EitherMouse 0.8 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

18 Dec 2014, 20:54

Oh whew, i fell out for long....

No, the cursors i mean of course the pixel-mirroring, not the standard sets. Because i for example use an a bit modified arrow for the standard arrow, loading it from ICO. And it doesn't get really mirrored. (by the way it's the Wnd 98 arrow – it's smaller and better) A cursor-by-cursor option to mirror them would do it, but if you're gonna make all cursors choosable, then that'll already solve it all.
__ . . . .
If the buttons ain't swapped (normal). Presumption, that when Eithermouse starts first time, it should act as the current mouse is right_handed. Well, maybe it is generally correct.
Maybe i thot when people learn about E. M., they usually quit the “current” hand in favor of the other hand. And want it to be already there. And wouldn't even remember at that instant to flip the system setting. But ye, that's oblique.

And last thing yeah betterways some1 should have to write some kind of a little driver which will, once the system hand is swapped, send all low level messages to all programs. Even if you do it, it will be like an other program.

Heheh, also ideally the icons should be choosable for the residents bar.

Res: Eithermouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual ettings...

18 Dec 2014, 21:41

Aw yeah also, would you consider making the window (menu frame) classic Windows 1998-2000 style? Like, most programs still adhere to it and produce such frames everywhere. But this program has a different menu (out of which protrudes a standard submenu). Maybe also make only 1 button to invoke the menu from the resident icon. Either right or left.

When opening the Mouse applet, it doesn't load the current setting (direction, double click speed) to there. The active settings get altered to the applet's contents. (if we budge the other mouse, though, E.M. swaps them right away as needed). Anyway, next, it does load from there to itself, but for some reason needs to restart. Even if we pushed cancel. Maybe it shouldn't restart? Even more because it often falsely redetects mice once it restarts.
(Maybe it catches onto applet content, and that wasn't tracked first from E. M.)

The double click speed – is it the equal scale with the Windows' “number”? Anyway it should let choose below 104 and down to, if not 0, maybe 10. It's possible to have such human speeds. Anyway, no need to restrict.

Res: Eithermoue 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

18 Dec 2014, 21:45

Hehehe, oh no. When we change the Applet's content to “swapped to left”, and use the left-hand mouse at then, E. M. restarts and still retects this mouse as “right-handed”.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

18 Dec 2014, 23:59

Thanks for the feedback... When you say Applet you mean the standard windows mouse control panel, correct? In practice that "Applet" shouldn't really be used once EitherMouse is in place, since it is inherantly ignorant of "two mice with unique settings", and since EitherMouse provides those settings accessible much easier from the system tray... I will look into making EitherMouse detect and react to certain changes made there but it won't be trivial (and monitoring for it will use a small amount of system resources). If i was a better programmer it would be nice to replace that applet with my own control panel applet, but i don't have the skills (nor for a true driver replacement for low level control)

I will try to fix the logic of clearing the settings and starting with the proper right or left mouse when the applet is accessed through the eithermouse menu though...

I will have to look into the double click speed usable range, i cant remember if it is limited by windows, if i just copied the range provided by the control panel, or if i made an error limiting the range

One day i hope to make a "settings window" in addition to the tray "popup" window which will allow settings for all mice to be changed using any mouse without switching, and this window would follow standard look/theme of windows (eg: classic 98/2000 style), but look of the current popup window helps to differentiate the fact that it isn't a standard window, more like a glorified "menu" (eg: the way it locates near the tray, the way it disappears when user clicks elsewhere, etc). EitherMouse started with an actual menu, but i had to create the faux menu window to add sliders, changing pictures, etc... when they became necessary.

I will fix the selectable tray icons (make them a per mouse setting) and i will look into a true pixel-mirrored cursor option... as well as add custom cursor coloring when i figure it out

And finally, i like the tray icon reacting to a click from either mouse button, because many times its to change the settings for a "backwards" mouse... For the same reason most of the options can be changed in the menu window with either button... I dont really want to change this behavior unless there is some problem it causes (?)

