EitherMouse 0.8 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

09 Jun 2015, 20:39

I've been a little preoccupied lately with a new job and stuff and haven't been updating much... but I wanted to follow up with some of these posts I missed over the last few months...
Scrapmetay wrote:...
I thought being a usable pice of software – is already ebough for version 1 (which Eithermouse is surely beyond). Or when it's published.
But overall i mean, do the users know the severity of changes? Mostly no, i just can't get it why programmers name it like that. What's the badness in increasing it in a completely simple way? But this is a general idea, i don't insist that you change it in Either mouse. Most do it like that.
Thanks again for all your detailed tips/criticisms, I hope its still working well for you... And you're right I should be at version 1

Kamil wrote:Hello, I regularly use two mice connected to my computer. One left another right handed. Last few months I often experience randomly swap of buttons (button1 <> button2) on my left hand mouse (my primary mouse). First I was suspicious about functionality of mouse itself so I bought new one but the behavior was the same. Now I have a suspicion that eitherMouse doesn’t handle switching between mousses well. It seems like mouse detection is triggered by moving the mouse but it is very sensitive. If there is some small drift or vibration of mouse2 then eitherMouse switch to mouse2. When I click on mouse1 without moving then buttons act according buttons settings of mouse2. Therefore I see often some context menu instead of expected reaction. It is often frustrating.
It is possible to reproduce this behavior. Just keep moving with mouse2 while clicking on mouse1 and you will see inconsistent button actions.
I think some threshold for movement should be implemented to ensure that mouse switch is not unwanted.
You're right, a threshold for this problem would be a great idea... I've had it on my todo list for a while but I will make it a priority... I never noticed it being a problem on my desk (heavy wood, two normal mice) but I have noticed it being a problem on my laptop and on flimsy desks/tangled cords... I will have to experiment with how to make the threshold work and it will surely need some fine tuning (and adjustability) so hopefully you can give me more feedback after I add it

evilC wrote:When it changes "speed", is it changing the windows sensitivity settings, or is it altering DPI?
I would love to find some way of changing DPI programatically, as games ignore windows pointer settings.
Could any of this code be used for that?
Only the former, it will unlikely work well for games... From what I understand the DPI of a mouse is a physical attribute of the mouse... normally a fixed amount, some gaming or fancy mice allow multiple DPI's by hardware switch or through its drivers/included software... I'm not sure how to implement that in EitherMouse or if its even possible or useful... and it can probably be handled by setting once with the manufacturers software which would hopefully be aware of multiple devices unlike windows...

CpNemo wrote:However, I have one small issue: Autodetection of my touchpad does not work. I need to click onto the tray icon, to make Eithermouse recognize my touchpad. Autodetection of my bluetooth mouse does work perfectly.
Is there any way to enable autodetection of the touchpad by just moving the mousepointer?
Hmm... I remember a year or two back one other user complaining about this... I can't remember what the solution was (or if there was one) but I will look into it... If you're willing to do some testing for me maybe we can figure it out...

Thanks again for all the feedback and ideas...
- Joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

10 Jun 2015, 01:55

Hmm... I remember a year or two back one other user complaining about this... I can't remember what the solution was (or if there was one) but I will look into it... If you're willing to do some testing for me maybe we can figure it out...
Of course, I will do the testing for you...

Here's some more specific data: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 with attached Type Cover. On system startup the touchpad is not recognized, even with no bluetooth mouse connected. I allways need to click the tray icon first.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

10 Jun 2015, 13:28

Great, I will make up a little test script tonight to see if we can figure out what's going on... Just so I'm clear, this touchpad fails to "detect" in EitherMouse every time you switch to it? or only the first time requires a click on the tray?

- Joel

Edit: So for starters try out these two AHKHID examples and let me know if the first one shows multiple devices under the Mice tab, and if the second one reports activity for the touchpad in question...

If so, I have a problem with my detection of changed device... if example2 shows no activity (and maybe test it with a normal mouse to make sure the example is working) then there might be something weird hardware wise with the "Type Cover" touchpad... in that case, check Device Manager (start>run>devmgmt.msc) and see if the device is under the Mice and other pointing devices section...

I compiled the two example scripts in case you're not an AHK user
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

13 Jun 2015, 03:12

Just so I'm clear, this touchpad fails to "detect" in EitherMouse every time you switch to it? or only the first time requires a click on the tray?
Eithermouse fails to detect the touchpad every time I use it until the moment I click onto the tray icon. After using the external mouse, again I need to click the tray icon to get the touchpad recognized. I configured two mice in the settings dialog: "Logitech mouse" and "Touchpad". With the settings window opened I can observe, that "Logitech mouse" is still detected, even when I use the touchpad. It switches to "Touchpad" when I click the tray icon.

