[Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

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[Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

04 Apr 2017, 03:33

April 1, 2008: Superfraggle published the original AddTooltip function. It only worked on AutoHotkey Basic (ANSI).

June 17, 2011: art published a Unicode-ready version of the function. It worked on Unicode 32-bit but not on Unicode 64-bit.

March 28, 2013: jballi published a version of the function that worked on all versions of AutoHotkey. The function included some additional functionality.

AddTooltip is a simple but powerful function that is able to quickly and easily attach a tooltip to almost any GUI control.

I had no intention of publishing an update to the function but zcooler recently found a bug in the last published version of the function and although the bug was quickly identified and resolved (thanks qwerty12), I felt an obligation to publish the latest version of the function which includes the bug fix. This version does the basic stuff but it also includes additional features that should increase the usefulness of the function.

Key features:
  • Attach a tooltip to any GUI control. Add, update, or remove tooltips to/from multiple GUI controls on multiple GUIs.
  • One step Activate/Deactivate. In previous versions of the function, the only way to stop a GUI control from showing a tooltip was to delete the tooltip attached to the GUI control. In the latest version, the Deactivate command can be used to disable all tooltips created by the function and the Activate command will (re)enable the tooltip control when needed.
  • Set the AutoPop delay time. For the tooltip control, the "autopop delay time" is the amount of time to wait before automatically closing a tooltip that is showing. The default is ~5 seconds. The AutoPopDelay command can be used to set the autopop delay time to a new value, up to 32 seconds. This can be useful when at least one tooltip contains text that takes a long time to read and/or comprehend.
The Code
The pertinent files are as follows:
A few considerations:
  • Compatibility. This version of the function is designed to run on all versions of AutoHotkey v1.1+ (ANSI, Unicode, and Unicode 64-bit).
  • Incompatible controls. This function does not work on all GUI controls. So far, I've identified the following controls that don't appear to work. There may be others.
    • ActiveX
    • GroupBox
    Also, several controls only work if a g-label has been defined for the control. See the example script for more information.
  • Custom controls. The function should work on most custom GUI controls but very little testing has been done at this point.
Final Thoughts
I've been using a version of this function for a long time. It can quickly add value to scripts with one or more GUIs. I hope that others find it as useful as I do.

Release Notes
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Re: [Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

08 Apr 2017, 01:24

handy func, thanks!
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Re: [Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

04 Oct 2019, 19:12

Hi @jballi,

Thank you for this function. It's just what I was looking for and am now using it in one of my scripts. :)

In case people are interested in customizing the font of the tooltips being generated, below is a script that includes a function to facilitate that.

Code: Select all


hIcon := LoadPicture("shell32.dll", "Icon131", ImageType)

Gui, Color, Black
Gui, Font, s14 cWhite, Tahoma
Gui, Add, Text, HwndhText gReturn, Experiment with`ncustom fonts.

hTT := AddTooltip(hText)
AddTooltip(hText, "Tooltip with icon, title, and custom font")
AddTooltip("Title", "My Tooltip Title", hIcon)
AddToolTip("AutoPopDelay", 15)
SetCtrlFont(hTT, "s12", "Calibri")

Gui, Show

SetCtrlFont(CtrlHwnd, FontOptions := "", FontName := "") {
   static WM_SETFONT := 0x0030, WM_GETFONT := 0x0031
   DefaultGui := A_DefaultGui
   Gui, New
   Gui, Font, % FontOptions, % FontName
   Gui, Add, Text, hwndhText, Text
   hFont := DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hText, "UInt", WM_GETFONT, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
   Gui, Destroy
   Gui, %DefaultGui%:Default
   DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", CtrlHwnd, "UInt", WM_SETFONT, "Ptr", hFont, "Ptr", true)
   Return hFont