Thanks again... I hope this helps, and i'll get to work on some of the fixes, improvements, and issues you brought to my attention
- Joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

20 Dec 2014, 15:40

I started some investigation into what you brought up...

Fixed: using "mouse control panel..." from the menu now correctly pays attention to the new settings applied in the "applet"... I can (but haven't yet) also make the control panel that opens use the current settings instead of the defaults from before eithermouse, but they will then apply to all mice (and become the new defaults without eithermouse, so not sure thats the best)

Fixed: double click speed minimum was set to 104 for some reason i can't figure out... setting it to 100 works, and I allowed a range of all the way down to 10 like you requested, but I can't tell if windows actually respects such a low settings, as the documentation says 100 is the minimum:
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/libr ... 78662.aspx

Can you send me the windows 98 cursors that you prefer? adding user-loaded cursors will take more work, but I can hard-code the 98 ones in for the time being

Edit: Fixed default tray icon to point with "swap mouse button" setting... still have to work on the non-default icons selected from menu

- Joel

EitherMouse Setup.exe v0.59
EitherMouse.exe v0.59
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

21 Dec 2014, 01:29

As to the double click speed, maybe i confused, and meant that 100 should be allowable, and not limited to 200, like XP does.. Though some time before i tried to set it lower, to even 0, in the register of Windows. And maybe it operated, i just can't remember.... Anyway if Windows can process such a small value it should be allowed to be set (maybe marked up red). Or, well, keep it 100.

The Control panel → mouse (i thought others called it applet) so i see it doesn't store the value that E. M. uses currently? So there are different values in the registry for CPL and current mouse? If so, then yeah, it shouldn't be stored in the Control panel automatically on entry there. The thing that you could do, is have a button in E. M., to transfer the current mouse's things to and from.

Constantly detect the CPL dynamically i think is not needed. Maybe once CPL was opened from EM only. Or have an E-M command, update from Panel. But just not restart the E-M. When it restarts it jumps by icon to the left of the residents. Which is unfavorable.

Will send the main cursor, but i don't have all the scheme now. And by icons i meant more, choosable single icon (from file) than all icons for every mouse. I'm alright with the concept of pointing arrow, but miss the pixelart of the Windows 1999.

And the thing
That the window is more advanced than standard menus from Tooltray – still its different visuals seem more alienated. Actually for a user's perspective it's even not rememberable that it's controls are outside a menu's scope. If it jumped out of the tray anyway makes it expected, like, to be in style of all other menus. I belive.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

21 Dec 2014, 14:34

Scrapmetay wrote:As to the double click speed, maybe i confused, and meant that 100 should be allowable, and not limited to 200, like XP does.. Though some time before i tried to set it lower, to even 0, in the register of Windows. And maybe it operated, i just can't remember.... Anyway if Windows can process such a small value it should be allowed to be set (maybe marked up red). Or, well, keep it 100.
Try the new posted version and let me know what you think... I allowed down to 10, but in reality I can't get a double click to register even at 100ms, so I'm not sure if below 100 is even making a difference
Scrapmetay wrote:The Control panel → mouse (i thought others called it applet) so i see it doesn't store the value that E. M. uses currently? So there are different values in the registry for CPL and current mouse? If so, then yeah, it shouldn't be stored in the Control panel automatically on entry there. The thing that you could do, is have a button in E. M., to transfer the current mouse's things to and from.
Constantly detect the CPL dynamically i think is not needed. Maybe once CPL was opened from EM only. Or have an E-M command, update from Panel...
The logic EitherMouse uses when selecting "Mouse control panel" from the menu is to reset all settings to the defaults (ie: the settings in place before EitherMouse was first ran) and wait for the control panel to be closed, and then start up fresh, using the settings from the control panel as the new defaults... The registry settings are seperate, but eithermouse dynamically replaces the control panel's settings when the active mouse changes. I will look into making this more integrated, but I'm not sure its worthwhile, because I don't see any reason to be using the mouse control panel very often (or at all) once EitherMouse is installed
Scrapmetay wrote:But just not restart the E-M. When it restarts it jumps by icon to the left of the residents. Which is unfavorable.
I can do the same "reset" without actually restarting the application, but again I'm not sure its worth the effort... a moving tray icon isn't such a big deal, is it?
Scrapmetay wrote:Will send the main cursor, but i don't have all the scheme now. And by icons i meant more, choosable single icon (from file) than all icons for every mouse. I'm alright with the concept of pointing arrow, but miss the pixelart of the Windows 1999.
Thanks for sending... it looks the same as the XP cursor but one pixel shorter and two pixels narrower... not much difference but its a good case for user loaded cursors... I will work on that addition... which would then let you use pixel-art to your hearts content... this along with EitherMouse mirroring the cursors for you would be a nice combo...
Scrapmetay wrote:And the thing, That the window is more advanced than standard menus from Tooltray – still its different visuals seem more alienated. Actually for a user's perspective it's even not rememberable that it's controls are outside a menu's scope. If it jumped out of the tray anyway makes it expected, like, to be in style of all other menus. I belive.
The way I think of it is like the volume control when the tray icon is clicked... It acts like a menu, but is really a window... As you know a real menu can't contain those extra controls... I'm pretty happy with the way that works and don't really want to change it, but I will look into theme-ing the window to be either user selectable or mimic the current window theme better. If that's not what you mean, please explain