Example 1 shows three mice, but two of them with the same hardware ID. By the numer of buttons I can tell this is the Logitech mouse.

Example 2 shows activity for both, mouse and touchpad, even without clicking the tray icon.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

13 Jun 2015, 12:27

Hmm... I think that's a good sign. Now I'll make a more specific test and see where the ID'ing in EitherMouse goes wrong... Start with:

http://www.eithermouse.com/Troubleshoot ... nostic.exe

and copy (ctrl-c on the msgbox works) the message and let me know what is said, ie:
MouseCount: 3

Mouse 1: \??\HID#Vid_045e&Pid_00cb#7&1261187&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} 65607 Mouse1 Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse v2.0
Mouse 2: \??\HID#Vid_093a&Pid_2510#6&27245aaa&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} 93716597 Mouse2 USB OPTICAL MOUSE
Mouse 3: \??\HID#Vid_093a&Pid_2510#7&38d1f62c&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} 120324397 Mouse3 USB OPTICAL MOUSE

- Joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

14 Jun 2015, 13:11

Allright, here's what I get:
MouseCount: 2
Mouse 1: 0 Touchpad
Mouse 2: \ \?\HID#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_ VID&0002046d_PID&b 00d&Col02#8&673f4a3&0&0001 #{378de44c-56ef-11 d1-bc8c-00a0c91405d d} 65595 Logitech Maus
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

14 Jun 2015, 13:23

Hmm, have you tried "clear all settings" from the menu? The Touchpad shouldn't have a zero handle and an empty device string so maybe it was improperly saved in EitherMouse

Maybe try initializing them the opposite way, mouse first touchpad second, after clearing the settings
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

14 Jun 2015, 22:22

Yes, I tried clearing all settings, no help. The initialization works only in this order: touchpad first, mouse second. The other way round, touchpad would not be recognized at all.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

15 Jun 2015, 16:06

Hmm, weird... Does the touchpad show up in Device Manager under "Mice and other pointing devices"?
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

16 Jun 2015, 15:05

The touchpad isn't listed under "Mice and other pointing devices", it's listed under "Human Interface Devices". But there are still tree mice listed under "Mice and other pointing devices":

HID Mouse
HID Mouse
Logitech Ultrathin Touch Mouse T630
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

17 Jun 2015, 14:14

That's pretty odd... I'll add another info-gatherer this evening so i can figure this out... You did try the ahkhid_example2 and got movement activity with the touchpad right? As well as clicks?

Ok can you run:
http://eithermouse.com/Troubleshooting/ ... evices.exe
and email me a copy of the results (it'll be really long)
- Joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

20 Jun 2015, 02:05

You did try the ahkhid_example2 and got movement activity with the touchpad right? As well as clicks?
Yes, I confirmed example2 again, I have click- and movement activity from the touchpad.

I sent you the results of the info-gatherer by email. Thank for your help, I realy appreciate it!
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Apparent Windows 10 problem with EitherMouse

24 Jun 2015, 19:02

I've been using the wonderful EitherMouse utility on two ITAC trackballs for a couple of years on Windows 7 and 8.1 with great results. It has worked very well.

Now that I'm trialling Windows 10 Preview Build 10130, I seem to have a problem where every time I click either button on my secondary trackball, it immediately thinks the primary trackball has been moved and switches the next mouse click to the primary's button; i.e., for example, if I double-click the secondary trackball's "left" mouse button on the desktop, the first click is a correct left-click and the second click brings up the right-click menu rather than giving a true double-left-click. Thus, a true double-left-click on the secondary trackball is impossible. And repeated left clicks on a scroll bar have no effect unless the trackball is moved slightly between clicks.

The primary trackball behaves correctly at all times. I installed EitherMouse using the Setup version.

Thank you for any help or suggestions you can give with this.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Jun 2015, 19:49

CpNemo: Thanks for the info, I'm still trying to figure this one out...

Austinian: Glad to hear you find it useful... I have yet to test EitherMouse on Windows 10 but I will look into it. Did the setup program finish the install correctly? The only recommendation I have is to try "Run as administrator" on EitherMouse.exe and see if that helps...

- joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Jun 2015, 21:03

gwarble wrote:CpNemo: Thanks for the info, I'm still trying to figure this one out...

Austinian: Glad to hear you find it useful... I have yet to test EitherMouse on Windows 10 but I will look into it. Did the setup program finish the install correctly? The only recommendation I have is to try "Run as administrator" on EitherMouse.exe and see if that helps...

- joel
I appreciate your looking into this. I'm considering the update to Windows 10 when it's released, but I'd miss having full EitherMouse functionality.

As far as I can tell, the EitherMouse installation went correctly; no error message box appeared. I just tried exiting EitherMouse and restarting with "Run as administrator" enabled in both the .exe and the shortcut; no apparent difference. Also, after the first "left" click of the secondary trackball, the mouse pointer does switch back to the primary mouse pointer shape.

