize and Convert Images

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[Function] Resize and Convert Images

01 Mar 2014, 15:30

[Function] - ResConImg()
Resize and Convert Images

Resize and convert image files (png, bmp, jpg, tiff, or gif).
Gdip must be started before the function is called, like in the example scripts below.
Gdip.ahk either #Included or in your Lib folder.

Code: Select all

/*  ResConImg
 *    By kon
 *    Updated November 2, 2015
 *    http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2505&p=13640#p13640
 *  Resize and convert images. png, bmp, jpg, tiff, or gif.
 *  Requires Gdip.ahk in your Lib folder or #Included. Gdip.ahk is available at:
 *      http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/29449-gdi-standard-library-145-by-tic/
 *  ResConImg( OriginalFile             ;- Path of the file to convert
 *           , NewWidth                 ;- Pixels (Blank = Original Width)
 *           , NewHeight                ;- Pixels (Blank = Original Height)
 *           , NewName                  ;- New file name (Blank = "Resized_" . OriginalFileName)
 *           , NewExt                   ;- New file extension can be png, bmp, jpg, tiff, or gif (Blank = Original extension)
 *           , NewDir                   ;- New directory (Blank = Original directory)
 *           , PreserveAspectRatio      ;- True/false (Blank = true)
 *           , BitDepth)                ;- 24/32 only applicable to bmp file extension (Blank = 24)
ResConImg(OriginalFile, NewWidth:="", NewHeight:="", NewName:="", NewExt:="", NewDir:="", PreserveAspectRatio:=true, BitDepth:=24) {
    SplitPath, OriginalFile, SplitFileName, SplitDir, SplitExtension, SplitNameNoExt, SplitDrive
    pBitmapFile := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(OriginalFile)                  ; Get the bitmap of the original file
    Width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmapFile)                                ; Original width
    Height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmapFile)                              ; Original height
    NewWidth := NewWidth ? NewWidth : Width
    NewHeight := NewHeight ? NewHeight : Height
    NewExt := NewExt ? NewExt : SplitExtension
    if SubStr(NewExt, 1, 1) != "."                                          ; Add the "." to the extension if required
        NewExt := "." NewExt
    NewPath := ((NewDir != "") ? NewDir : SplitDir)                         ; NewPath := Directory
            . "\" ((NewName != "") ? NewName : "Resized_" SplitNameNoExt)       ; \File name
            . NewExt                                                            ; .Extension
    if (PreserveAspectRatio) {                                              ; Recalcultate NewWidth/NewHeight if required
        if ((r1 := Width / NewWidth) > (r2 := Height / NewHeight))          ; NewWidth/NewHeight will be treated as max width/height
            NewHeight := Height / r1
            NewWidth := Width / r2
    pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight                        ; Create a new bitmap
    , (SubStr(NewExt, -2) = "bmp" && BitDepth = 24) ? 0x21808 : 0x26200A)   ; .bmp files use a bit depth of 24 by default
    G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)                                    ; Get a pointer to the graphics of the bitmap
    Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)                                             ; Quality settings
    Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
    Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmapFile, 0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight)               ; Draw the original image onto the new bitmap
    Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmapFile)                                          ; Delete the bitmap of the original image
    Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, NewPath)                                 ; Save the new bitmap to file
    Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap)                                              ; Delete the new bitmap
    Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G)                                                  ; The graphics may now be deleted
Example Usage:
This example will create a copy of "test.png" named "Resized_test.png".