; Function: AddTooltip v2.0
; Description:
;   Add/Update tooltips to GUI controls.
; Parameters:
;   p1 - Handle to a GUI control.  Alternatively, set to "Activate" to enable
;       the tooltip control, "AutoPopDelay" to set the autopop delay time,
;       "Deactivate" to disable the tooltip control, or "Title" to set the
;       tooltip title.
;   p2 - If p1 contains the handle to a GUI control, this parameter should
;       contain the tooltip text.  Ex: "My tooltip".  Set to null to delete the
;       tooltip attached to the control.  If p1="AutoPopDelay", set to the
;       desired autopop delay time, in seconds.  Ex: 10.  Note: The maximum
;       autopop delay time is ~32 seconds.  If p1="Title", set to the title of
;       the tooltip.  Ex: "Bob's Tooltips".  Set to null to remove the tooltip
;       title.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
;   p3 - Tooltip icon.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
; Returns:
;   The handle to the tooltip control.
; Requirements:
;   AutoHotkey v1.1+ (all versions).
; Title & Icon:
;   To set the tooltip title, set the p1 parameter to "Title" and the p2
;   parameter to the desired tooltip title.  Ex: AddTooltip("Title","Bob's
;   Tooltips"). To remove the tooltip title, set the p2 parameter to null.  Ex:
;   AddTooltip("Title","").
;   The p3 parameter determines the icon to be displayed along with the title,
;   if any.  If not specified or if set to 0, no icon is shown.  To show a
;   standard icon, specify one of the standard icon identifiers.  See the
;   function's static variables for a list of possible values.  Ex:
;   AddTooltip("Title","My Title",4).  To show a custom icon, specify a handle
;   to an image (bitmap, cursor, or icon).  When a custom icon is specified, a
;   copy of the icon is created by the tooltip window so if needed, the original
;   icon can be destroyed any time after the title and icon are set.
;   Setting a tooltip title may not produce a desirable result in many cases.
;   The title (and icon if specified) will be shown on every tooltip that is
;   added by this function.
; Remarks:
;   The tooltip control is enabled by default.  There is no need to "Activate"
;   the tooltip control unless it has been previously "Deactivated".
;   This function returns the handle to the tooltip control so that, if needed,
;   additional actions can be performed on the Tooltip control outside of this
;   function.  Once created, this function reuses the same tooltip control.
;   If the tooltip control is destroyed outside of this function, subsequent
;   calls to this function will fail.
; Credit and History:
;   Original author: Superfraggle
;   * Post: <http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/27670-add-tooltips-to-controls/>
;   Updated to support Unicode: art
;   * Post: <http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/27670-add-tooltips-to-controls/page-2#entry431059>
;   Additional: jballi.
;   Bug fixes.  Added support for x64.  Removed Modify parameter.  Added
;   additional functionality, constants, and documentation.
    Static hTT

          ;-- Misc. constants
          ,HWND_DESKTOP :=0

          ;-- Tooltip delay time constants
                ;-- Set the amount of time a tooltip window remains visible if
                ;   the pointer is stationary within a tool's bounding
                ;   rectangle.

          ;-- Tooltip styles
                ;-- Indicates that the tooltip control appears when the cursor
                ;   is on a tool, even if the tooltip control's owner window is
                ;   inactive.  Without this style, the tooltip appears only when
                ;   the tool's owner window is active.

                ;-- Prevents the system from stripping ampersand characters from
                ;   a string or terminating a string at a tab character.
                ;   Without this style, the system automatically strips
                ;   ampersand characters and terminates a string at the first
                ;   tab character.  This allows an application to use the same
                ;   string as both a menu item and as text in a tooltip control.

          ;-- TOOLINFO uFlags
                ;-- Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the
                ;   tool.  If this flag is not set, uId is the identifier of the
                ;   tool.

                ;-- Indicates that the tooltip control should subclass the
                ;   window for the tool in order to intercept messages, such
                ;   as WM_MOUSEMOVE.  If this flag is not used, use the
                ;   TTM_RELAYEVENT message to forward messages to the tooltip
                ;   control.  For a list of messages that a tooltip control
                ;   processes, see TTM_RELAYEVENT.