Thanks again for the feedback, I appreciate it
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - M

21 Dec 2014, 23:57

Well, theming always seemed to me as too much from window makers, which endly doesn't sit well with itself. Skins over windows.... I just meant if you could somehow release the current visuals to the standard, and that standard would end up how it normally looks in Windows. Otherwise, keep it like it is, it's no badness.

He_he_, the cursor is not same, it's not only bigger but crooked in XP. The upper half arrow became smaller, and tail is stuck under wrong angle, just because of these few points.

The jumping icons are in fact so bad that some started to use the program Taskbar shuffle {and some other} to manually sort them. If i couldn't do that, i don't know even how burdening it would be. Icons should stay on their place (there can be > 13), you don't know such problem? Otherwise you'd search for them all time.

But no big deal because calling CPL is rare. Maybe this element ain't needed at all – from EM call Mouse? Otherwise it's better to synhronize them fully at that point. Surprising though, why you decided to redefault all.

ultiple mice, individual settings...

22 Dec 2014, 00:28

Yes, it makes sense. The smallest speed when i could regist a double click is 80. It has difference over 90 and 100 and 75, where i can't.

Oh, make the scroller controls, to stand on round values, or now the mouse stops on 102, 298 and such. I think it is settable or codable on these controls. Also if we have set a value, and just pushed the mouse over it, not moving, – the value skants to the nearest (pixel) waypoint. But it should stay where is numerically: we didn't move it.

And – keyboard should move them up with buttons “right” and “up”. Accordingly down by left and down. But as is, the “up” button moves it down the scale, you see?

These are just general quirks of programs, but maybe it's better if we put attention on it....
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - M

