EitherMouse 0.8 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

30 Jun 2015, 23:23

That Mouse3 in your last diagnostic or Mouse2 in the first one is troublesome... It has no hardware id and an oddly low "device handle"...

I don't really know how to approach this, but if you want to keep trying stuff, you can clear all settings, only use one mouse for a bit (move, click all buttons, wheels), and check the diag for the "mystery mouse"... The try the same with the other trackball... Then maybe try with another "normal" mouse just in case...

Of course, you don't have any logitech drivers/software running?
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

01 Jul 2015, 05:57

gwarble wrote:That Mouse3 in your last diagnostic or Mouse2 in the first one is troublesome... It has no hardware id and an oddly low "device handle"...

I don't really know how to approach this, but if you want to keep trying stuff, you can clear all settings, only use one mouse for a bit (move, click all buttons, wheels), and check the diag for the "mystery mouse"... The try the same with the other trackball... Then maybe try with another "normal" mouse just in case...

Of course, you don't have any logitech drivers/software running?
No mouse drivers from Logitech or any other third-party; this was a clean Win 10 install.

This certainly is puzzling. Yes, I'll keep trying anything I think of (had an idea when I woke up this morning, no help) and I'll dig up an old mouse or two and play around.

I'll keep watching this forum, and if I come up with anything I think might be helpful, I'll post it here. When Windows 10 goes RTM at the end of the month perhaps others will have a similar problem and provide more data.

EitherMouse is a great program, and I hope Windows 10 doesn't break it permanently. It's been perfect till now.

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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

03 Jul 2015, 20:20

I've installed Windows 10 Preview Build 10162, and I'm very pleased to say that EitherMouse now works perfectly. The bizarre problems I previously reported must have been an issue with Build 10130.

What a relief! Mystery solved. O joy!

Now, if only Microsoft doesn't break EitherMouse with some future change...
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

06 Jul 2015, 12:12

Well thats good news... Sounds like windows was broken not EitherMouse so that makes me happy... Now if only i could figure out the surface pro 3 issue...
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.60

18 Sep 2015, 22:38

Thanks for the new version. :bravo:

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

19 Sep 2015, 23:06

help.....ok i have 2 computers and 1 torrentbox on a network.....the computer in the bedroom has a keyboard with a trackball and buttons built in...and also has a trackball mouse on the side...your program works awesome on both the local machines in the bedroom and in the living room. the living room computer just as a gaming keyboard and a trackball mouse hooked up to it.....like i said your program works great on both computers...but........when i installed it on my torrent box and i want to remote desktop into the torrent box from either computer. your software running on the torrentbox does not re detect the mouse devices when initializing a remote desktop session...so what happens is i go into the bedroom and rd into the box and both keyboard mouse and trackball mouse work independantly and the mouse buttons are assigned correctly but the program still only shows mouse 1 and everything works.....then i log off and goto the living room and rd login using the living room pc wih only one mouse and it still thinks the left handed keyboardmouse is still connected and the buttons arent switched back.......in other words your program wont redetect the mouse devices with each logon of remote desktop....so can you fix this bug. thanks,
Jason Black
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

24 Sep 2015, 20:57

If i understand correctly, what you're hoping for won't work, as far as the remote computer is concerned, the mouse never changes (because the "mouse" to it is really just a piece of software (remote desktop) emulating a mouse and it commands (based on your local hardware). There is no mechanism i know of within RD or any VNC client to relay this information because its not a standard of windows, the standard of windows says there is one mouse/cursor "entity" no matter how many pieces of hardware (mice)

Hope that makes sense... You could get around it in a very convoluted way (and just off the top of my head so maybe wrong) but you could create a "plugin" for eithermouse (read back a few pages) that is also a network client/server communicator (ahk winsocks or something) which, upon detecting the hardware change from EitherMouse, sends a signal via tcp/ip seperately from Remote Desktop to the remote pc, and then a client running on the remote pc to react... In short, probably too much work
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

21 Oct 2015, 02:15

help having trouble geting eithermouse 6.0 to work right in windows 10
the program runs and works fine when its in the foreground on the screen but as soon as you minimize it it forgets all of its mouse settings!
i have a keyboard with a trackball in it that i have the buttons swapped on it...anad then a regular trackball mouse with the buttons set normally...and both fine with the program when its up on the screen but as soon as i minimise the software my keyboard mouse buttons forget their settings and revert back to default! this is highly irritating! i've tried running the program in compatability mode with administrator privlages and that doesnt seeam to work either.
running window 10 pro 64bit on all my machines. help!! thanks
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

02 Jan 2016, 17:58

It would be nice to use this with my Wacom tablet that also acts as a mouse cursor. Is this possible?


05 Jan 2016, 05:10

I know what value is logical in the minimum of the double speed. It's 1. Once they provide such a scale - which has such units, then its own single unit is the right thing.
If there is only 1 mouse attached, detects it as the rightwise mouse, and then detects the left mouse, which is not there, and keeps it remained at that. The big symbol in the options is pointed left, and the residents' arrow is pointed to the right.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

07 Jan 2016, 22:11

Hadron: you're welcome, working on some fixes now so expect a newer version soon

JEDIKNIGHTJASON: and others having problems with not detecting mouse changes [mostly with Windows 10], try right clicking on the EitherMouse.exe and "Run as Administrator"... Some users have said this works for them... I'm still working out a solution (its hard because I have been unable to recreate the problem on any of my machines) Edit: upon re-reading, I see you already tried that jason... i'm working on it

robhayes: I can't say first hand, but give it a try and let me know, if the wacom is detected as a normal mouse then i don't see any reason it wouldn't work

Scrapmetay: hey again, I don't understand what you mean... it takes longer than 1ms to press the button once, much less double click, for anyone so what would be the benefit of such a low double click speed? microsoft defined the minimum at 100, eithermouse allows down to 50, and i have yet to hear of anyone who can even get a double click to register (or wants to) of less than 80 (you)... i just see having such a low value be selectable as confusing and without much benefit. if i'm missing something please explain.