          ;-- Tooltip icons
          ,TTI_NONE         :=0
          ,TTI_INFO         :=1
          ,TTI_WARNING      :=2
          ,TTI_ERROR        :=3
          ,TTI_INFO_LARGE   :=4
          ,TTI_ERROR_LARGE  :=6

          ;-- Extended styles

          ;-- Messages
          ,TTM_ACTIVATE      :=0x401                    ;-- WM_USER + 1
          ,TTM_ADDTOOLA      :=0x404                    ;-- WM_USER + 4
          ,TTM_ADDTOOLW      :=0x432                    ;-- WM_USER + 50
          ,TTM_DELTOOLA      :=0x405                    ;-- WM_USER + 5
          ,TTM_DELTOOLW      :=0x433                    ;-- WM_USER + 51
          ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOA  :=0x408                    ;-- WM_USER + 8
          ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOW  :=0x435                    ;-- WM_USER + 53
          ,TTM_SETDELAYTIME  :=0x403                    ;-- WM_USER + 3
          ,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH:=0x418                    ;-- WM_USER + 24
          ,TTM_SETTITLEA     :=0x420                    ;-- WM_USER + 32
          ,TTM_SETTITLEW     :=0x421                    ;-- WM_USER + 33
          ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA:=0x40C                    ;-- WM_USER + 12
          ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW:=0x439                    ;-- WM_USER + 57

    ;-- Save/Set DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows On

    ;-- Tooltip control exists?
    if not hTT
        ;-- Create Tooltip window
            ,"UInt",WS_EX_TOPMOST                       ;-- dwExStyle
            ,"Str","TOOLTIPS_CLASS32"                   ;-- lpClassName
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpWindowName
            ,"UInt",TTS_ALWAYSTIP|TTS_NOPREFIX          ;-- dwStyle
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- x
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- y
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nWidth
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nHeight
            ,"Ptr",HWND_DESKTOP                         ;-- hWndParent
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hMenu
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hInstance
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpParam
            ,"Ptr")                                     ;-- Return type

        ;-- Disable visual style
        ;   Note: Uncomment the following to disable the visual style, i.e.
        ;   remove the window theme, from the tooltip control.  Since this
        ;   function only uses one tooltip control, all tooltips created by this
        ;   function will be affected.
;;;;;        DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme","Ptr",hTT,"Ptr",0,"UIntP",0)

        ;-- Set the maximum width for the tooltip window
        ;   Note: This message makes multi-line tooltips possible
        SendMessage TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,A_ScreenWidth,,ahk_id %hTT%

    ;-- Other commands
    if p1 is not Integer
        if (p1="Activate")
            SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,True,0,,ahk_id %hTT%

        if (p1="Deactivate")
            SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,False,0,,ahk_id %hTT%

        if (InStr(p1,"AutoPop")=1)  ;-- Starts with "AutoPop"
            SendMessage TTM_SETDELAYTIME,TTDT_AUTOPOP,p2*1000,,ahk_id %hTT%
        if (p1="Title")
            ;-- If needed, truncate the title
            if (StrLen(p2)>99)

            ;-- Icon
            if p3 is not Integer

            ;-- Set title
            SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TTM_SETTITLEW:TTM_SETTITLEA,p3,&p2,,ahk_id %hTT%

        ;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
        DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%
        ;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
        Return hTT

    ;-- Create/Populate the TOOLINFO structure
    cbSize:=VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 64:44,0)
    NumPut(cbSize,      TOOLINFO,0,"UInt")              ;-- cbSize
    NumPut(uFlags,      TOOLINFO,4,"UInt")              ;-- uFlags
    NumPut(HWND_DESKTOP,TOOLINFO,8,"Ptr")               ;-- hwnd
    NumPut(p1,          TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr")
        ;-- uId

    ;-- Check to see if tool has already been registered for the control
        ,,ahk_id %hTT%


    ;-- Update the TOOLTIP structure
    NumPut(&p2,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 48:36,"Ptr")
        ;-- lpszText

    ;-- Add, Update, or Delete tool
    if l_RegisteredTool
        if StrLen(p2)
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
                ,A_IsUnicode ? TTM_DELTOOLW:TTM_DELTOOLA
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
        if StrLen(p2)
                ,A_IsUnicode ? TTM_ADDTOOLW:TTM_ADDTOOLA
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%

    ;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

    ;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
    Return hTT

Finally, I would like to suggest 3 minor improvements to the code:

  1. You might add a : in the third parameter of the function definition

    Code: Select all

    AddTooltip(p1,p2:="",p3:="")  ; <--- was p3=""
  2. The maximum width for the tooltip window should be adjusted for non-standard DPI settings in case people have long tooltip text strings

    Code: Select all

    SendMessage TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,A_ScreenWidth*96//A_ScreenDPI,,ahk_id %hTT%  ; <--- was A_ScreenWidth
  3. Lastly, the size of the TOOLINFO structure should be listed as

    Code: Select all

    cbSize:=VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 72:48,0)  ; <--- was 64:44
    In the .\_Design & Development\Structures\TOOLINFO.txt document included in your zip file you claim:
    jballi wrote:The space allocated for *lpReserved should be ignored for all versions of Windows.
    I would like to bring your attention to this article that argues otherwise. In most cases, it doesn't make a difference.