22 Dec 2014, 20:51

Scrapmetay wrote:Well, theming always seemed to me as too much from window makers, which endly doesn't sit well with itself. Skins over windows.... I just meant if you could somehow release the current visuals to the standard, and that standard would end up how it normally looks in Windows. Otherwise, keep it like it is, it's no badness.
Agreed... but for the behavior reasons I'd rather not have it adopt the current window styling (normal windows shouldn't disappear, etc) so for now i'm going to leave it, and the "advanced config" window I later add will be a normal window
Scrapmetay wrote:He_he_, the cursor is not same, it's not only bigger but crooked in XP. The upper half arrow became smaller, and tail is stuck under wrong angle, just because of these few points.
Interesting, well I'll add it in for you for now, and someday I'll work on the user-loaded cursors...
Scrapmetay wrote:The jumping icons are in fact so bad that some started to use the program Taskbar shuffle {and some other} to manually sort them. If i couldn't do that, i don't know even how burdening it would be. Icons should stay on their place (there can be > 13), you don't know such problem? Otherwise you'd search for them all time.
I agree to some extent, but this is a limitation/poor design of windows not of any specific app... Also if you have 13 icons in the tray you have other issues (i keep maybe 4-5 max on most systems). I will eventually remove the actual reloading of the script and do it all within the same instance to minimize this icon moving...
Scrapmetay wrote:But no big deal because calling CPL is rare. Maybe this element ain't needed at all – from EM call Mouse? Otherwise it's better to synhronize them fully at that point. Surprising though, why you decided to redefault all.
Yup, I don't think this is really needed but some users like the quick access to it... I have a feeling once people are used to EitherMouse and keep it active, they rarely need to go to the system's control panel, so I probably won't put too much effort into this (but I did fix a bug you pointed out so thank you). Clearing all settings was just a quick way to handle the new settings made on the control panel, but since its not very necessary I'm not too worried about it
Scrapmetay wrote:Yes, it makes sense. The smallest speed when i could regist a double click is 80. It has difference over 90 and 100 and 75, where i can't.
Interesting... so a range outside of what windows documents is possible... I'm not sure how I want to handle this, but I'll try your red-text idea and see how I like it...
Scrapmetay wrote:Oh, make the scroller controls, to stand on round values, or now the mouse stops on 102, 298 and such. I think it is settable or codable on these controls. Also if we have set a value, and just pushed the mouse over it, not moving, – the value skants to the nearest (pixel) waypoint. But it should stay where is numerically: we didn't move it.
I can't figure out how to implement this... I could make the slider have less values in its range, and then multiply internally to get round numbers, but then fine control would also be limited to those values... I'll have to do more research on this...
Scrapmetay wrote:And – keyboard should move them up with buttons “right” and “up”. Accordingly down by left and down. But as is, the “up” button moves it down the scale, you see?
Thanks, I fixed this...
Scrapmetay wrote:These are just general quirks of programs, but maybe it's better if we put attention on it....
I appreciate you pointing them out...
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

27 Dec 2014, 17:32

How to implement that the easiest idea is to make the exact equality between the control's pixels range and value range. Then the keyboard's subtuning could increment an other variable, which both add into the resulting value, that gets displayed as the mouse's intended speed.

Or if there are events Onmousemove, Onmousedown, Onchange in the A. H. K. controls (i know it could be done so in Delphy), then in these handlers prohibit the internal counter fixing / passing on the unneeded values. Or maybe even don't touch the internal counter, just when it is like 100, 101, 102, display and set speed = 100, and above 102 = minus 2.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

29 Dec 2014, 03:47

Its a little different in AHK, so without having to monitor the MouseDown/Up messages i figured out a solution that works pretty well...
Using mouse limits to multiples of 10, using keyboard allows fine tuning by integer...

It could be multiples of 5 just as easily, but i'll need to add a little more width to the slider control to have all *5 increments accounted for (ie: as its current width, adjusting by multiples of 5 leaves some possible positions unreachable... ie 400, 405, 410, 415, 425... no 420) just because there aren't enough pixels in the control...

All that being said, its not really very important if it ends on 102 or whatever it is, no one will be able to detect a few milliseconds difference either way, but it does look "nicer" with it being an even number

Changed the lower limit to 50 as well for now... and fixed some glitching of the controls z-order when using keyboard (for some reason the groupbox overlapping other controls was acting weird on windows xp when keyboard tuning...)

Let me know what you think
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Jan 2015, 10:20

The numbers in controls way seems neat enough. But.... I believe it looks so to me now because i stopped using such small values some time ago. It may be not enough for precision. If someone needs a thing like 80, and it may happen, then they may need a border value: a little smaller, and they can't push, and a little bigger, and they happen to push a double click instead of 2 clicks. In my case i liked 100, but by all means not 110. I was lucky to have it exact, but a smaller granule may be needed.... Maybe exactly 5, but if you can do it someday, it's better with variative granularity over the scale. Kind of that. Smaller from 150. Down to 1 at 80. And yes, at 300 they won't notice if it's 10.

Also the 50 is just invented. What if for some rare humans it won't be enough? As there's no known artifacts with that, i'd suggest just letting it be anything (down to 0).