Code: Select all

If !pToken := Gdip_Startup() {  ; Start Gdip
    MsgBox, 16, Gdiplus Error, Gdiplus failed to start.
FilePath := A_Desktop "\test.png"
if FileExist(FilePath)
    ResConImg(FilePath, 1366, 768,,,, false)
    MsgBox, 16, File Error, File not found.
Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)  ; Close Gdip
This example will resize images dropped onto a Gui.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
OnExit, Exit
; Uncomment if Gdip.ahk is not in your standard library
;#Include, Gdip.ahk
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup() {  ; Start Gdip
    MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have Gdip.ahk on your system.
FileSelectFolder, SelectedFolder, % A_Desktop, 3, Select a directory in which to save the resized image(s).
if (ErrorLevel)
Gui, Add, Text, , Drag and drop images to resize.
Gui, Show, H200 W200

Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
    ResConImg(A_LoopField, 800, 600, , , SelectedFolder)

Thanks to tic for Gdip.ahk.
This function is similar to, but not based on, tic's ConvertImage(). I didn't search for other functions until after I had coded this, and I was unable to locate the source code for tic's version.
Users may also be interested in Learning one's Resize/Rotate/Crop/Clone functions.

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Last edited by kon on 24 Sep 2016, 14:21, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

05 Mar 2014, 10:25

Very nice it would replace irfanview commandline for resizing. :)

I have two remarks:
  • to get consistent quality resizing i would include two gdip commands
    Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)
    Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
  • resizing a 24bit bmp is saved as 32bit which is a lot bigger ,irfanview leaves it as 24bit
Thanks for posting.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

05 Mar 2014, 16:15

Thanks for the feedback noname. :)

The function has been updated to include your suggestions and some other changes also.
  • Added Gdip_SetSmoothingMode and Gdip_SetInterpolationMode
  • Added another optional parameter which is only applicable to files saved as bmp. bmp files will be saved as 24bit by default, specify 32 if desired
  • Changed parameter order, moved "OriginalFile" to first parameter
  • NewWidth and/or NewHeight can now be left blank in which case the original dimensions will be used
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

06 Mar 2014, 20:46

Nice, can you make it convert to ICO?
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

07 Mar 2014, 14:14

Chef wrote:Nice, can you make it convert to ICO?
I'm looking into it. My initial impression is that conversion to ICO is best left as a separate function because the conversion process is vastly different. So far I've found ICO creater/converter (.PNG to .ICO) by Rseding91.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

08 Mar 2014, 04:45

like to use also freeware commandline irfanview , my default picture viewer ( convert , resize , crop, printscreen etc ... )
example make an ico from picture

Code: Select all

;-- example Drag & Drop picture  with freeware Irfanview
;-- use commandlines to convert / resize etc Pictures/Photos's

;- irfanview drag&drop resize convert
;- http://www.irfanview.com/

filename1=Irfanview_Drag&Drop convert resize

Gui,2: Font, default, FixedSys
Gui,2:add,button  , x840 y15 h22 w100  gStart1       ,Start
Gui,2:Show, x50 y10 w970 h50,%Filename1%
Gui,2:add,edit    , x10 y10 h35 w820   vF1,Drag&Drop picture here


SplitPath, F1, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive
If Ext Not In jpg,bmp,tif
msgbox, 262192, Picture MESSAGE,Only pictures tif bmp jpg

;-- resize a picture
;aa=/resize=(800,0) /aspectratio /convert=%new%

;- convert to pdf -------

;- convert to ico -------
;aa= /aspectratio /resize=(138`,0) /gray /convert=%new%
aa= /aspectratio /resize=(138`,0) /convert=%new%

runwait,%pr% %f1% %aa%


Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
;=============== end script ==============
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

08 Mar 2014, 22:34

Nothing comes even close to ImageMagick.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

09 Mar 2014, 05:48

Here's my first attempt at a function to create ICO files.
It's based on ICO creater/converter (.PNG to .ICO) by Rseding91, but will also convert and resize the images that are passed to it.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui, Add, Text, , Drag and drop images to create icons.
Gui, Show, H200 W200

Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
	ImageArray := []
	ImageArray[1] := [A_LoopField, 128, 128]
	ImageArray[2] := [A_LoopField, 64, 64]
	ImageArray[3] := [A_LoopField, 32, 32]
	ImageArray[4] := [A_LoopField, 16, 16]
	ResConICO(ImageArray, "MyIcon" i ".ico", A_Desktop)