- iPhilip
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)
Posts: 265
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Re: [Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

06 Oct 2019, 09:08

So your code should look like this after adding suggested improvements:

Code: Select all

; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30079

#SingleInstance Force

hIcon := LoadPicture("shell32.dll", "Icon131", ImageType)

Gui, Color, Black
Gui, Font, s14 cWhite, Tahoma
Gui, Add, Text, HwndhText gReturn, Experiment with`ncustom fonts.

hTT := AddTooltip(hText)
AddTooltip(hText, "Tooltip with icon, title, and custom font")
AddTooltip("Title", "My Tooltip Title", hIcon)
AddToolTip("AutoPopDelay", 15)
SetCtrlFont(hTT, "s12", "Calibri")

Gui, Show

SetCtrlFont(CtrlHwnd, FontOptions := "", FontName := "") {
   static WM_SETFONT := 0x0030, WM_GETFONT := 0x0031
   DefaultGui := A_DefaultGui
   Gui, New
   Gui, Font, % FontOptions, % FontName
   Gui, Add, Text, hwndhText, Text
   hFont := DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hText, "UInt", WM_GETFONT, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
   Gui, Destroy
   Gui, %DefaultGui%:Default
   DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", CtrlHwnd, "UInt", WM_SETFONT, "Ptr", hFont, "Ptr", true)
   Return hFont


; Function: AddTooltip v2.0
; Description:
;   Add/Update tooltips to GUI controls.
; Parameters:
;   p1 - Handle to a GUI control.  Alternatively, set to "Activate" to enable
;       the tooltip control, "AutoPopDelay" to set the autopop delay time,
;       "Deactivate" to disable the tooltip control, or "Title" to set the
;       tooltip title.
;   p2 - If p1 contains the handle to a GUI control, this parameter should
;       contain the tooltip text.  Ex: "My tooltip".  Set to null to delete the
;       tooltip attached to the control.  If p1="AutoPopDelay", set to the
;       desired autopop delay time, in seconds.  Ex: 10.  Note: The maximum
;       autopop delay time is ~32 seconds.  If p1="Title", set to the title of
;       the tooltip.  Ex: "Bob's Tooltips".  Set to null to remove the tooltip
;       title.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
;   p3 - Tooltip icon.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
; Returns:
;   The handle to the tooltip control.
; Requirements:
;   AutoHotkey v1.1+ (all versions).
; Title & Icon:
;   To set the tooltip title, set the p1 parameter to "Title" and the p2
;   parameter to the desired tooltip title.  Ex: AddTooltip("Title","Bob's
;   Tooltips"). To remove the tooltip title, set the p2 parameter to null.  Ex:
;   AddTooltip("Title","").
;   The p3 parameter determines the icon to be displayed along with the title,
;   if any.  If not specified or if set to 0, no icon is shown.  To show a
;   standard icon, specify one of the standard icon identifiers.  See the
;   function's static variables for a list of possible values.  Ex:
;   AddTooltip("Title","My Title",4).  To show a custom icon, specify a handle
;   to an image (bitmap, cursor, or icon).  When a custom icon is specified, a
;   copy of the icon is created by the tooltip window so if needed, the original
;   icon can be destroyed any time after the title and icon are set.
;   Setting a tooltip title may not produce a desirable result in many cases.
;   The title (and icon if specified) will be shown on every tooltip that is
;   added by this function.
; Remarks:
;   The tooltip control is enabled by default.  There is no need to "Activate"
;   the tooltip control unless it has been previously "Deactivated".
;   This function returns the handle to the tooltip control so that, if needed,
;   additional actions can be performed on the Tooltip control outside of this
;   function.  Once created, this function reuses the same tooltip control.
;   If the tooltip control is destroyed outside of this function, subsequent
;   calls to this function will fail.
; Credit and History:
;   Original author: Superfraggle
;   * Post: <http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/27670-add-tooltips-to-controls/>
;   Updated to support Unicode: art
;   * Post: <http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/27670-add-tooltips-to-controls/page-2#entry431059>
;   Additional: jballi.
;   Bug fixes.  Added support for x64.  Removed Modify parameter.  Added
;   additional functionality, constants, and documentation.
    Static hTT