It's as if EitherMouse is responding to the secondary trackball's clicks just as if I'd moved the primary trackball immediately after clicking.

Just a thought: If there was a setting to make EitherMouse's left-right button swapping respond only to trackball (mouse) movements rather than button clicks, might that be a workaround?

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

29 Jun 2015, 15:36

I see that the forum is up again, but apparently my last post was lost. In response to a question, I described some of the weird behavior I was seeing in EitherMouse when I use it in Windows 10 Preview Build 10130. Fortunately, I have a habit of saving things like that for future reference, so here's a repost:

[Bracketed remarks are edits added after I thought more about this]

Well, it is truly weird when I try to do this [make the left mouse have right mouse button assignments, and vice versa]. I'll try to describe what happens as best I can. BTW, I'm using version 0.6.

When I click on the EitherMouse tray icon with my primary trackball, it comes up as showing settings for Mouse3!
Buttons are normal.

As soon as I move that trackball, it switches to showing Mouse1. Buttons are normal.

When I click on "Swap Mouse buttons" it reverts to Mouse3 with the "Swap" checkbox checked.

As soon as I move the trackball, it switches back to Mouse1 with "Swap" unchecked.

So I can change Mouse3 settings, but not Mouse1 (the actual trackball).

[Moving the secondary trackball switches settings to Mouse2 until a button is clicked]

I've tried the "Clear all Settings..." to start over, and then it wants to configure both mice as "Right-handed", and does, until I click a button, then it swaps the two trackball buttons--until a trackball is moved! So basically, I don't seem to be able to switch the settings on the actual trackballs!

Frankly, I'm so confused now I don't trust myself to accurately describe all this complex weirdness. Rather than confuse you along with myself, perhaps this problem should wait until you have an opportunity to look at 10 yourself. Who knows, it may be an artifact of this particular Preview build of Windows 10. Or it may be an artifact of my trackballs.

I have a halfway workaround involving X-Mouse Button Control and a .vbs script, (both disabled while I ran this test) so I'll still be able to function fairly well in Windows 10 for the time being. [My Windows 8.1 drive is still working perfectly.]

I will be monitoring this forum in case a solution appears, and if there's some other specific test I can perform to help, please let me know.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

29 Jun 2015, 23:51

Thanks for reposting... I may not be able to figure this out without a windows 10 setup to play with, but start by menu>advanced>diagnostic and copy me the msgbox info
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

30 Jun 2015, 06:50

The Diagnostic screen text couldn't be copy/pasted as far as I can tell, so I'll try to attach a screen capture of Diagnostic.
The X-Mouse Button Control tweak was disabled for this test, of course. Hope this helps.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

30 Jun 2015, 16:32

You should be able to press Ctrl-C on the (any) msgbox to copy the contents...

Weird though, you have mouse1 and mouse3 detected as the same hardware, but mouse2 has no hardware detection info...

Try disabling x-mouse and any other utilities, clear all settings in EitherMouse, and reassign the mice to see if you can tell when the mouse2 without hardware id is detected...
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

30 Jun 2015, 18:59

gwarble wrote:You should be able to press Ctrl-C on the (any) msgbox to copy the contents...

Weird though, you have mouse1 and mouse3 detected as the same hardware, but mouse2 has no hardware detection info...

Try disabling x-mouse and any other utilities, clear all settings in EitherMouse, and reassign the mice to see if you can tell when the mouse2 without hardware id is detected...

Thanks for the tip about Ctrl-C on the msgbox; after I was unable to highlight the text I figured it was uncopyable.

All right, I have a little more data. I can get semi-correct trackball behavior if I:

"Clear all Settings", get the "Move Right Mouse" prompt, move the right trackball and see the "Right mouse detected", but do *NOT* click on the "OK", then move the left trackball, get the "Left mouse detected", THEN click "OK".

Then I get this from the Diagnostic:

MouseCount: 3

Mouse 1: \\?\HID#VID_0431&PID_0510#6&2655b649&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-

00a0c91405dd} 327818 Mouse1 Port_#0007.Hub_#0003
Mouse 2: \\?\HID#VID_0431&PID_0510#6&1d3f8134&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-

00a0c91405dd} 65589 Mouse2 Port_#0007.Hub_#0003
Mouse 3: 376 Mouse3


When I'm on the tray icon configuration popup, I can see the current mouse as "Mouse1" when I've just moved the right trackball, "Mouse2" when I've just moved the left trackball, and the nonexistent "Mouse3" (which is configured as a right-hand mouse) when I click either button on either trackball!

Moving each trackball restores the correct mouse assignment.

Whew! This kind of interrelated behavior is hard to document accurately, but I think I've got it right.

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