; Based on (Large parts are directly from):
; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/82416-ico-createrconverter-png-to-ico/
; http://www.autohotkey.net/~Rseding91/ICO%20Converter/ICO%20Converter.ahk
ResConICO(ImageArray, NewName, NewDir) {
	ICO_ContainerSize := 16
	, O := 0
	, Total_PotentialSize := 6
	, pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	; Convert Images
	for i, img in ImageArray {
		pBitmapFile := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(img[1])							; Get a bitmap of the file to convert
		, pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(img[2], img[3])								; Create a new bitmap of the desired width/heigh
		, G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)                                  	; Get a pointer to the graphics of the bitmap
		, Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)												; Set image quality modes
		, Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
		, Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmapFile, 0, 0, img[2], img[3])            		 	; Draw the original image onto the new bitmap
		, Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmapFile)                                        	; Delete the bitmap of the original image
		, Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, A_ScriptDir "\TempResized" i ".png")       ; Save the new bitmap to file
		, Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap)                                            	; Delete the new bitmap
		, Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G)                                               		; The graphics may now be deleted
		, img[1] := A_ScriptDir "\TempResized" i ".png"
		FileGetSize, ImgSize, % img[1]
		if (ImgSize)
			Total_PotentialSize += ICO_ContainerSize + ImgSize

	VarSetCapacity(ICO_Data, Total_PotentialSize, 0)
	, NumPut(0, ICO_Data, O, "UShort"), O += 2 ;reserved - always 0
	, NumPut(1, ICO_Data, O, "UShort"), O += 2 ;ico = 1, cur = 2
	, NumPut(0, ICO_Data, O, "UShort"), O += 2 ;number of images in file
	for i, img in ImageArray {
		if (img[2] < 257 && img[3] < 257 && File := FileOpen(img[1], "r")) {
			NumPut(img[2], ICO_Data, O, "UChar"), O += 1 ;image width: 256 = 0
			, NumPut(img[3], ICO_Data, O, "UChar"), O += 1 ;image height: 256 = 0
			, NumPut(0, ICO_Data, O, "UChar"), O += 1 ;color palatte: 0 if not used
			, NumPut(0, ICO_Data, O, "UChar"), O += 1 ;reserved - always 0
			, NumPut(0, ICO_Data, O, "UShort"), O += 2 ;ico - color planes (0/1), cur - horizontal coordinates of the hotspot in pixels from left
			, NumPut(32, ICO_Data, O, "UShort"), O += 2 ;ico - bits per pixel, cur - vertical coordinates of hotspot in pixels from top
			, NumPut(File.Length, ICO_Data, O, "UInt"), O += 4 ;Size of image data in bytes
			, NumPut(O + 4, ICO_Data, O, "UInt"), O += 4 ;Offset of image data from begining of ico/cur file
			, File.RawRead(&ICO_Data + O, File.Length)
			, O += File.Length
			, NumPut(NumGet(ICO_Data, 4, "UShort") + 1, ICO_Data, 4, "UShort") ;Adds one to the total number of images
			, File.Close()
		FileDelete, % img[1]

	If (O > 6){
		File := FileOpen(NewDir "\" NewName, "w")
		, File.RawWrite(&ICO_Data, O)
		, File.Close()
		, VarSetCapacity(ICO_Data, O, 0)
		, VarSetCapacity(ICO_Data, 0)
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

09 Mar 2014, 10:17

ResConImg Great! It can become a "classic" :)

You have included "pToken := Gdip_Startup()" inside the function in your latest resconico().Did you try this also in resconimg()?

I have been testing this and there is no real speed impact when you have lots of files but i had to change the "Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)" to "DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", "uint", pToken)" because otherwise it crashed at the end (the images where converted correctly).

I was wondering if you had a similar problem because it is more convenient to have it inside the function.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

22 Jul 2015, 22:36

Thanks. You saved my time :)
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

31 Oct 2015, 10:24

A small bug:
, NewPath := (NewDir ? NewDir : SplitDir) ; NewPath := Directory
. "\" (NewName ? NewName : "Resized_" SplitNameNoExt) ; \File name
It will causing 0 or 0000 treated as blank.