          ;-- Misc. constants
          ,HWND_DESKTOP :=0

          ;-- Tooltip delay time constants
                ;-- Set the amount of time a tooltip window remains visible if
                ;   the pointer is stationary within a tool's bounding
                ;   rectangle.

          ;-- Tooltip styles
                ;-- Indicates that the tooltip control appears when the cursor
                ;   is on a tool, even if the tooltip control's owner window is
                ;   inactive.  Without this style, the tooltip appears only when
                ;   the tool's owner window is active.

                ;-- Prevents the system from stripping ampersand characters from
                ;   a string or terminating a string at a tab character.
                ;   Without this style, the system automatically strips
                ;   ampersand characters and terminates a string at the first
                ;   tab character.  This allows an application to use the same
                ;   string as both a menu item and as text in a tooltip control.

          ;-- TOOLINFO uFlags
                ;-- Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the
                ;   tool.  If this flag is not set, uId is the identifier of the
                ;   tool.

                ;-- Indicates that the tooltip control should subclass the
                ;   window for the tool in order to intercept messages, such
                ;   as WM_MOUSEMOVE.  If this flag is not used, use the
                ;   TTM_RELAYEVENT message to forward messages to the tooltip
                ;   control.  For a list of messages that a tooltip control
                ;   processes, see TTM_RELAYEVENT.

          ;-- Tooltip icons
          ,TTI_NONE         :=0
          ,TTI_INFO         :=1
          ,TTI_WARNING      :=2
          ,TTI_ERROR        :=3
          ,TTI_INFO_LARGE   :=4
          ,TTI_ERROR_LARGE  :=6

          ;-- Extended styles

          ;-- Messages
          ,TTM_ACTIVATE      :=0x401                    ;-- WM_USER + 1
          ,TTM_ADDTOOLA      :=0x404                    ;-- WM_USER + 4
          ,TTM_ADDTOOLW      :=0x432                    ;-- WM_USER + 50
          ,TTM_DELTOOLA      :=0x405                    ;-- WM_USER + 5
          ,TTM_DELTOOLW      :=0x433                    ;-- WM_USER + 51
          ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOA  :=0x408                    ;-- WM_USER + 8
          ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOW  :=0x435                    ;-- WM_USER + 53
          ,TTM_SETDELAYTIME  :=0x403                    ;-- WM_USER + 3
          ,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH:=0x418                    ;-- WM_USER + 24
          ,TTM_SETTITLEA     :=0x420                    ;-- WM_USER + 32
          ,TTM_SETTITLEW     :=0x421                    ;-- WM_USER + 33
          ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA:=0x40C                    ;-- WM_USER + 12
          ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW:=0x439                    ;-- WM_USER + 57

    ;-- Save/Set DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows On

    ;-- Tooltip control exists?
    if not hTT
        ;-- Create Tooltip window
            ,"UInt",WS_EX_TOPMOST                       ;-- dwExStyle
            ,"Str","TOOLTIPS_CLASS32"                   ;-- lpClassName
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpWindowName
            ,"UInt",TTS_ALWAYSTIP|TTS_NOPREFIX          ;-- dwStyle
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- x
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- y
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nWidth
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nHeight
            ,"Ptr",HWND_DESKTOP                         ;-- hWndParent
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hMenu
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hInstance
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpParam
            ,"Ptr")                                     ;-- Return type

        ;-- Disable visual style
        ;   Note: Uncomment the following to disable the visual style, i.e.
        ;   remove the window theme, from the tooltip control.  Since this
        ;   function only uses one tooltip control, all tooltips created by this
        ;   function will be affected.
;;;;;        DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme","Ptr",hTT,"Ptr",0,"UIntP",0)