The mouse icon is now displayed more correctly, right to the right, left to left, seems.
The invitation after visiting Control panel there, it instructs to move first the left mouse. But if the user was holding the right mouse at that time, just releasing the hand it will move, and they'll have to change the mirroring right away. So maybe, instruct to move which was current.

I kind of can't catch track of the versions, i just know i'm installing the “current” version, but 0.5989, why these numbers? It's unrememberable. Maybe numerate it like version 21, 22, 23 whenever published.

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Jan 2015, 10:24

Remember there was some control element in Delfi also, that letted set all the array of numbers through which the bar scrolls. Or maybe it was even in the standard bar.

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Jan 2015, 10:31

numerate it like version 21, 22, 23
I mean maybe only whole number for version, and increase it always by 1 (unless it really had five thousand versions). Anyway the “0.” thing makes it unrememberable, guess it's that.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

11 Jan 2015, 14:01

Good point, the granularity is more important at smaller values...
100 being the lowest that windows allows by default, and you being the only user who has requested smaller in 5+ years, i'll stick with 50 until someone needs even smaller... I dont want to increase the chance that someone unintentionally sets it so low they can no longer double click (obviously 0 would never work)

If the user goes to the control panel and sets it to swapped, it will restart asking for the left mouse... If sets unswapped it will start by asking for right... Not intuitive enough? I was thinking i could get rid of those "move this mouse" and instead start with an option screen to set settings and then select the "right mouse" or "left mouse" button, for example...

The versioning is always increasing, but in decimal places because i still consider it "beta" somewhat, once i figure out all this round of improvements i'll get to 0.6... And once i've made it a polished piece of software (which maybe it never will) i'll be at version 1.0! There havent been 5000 releases but from .5 went to .51 to .52 to .521 to .522 (for example) depending on the severity of the change...
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

14 Jan 2015, 14:16

If the user goes to the control panel and sets it to swapped, it will restart asking for the left mouse... If sets unswapped it will start by asking for right... Not intuitive enough?
yes, also account for what mouse they were holding. I guess it's right.
someone unintentionally sets it so low they can no longer double click
in ðis case even 50 (or 70, whichever is too low for a particular person) they won't be able to press it, and will end up tormented by these tryings. It just works because in Windowz it's possible to reset this speed without double clicks themselves.

I thought being a usable pice of software – is already ebough for version 1 (which Eithermouse is surely beyond). Or when it's published.
But overall i mean, do the users know the severity of changes? Mostly no, i just can't get it why programmers name it like that. What's the badness in increasing it in a completely simple way? But this is a general idea, i don't insist that you change it in Either mouse. Most do it like that.

Well anyway, proceed with yer full windows that'll be coolness.

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

14 Feb 2015, 14:23

Hello, I regularly use two mice connected to my computer. One left another right handed. Last few months I often experience randomly swap of buttons (button1 <> button2) on my left hand mouse (my primary mouse). First I was suspicious about functionality of mouse itself so I bought new one but the behavior was the same. Now I have a suspicion that eitherMouse doesn’t handle switching between mousses well. It seems like mouse detection is triggered by moving the mouse but it is very sensitive. If there is some small drift or vibration of mouse2 then eitherMouse switch to mouse2. When I click on mouse1 without moving then buttons act according buttons settings of mouse2. Therefore I see often some context menu instead of expected reaction. It is often frustrating.
It is possible to reproduce this behavior. Just keep moving with mouse2 while clicking on mouse1 and you will see inconsistent button actions.
I think some threshold for movement should be implemented to ensure that mouse switch is not unwanted.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

26 Feb 2015, 12:35

Quick question regarding this app...

When it changes "speed", is it changing the windows sensitivity settings, or is it altering DPI?
I would love to find some way of changing DPI programatically, as games ignore windows pointer settings.

Could any of this code be used for that?

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

05 Jun 2015, 05:33

Hello and thank you for this great piece of software. It makes my life easier!

However, I have one small issue: Autodetection of my touchpad does not work. I need to click onto the tray icon, to make Eithermouse recognize my touchpad. Autodetection of my bluetooth mouse does work perfectly.

Is there any way to enable autodetection of the touchpad by just moving the mousepointer?

Thany you very much!

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