Change to this would be better:
, NewPath := ((NewDir!="") ? NewDir : SplitDir) ; NewPath := Directory
. "\" ((NewName!="") ? NewName : "Resized_" SplitNameNoExt) ; \File name
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

02 Nov 2015, 15:52

noname wrote:ResConImg Great! It can become a "classic" :)

You have included "pToken := Gdip_Startup()" inside the function in your latest resconico().Did you try this also in resconimg()?

I have been testing this and there is no real speed impact when you have lots of files but i had to change the "Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)" to "DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", "uint", pToken)" because otherwise it crashed at the end (the images where converted correctly).

I was wondering if you had a similar problem because it is more convenient to have it inside the function.
Thanks noname. Sorry for the incredibly late reply. I didn't reply before because I don't know the answer to your question. Although, I do remember investigating it a bit when you initially posted this question. My best guess at the time was that the higher speed of ResConImg was causing the instability. ie: gdip wasn't fully shutdown before it was started again. It now seems like a bad idea to potentially load and unload gdip many times, even in ResConIco. It's probably best to let other users decide how and when to startup/shutdown gdip.
tmplinshi wrote:A small bug:
, NewPath := (NewDir ? NewDir : SplitDir) ; NewPath := Directory
. "\" (NewName ? NewName : "Resized_" SplitNameNoExt) ; \File name
It will causing 0 or 0000 treated as blank.

Change to this would be better:
, NewPath := ((NewDir!="") ? NewDir : SplitDir) ; NewPath := Directory
. "\" ((NewName!="") ? NewName : "Resized_" SplitNameNoExt) ; \File name
Thanks for reporting the bug tmplinshi. I've updated the function with your suggestion.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

07 Sep 2017, 17:16

Why can't I add a 256x265 icon to kon's script?

By adding
ImageArray[1] := [A_LoopField, 256, 256]
ImageArray[2] := [A_LoopField, 128, 128]
ImageArray[3] := [A_LoopField, 64, 64]
ImageArray[4] := [A_LoopField, 32, 32]
ImageArray[5] := [A_LoopField, 16, 16]
an icon is created, with a working 256x256 thumbnail preview, but Windows says it doesn't contain any icons when I try to use it.

I've also tried changing
NumPut(img[2], ICO_Data, O, "UChar"), O += 1 ;image width: 256 = 0
, NumPut(img[3], ICO_Data, O, "UChar"), O += 1 ;image height: 256 = 0
to zero, but still no luck.

If I only add
ImageArray[1] := [A_LoopField, 256, 256]
a working 256x256 icon is created.

Any suggestions, anyone?
Last edited by skrommel on 08 Sep 2017, 02:38, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

07 Sep 2017, 17:25

Just thought I'd mention you have ImageArray[1] twice there, in case it's that.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

08 Sep 2017, 02:36

Sadly, no, jeeswg, just a typo in the post. :roll:
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

04 May 2019, 10:00

kon... Thank you for this function.
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

07 May 2019, 03:10

Amazing Function! thanks for the bump and thanks to kon and everyone involved in this!
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

14 Apr 2020, 12:01

Can this function be modified to keep the original EXIF data? It's lost when the image is resized. :think:
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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

16 Apr 2020, 03:38

Hi @kon

How to add canvas size to image?


EDIT: I have found it

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Re: [Function] Resize and Convert Images

09 Nov 2020, 14:28

Does anyone know how I would resize an image saved in clipboard and when pasted converts to smaller size? I like this clipper since very small size. Would be nice to see lines in multimonitor if someone could help guide me? Thanks!

Code: Select all

F3::                                                 ;Hold F3 to make a selection, then release
MouseGetPos, x1, y1
SoundBeep, 1500, 20
KeyWait, %A_ThisHotkey%
SoundBeep, 1000, 20
MouseGetPos, x2, y2
width := x2 - x1, height := y2 - y1
If (width < 4 && height < 4)
pToken := Gdip_Startup(), snap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(x1 "|" y1 "|" width "|" height)
Gdip_SetBitmapToClipboard(snap), Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(snap, out)
Gdip_DisposeImage(snap), Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)

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