        ;-- Set the maximum width for the tooltip window
        ;   Note: This message makes multi-line tooltips possible
        SendMessage TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,A_ScreenWidth*96//A_ScreenDPI,,ahk_id %hTT%

    ;-- Other commands
    if p1 is not Integer
        if (p1="Activate")
            SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,True,0,,ahk_id %hTT%

        if (p1="Deactivate")
            SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,False,0,,ahk_id %hTT%

        if (InStr(p1,"AutoPop")=1)  ;-- Starts with "AutoPop"
            SendMessage TTM_SETDELAYTIME,TTDT_AUTOPOP,p2*1000,,ahk_id %hTT%
        if (p1="Title")
            ;-- If needed, truncate the title
            if (StrLen(p2)>99)

            ;-- Icon
            if p3 is not Integer

            ;-- Set title
            SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TTM_SETTITLEW:TTM_SETTITLEA,p3,&p2,,ahk_id %hTT%

        ;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
        DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%
        ;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
        Return hTT

    ;-- Create/Populate the TOOLINFO structure
    cbSize:=VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 72:48,0)
    NumPut(cbSize,      TOOLINFO,0,"UInt")              ;-- cbSize
    NumPut(uFlags,      TOOLINFO,4,"UInt")              ;-- uFlags
    NumPut(HWND_DESKTOP,TOOLINFO,8,"Ptr")               ;-- hwnd
    NumPut(p1,          TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr")
        ;-- uId

    ;-- Check to see if tool has already been registered for the control
        ,,ahk_id %hTT%


    ;-- Update the TOOLTIP structure
    NumPut(&p2,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 48:36,"Ptr")
        ;-- lpszText

    ;-- Add, Update, or Delete tool
    if l_RegisteredTool
        if StrLen(p2)
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
                ,A_IsUnicode ? TTM_DELTOOLW:TTM_DELTOOLA
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
        if StrLen(p2)
                ,A_IsUnicode ? TTM_ADDTOOLW:TTM_ADDTOOLA
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%

    ;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

    ;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
    Return hTT
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 17:34

Re: [Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

06 Oct 2019, 16:32

Hey guys, thanks for your interest and the updates.

iPhilip, I created a similar example to update the tooltip font in the Fnt library. Your function is shorter and does the job.

Although the change to the tooltip font is a nice feature, the real treasure in this list is the fix to the statement that uses the TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH message.

I first noticed that the tooltip text did not always fit into the tooltip window when I got Windows 7. I thought it was a Windows 7 bug and brushed it aside because it really wasn't that important. I have tried to figure this out a few times over the years but my attention span never lasted for more than a few seconds before I moved on to more pressing problems. It never occurred to me that there was a bug in the TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH message.

OK, it's not really a bug. It's just that the TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH message is not DPI aware. The message assumes that your monitor is set at 96 DPI. If using the standard DPI (i.e. 96 DPI), this message works fine but if using a non-standard DPI, this message will always set the wrong size. For example, if using 120 DPI, the message will always set a tooltip window that is 25% larger than requested. Not a big deal but if requesting that the maximum width be the width of the current monitor, you may end up with a tooltip with text that is cut off on the right side of the tooltip window. This small adjustment fixes the problem:

Code: Select all

SendMessage TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,A_ScreenWidth*96//A_ScreenDPI,,ahk_id %hTT%
Thanks iPhilip! @lexikos if you are reading this, this adjustment needs to be used in AutoHotkey Tooltip command. It has the same problem as this function.

For the few who might be interested, the TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH message suffers from the same "not DPI aware" deficiency. Just reverse the DPI elements of the calculation, i.e ...A_ScreenDPI//96, to get the correct maximum tip width for the tooltip.
Posts: 313
Joined: 24 Feb 2022, 03:45

Re: [Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

28 Jan 2023, 06:33

@jballi: Thank you for this marvellous function.

I wanted to implement something similar to this for a long time... now I found AddToopTip and it rocks!!
Posts: 313
Joined: 24 Feb 2022, 03:45

Re: [Function] AddTooltip v2.0 - Add a Tooltip to Almost any GUI Control

28 Jan 2023, 06:34

BTW, is there a version for AHK 2.0?

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