For your second point, can you check the device manager and see if you have two "mice and pointing devices"? maybe the single mouse is being detected as two separate HIDs, a different one between the movement and the buttons? the resident/tray icon will change depending on the mouse being used (actually based on the status of "swap mouse buttons", and this could still use some improvement (my idea is to have the tray icon and cursor be settable per each mouse, just like double click speed, I just haven't gotten around to it yet)) but the larger icon within the gui window is more of a logo for the software, and isn't really meant to indicate which mouse is active... maybe once i improve the way the tray icon is handled i will apply the same logic to that logo icon, but in reality it changing all the time doesn't look good to me, i recently remove its flashing when first recognizing mice (v.61 is available to download but i haven't pushed it into auto-update yet)

Thanks everyone for all the kind words, suggestions, bug reports, etc... I love getting the emails and hope to solve everyone's issues as soon as i can, and add improvements as i have time
- joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

Re: EitherMouse 0.61

10 Jan 2016, 03:06

Thanks for the update. :)

Has the installer been updated on the website?

Re: EitherMouse 0.61

10 Jan 2016, 03:23

Hadron wrote:Thanks for the update. :)
There is something wrong though.
The tray icon is not changing when I use the other mouse.

By the way. Has the installer been updated on the website?

Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

10 Jan 2016, 03:31


I changed the icon to "Cursor" and it works.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

10 Jan 2016, 13:53

Hadron wrote:I like the "Cursor" icon better. :)
Hehe thats good, but I'll look into the other icon (logo?) not switching...

The installer should be updated as well, version 0.61

Thanks for the feedback

Edit: confirmed, there is something wrong with the icon changing now... anything else noticed?
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.59 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

30 Jan 2016, 18:51

with the help of a few users (thanks!) i was able to fix a lingering issue with some people's particular setups where a device (usually touchpad) wouldn't recognize properly without clicking the EitherMouse tray icon, as well as another stubborn problem when going into "lock workstation" mode and returning confused...

At this point I think I'm caught up with outstanding fixes needed, but now would be a good time to speak up if something isn't working for you... I still have a dozen or so things on my to do list for improvements, but hopefully it will at least work properly again for everyone and I will go back to adding features/improvements as my limited free time permits

- Joel

EitherMouse Setup.exe v0.62
EitherMouse.exe v0.62


Added features:
- finally added animated cursors (from resource!) for "AppStarting" cursor (arrow with spinning circle/hourglass)
- 98 style cursors for Scrapmetay
- dynamic tray icon menu with access from main gui (on the right of the mouse nickname field)
- numbered mouse tray icon
- improved cursor selection menu (plan to make both of these menus settable per mouse, as well as user loaded icons/cursors (i need some time))
- working on updating also (might have broke a shortlived release around .62, manual download/re-install may be necessary) and adding automatic and "no updates" options, still tweaking

now is a good time to report bugs, re-suggest features so I know whats important to everyone
- joel

EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

12 Feb 2016, 23:26

Hello, I am not sure if I am misunderstanding or not but:

1) If I have two mice plugged in, can I have two cursors working at once? As in, I can use my main mouse for whatever I want to do normally, and the second mouse can be used by my Autohotkey script?

2) If the answer to my previous question is true, is it possible to have a "Virtual Mouse" that can be used? If I don't have a second physical mouse, is there a program that can generate a fake second cursor to be used by my Autohotkey script?

If this functionality is possible, it will be life changing!

---EDIT--- After getting another mouse to test it out with, it appears that I can't use both mice at once. If I try moving the second one, the cursor moves right to the original moving one. I am really disappointed, since I've been searching for a few hours trying to find a way to maintain functionality of my main cursor while autohotkey uses the second cursor. I've tried EitherMouse, PluralInput (wouldn't even get past the main driver update/installation without an error), and the script mentioned here by HotKeyIt https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/3949 ... sor-alpha/. The closest I've gotten is the script by HotKeyIt, but I can't seem to find a way to fetch the current position of the second mouse (or how to move it to a specified location) but I'll admit I'm pretty much an autohotkey newbie compared to others. If there was a way to move that second mouse without messing with my first mouse/keyboard inputs (and move that mouse to a specified variable location) it would be incredible.
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Re: EitherMouse 0.64 - Multiple mice, individual settings...

18 Feb 2016, 22:02

I'm not clear on what you're trying to accomplish... are you trying to create the visual effect of a second mouse/cursor, controlled by your own ahk script? or just the actions (clicking, dragging, hovering) of an imaginary second cursor that you control with ahk? If the latter, are you trying to accomplish something in an existing program? or in your own program/script? you can already do that with ahk directly, no need for faking a virtual mouse or anything [edit: unless you're talking about in games], as long as its use is confined to the notion that windows is oblivious to the idea of "multiple cursors" or "multiple pointing devices". here's an interesting example i recorded that visually explains what i mean (ie the straight lines between cursors):

Last edited by gwarble on 26 Sep 2018, 19:39, edited 3 times in total.
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . www.EitherMouse.com . . . . forum . . . .

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